Story Rec'ing Thread

  • Pier in the Sky.

    Pier in the Sky. (160)

    United States
    Title: The Train to Birmingham.
    Author: OliviaOnMyOwn
    Story Type: Original Fiction
    Rating: PG
    Genre: Romance, Teen, Drama
    Status: Complete
    Reason for reccing: It is an amazing read.
    Summary: Thirty six minutes until the train leaves for Birmingham. What will Misty choose?
    The train to Burmingham leaves in thirty-six minutes, and my decision is still not made. I know, beyond a doubt, that Joseph will be on that train, with a scuffed suitcase sitting at his feet as he stares out the window with dreamy eyes. I can see it so clearly. My only problem lies in deciding whether I will join him or not.
    Title: Forgetting to Breathe.
    Author: OliviaOnMyOwn
    Story Type: Original Fiction
    Rating: PG
    Genre: Teen, Drama, Thriller
    Status: May continue.
    Reason for reccing: Amazing read.
    Summary: We could never go back. I couldn't go back, because I was bound by promise. And of course, he couldn't go back. He couldn't go back, because he was dead.
    “Casey…” My voice broke as I sobbed his name. Slowly, I reached up my hand and grasped his. I could barely feel the weak pulse in his wrist, beating like it was the only thing keeping him on this earth. I gripped his hand tighter, squeezing as if I could transfer my life force into him. I would trade places in a second if I could. “Please, I have to tell someone. Anyone, please.”
    December 28th, 2011 at 12:01am
  • spacejunkie

    spacejunkie (100)

    Title: Dead Men Tell No Tales
    Rating: Around PG (not sure how to check)
    Author: Keith Moon
    Type: Original fiction
    Status Short story
    Reason for reccing: Pirates! This is an interesting read from an under-recognised Mibbian, well-executed (forgive my pun), and really not the kind of story you see a lot on here. It's very short, and I wish it would continue, but it's well worth checking out all the same.


    They say that dead men tell no tales. When the hangman makes them dance their final jig with life, they say that since the mouths of the dead will never speak again, then their tales shall never be spoken again. The stories of rape and plunder and misfortune will not be passed on. They are dead men after all.


    This is a lie


    I saw first the long, curved toenails; blackened entirely with dirt. The feet were hairy and filthy – shoeless and beaten. On either side, black leather marching boots, adorned with silver, went along proudly with their masters. Up the hairy legs until a pair of loose leather breeches met my eyes. Continuing up, a billowy dress shirt with white ruffles at the collar; a shirt of nobility. Mine eyes next met a rugged face, a hard jaw, and eyes blue as a pirates’ sea. I could not deny his handsomeness, and it was clear that many of the town’s ladies thought the same. The guards led him up the steps and to the gallows. Women pressed up against the platform to give to him their handkerchiefs and small jewels. He did neither smile nor acknowledge their love tokens. His eyes were cold and hard; he stared straight ahead, ne’er blinking.

    The next figure approached; I first saw soft smooth pale feet. Up that were paler, smoother, hairless legs, and a pair of softened cloth breeches, accompanied by a beautiful silken shirt and a beaten coat of leather that hung off one shoulder. Her hair was held back by a blue and white striped bandanna, but the hair that flew in the wind behind her flowed like honey, and wine red swirls of color ran around her bare shoulder in a fantastic tattoo. Her lips were stained in crimson, and her white-ice eyes glared out, almost frighteningly, over the crowd. I felt mine own breeches grow tight, and my face grew berry with embarrassment. Her harshly beautiful face turned to look at the man’s, before her face turned ashy and rainy, and she turned back to face the crowd.

    The final figure dimmed his companions by far, not only in looks, but in guards, of which he totaled ten. Brown stubble decorated a handsome chiseled face. Muscles bulged at his arms, and he dressed so similarly to the other man I had to wonder if they were perhaps twins, with one more or less handsome than the other. His mint green eyes gleamed like metal. He had a sword strapped at his side, and boots similar to his guards’. He was led last, and he unstrapped his weapon with grace as he humbly gave the blade to the executioner.
    December 30th, 2011 at 01:09pm
  • The Color Abi

    The Color Abi (300)

    United Kingdom
    Title: Hurricane
    Author: Santi Santi
    Genre(&Tags): Horror, romance, tragedy
    Type: Fanfiction,
    Rating: R
    Status: Completed

    Reason for reccing:
    Usually, horror stories on this site seem to all have a happy and romantic ending. This story is honestly one of those who not only don't have either of those things but also shows how romance can blind someone to the point where a couple are driven to murder.

    The tension had grown, and my dad's eyes narrowed angrily at Mikey. I had never wanted to push Mikey out my door so badly. I didn't want my dad to verbally assault Mikey, like I had seen him do to a lot of his co-workers and, occasionally, my mom.

    "Ladonna hasn't done this before, and I know she never will. You will not see my daughter, do you understand, boy?"

