Restless Nights

  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ never sleep.
    Raelynn stepped out of the court house. Her lawyer droning on about the legal action they have to take now. That is if she still wishes to Divorce the man she'd married. Hearing her name called she paused her descent down the stairs. Turning her eyes locking on her husband. "Yes?" She questioned him not entirely sure what he'd need to say to her. They had been communicating through lawyers and she was paying through the nose for this failure. "I suppose you're right." She knew that there was options they could take but this had already take so much of her time and it was draining so maybe a new approach would help. But how was one suppose to address this.
    Taehyung groaned pulling himself from bed. The past few weeks had been hectic between his parents, working for you
    Yoongi, and dealing with Aria. The later of those being the hardest. She could just breath right in his direction and he was hard. And the fact that they shared a room was torture. Seeing her in less and less as she settled back in. It was like high school all over again. But it was different they were fighting less. And he could swear she'd brush against him on purpose. It was something he'd come to look forward too. And he may or may not have been doing it back. Stepping off the bottom step he looked around frowning when he noticed he was alone. Aria no where in sight. Shrugging it off he made his way to the fridge his stomach screaming for substance. The fridge was surprising stocked with food. Pulling out some left overs he opened the container before placing it in the microwave. His body slumped against the counter, sighing to himself. Throwing a look out the window his eyes quickly widen. "Holy fuck." He panted out. His eyes trailing over the exposed skin of his sister.
    January 5th, 2021 at 12:12am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    (the link isn’t working for some reason ;-; )

    Yoongi nodded slightly when he heard her agreement. “Are you busy now?” he asked with curiosity. “If you’re not, we can go grab some coffee. But, if you are, we can just meet for dinner.” He had his whole day free, because he hadn’t been sure how long the court proceedings would take, and he was sure it would have been exhausting either way, so he hadn’t wanted any plans to get in the way of him being able to relax later. Especially when he’d have to get straight back to work soon, and even more so when he knew he’d have to tell his girlfriend the truth now, since the divorce had been denied. He couldn’t hide it anymore. “My treat. I’ll even let you pick where we go.” He figured it was the least he could do, considering the circumstances.
    Aria had been letting herself relax, though it didn’t take her long to notice that she felt eyes on her. Opening her own eyes, she looked over, but she looked amused when she spotted Taehyung at the window, and she could admit, she liked it when he stared. With a hum, she swam to the edge of the pool, resting her arms on the side as she waved playfully at him through the window. “Tae!” she called, sure he could hear her through the window, since the glass wasn’t all that thick, “Wanna join me in the pool?” She arched a brow, grinning. “It’s a nice day, it’d be a shame to waste it. Or you could just eat your food out here, give me some company?” She pouted innocently, hoping he’d agree to either option.
    January 5th, 2021 at 11:42am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ never sleep.
    Raelynn looked around noticing her lawyer had fucked off. Turning back to face her husband, "I'm free now." She told him. "Coffee sounds lovely." She cleared her throat, "as long as they have good coffee I don't care where." She told him curious if he wanted her to go with him or drive herself. She'd rode here with her lawyer as they'd met before at his office. And she'd have to wait a bit for her driver to get to her. But it didn't bother her waiting wasn't something she was accustomed to but it didn't bother her.
    Taehyung's eyes widened at the offer to join her. He was shocked to say the least, she was never one to want his company. The ding of the microwave caused him to jump lightly. Making him pull his eyes from Aria. Blinking lightly he tried to compose himself as he pulled the hot food out. Grabbing some silverware he moved to the back door. Pushing it open he leaned against the frame. And as he picked at his food his eyes trailed back to his sister. "Eh, what were you going on about?" He questioned her. Trying to play it off like he'd not heard her, and hoping that she didn't notice how her pout stirred things for him.
    January 17th, 2021 at 05:11am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Yoongi nodded slightly with the mention of it. “That’s great, then,” he said, figuring this would give them a chance to talk everything out thoroughly, because he was sure they needed it at this point. “I think I know the perfect place.” He watched her for a moment before he motioned with his head. “If you want, I could drive us there. It’s not too far from here.”
    Aria turned towards the door, watching him for a moment before she swam over and climbed out of the pool. With a hum, she made her way over and shrugged. “I was just inviting you to hang out,” she chimed easily in response as she watched him before her gaze dropped to his food, deciding to change the subject. “What’d you make for breakfast?”
    January 20th, 2021 at 06:06am