Not The Life it Seems

  • iron underneath;

    iron underneath; (550)

    United States
    She smiled a little, "I want to be a mother some day, right now my life is too crazy but in a couple years I think that'd be nice," she said to him, "Dating isn't going well so who knows when it'll happen," she said now that she thought about it.

    "I've always wanted kids, just never really know when I'd have the opportunity, with my dads business and me wanting to start my own - dating and meeting the one never seemed possible," she said to him. "Maybe I'll adopt," she said thoughtfully.
    "I like both, I like fine foods and wines but I do like simple things too. Like I don't need an eighty inch television but I have one, but I like my creature comforts like kraft mac n cheese," he said to her.

    @ Scott McCall;
    February 2nd, 2016 at 09:55pm
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Smiling at her he nodded his head. He someday wanted a child of his own. Someone to carry on the legacy that he had built up. He smiled at her, "I want a child one day too. Someone I can show the things that I have learn and pass them down to the child." He smiled at her.


    Lydia nodded her head to Terran and smiled. She understood where he was coming from. And she too was just like him. She felt the car come to a stop as she smiled pushing the door open and stepping out. She slipped into her pink sweater and smiled back at Terran.

    @ Playboy;
    February 7th, 2016 at 09:27pm
  • iron underneath;

    iron underneath; (550)

    United States
    Lucille smiled, " I think it's important for people to have children but I also think it's important to take into consideration there are children out there who need homes," Lucille spoke as she went to take a drink of her tea, she wasn't sure what exactly is going on with this small lunch date because she didn't really know what was all going on. Her father had been acting strange for a couple days so she knew something was up but she couldn't exactly pinpoint what it was and even if she had been able to he probably would have told her what was going on.

    There had been many times when he just shut her out after her mom passed away, sometimes it was like he treated her as if she didn't exist in those were the times where he felt the most lonely.

    Terran smiled at Lydia, you know this girl quite a whole lot yet but from what he knew about her she seems pretty awesome and that wasn't something that came by very often. Sometimes he wondered if there was ever going to be a woman that suited him in the world, because his mother filled him with thoughts of soulmates and finding the one his father often said he had his head in the cloud like a little girl. But then again words trailer said never really bothered him and even when people thought they did most of the time he just wanted to punch him in the face.

    @ Scott McCall;
    February 7th, 2016 at 09:39pm
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Gregory nodded his head lightly as he took and sipped on the water. "I was actually a adopted child." He began as he stared at her. "My mother was a druggie and when she had me. She gave me up, which in my eyes gave me two loving parents that I may not had if she'd kept me, you know." He told her as he looked down. He'd never in his life told anyone that before. He took and looked up at her and smiled. "It's good to see someone like you that would give an adopted child a home, when you do decided that." He told her and smiled.
    Lydia walked into the small place as she took and sat down at the table. She bit on the inside of her lip. The thoughts her father said that she never could have true love. That she could never be with someone who would actually love her. She took the menu into her hands and began to skim over it.
    February 7th, 2016 at 10:24pm
  • iron underneath;

    iron underneath; (550)

    United States
    Lucille looked at him, she was almost sure that the public didn't know about that. If they hadn't be plastered all over every tabloid magazine in the tri-state area. Of course, he had more than enough money to keep his past under wraps even if it meant getting into his adoption files. Lucille had always wanted to adopt kids if she ever had any that is. With how life was going for her now she didn't know that her career would allow her to find someone and become pregnant - seeing as being pregnant would take her from her work for an extended amount of time.

    " I think adoption is a noble act, but it's most definitely not for everyone - seeing as how some of the children have a lot of mental disabilities and trust problems due to the homes they are in. I mean even the foster homes are not always safe, it makes me sad to think that people could actually hurt children." Lucille spoke and she felt it in her heart that sometimes life wasn't fair and she wanted to make sure that a child at the same experiences and chances that she did.

    Terran smiled at Lydia," so what is your dream job? I know you like tattoos and video games and fatty food but what about work if you were going to have any job in the world what would it be?" He asked her as he told the waiter to bring a menu over. This restaurant was one of his favorites, it was known for having the best burgers and being able to put anything you absolutely want it on it. Well he did like his fatty food he couldn't deny that he preferred avocado on his burger over mayonnaise.