    It was setting a wild fire in Mikey. I saw his jaw clenched, his eyes turn to slits, and his fist ball tightly. My dad just stood there with the smooth, adult, authority that came with being a pompous asshole. I love(d) my dad, but at times he was a real jerk. He never let anyone turn his choice decisions; especially not a poor boy like Mikey Way.

    "I think you're being unfair, sir." Mikey managed to ground out.

    "I can be unfair. I am her father, you are just a boy from school. Ladonna, show him out." My dad turned, leaving the room, without as much as a goodbye.

    He just dismissed Mikey. I couldn't have said it then, but, bad move, dad.

    I had turned to Mikey, feeling heavy, upset, and like crying. I held it in as I hugged Mikey. He kissed my forehead.

    "He can't stop me." Mikey had said.

    I never took these four words into any level of threat. I should have.
    January 5th, 2012 at 04:16pm
  • hellobeautiful

    hellobeautiful (100)

    United States
    Title: Jupiter's Moons
    Author: Velociraptor
    Story Type: Original Fiction
    Rating: R
    Genre: Romance, Drama, Adventure
    Status: Active
    Reason for reccing: It's dark, twisted, and completely original. The characters are very fascinating and the first chapter will leave you hooked.
    Summary: They are the monsters under the bed. They are the voices that never stay silent. Four sisters hidden from the world's hideous nature, when they are in fact more demented then the life they were protected from. One by one, they all fall dead.
    Being the children of Dr. Spencer and his wife Dr. Reed, they were expected to have turned out a little fucked up in one-way or another. Dr. Spencer and Dr. Reed were both astrophysicists with a passion for space. They were so passionate about the subject that they named their four daughters after the moons of Jupiter. They thought it best to integrate astrology into their daughters’ every day lives in one way or another. The four girls were nothing like their prestigious parents, though. Not in the slightest, not even a little.

    Ganymede, the oldest, was known for her signature long auburn hair and stormy grey eyes. Europa was second oldest, but shined just as brightly as Ganymede. She sported Dr. Reed’s dark locks and Dr. Spencer’s perfect teeth. Callisto was a true middle child, and she kept to herself always listening but never speaking. Then came Io, who was dainty with her dancer-like petite body and short caramel colored hair.

    Poor, poor Io. Her sisters watched her body be carried up from the river where the police rescue team had found her. A bottle of whiskey and an ice cold stare accompanied their former friend in her death.


    Title: Corpus Voro
    Author: Shabamm
    Story Type: Original Fiction
    Rating: PG-13
    Genre: Action, Romance, Adventure
    Status: Active
    Reason for reccing: It's a zombie apocalypse!! Who doesn't love those?
    Summary: It was the end of all things we knew. Unfortunately, it was only just beginning.
    They all sat still, inhaling the words that were coming from the shitty radio, waiting for the verdict on whether they would live or die. “As the epidemic increases, we are forced to believe that there’s no stopping the disease. The few scientists we have contact with studying any specimens that have died through the disease have come to the unfortunate conclusion that there is no cure.”

    As the words were spoken, the five people sitting in the car knew they were doomed. “That’s it,” Roo sighed. “We’re fucked,” he ran his hand through his hair.
    January 7th, 2012 at 07:46am
  • swell

    swell (150)

    Title: Time Is Of The Essence
    Author: liam payne.
    Story Type: One Direction fic.
    Rating: PG-13
    Genre: Romance, comedy, drama
    Status: Active
    Reason for reccing: Won as a prize in a contest
    Summary: Bailey Cooper's life has been changed drastically since her mother died when she was fifteen. Her father went from blaming the world, to himself, to her. She struggles to keep her home life together, to get good grades, and to keep things together at work and all she wants is to see One Direction, her favorite band and the band that saved her life. Once she sees them, the question is, how will they continue to affect her life.

    "You don't have to tell us if you don't want to Bailey. If it's something personal, than it can stay that way. We were just a bit curious and concerned is all."

    Bailey was touched by Louis' kindness. The way he looked at her when he said this, she could see the sincerity in his eyes. She bit her lip, contemplating with herself once more before she decided to tell them. As much as she didn't like spreading her personal business around, she trusted and loves these guys. She also owed them her life, so that's why she took a deep breath and explained to them what happened after her mother's death and how her father acts. She even told them about her almost suicide. No one knew about that except her, God, and now them. She told them how they, as well as their music, help her deal with everyday life, which wasn't untrue in the least bit.


    Title: Don't Give Up On Us
    Author: liam payne. + niall horan.
    Story Type: One Direction fic.
    Rating: R
    Genre: Romance, comedy, drama
    Status: Active
    Reason for reccing: Won as a prize in a contest
    Summary: An American band has been chosen to tour with One Direction for their tour. [no summary was given from the author]
    "Baby you light up my world like nobody else!" Juliana yelled as she jumped.

    "The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed!" I flipped my own hair for emphasis and grabbed her hand, now jumping together on one bed.

