Best/Worst/Stupidest Reviews You've Received

  • Sardonic Grin:
    I think the funnest reviews were for Dear God, I Think I Killed the Sweetest flower. I had it posted on a couple of forums, and towards the end, I was taking so long to update. At one forum these kids were planning to come to my house and kill me if I didn't update. Same thing happened at the end when people said they hated me XD I love when I do that.
    I love forum story discussions/parties/etc.
    I wrote a wedding story on GSB when it still had the story forum and we had strippers and a party and alcohol all to get ready for the wedding chapter.
    It was the most fun I've had writing a story.
    March 15th, 2007 at 12:32am
  • A Melancholy Autumn:
    I don't get reviews.

    Feedback, really, is just a few 'That was amazing' or 'That's so beautiful.' Never really anything constructive. I don't like straight to the point comments about how great it is. GIMME SOME CRIT. PEOPLE.
    March 17th, 2007 at 01:48pm
  • I am really sick of people who write these FUCKING STORIES!

    Anyway good story

    ^ That's one of the more interesting ones. I chuckled because of the switch from cursing out my story to complimenting it. Found it quite amusing.
    March 18th, 2007 at 02:47am
  • ha_ha_you're_screwed:
    I am really sick of people who write these FUCKING STORIES!

    Anyway good story

    ^ That's one of the more interesting ones. I chuckled because of the switch from cursing out my story to complimenting it. Found it quite amusing.
    I've gotten those before.
    I love people who curse out the fiction in stories.
    -eye roll-
    March 20th, 2007 at 02:20am
  • make it happen!
    *holds gun to your back*
    oh yeah!
    and MORE!

    People shouldn't tell you what to do with your story and then ask for more. It's not like I'm going to change the story just for their pleasure. :roll:
    March 20th, 2007 at 09:02pm
  • Worst:
    i'm dying to no more give me more or all i will set the shite of hells inferno on u. (i have that power you no!)
    I hate it when people attempt to threaten you to make you write more.
    April 5th, 2007 at 07:22am
  • The worst review is no review. D:
    April 6th, 2007 at 07:37pm
  • One time I got a review that said "cowz rool". Funny thing is, the story wasn't about cows...
    April 8th, 2007 at 05:53pm
  • Ones that just say. PM me!
    April 9th, 2007 at 05:43pm
  • Blarmlove:
    The worst review is no review. D:
    True dat. 8)
    April 9th, 2007 at 05:45pm
  • I finally got a little annoyed with the lack of content in my reviews.
    So I posted something on one of my comment threads.

    Thanks for reading.
    Leave comments with something more than 'update' or 'it rOcKz'.
    Writers appreciate feedback.
    Not crappy reviews.
    That's mean, I'm mean.
    I want real reviews.
    Kinda sorry for being mean.
    I'm just speaking for every writer out there.
    Reviews need content.
    Stories need content.
    We give you something, give us something in return.

    I wasn't exactly rude, but I wasn't exactly nice.
    I appreciate all reviews, but I think something more than 'omg pls review' helps the author want to write more for their readers.
    April 10th, 2007 at 06:17am
  • I love getting reviews where people complain about what they don't like. That helps me make it better.
    I get alot of "omg great story, pm me"

    That doesn't do anything to help me out. It's not really feedback, its just.. letting me know you read the story. Which is another thing! When i see my story in the stories section, and it shows how many view i have, I have like 4 times more views than comments, like, what's the point? You read it, why not comment it, too?

    And people who comment my slash, complain to me about the boys not being gay, blah blah blah. Like, you do know what fiction means, right?
    And all these people try to correct facts, like dates on tours and whatever. Kay, I made it up, it's not going to be correct.


    but i do get the good reviews too; and for those, I'm thankfull.
    April 12th, 2007 at 04:14am
  • I Am The Walrus:
    OHOH i have an idea for one!!!

    Gerard gets a valentine which tells him to meet up with someone in an alley or someting and it turns out to be Frank!!!