    He remembered when his friends were with him the first time he ordered it they called him a sissy and told him that he should eat a real man's burger but he didn't care it was delicious and as far as he was concerned he didn't give a shit what they thought otherwise.

    @ Scott McCall;
    February 7th, 2016 at 10:39pm
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Nodding his head Gregory agreed with her. "That is true. Some children are wronged. A friend of mine was until his adoptive father came along and took him from the environment." He told her as he smiled at the young boy who brought their food to them.

    Getting himself ready to eat he took and smiled at her. He took and began eating his food. He never opened up to anyone but he felt as if he could open to Lucielle.
    Smiling at Terran she bit on her lip and picked her nails, "I actually had dreamed of becoming a singer. It's always been my dream to become famous for something I loved. And that is singing." She told him as she took and glanced the menu over. She smiled as the waitress came up. She noticed her checking Terran out.

    Even though in the short amount of time she'd gotten to know him. She definitely could tell she had a little of a jealous issue going on. Especially with the girl staring at him and giving him eyes like she would a guy. She cleared her throat, "Sweetheart, eyes over here." She said as she smiled at her seeing the girl narrow her eyes at her. "Thank you." She said lightly. "I'd like a water with lemon on the side please." She told her.
    February 8th, 2016 at 12:06am
  • iron underneath;

    iron underneath; (550)

    United States
    Lucille smiled a little, "I'm happy he wasn't left in that environment, "she said to him with a small smile, "I kind of want to adopt around three to five kids, over time of course," she said as she took a bite her food. Lucille loved the idea of giving kids a real chance at everyting they deserved,.
    He smiled a little as he looked at her - he couldn't hide his like for how she got the girls attentionm, he reached over the table and grabbed her hand in his. "I'll have the same as her," he spoke.
    February 8th, 2016 at 12:23am
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Gregory smiled at her, "That sounds like a good idea." He told her and smiled taking some of his food into his mouth. He couldn't help but to wonder if she knew that her father had promised her hand in marriage to him. He decided to wait on mentioning anything. He took and smiled at her as he continued eating his food.
    She smiled watching the girl storm away. She felt his hand wrap around hers as she smiled up at him. "Sorry if I seemed like a raging jealous bitch or something." She replied softly.
    February 8th, 2016 at 12:53am
  • iron underneath;

    iron underneath; (550)

    United States
    He smiled, "I don't mind it, it's kind of hot actually," he grinned at her as he licked his lips and ran his fingers over the top of her hand.
    She smiled and sighed once she was finished eating, "ugh I'm so full," she whined softly as she pushed her plate away and burped quietly.
    February 8th, 2016 at 01:02am
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Gregory grinned at her as he pushed his half plate away, "That I am too." He replied to her as he took and rubbed the back of his neck. "Would you possibly like to go to the home that I used to be in when I was a child? See the children. It'd make their day." He said to her and smiled lightly.
    Blushing she dropped her head lightly and glanced up at Terran, "T--thank you." She stuttered out and smiled. She rubbed her thumb against his hand and smiled at him.
    February 8th, 2016 at 01:37am
  • iron underneath;

    iron underneath; (550)

    United States
    Lucille nodded, "Sure, we can do that," she said to him as she smiled, she wasn't too sure why he wanted to her to go - did he trust he that much?
    He smiled a little, "So what do you want to do after this?" he asked her curiously. He wanted to get to know her better before the wedding that was in less than a month. They had parties to plan and such announcements to make he didn't want to not know her.

    sorry they're so short :c
    February 8th, 2016 at 01:43am
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Gregory nodded his head as he paid for their meal and headed out to the car. He smiled at her as he opened the door for her and allowed her to get into the vehicle. He followed her as he sat beside of her shutting the door. He told the driver where to go and smiled at her.
    Lydia looked at him a moment and smiled lightly, "Why not go somewhere to where we can talk, and get to know one another better?" She suggested to him.
    February 8th, 2016 at 01:47am
  • iron underneath;

    iron underneath; (550)

    United States
    @ Scott McCall;
    Terran nodded and moved his hand so the waitress could set their drinks down. He would do just about anything to get to know Lydia more, she was by far one of the most interesting people he met in a long time and that was saying a lot. Even if he had met other women who like eating fatty foods or playing video games they just seems far to catty for his type, he was more likely to spend the day inside whereas those girls were more likely to want to go shopping or go out and do things.