    "But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell!" Ryder was now rifling through the mini fridge I hadn't noticed before.

    "You don't know, oh oh, you don't know you're beautiful!" We all screamed together, which in retrospect was probably the wrong thing to do at almost ten at night in a fancy hotel, but we were way too excited to care.

    "Where are the spoons?! I need a spoon for my pudding!" Ryder yelled, holding up a vanilla pudding cup.

    "They probably removed them from the hotel since Liam is staying here!"

    "Yeah, but I'm sure they have lots of carrots!" Juliana said, giggling as we high fived.

    "Yes well eating pudding with a fork would be a real payne, so I'm going down to the lobby to request a spoon. Don't worry though, I'll make sure Liam doesn't find out." Ryder began laughing extremely loud at her own pun before tightening her robe. The same time that she opened the door, I let go of Juliana's hand and leaped over to the other bed, face first while screaming.


    Now, what happened next is one of those things that you see in movies. As soon as I had yelled one of Louis' memorable quotes, Ryder opened the door to our hotel room, only to find Zayn Malik leaning against our door frame with an amused smirk on his face. Ryder dropped her pudding cup and gasped, which didn't break open much to the relief of the carpet.

    "So you guys don't know our band huh?" he pushed off the door frame and just stared at us.


    Title: Up All Night
    Author: Inked Art
    Story Type: fanfiction, featuring Louis Tomlinson.
    Rating: PG-13
    Genre: Romance
    Status: Active
    Reason for reccing: Won as a prize in a contest
    Summary: Louis Tomlinson has a one-off meeting with an *incredibly* attractive girl. Two years later, he meets her again, but she doesn't remember him.

    They’d met nearly two years ago to the day. A brief encounter lasting no more than five minutes at the most, and one she had forgotten a few weeks later.

    He never forgot it, though. He never forgot the way she’d looked, standing under the yet unlit streetlamp as the sun slowly began to dip behind the horizon.

    Snow was lightly cascading down and her dark red ringlets were damp with melted snow. The girl reached up and pulled her thick woolen beanie down hard, jamming it over her forehead and ears. The tip of her nose was a light red, and it made her many freckles stand out against her ivory skin. He watched as she stood on the street corner and looked up at the street signs. She seemed lost. As the sun set behind the city buildings and the streetlamp above her flickered into life, she reached into the pocket of her threadbare coat, pulling out an equally battered city guide. Frown lines creased her forehead as she thumbed through it, and he watched her swear quietly, stamping her foot in frustration.

    She was definitely lost. And he could help.


    Title: Te Amo
    Author: Inked Art
    Story Type: Greek mythology
    Rating: PG-13
    Genre: Romance, fantasy
    Status: Active
    Reason for reccing: Won as a prize in a contest
    Summary: Greek Mythology has always painted Hades as the bad guy. When he, Zeus and Poseidon fairly drew straws to split up the world into three parts, Hades got the Underworld. According to some Ancient Greek writers, he resented this, and was cold-hearted and cruel. Unable to find someone to love him willingly, he resorted to kidnapping, and stole away Demeter's daughter, Persephone.

    Now, Hades wants clear his name and prove to the world that he isn't the bad guy they think he is. He and Persephone were, and still are, in love.
    After all, love can last an eternity.

    I’d never felt this way before, and my heart physically ached – it felt like someone had put a clamp around it and was tightening it as much as they could. For a moment, everything was silent and all I could hear was the beat of my own aching heart. Then the screams emanating from the Fields of Punishment broke through my thoughts and I sat back in my throne, speechless.

    I was in love. I was in love with the beautiful, shining Spring goddess.
    January 18th, 2012 at 08:59am
  • honeyjoons

    honeyjoons (350)

    United States
    Title: Hypnotized
    Author: kennedy;
    Story Type: Fan Fiction
    Rating: PG-13
    Genre: Romance, Comedy, Teen
    Status: Active, Chaptered
    Reason for reccing: I think this is a wonderful One Direction story amongst many others I've read, but it doesn't have nearly enough feedback or readers!
    Summary: Hypnotic, the UK's biggest girl band, and One Direction, the UK's biggest boy band are pulled together by their managers to go on tour together.
    Excerpt: They'd only met One Direction once, but from what they knew, they were nice boys, and their fans had been begging them for ages to team up with 1D. Their fans have even given it a name, after seeing pictures on the web of the two bands together at their first and only meeting at an awards show. The two bands together were called 'The Dream Team.'