    I like this one coz they gave me an idea for the next home vid which I actually used. It helped me out coz I was a bit stuck.
    eh, i like it, but i got confused with the last bit of the last update....
    This one was good coz it helped me to see how rubbish that chapter was.
    Most of my other ones aren't really helpful but I don't really mind coz they like my story. But I do want some critisism...
    April 13th, 2007 at 11:57pm
  • I've never recieved a review that just made me jump back from the computer.

    Well, save for one.


    And the story was over, too. :cheese: WTF. Give me some feedback, at least.
    April 19th, 2007 at 01:03am
  • I love the style to it and the sayings: "A rebel Queen is always sainted after death, but death must come first." The man leaving the Queen for a girl with "stars on her stockings" is so beautifully morbid. Though it feels that there is no sentimentality it's delivered with the grim facts and the feeling of mystery surrounds it. It comes almost like poetry. It's beautiful. The tone, as others have commented on it, is encaptivating. It captures that Grimm style, that flavour of the dark fairy stories they told. This hint of mystery to come is imposed upon the reader and it flows so beautifully. It's so easy to absorb and get lost in.

    Fabulous .. only to be expected of your work, but this is so well written - a curious mix of upper-class style and modern teenage trash talk. I love how the swear words blend seamlessly into the speech of the characters, yet still leaves them with such dignity.

    When someone takes the time to write something like that I'm always enthralled.
    April 19th, 2007 at 10:31pm
  • the birdies fly:
    I've never recieved a review that just made me jump back from the computer.

    Well, save for one.


    And the story was over, too. :cheese: WTF. Give me some feedback, at least.
    I get "update" reviews for one-shots all the time!
    I have multiple subscribers for my one-shots.
    It's like 'Jesus Christ guys, thanks for reviewing, but please pull your heads out of your asses'.
    April 19th, 2007 at 10:33pm
  • ohhh myyyy gawwddd.....

    i'm in too much shock to actually form real thoughts(sp?) but all i can say is that

    i'm going to eternally worship you for your awesome amaaazzzzing writings. You are soo underrated, not enough people read this, when it should be the biggest story on here. You continue to blow me away with each update. i sware, i'm telling everyone i know on here to read this

    I got that on INO a few days ago and that made me feel really good since it was really the first time i've written a serious 3rd person chapter and it made my crappy day better.

    I really like the comments that show how much people get into your stories, like this :

    FUCK! Omg Zoe, that dream had me freaking out. I was like "NO! Get off him you little fucker! You love Jon! Get away from Brendon this instant! Fuck fuck fuck!" Then you said it was a dream and I was like "That little bitch sure knows how to write."

    Gosh, I did swear quite a bit then. Please excuse my language. I love you Zoe... :pets:

    I really liked this one because it targeted something I was trying to make better, my description:

    That's fine. Just update you phool.!

    Btw;; Nice discriptive words used to show the emotion :] I like.

    Also, something i've noticed is that when you re-write a story the comments you get are always a really good because they're comparing it to the old version so you get to know what you did better. i get a lot of comments like that on a story i finished on INO but am re-doing on here.

    This one is really old but i just remembered it, this was probably one of the best comments i've ever had:

    well, after a couple of nights of reading i have now finished this. may i say, nothing like what i have read on here before! it's amazing. Don't be so quick to throw out your writing skills all the time as crap, cause you have the skill to get out what you hold there in your broad imagination, and i applaud that.
    i'd also like to thank you, for not only have you been entertaining me, but there's certain passages in the story that have cast incredibly vivid pictures into my head which have inspired art. I already drew one of them.

    So that's about it. It's amazing and thank you!
    Keep it up, I can't wait for the next update!
    same person different day

    sweet. can't wait for the updates!

    and i have now done 2 darwings. the first was death, floating just at the cliff, as if you were sonny looking at her. the second was the view of trees in the forrest in hell, with the eyes and shadows of demons coming out from behind them. i actually have ideas for more now, tho not from your story. but it's the thing that's got the creative jucies flowing. thanks heaps! i haven't done any art in AGES cuz i just finished my final year at skool. it's good to get back into it.

    more when u can please!!
    it made me feel really good to know my description had gotten someone back into art

