
Title: Searching
Author: Yuna131422
Type: Fan-fiction
Genre: Romance
Rating: PG-13

"I remember the explosions, the heartaches, the cries of people running as they tried to save themselves.”

Searching tells the story of Krissy, one of the victims of an attack on the city. She is one of many saved by the city’s hero, and feels she owes her life to him. Steve Rogers, better known as Captain America, has saved thousands of innocent lives, but Krissy is the only one he can’t seem to forget. They each unknowingly make the same vow: to find the other.

Searching is told from the point of view of both Krissy and Captain America, but is told in fluid time, which makes the story flow quite nicely. Yuna did an amazing job with this literary device and really captured the excellence of a well-done point of view switch. By using the views of both Captain America and Krissy, Yuna allows the reader to gain a deeper connection with both of the characters.

Searching is a work in progress that continues to be updated regularly, and I recommend this story to anyone who is a fan of the Marvel superheroes. Yuna does a good job capturing the character of Captain America, including his awkward transition from the 1940’s to present day. Yuna even sticks true to Marvel’s portrayal of Iron Man, who is included in a few scenes of the story. Overall, Searching is a great story to add to your reading list.

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