    "Yes, we're pleasing the fans! The media, the fans, the staff, everyone has been waiting for Hypnotic and One Direction to work together! So Simon Cowell and I are making it happen!" Michelle grinned. "Isn't it lovely? We're taking the fans name, and naming it 'The Dream Team Tour'. I don't know if you've checked your twitter accounts recently, but everyone is going crazy!"
    January 29th, 2012 at 05:06am
  • Sucks For You

    Sucks For You (100)

    United States
    Title: Human After All
    Story Type: Original Slash
    Rating: R
    Genre: Romance, Sci-fi, Teen
    Status: Active
    Reason for reccing: I’ve been subscribed to this story since before the first chapter was even posted. Twenty eight chapters later I still can’t find words to describe how much I love this story.
    Summary: “When you meet "the one", you expect them to come with a ring, not an instruction manual.”
    Excerpt: “Beau pressed his forehead against the glass, trying to comprehend what he had just been told. Joshua was a robot, modeled after a human from District 16. He didn't know if he should be thanking Ethylon or murdering him. Thanking him for allowing him to meet Joshua, or murdering him because he took hundreds of thousands of lives from others in District 16, and for what? For a failed attempt at freedom.”
    February 22nd, 2012 at 07:19pm
  • honeyjoons

    honeyjoons (350)

    United States
    Title: The Fuckers
    Author: seventeen forever.
    Story Type: Original Fic
    Rating: R
    Genre: Romance, Teen
    Status: Active {2 Chapters}
    Reason for reccing:
    Summary: I didn't want to go anywhere. I was fine with where I was, for fuck's sake. I didn't need anyone to tell me what to do; I was content with living with my wild older sister and fucking shit up for the rest of my most likely short existence.

    But if you knew me, you'd know that nothing ever went as planned.

    Excerpt: I stood up to my full height and interlaced my fingers with his once more. We stepped towards the waves and ran in, enjoying the time we spent together as the two of us splashed each other in the waves and pretended to dunk each other. I had planned that after we had fun to ourselves for a bit, we'd work on Ben's body-boarding techniques and improve his skills. However, life never went as planned for me.

    While swimming back to shore, Ben insisted on showing me he could swim by himself, that he was a "big boy" now.

    I had never realised it would be the last time I'd ever feel his touch.

    ~ ~ ~

    Title: Crooked
    Author: seventeen forever.
    Story Type: One Direction Fanfic
    Rating: PG-13
    Genre: Romance, Comedy, Drama
    Status: Active {11 Chapters}
    Reason for reccing: Won as a contest prize.
    Summary: At first, I hated him. His too-blonde spiky hair, ocean blue eyes and rounded cheeks annoyed me. His upbeat personality and infectious laugh made me want to slowly slaughter him with a knife. And those teeth; those damn-crooked teeth that I wanted to pull out so he could get a whole new set of straight ones irritated me the most.

    He infuriated me, but I was in love with him.

    Excerpt: The two sauntered off, and I closed my eyes, thinking about the two boys. They looked familiar, I couldn’t place where I had heard the voice before but I was sure I’d figure it out eventually. While I thought about them, I heard footsteps come closer to me, and I opened my eyes to see the police officer smiling, as he twirled the keys to the jail cell around on his finger.

    “You’re free to go,” he was smirking at me and I didn’t know why.

    I stood up, confused as hell to why I was bailed out so quickly and why the police officer was smirking. My questioning glance towards him made him speak.

    “The boy who picked up the one who joined you paid for your bail. What a nice man, don’t you think?” It came to me in one sudden thought: the blonde-haired, crooked-teeth Niall paid for my bail.

    Damn it, now it meant I’d have to see him again to thank him. But for some reason, the thought didn’t bother me that much.

    Oh, god.

    ~ ~ ~

    Title: Sweet Misery
    Author: maxx danziger
    Story Type: One Direction Fanfic (Slash)
    Rating: R
    Genre: Romance, Comedy, Drama
    Status: Active {13 Chapters}
    Reason for reccing: Won as a contest prize. (But, I also read it myself and it's AMAZING!)
    Summary: Louis Tomlinson thought that nothing would change the friendship between him and his best friend Harry. But things were changing for the two of them, too much in fact that Louis is beginning to suffer even being in the same space as Harry. He just can't keep his eyes off him, everything he does is just so hypnotizing. Harry is literally driving Louis insane and he doesn't even know it.

    When their band finally gets a chance to go on a worldwide tour, will Louis and Harry become closer?

    Or will the upcoming events only put up a void between the two of them?

    Excerpt: There was something Louis had begun to notice, it was only the tiny things, the way Harry's eyes would gaze around, the way he would walk, his hips in perfect time. These little things were confusing him greatly but he couldn't seem to look away. Louis tried to ignore all of this, the boy in front of him was only Harry what was so special about him? Well, everything.

    ~ ~ ~

    Title: The Nerd Boy
    Author: maxx danziger
    Story Type: Original Slash
    Rating: R
    Genre: Romance, Comedy
    Status: Active {15 Chapters}
    Reason for reccing: Won as a contest prize.
    Summary: Oscar Gordon was your typical nerdy kid who was seen as an outcast by the rest of society. He had the brains and the looks, unfortunately, no one else could see that behind his thick glasses. But having to tutor Francis Darson? That was something he never expected doing.

