i will let you down, i will make you hurt.

  • "I'm fine." She whispered wrapping her arms around his waist and snuggled him. "Go back to sleep if you want, it's a free day today."
    She was perfectly content on laying in bed with him all day. But knew she would be wanting her drugs. The craving would take over and she would need it. Hopefully not too soon, she was enjoying being sober for once.
    Zacky jerked awake when he felt the bed shift. He smiled and pulled Kristen over, pulling her back against him. He could tell she was high, and didn't care. Yet.
    He buried his face into her neck and kissed softly. "What do you want to do today?" He whispered, kissing her neck a bit more. He was excited to have a day off and not have to worry about a show that night.
    March 29th, 2016 at 06:39am
  • Kristen smiled, rolling over so that she could kiss Zacky on the lips. She was glad they had a day off, but she was torn between wanting to lay in bed all day and wanting to go out. But if they stayed in the room, they could stay high all day. She liked that she and Zacky could do that together. "I think we should order some room service and lay around all day watching TV in our underwear."
    "Nah, now that I'm awake I'm fucking starving," Matt said, laughing. He knew putting something on his stomach would help his hangover, even though he would probably order a few beers to go with his meal. Matt reached over to the bedside table and started looking over the menu. "See anything you want, baby?" he asked. He looked away from the menu and over at her. "I'm craving some seafood. Or maybe Italian. And definitely some beer."
    March 29th, 2016 at 06:58am
  • "Of course you are," She laughed as he mentioned beer. "I could go for some Italian."
    She rolled out of bed and picked up the hotel phone, placing the order. "45 minutes." She told Matt after hanging up the phone. She went over to the fridge and pulled out the rest of the bottles of booze. She placed them on the nightstand next to Matt and cleaned up the empty ones.

    She laid back down in bed after picking up the room a bit more. She picked up her phone and texted Brian, seeing if he could find her some cocaine. She didn't want to use him, but she also didn't want a repeat of last night. He replied that he will have some for her in a few hours. She sighed, as she knew she would need something to hold her over until then.
    Zacky laughed and gave her another soft kiss. "Whatever you wanna do is fine with me." He rolled off the bed and headed to the bathroom. After he was done, he grabbed the menu off of the table and laid back down on the bed.
    "I'm gonna get a burger with fries." He said as he handed the menu over to her.
    March 30th, 2016 at 12:56am
  • Kristen laughed, rolling her eyes. "Seriously? We're in a five-star hotel and you're going to order a burger and fries? I swear, Zack Baker." Kristen opened the menu and looked it over, trying to decide what she wanted. "Ooh, I think I want filet mignon," she said, skimming over the steak menu. Just the thought of it was making her mouth water.

    Kristen sat the menu aside and picked up the phone. She placed their order, also asking for a bottle of wine. Obviously, they'd save that for after the heroin had left their systems. "Alright, you pick something on TV while I change clothes," Kristen said. She went over to Zacky's bag and pulled out a pair of his boxers and grabbed a sports bra from her own bag before putting them both on.
    "You're such a wonderful woman," Matt said, grinning at Abigail as she sat the alcohol next to him. He reached for one, twisting the top off and drinking half of it. He'd finished about half of the what was left of the small bottles when the foodffinally arrived, along with the twelve pack of Bud Light he'd asked for. "Finally something I can sip on instead of drinking in one gulp," he laughed.

    Matt tipped the hotel worker before closing the door and taking the food and alcohol over to the bed. He handed Abigail the tray with her food. "Here you are, ma'lady," he said, smiling.
    March 30th, 2016 at 03:07am
  • "You still chug them." She said smiling at him as he got up to get the food. She flipped through the channels finding her favorite romance movie,Sliver Linings Playbook. She suddenly felt the craving. She needed coke, and now. She knew what was going go come next and was scared. She was going to become violent.

    She barely smiled when Matt handed her the food. She took it and just stared at it. She could feel herself switch moods, and couldn't stop it no matter how hard she tried. She let out a huff and placed the food on the bedside table.
    Emotions started to swim through her body. She was feeling depressed, anxious, angry.
    "I'm a simple man. Easy to please." He said laughing at her. He nodded at her choice, "I may have to steal a few bites of that."
    He picked up the remote and flipped through the channels, but got distracted as she changed in front of him. He couldn't help but stare at her while she changed into his boxers. He always loved when she wore his clothes, she looked perfect in them.