    One of the worst comments you can get is this: ..... i mean seriously, what is that supposed to mean? that could good or bad, i mean HELLO we're not mind readers; other than that no comment is def the worst
    April 20th, 2007 at 01:18pm
  • Mine aall made me smile!
    And i'm quite proud at making someones mum cry!
    Nice Comments:

    What An Unexpected Twist:
    Total Phreek:
    I <3 this updates, they always can make me smile!
    We must have moreness ^^
    Well, She’s Not Bleeding On The Ballroom Floor Just For The Attention:
    Dead End:
    Very good introduction. Well written. I had a totally different view of his mother (storywise) until you described

    I love the idea. It's quite different and your grammar's good :}
    This is written so so well.
    Couldn't agree more Yes
    And it's very intriguing.
    Tragic OneShots:
    Mother War:
    Died In The Arms Of The Man He Loved... wow.
    It made me tear up... amazing.
    laura's last words:
    Died In The Arms Of The Man He Loved

    Sad, but very beautiful and very well written.
    Truely amazing. favourite:
    I very almost cried. The tears were in my eyes and everything...
    You're such a great writer. ^_^

    You describe stuff really well. It's like, loads of people don't describe stuff enough, but you go into such detail (and this is sounding wronger by the second, lol) it's really fun to read your stories. They make me smile because they're so wonderful (not because I'm some weird demented freak that smiles at people dying) ^_^
    She was Gone was AWESOME! I wish I could write as well as you.
    I’ll End My Days With You In A Hail Of Bullets
    Your the best writer freakin' on here. IT'S AMAZING! I would love it if you wrote more soon =)
    potato waffle:
    Ok im actually crying and my mum was like wtf?? so she read the last two chapters and now she's nearly crying!

    Whatever you do dont let Frank die or I'l slappa your face.....
    I See You Lying Next To Me With Words I Though \I’d Never Speak:
    Monochrome Delirious:
    shhh.. don't tell anyone.. but i think this might end up becoming my favorite story on here :tehe:
    April 20th, 2007 at 10:46pm
  • The best review I've gotten on this site from my most earnest critic.
    "It was like an opiate – the thought of death creeping up on him through the worn down hallways of his delusional mind where every footstep echoed louder than an explosion of a canon ball."

    The beginning itself entrapped me. I was stunned. I knew you could write a good story, but you've outdone yourself by writing this one. I read that sentence a couple of times and every time it leaves a stronger impression on me. It's the perfect beginning for a story like this one.
    Then the concept - his conscience haunting him. I love it how you made the fear he incited in the minds of all those boys, his prey, come after the hunter himself.

    "Forever trapped in his worst nightmare, forever afraid, forever stuck down there, where they were all so very nice and blue, where his lips quivered and tears trickled in streams."

    I always liked the metaphores and comparisons you used. That sentence also left me speechless. It's pictoresque and doesn't seem special, but it sends shivers down my spine every time I read it. Scary. But powerful.
    You managed to stay objective throughout the whole story. (Svaka &#269;ast!)You didn't blame Shirley for his actions but let the reader to decide whether Shirley was worth his compassion.
    I do feel sorry for him even though he tortured innocent boys. Maybe it's beacuse of his father's character (he kinda seems like a know-it-all) whose saying is what this story could be summarized to. But then it'd lose all the qualities it possesses - an enthralling storyline, a 'strong' character, and the depicted emotion that feels raw at times.

    This whole rant could be reduced to one word - powerful.

    Thumb up

    P.S. This is the third review I wrote. I lost the previous two because my internet connection hates me tonight. And the first one was the best review I've ever written. Now, I'm on the verge of a nervous breakdown so I apologize for mistakes of any type. I tried to write a review this story deserves, but thanks to my luck this will have to suffice. Sorry.
    I really liked it. I think what speaks the most is that I printed it out and attached it to my diary :}
    April 21st, 2007 at 09:43am
  • Best:
    so i'll admit, i'm not too big a fan of country music
    [although i grew up listening to it]
    &i was a bit skeptical to read this
    but i gave it a shot
    &now i'm in love :]
    it's so beautiful
    i was tearing up as i read it.

    i love the way you incorperate the song into it
    &how it fits so well.
    more please!
    April 27th, 2007 at 08:01am