    Francis Darson has a high expectation rate on other people. He's not completely thick but he's struggling in one class. It's just his luck that the notorious geek in the school has to tutor him.

    Well, not exactly everything goes to plan.

    Excerpt: I didn't ask for this, I didn't ask to be hated by everyone. Wherever you go at any stage in your life, you will always want to fit in, to be in the in-crowd. If you’re out of that certain crowd then your existence is tiny compared to everyone else. Either that or you become prey because you are at the bottom of the hierarchy. I never understood it though, it was pretty stupid. Who decides what is cool and what is not? Yes, I might be one of those kids who always have their heads in a book, who always knows the answer to everything. That's a stereotype, but that's what people are. They are stereotypical idiots.
    February 23rd, 2012 at 03:01am
  • XrayPineapple

    XrayPineapple (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Title: Half Empty
    Author: desalle
    Story Type: Fanfiction
    Rating: NC-17
    Genre: Romance, Drama, Tragedy
    Status: Chaptered, on hiatus

    Reason for reccing: This story is beautifully written in its simplicity and childlike form. She has captured that childish innocent and wonder really well; the brothers honestly are delightful. It touches on some rather adult themes but from a child’s point of view in a brilliant way.

    Summary: Waycest. A tale of when Mikey and Gerard were young and naïve, and how they grew up to be more than just brothers.


    Gerard quietly went over to Mikey’s room, where Mikey silently lay awake in his Moses basket. Gerard was tall enough to see over the top of it now, and for the first time, he looked into his brother’s eyes and saw what everyone had been talking about.

    To Gerard, they were simply swirls of green and hazel and brown and what seemed like gold. They were perfect. Mikey was perfect, in every way. Gerard was so proud to have him as his baby brother.

    He stood closer to the basket. Although he knew Mikey couldn’t understand him, he said to him, “When you get a bit bigger, Mikey, you can play in the garden with me. I’ll hold your hands so you don’t fall, and then when you’re more bigger, I’ll hold your hand and take you to school, and bring you back. And if you ever, ever get hurt, you have to quickly come and tell me, and I’ll make it better for you. And when you’re bigger than that, you can go everywhere with me, and I’ll look after you and make sure you don’t get hurt or lost or anything. I promise I’ll look after you and keep you safe for the rest of my whole life, Mikey. I pinky promise.” Gerard held out his pinky finger for effect.

    And though it was impossible, he could have sworn he saw Mikey smile.


    Title: When We Collide
    Story Type: Fanfiction, AU
    Rating: NC-17
    Genre: Romance, Drama, Tragedy
    Status: Chaptered, active

    Reason for reccing: This is an awesome Waycest in the big, bad New York city, dirtied with drugs, prostitution and Frerard. It’s written superbly, the characters are fantastic, and it really does suck you in and keep you hooked.

    Summary: {MCR/slash/} Gerard Way, a prostitute, and Mikey Way, a drug dealer, struggle to keep their relationship from being torn apart by drugs and sexual escapades.


    It’s dark and cold outside. Mikey walks through the streets of lower Manhattan with disinterest. The city is much more beautiful when he’s high; when all the dirtiness and the lies of the disgusting underground are masked by a drug-induced euphoric state. Gerard thinks Mikey’s masochism is the only reason he ever tries to get clean. He goes through the ultimate hell of withdrawal (which isn’t really that bad unless you’re a guy who suffers from bipolar disorder, which makes it feel like falling off the Empire State Building) but always inevitable fails at staying clean, only to force himself to try again. But Mikey’s true reason is this: he’s seen what the drugs do to people, to him. He likes to practice his self-control this way. He makes fewer mistakes when he’s sober. If he has to feel like a lost schizophrenic for a while in order to do that, so be it.

    He always goes back to them, though. The drugs. They’re like his most loyal friend, always there when he needs a pick-me-up. It’s hard not to become nostalgic when you walk around holding a photo album, or, in Mikey’s case, selling the drugs to others. He just wishes he didn’t succumb so easily to the desire.
    March 4th, 2012 at 06:01pm
  • Pat Kirch.

    Pat Kirch. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    April 18th, 2012 at 02:49pm
  • adamdamnlazzara

    adamdamnlazzara (100)

    United States
    Title: Halcyon.
    Author:Pat Kirch.
    Story Type: Fanfiction - The Maine
    Rating: PG-13
    Genre: Romance, Drama, Adventure
    Status: Active

    Reason for reccing: This story has only been up two days and I am already in love. The first two chapters are absolutely breathtaking, and I'm hooked on what could happen next. The way the author has shown the characters is really something special, and this is proving to be one of my favourite stories so far.

    Summary: The year is eighteen seventy-nine. The location, a marketplace in London.
    He isn't hard to please, but unfortunately, she is.

    Excerpt: "You see, when I was six-and-a-half years of age, my parents sold me to a gentleman in a navy blazer in exchange for a handful of silver coins. They took my brother and I to the country fair, where we bought matching vanilla ice-creams because the sun was so heavy it had to have been ice-cream weather. While we licked greedily at the treats, we paid no attention to where we were being led by our sticky hands, one from each of us in our father's solid grasp.