    He could feel his pants get tighter as she changed into her sports bra. He licked over his lips nervously and cleared his throat. "Those would look better on the floor." He said with a smirk.
    March 30th, 2016 at 05:49am
  • Kristen knew Zacky was staring at her while she changed. He always did. When they'd first started dating, it made her feel awkward, but after they had sex it didn't so much anymore. Because he'd already seen her naked, so why did it matter if he watched her change? Besides, it made her feel sexy, especially times like now, when she wasn't even trying to do anything, she was just changing clothes.

    "Well I'm afraid that's something you're going to have to take care of if you really want it," Kristen said, grinning slightly as she walked over to Zacky. She sat down on his lap, straddling his hips, and leaned forward to kiss his lips lightly. "Just keep in mind that room service is gonna be here in about thirty minutes."
    Matt and Abigail sat in silence as he ate. He noticed that she hadn't even touched her food, and the tray was now sitting over on her bedside table. He swallowed his bite of food and looked over at her. "Abbi, baby, are you okay?" he asked cautiously. He remembered the other times her mood had turned like this; she got angry and violent and sometimes tried to hit him. But he was quite a bit stronger than she was, so things never got too out of control.

    Matt sat his food aside and reached over to Abigail. "Why don't we eat and then we take a shower?" he suggested. "I know you always like to shower together."
    March 30th, 2016 at 06:37am
  • "I don't wanna fucking eat." Abigail snapped. She looked at Matt with sorry eyes before putting her head in her hands. "I'm sorry. I'm just not hungry right now. But a shower does sound nice." She was trying really hard to keep her emotions at bay. She didn't want to ruin Matts day with her mood swings and possible violent outbursts. She hoped that Brian would get here soon, she didn't know how much longer she could keep her cool.

    She got up from the bed and walked into the bathroom. She turned on the water, letting it warm up, before sitting on the closed toliet. Her muscles were slowly starting to ache. She had never gone this long without coke. 11, almost 12 hours sober, and she was hating it.
    Zacky groaned and gripped her hips tight. "That's more than enough time." He said sliding his hand up her leg. He leaned in for another kiss. He felt his adrenaline start pumping, a mix of the drugs and his sexual desire. He broke the kiss, flipping them over. He kissed down her neck, stopping at her collarbone. He nipped at it slightly before moving farther down her.

    He ran his hands up her sides, slipping under the side of her bra. He cupped her breast in his hand. Suddenly there was a knock on the door.
    "Son of a bitch! That wasn't thirty minutes." He groaned. He heard Kristen giggle at him before he got up and answered the door. He grabbed the food, maybe a bit too violently, and kicked the door shit.
    March 30th, 2016 at 07:10am
  • "Hey, there's no reason to be rude to the bellboy, it's not like he knew he was interrupting something," Kristen said, admonishing Zacky slightly. She knew he was a little irritated that they'd been interrupted, since last time they hadn't been able to do anything either, but there really wasn't any reason to be rude.

    Kristen waited until Zacky had gotten back into the bed before taking her food from him and leaning against him. She laid her hand on his thigh, giving it a slight squeeze. "We can always finish it later, we've got all day."
    Matt grabbed a fresh pair of boxers and some clean clothes before following Abigail into the bathroom. He saw her sitting on the toilet and frowned. "Hey, I know you're hurting, but everything's going to be okay," he said. He sat his clothes on the counter and reached down to pull off the boxers he was wearing. "Let's take a shower so maybe you can relax a little and then afterwards we can try and figure out a solution for this."

    Matt was glad that this time around he knew what was going on with Abigail. He just wished he knew how to help her, but he had no idea how or where to get cocaine for her.
    March 30th, 2016 at 08:12am
  • "I just need Brian to hurry up with it." She mumbled as she pulled her shirt off, tossing it on the floor. She stood up and pulled her shorts down, letting them slide down her legs. She stepped into the shower first, letting the hot warm water run down her back. She closed her eyes and tried to let her body relax. She tilted her head back to let the water run through her hair.