    Terran was pretty happy with how things were turning out, not every time he went on a date did he end up liking someone this much in fact he found this was the first time in almost two years that he's been so attracted to somebody.

    " I'd like that very much, I have a full system at home we can play video games and hang out while we get to know one another,"
    Lucille had never really been on a date before, that's not to say that she never really liked anyone but she found herself more at ease and being alone than being next to someone. Gregory wasn't like anyone she knew, and knowing that he was quite older than her did have an effect on how she felt about the current situation. The ride to the boys home was quiet and almost too quiet, she looked over at Gregory and smiled.

    " what's the age range of these boys?" She asked curiously, she had been fighting the urge to adopt for some time now and she didn't want to go and not be able to leave. Not only did she not have the room at this moment, but she didn't even have the necessities needed to take care of a child let alone the education she felt was necessary.
    February 8th, 2016 at 02:02am
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Gregory looked at Lucille and smiled at her, "Birth to sixteen. Sometimes they may be over sixteen. But that's normally the range they go in." Gregory said to her and smiled. He took and smiled at her as he watched the scenery go by them. "Most of them have been here part of their lives. That's what the head woman, Miss. Thomas told me this morning." He told her and looked at her.

    "I call every day keeping check on the home and such. I give them money to keep it going, and I try to keep the home updated and going in tip top shape." He smiled at her.
    She smiled nodding her head, "That sounds like a really good idea." She told him and smiled She took and looked at Terran. She smiled at him as she admired how gorgeous he was.

    She found herself extremely attracted to him. She had never felt this way in her life. She'd only been on two dates in her whole life, and well. They both turned out badly. She truly did feel something for Terran. And she truly wanted to get to know him better.
    February 8th, 2016 at 02:20am
  • iron underneath;

    iron underneath; (550)

    United States
    Lucille smiled a little and nodded, "it's really nice that you're doing this for them not many people would go back to that after having left. " She truly thought it was generous of him to even spend his own money on it but she could see why - it was where he came from why wouldn't he? She had even donated to her old sorority when they had needed a new house to live in because their old one burn down, I mean it wasn't really a worthy donation but this girl still needed a place to live. So she could definitely see where he was coming from from one end of the spectrum.

    Terran smiled as he looked at Lydia, he was happy that she wanted to spend time with him but overall he was happy with how she was currently looking at him. He wasn't by any means a conceited man but he knew he was attractive, he didn't take time out of the day to keep up his appearance for no reason he knew with his last name and who his father was that he had to keep up appearances, which often meant he would get a new tattoos or get a random haircut that his father would hate.

    " good we can go there after we're done here and we can watch movies or play video games its up to you," he said as he looked at her he made no mistake agreeing to this contract even if he hadn't been very old when it was made he had the choice of denying it. And since he didn't see himself getting married on his own he assumed this was the next best step in he had been correct.
    February 8th, 2016 at 02:40am
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Smiling at Lucille he took and cleared his throat. “It’s kind of my roots. I’d do about anything to help them out.” He said truthfully to her. He took and felt the car stop as he pushed his door open and slid out. He held a hand out to her and smiled.

    Something inside of him couldn’t deny the fact. The fact that he was falling for Lucille. She was smart, kind, caring, went out of her way for others. She wanted a family just like he did and everything. He was truly glad that he had made the deal with her father. He couldn’t wait, it was now something he was truly looking forward too.


    Hearing him offer movies and games. It was just something she couldn’t turn down. She smiled at Terran and nodded her head. “That sounds really good.” She said truthfully. She finished her burger as she leant back into the seat. She pulled some of her hair over her shoulder as she glanced around the place while Terran was eating.