    Father spoke softly to the man, trying to keep his words secret, and they made a quick agreement. He walked away quickly with a pocketful of money and a funny look of sadness on his face, and he didn't wave back when I waved a goodbye. My brother and I received a rather more bitter end of the deal - short, sharp blows to the head and an unconscious ride in a horse and cart's trailer."
    April 18th, 2012 at 02:50pm
  • dontcallmepuddin!

    dontcallmepuddin! (105)

    United States
    Title: What Dreams May Come
    Author: Kurtni
    Story Type: Original, oneshot
    Rating: PG-13
    Genre: Drama, War
    Status: Completed
    Reason for reccing: I absolutely adore this story. I reviewed it a long time ago for the story review game, but I was looking for it again & found it! XD

    Summary: As Hans ages, his life continues to become more desolate. Without companionship or purpose, he has nothing more to do than wake and sleep. Tortured by recurring dreams, his mind became his own worst enemy.

    Excerpt: August 17, 1996
    300 Hours

    When I find myself within dreams, I am omniscient; powerless to intervene in what unfolds, but the ultimate witness to every detail. As a flickering bulb, my dreams emerge as flashes of memory. With every jolt of light, a new scene unfolds, only to be clouded by darkness almost instantly.
    April 24th, 2012 at 03:46am
  • Blackjack.

    Blackjack. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Title: Sticks and Stones and Rising Voices
    Author: hemingway.
    Story Type: Original Fiction
    Rating: R
    Genre: Romance, Drama
    Reason for reccing: Because this story is just beautiful, and I want to share the beauty with more people.
    I thought of you and where you'd gone
    And the world spins madly on

    Ione's words were stuck in the desert of her throat. She wanted to purge her pain. She wanted nothing more than to be by his side, to hold him up. She stood atop the dunes. The sea drifted to and fro, waiting to grab a hold of her bones. She slung away her shirt and kicked away her shorts, and the gulls screamed for her. They chanted their grief, wishing her to stop. She stood in her black lace, teasing the tide with her toes.

    This wasn't the first time she stood on these shores ready to jump. And she doubted it would be her last. Her thick tongue licked at her parched lips like sandpaper on skin, catching each groove. The gulls cried out again, swooping close to her, trying to run her back home. She ran. Her heels dug into the soft sand and it collected beneath her nails. Her arms opened and she greeted the sea as an old friend.

    "Take me!
    Take me!" she spat.

    She stood waist high in the swells, rocking back and forth with the pull of gravity, with her arms held out like Christ's. Her reddened eyes scoured the horizon, searching for her one miracle. She bit into her lip and her face wrinkled. Another swell rocked her back a step and her arms fell a notch. She was pulled forward a step like a puppet of the moon. Her knees knocked beneath the water and she didn't have the courage to stay standing as the next swell pushed the breath from her and she tumbled into the sea's hands.

    The sea returned her to the shore, slightly more worn. She lay on her back and the sand molded to her form. The water ran over her limbs, whispering words of encouragement. Her hand spread the salt over her face, burning in the open wound.

    "Take me." she cracked.
    May 1st, 2012 at 12:44am
  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    Title: Offsides
    Author: Liily
    Story Type: Fan-fiction
    Rating: PG-13
    Genre: Romance
    Status: Completes
    Reason for reccing:
    I absolutely love this story and I think a lot of hockey fans will!

    "Two weeks together, that's all it took, two weeks for me to fall for you." - Dear John

    Patrik Berglund spends many nights with his roommate, TJ Oshie, watching him pick up girl after girl.
    This time its Patrik's turn.

    Patrik flipped them over so that he was on top of Kylie and she had her back flat on the ice. He looked into her eyes and smiled, leaning forward slowly. When his face was just inches from hers, Kylie closed her eyes.

    Before their lips hit, Patrik stood up quickly, pulling Kylie up with him. She glared at him and he smiled, “The second rule of skating is never trust your teacher, because most of the time they’re assholes.”
    May 17th, 2012 at 09:28pm
  • archipelago.

    archipelago. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Title: The Girl Who Made All of the Wrong Choices
    Author: Satine!
    Story Type: Draco Malfoy fanfiction
    Rating: NC-17
    Genre: Romance, fantasy, teen.
    Reason for reccing: This is a contest prize, but I went and read the story because I didn't want to blindly recommened something, and it really is wonderful. The way the sentences are woven together are just fantastic and she avoids using redundant description. Plus, I may be a HP newbie, but I think her plot is really creative and unique.

    'They all said if I had a night with him, they'd be calling me Moaning Myrtle.

    They'd never been so right.'

    "I do believe this is the second time you’ve pestered me," Astrid explained to Draco, who titled his head up to the ceiling, a smile on his face.

    "Okay, so I owe you," he agreed, "Are you going to hold it over my head?"