    She lifted her head and opened her eyes, looking at Matt. She could tell he was trying his best to help her and she was grateful for that. She was trying to keep it easy for him, but knew it would get harder to control the longer she went without.
    "Wash my hair?" She whispered as she handed him the shampoo.
    "Yeah, I know..." He said as he opened his food. He knew that they did have all day and knew he would be in the mood later. He was always in the mood. But her squeezing his thigh didn't help him get rid of his erection.
    "You're bad." He laughed before taking a bite of his burger.

    He ate his burger faster than Kristen ate her food. He reached over and stole the last bite of her filet mignon. "Mmmm, I should've gotten that. So good."
    He cleaned up his dishes, putting them back on the tray. He grabbed his cigarettes and walked over to he balcony.
    "Wanna join me?" He asked as he slid the door open.
    March 30th, 2016 at 06:52pm
  • Kristen smirked. "I know, but I figured you liked it that way." She slid her hand a bit further up his thigh, laughing at the look on his face. She ate pretty quickly, but not faster than Zacky, who inhaled his burger. "You asshole, what if I wanted that?" Kristen gasped, watching Zacky take her last bite of food. She pouted. "Now I'm gonna starve, meanie."

    Kristen nodded, throwing on a shirt before following Zacky out onto the balcony. "Give me a cigarette," she said, holding out her hand. She smiled when Zacky played one into her palm. She took his lighter and lit her cigarette, staring out over the balcony. "It's so pretty up here."
    "Of course, baby," Matt said, taking the shampoo from her. He didn't mind washing Abigail's hair and doing other things to pamper her, because she was his girlfriend and he loved her. He knew a lot of guys wouldn't do things like this, but Matt didn't mind, as long as he got his dick sucked every once and awhile.

    "Did Brian say when he was supposed to be here?" Matt asked, lathering the shampoo through Abigail's hair. He was sure she was just using him for a contact, because there was no way he could he using heroin and cocaine. He'd be dead.
    March 31st, 2016 at 02:17am
  • Abigail closed her eyes as Matt ran his fingers through her hair. His fingers massaging her scalp helped her relax. She let out a content sigh and let herself melt under his fingers. The cravings, bad moods and body aches washed away for the moment. He has always been the only person that could help her this way, even before the drugs. When things got tough in and out of their relationship, he always helped her calm down and relax.

    "He said a few hours. So I don't know how long for sure." She whispered, her voice cracking a bit from not talking. At this point, she didn't care if it was cut with something nasty and strong. She needed anything right now.
    She turned and rinsed her hair out before putting conditioner in, moving out of the way to let Matt under the water.
    "Okay, miss.Bossy pants." He joked as he placed a cigarette in her hand and handing her his lighter. He took a deep drag and looked over the city, taking in the sky line. The sun felt nice on his skin and the breeze felt cool against his face. He wondered if he could appreciate this if he was sober. Probably not. His mind was always running, thinking of good and bad things. Always worrying about things. The drugs helped him calm down and not worry, not really think about anything.

    He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her close to his chest. He kissed the tip of her head and took a drag of his cigarette.
    "You are amazing, you know that?" He said, breaking his silence.
    March 31st, 2016 at 05:59am
  • Kristen smiled. "You're pretty great yourself," she whispered. She wrapped an arm around his waist and took a drag from her cigarette. She felt so close to Zacky right now, with the heroin still coursing through her system and the warm sun on her face. She stood there in silence with Zacky until she'd finished her cigarette. She put it out and then moved in front of him, looking up at him.

    Kristen stood up on her tiptoes and kissed Zacky softly, pulling away with a soft smile on her face. "I love you so much, Zack," she whispered.
    "Well after we get out of the shower you should text him and ask him," Matt said as he stepped under the water. His hair was short, so it took him no time at all to wash it. He stepped out of the way to let Abigail rinse the conditioner from her hair as he soaped up a washcloth.