    She couldn’t deny the feelings she was getting for this man. A man she hardly knew. She knew that she was falling hard. In some cases people would be pissed to be in arranged marriage. Although she was still furious at her father. Lydia knew she was never going to get married on her own. Maybe this was the right step for her.
    February 9th, 2016 at 10:14am
  • iron underneath;

    iron underneath; (550)

    United States
    Lucille felt the car stop and she couldn't help but feel a little bit nervous at the prospect of meeting these kids, she had lived a very privileged life compared to them and the last thing they needed was some rich girl telling them how awesome she had it. As a walk through the front door she felt herself getting a little less uneasy and a little more comfortable the building was really well taken care of, the walls were an off white color and the carpet started where the wood floors ended. In the first main room there was a large sectional that curved around the entertainment center. She could hear the laughter of kids from young up until their teens, it comforted her to know that they were actually kind of happy in this environment.

    Terran do this girl is special, he didn't have to force himself to be around her and he didn't feel as if he was drownding in boredom or he sat next to her. It was actually quite the opposite and he couldn't wait to spend even more time with her, of course he knew that they were going to be married soon so it didn't really matter - but he still wanted to get to know the real her first. He finished his food and then took a sip of the soda that sat next to him. "So I have to ask, what do you think about kids?"

    @ Scott McCall;
    February 9th, 2016 at 10:20am
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Hearing the children laughing and having fun made Gregory feel good about the things he did. He took and stopped outside of the entertainment area as he saw some of the kids that always came up to him. He saw the tiny five year old girl come running at him like normal. Kneeling down onto his knee he smiled as she attacked him in a bear hug. “Hi Gregory.” She smiled widely at him.

    “Hey Ariel. How’s my favorite girl today?” He asked her and smiled as he picked her up. He noticed her eyeing Lucille as he smiled at her. “Ariel I’d like you to meet my friend, Lucille. Lucille I’d like you to meet Ariel.” He smiled at Lucille as he watched Ariel bashfully smile at her.

    “Hello.” She said in a low, shy, voice. Her arms tightly wrapped around the older gentleman’s neck that was holding to her. “You’re pretty.” She said in a whispering tone to Lucille.


    Looking at Terran when he asked the question. A small smile tugged onto her lips. “I love the idea of having children. I think they’re so precious. And a true blessing.” She said honestly. She wanted children of her own. She wanted a huge family, not that huge. But she wanted somewhat of a big family. A cute little house with the white picket fence and all that fancy stuff that goes with the dream of a family.
    February 9th, 2016 at 10:32am
  • iron underneath;

    iron underneath; (550)

    United States
    She smiled a little and looked at her,"Thank you, you're very pretty as well," she said as she looked at her with a grin - she couldn't deny that the girl was adorable but it made her sad that she wasn't in a home where she was loved. Lucille had a lot on her mind now - knowing about these kids was different than knowing them personally - she had a feeling she'd be adopting before the next year was out and she didn't even know where to get started.
    He nodded a little,"I want a couple, like three or four," he said to her with a small smile as he sipped his drink, "I have a house big enough so it's not too much of an issue right now but if we had a lot of kids then we'd need to move or have one built," he said to her.

    @ Scott McCall;
    February 10th, 2016 at 01:29am
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Gregory stared at Lucille and smiled when Ariel wiggled out of his grip and headed for the other children. He took and showed Lucille around the home and some of the staff and what not. He took and rubbed the back of his neck and smiled at her. "This is where I grew up and what not. Some of these children are like me. Holding onto hope. And some won't get it." He frowned as he stopped at the entrance where they'd left a little while before. "I actually plan on adopting Ariel soon. She has a hold on my heart, and I honestly couldn't see her staying here." He cleared his throat.

    "Guess I better get you back home." He told her and smiled at her. "I had a good time today." He told her truthfully.


    She smiled, "I'd like to have at least three." She smiled at him as she picked at her nails a little. She had always wanted that. She took and pushed her plate away and sipped on her tea as she admired Terran. She felt her phone vibrating and pulled it out of her bag as she saw the message from her father. She just ignored it and continued enjoying the time with Terran.

    @ Playboy;
    February 10th, 2016 at 01:45am