    "Figuratively I suppose, more or less."

    The problem was that she attracted him, no matter how strange and blunt in nature she happened to be. She could tell him point-blank that she ran over his cat and then explain how the world was a better place without its shedding, and still, Draco would want to kiss her (it also helped that he didn't actually have a cat and had no such attachment to an animal). Maybe if her lips weren't always slightly parted in thought, he wouldn't want to kiss her. Maybe if her brown hair wasn't practically begging Draco to run his fingers through it. Maybe if she hadn't pulled through for him…
    May 19th, 2012 at 03:51pm
  • ladyschrei

    ladyschrei (550)

    United States
    Title: Shall I Dance?
    Author: MyHotelRomance
    Story Type: Fanfiction
    Rating: PG-13
    Genre: Drama, tragedy
    Status: New, active
    Reason for reccing: MyHotelRomance has been a friend of mine for a very long time, and she doesn't get that many readers, and it upsets her. She's nervous about this new story of hers, and I got a chance to read the first chapter before she posted it, and it's awesome, so I want others to read it as well :3

    I understand why Tom's pissed off. I understand why he doesn't want to see my face. I understand why he's disgusted by me.
    But someone had to pay the bills, and he wouldn't get off his ass to go and look for a job. It was always put on my shoulders to bring home the paycheck.
    I couldn't find a job so what did he expect me to do?
    It doesn't matter; I won't quit my job. I'll continue to be a stripper until I can find a better job.

    They leave together.
    My smile falls as I stare at myself in the mirror. I hate this. I really don’t like my job. If it weren’t for Tom being jobless and me not being able to find a different place to work, then I wouldn’t even be here.
    Oh well, no use in complaining. This is my job, whether I like it or not. I have to sing, so I need to get ready.
    I just really wish that I could be home right now, sleeping or watching a movie with Tom, or doing whatever it is that he does at this time at night.
    May 28th, 2012 at 12:46am
  • cannibal.

    cannibal. (145)

    United States
    Title: Debt and Repayment

    Author: AmorarEsDeVivir

    Story Type: Original fiction

    Rating: PG

    Genre: Thriller

    Status: Completed

    Reason for Reccing: It's a great story that deserves more love.

    Summary: Cindy stood in front of the casket, looking down at her brother. He looked so much like her, and she had never realized it until he was dead. They both had the same nose, the same low brow, the same high cheekbones. The difference was that he was the one who had inherited the darker skin, hair, and eyes of their father. So much familiarity there, and yet it was the face of someone she knew nothing about.

    Excerpt: Cindy immediately ran to the door, prepared to fling it open and run screaming through the hotel. She had to be here somewhere. If not, there was someone at the front desk 24/7—someone would have seen her leave, and with whom.

    But the door opened only two inches before resisting. Cindy looked up to see that the sliding lock she had put in place the night before was still in place.

    There was a note set just above the door frame, taped in place.

    “Thank you for repaying your brother's debt.”
    Title: Insidious

    Author: spencer reid.

    Story Type: Original Fiction

    Rating: R

    Genre: Thriller (it doesn't say so I'm assuming here...)

    Status: Active

    Reason for Reccing: It's too great not to read.

    Summary: Something isn’t right in the Turner’s house.

    Sometimes a book isn’t in its right place. Sometimes a door that was securely locked can be found open. Sometimes, while the trees whisper outside, there are whispers from the dark corners of the rooms. Sometimes it’s as if someone’s there, but they can’t be seen. Sometimes the hairs on the family’s arms will rise for no apparent reason.

    Something just isn’t right in the Turner’s house.

    Excerpt: Tick, tock. Tick…

    She hesitated, mouth open, spoon half-raised. Silence. Only silence. Her brown eyes darted towards the clock. Nothing. Caslin was holding her breath, even though she wasn’t aware of it herself. “Come on,” she thought. “Where the hell is the tock?” Nothing. Silence. She couldn’t even hear the wind outside anymore.

    For what felt like the longest time she held her breath, her eyes refusing to tear away from the non-ticking clock, the white background and black numbers mocking her just as the still arms did. They were supposed to be moving. Thoughts whirled and her mind felt blank at the same time. Finally she let out a laugh and took a deep breath.
    Title: Bella

    Author: Lisbeth Salander.

    Story Type: Original Fiction

    Rating: R

    Genre: Romance, Drama

    Status: Active

    Reason for Reccing: I started reading this story and I'm hooked on it. It's tempted me into finding other femmeslash's to read.

    Summary: Her name was Bella.

    And her name said it all in Italian. The most gorgeous girl in the entire tenth grade. With a surrounding army of friends that would build a house with sticks and hay if a storm were to hit. Perfect grades, a boyfriend other girls would kill for, and a smile that hid her from the world.

    Until lesbian became the only way to describe her a year later.