    Matt couldn't help but watch Abigail as she rinsed her hair. He'd always thought she was so beautiful, with her bright red hair and her curves that felt like home underneath his hands. He smiled, wrapping his arms around her waist. "Have I told you how beautiful you are?"
    March 31st, 2016 at 06:39am
  • Abigails face lit up and she smiled at Matts compliment. "Not today." She joked, wrapping her arms around his neck as his went around her waist. She felt her heart flutter as she looked up at him. His hazel green eyes shining bright, his dimples sinking in as his soft pink lips pulled up into a smile.

    "You are looking very handsome today, Mr. Sanders." She said running her hand over his short hair. She loves when he gets it cut short, she runs her hands over it all day. It feels like a soft porcupine.
    "Awe, well shucks." He laughed as he pulled her closer to him before flicking his cigarette over the balcony. He looked at her, watching as the wind blew her red hair. He moved his eyes over her face, watching as she licked over her plump lips. He felt his heart clench as she moved away, afraid that she didn't take the joke. But smiled bright when she came back and stood in front of him. He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her back.

    "I love you too, Kristen. I can't even explain how much." He said, pulling her closer to him. He leaned down once more and kissed her, running his tounge over her plump lips.
    March 31st, 2016 at 07:24am
  • Kristen felt her heart swell at Zacky's words; she leaned into him, feeling his kiss steal the breath from her lungs. "You don't have to explain," she said, a little breathless. She smiled, running her fingers through his soft hair. "I already know, trust me." She moved back from Zacky, taking his hand. "Come on, let's go back inside. I ordered a bottle of wine that I think we should break into."

    Once they were back inside, Kristen drew the curtains shut and shed her shirt again, wanting to enjoy the time she had where she didn't really have to wear any clothes. She turned to look at Zacky. "Also, if I'm gonna be in my underwear, you need to join the party, mister."
    "Well of course, I always look handsome," Matt teased. He closed his eyes, smiling. The combination of Abigail's hands running through his hair and the warm water was making him sleepy. It didn't help that he was still tipsy. "Why don't we go lay down before you make me fall asleep in the shower?" he asked, laughing.

    Matt reached over and shut off the shower, reaching around Abigail to grab the towels off of the counter. He handed one to Abigail. "And I'm still hungry, since we didn't even touch our food."
    March 31st, 2016 at 08:05am
  • "Cocky much?" She said laughing. She rinsed off a bit more before taking the towel Matt handed her. "That sounds wonderful. I'm not sure I can eat anything, but I'll try." She said as she dried off her hair before wrapping the towel around her body. She stepped out and grabbed her hairbrush off of the counter. She brushed through her hair before walking out into the room.
    She put on a pair of black yoga pants and a hot pink tank top. She threw her hair up into a messy bun before laying on the bed.

    She pulled out her phone and texted Brian, How much longer do you think it will be? She sat her phone next to her before grabbing her food. She took small bites, still not feeling like eating, but she knew she needed to.
    She ate half of her ravioli before placing it back on the end table. She checked her phone and saw Brian had texted her back. About an hour. Going to meet him now.
    "Oh thank god. Brian said an hour." She breathed a sigh of relief knowing that she could use coke.
    Zacky's fave scrunched up at the sound of wine. "It better be good.. I hate most wines." He followed her back inside. He walked over to the wine and grabbed the wine opener. He twisted it into the cork and pulled it off with a pop. He poured a glass for her, sipping a little. It wasn't too bad, but he wasn't going to drink any.

    "The party? Okay then." He laughed as he pulled off his shirt and pants, tossing them near his bag. He handed her the glass of wine he poured for her.
    "Are you sure your okay to drink? You used not too long ago..."
    March 31st, 2016 at 04:36pm
  • "I'll be fine," Kristen assured him. She took the glass of wine and took a sip. "I didn't take too much and as long as I don't drink too much while it's in my system I'll be okay." She knew that after last night, Zacky was just worried about her. And to be honest, it had scared Kristen and she wasn't in any hurry to repeat the experience.

    "Did you ever find something to watch on TV?" Kristen asked. She smirked. "Or did you get distracted when I changed clothes?" She took another drink of her wine, eyeing Zacky over the top of the glass.
    "I'm not cocky, I just have high self esteem," Matt answered. He ran the towel through his hair before tying it around his waist and going out into the room. He changed into some clothes and laid down next to Abigail and reached for his food. He nodded when she mentioned Brian getting the cocaine in an hour.

    "Is he bringing it here or are you supposed to go meet him somewhere?" Matt asked. "If you're meeting him, I'm going with you."
    April 1st, 2016 at 12:27am
  • "I think he is bringing it here. We won't have to go anywhere." She was relieved that she didn't have to leave, she was starting to hurt again and knew it was a matter of time before she would feel super sick.

    "Can you go get more booze? I'm gonna need something to hold me over." She whispered, rolling over to her side and face Matt.
    "And I think you are low on the ones in the fridge."
    "Okay, good." He nodded at her. He was still worried about her, but figured if he was around this time to keep an eye on her then things won't go bad.

    "I may have gotten distracted. But it wasn't my fault." He said smirking at her. He grabbed the remote and flipped it on. He couldn't find anything interesting. He settled on an old action movie.
    "Can you grab me the H babe?" He was feeling his high start to go away and he wasn't ready to be sober.
    April 1st, 2016 at 01:08am
  • "Was too your fault, because I know I'm not that good-looking," Kristen said, half smiling as she grabbed the heroin from the desk and took it to Zacky. She sat her glass of wine on the bedside table and laid down next to him, looking at what was on the TV and scrunching up her nose.

    She reached for the remote and started flipping through the channels. "You have terrible taste in shows, Zack Baker," she teased. She finally found Family Guy and clicked on that. "There, at least I can laugh at this when I get wine drunk."
    "Hell yeah, I'll go get some if we're running low," Matt said. He went over to his bag and pulled out a pair of jeans, exchanging his sweatpants for these. "I'll make a run to the liquor store and get some fifth bottles. And some sodas."

    Matt grabbed his wallet before going over to give Abigail a kiss. He headed downstairs and waited outside the hotel for a cab, telling the driver to take him to the nearest liquor store.
    April 1st, 2016 at 05:15am
  • Abigail ended up falling asleep shortly after Matt left. Her body was not liking the fact that it didn't have cocaine running through it.

    She woke up to Matt coming back in the room. She just looked at him emotionless, before slowly rolling back over and closing her eyes. She felt horrible. Her body felt so uncomfortable and she was slowly sinking into a depression that she knew all too well. She didn't realize she was crying until she felt a tear run across the bridge of her nose.
    "You're shitting me right? How can you even say that." He shook his head in disbelief. "You are gorgeous." He said placing a kiss on her lips as she handed him the baggie. He loaded up the spoon and held his lighter underneath it. He drew it into his needle, which he should probably throw away soon.
    He slipped the hair tie that he kept around his wrist up his arm. He slapped his arm, trying to find a vein. He frowned as he didn't see it pop like normal. He decided to try the other arm.
    The vein was fresh and had never been poked before. He slipped the needle in and let the heroin flow into his veins.

    "I didn't even see this. Hell yeah." He said as she picked Family Guy.
    "And I will laugh at you being wine drunk." He laughed, feeling the heroin rush through him. He laid back, the rush was stronger than normal.
    April 1st, 2016 at 05:59am
  • "I'll have to take your word for it," Kristen said, laughing. It always felt weird to agree when Zacky said she was gorgeous or beautiful. She watched Zacky as he shot up, and she suddenly wished she hadn't already committed to the wine, because she would love to be high right now. Especially with Zacky.

    "So later when I can use, you're gonna do it with me, right?" Kristen asked. She looked over at Zacky, pouting her bottom lip. "I like being high with you."
    "Honey, I'm home!" Matt exclaimed as he opened the door to the room. He noticed Abigail stirring on the bed and assumed she must've fallen asleep while he was gone. "I got some Smirnoff and some honey whiskey and--" Matt fell short as he turned around to look at Abigail. "Baby, are you crying?"

    Matt sat the bags down and went over to sit on the bed next to Abigail. He reached over and gently pulled her into his lap. "Baby, what's wrong?" he asked, running his fingers through her hair. "Has uh, has Brian been by yet?"
    April 1st, 2016 at 06:31am