    Excerpt: They're almost tempted to sit me down in a chair, pour poison down my throat, push needles into my eyes, and hold me there until they get the answers that they deserve.. Listening to my screams and not even flinching.
    June 3rd, 2012 at 12:28am
  • ladyschrei

    ladyschrei (550)

    United States
    Title: My Happy Ending
    Author: spencer reid.
    Story Type: Fanfiction
    Rating: NC-17
    Genre: Romance, Comedy, Adventure
    Status: Active
    Reason for reccing: Bella originally wrote this story not too long ago, I'm not sure if it was ever finished or not, but she's now re-writing it and it's better than ever. It's hilarious and features a bunch of different famous people, as well as Mibbians. ^-^

    Amara always wanted to escape her parents, and the totally unfair environment she was in. Suddenly she received a letter from Hogwarts, and she realized that she wasn't just emo, but also a witch! Soon she's fallen headlessly in love with Edward Cullen, who is like the hottest guy ever. She's also been admired by the Headmaster, an angry old fart named Dumbledore, and Mittens (formerly known as Harry Potter) of course wants her too because she is so pretty.

    The adventure she must embark on however, to destroy Lord Voldermort's whoreboxes is entirely crazy, and takes her to Forks, Washington, and forces her to take help from the evil Darth Vader and the pervert wizard Gandalf the Pedo.

    Please, join me - er, I mean her, since this is not a self-insertion - on this adventure.

    It was finally happening. I was finally going to Hogwarts. It had only been two days since that big guy, Hagrid (though he said I should call him Bocko), showed up at our doorstep and said I was a witch. Well, he didn’t say it as much as he sang it. It was a bit annoying, because his voice wasn’t very good. Oh well, it didn’t matter, because I’d been wearing a beautiful black corset type dress, with long sleeves and lots of frill around the edge of the skirt.

    At first my mum and dad had tried to shove him out the door, but it didn’t work since he was so very large. He just swatted them away like they were flies, and stormed through the living room quickly. I had turned after him, curious as to where he was going. Turns out he’d flown there and it had made him sea sick. Oh well. He had proceeded to tell me about how I was a witch, and at first I slapped him thrice, but then he explained that he said “witch” and not “bitch” so I sat down and cried in a very emo way. I couldn’t believe I would be leaving my parents house finally!
    June 7th, 2012 at 05:53am
  • peggy carter.

    peggy carter. (100)

    United States
    Title: Six Feet under the Sea
    Author: spacejunkie
    Story Type: Original Fiction
    Rating: PG
    Genre: Drama, Mystery, Fantasy
    Status: Complete
    Reason for reccing: One thing I've noticed, these stories go unnoticed; it's unfair, really. This story, for example, has only three comments so far, and it's so amazing, I can't fathom why. You need to read this, Mibbians!

    A rare, perfect kraken specimen washes up on the beach.

    Ten years later, the boy who found it plunges into the ocean.

    As they turned, they counted down.

    They counted down to cataclysm, grinding with the sound of time brought to a halt.

    He couldn’t tell his classmates that it was him who found the beast. They didn’t know what his brothers and older fathers did, other than that they worked on a ship. They had been fishermen, once. Lately, they had become something else.

    The sea chest was hauled up in the big net, though it could not have come from the bottom of the bay, where there had never been a shipwreck recorded. It was old, but it wasn’t ancient. Barnacles crusted its lacquered lid, but there was no rust caking its hinges, or fusing it closed. It had unlocked easily, as if it wanted to be opened. As if it wanted what was inside it to be discovered.
    July 3rd, 2012 at 12:41am
  • Merida

    Merida (120)

    United States
    Title: The Capitol's Tribute

    Author: RealTalkProject
    Story Type: Fan Fiction
    Rating: PG-13

    Genre: fantasy, adventure, drama, tragedy

    Status: 21 Chapters, still updating. Unfinished as of 7/15/2012

    Reason for reccing: It is an amazing story! One of the best Hunger Games fan fictions I have read so far.

    Summary: Five years with the Capitol, Rixa Hart figured there was no way she could be the District 12 Tribute. But that wasn't the deal. Her name was still in the Reaping, along with her siblings. This year, the 74th Hunger Games, the odds are not in the Harts' favor. Because two Harts are about to enter the arena, and only one will come out.

    Excerpt: For some reason, I wasn’t worried about being slaughtered by Malum at the moment. I knew I was fast. I could make it in there and out without too much damage. I just hoped I wouldn’t have to inflict too much mortal damage on others. I promised myself I wouldn’t go too deep. The arrows were out. There were backpacks and other small weapons that would help Brant and me. I would grab those and scat.

    When Plutarch’s voice uttered, “twenty-three—” There was an enormous explosion that almost caused me to lose my step again. I scanned the area in a panic.

    Someone had fallen off their platform.

    I wasn’t sure who it was but they were only five down from my left side. A quick scan told me that it had been the sweet tiny girl from 9. Anna.

    A morbid sigh of relief fell from my lips.
    July 16th, 2012 at 02:30am