And Im Carissa / Comments

  • Hyper_Sprite

    Hyper_Sprite (100)

    United States
    Haha. I just had this youth group meeting at my church. Well, actually, it was a member of the church's pool house. We swam, ate pizza, and played volley ball. It was nice I guess. XD Only, I didn't think I'd actually want to swim, so i didn't bring my bathing suit. I regretted that after a while because i was bored. lol
    May 16th, 2011 at 05:59pm
  • ASeventhHorcrux

    ASeventhHorcrux (110)

    United States
    This is either:
    .... uhhh dunno if there are anymore.
    But hey! Long time no talk.
    May 16th, 2011 at 04:42am
  • Hyper_Sprite

    Hyper_Sprite (100)

    United States
    Haha. I don't like thinking of the future. It's scary. :P Sorry this message is short. Got somewhere to be. 
    May 15th, 2011 at 09:53pm
  • Hyper_Sprite

    Hyper_Sprite (100)

    United States
    Omg. I had a long message and then something happened and I lost it. >.< Btw, your brother isn't THAT old. lol I think twenty should be when people officially become adults because nineteen is still a "teen" technically. Twenty.... well... it's just not. lol I don't get why people think eighteen should be counted as an adult. :P I wanna stay a teen for as long as possible. Don't wanna grow up, I wanna be a Toys R Us kid! Well, teen, but you get the point. lol Yeshhh, I had to throw that in there. :3 Hahahaha.
    May 11th, 2011 at 07:21pm
  • StormyAngel

    StormyAngel (100)

    United States
    I. Love. You. Too. With all my heart. With all my soul. With all my everything. And even more.
    May 7th, 2011 at 04:14am
  • Hyper_Sprite

    Hyper_Sprite (100)

    United States
    Aww, poor, cold you. :( My house is always too hot, so I'd rather be in your position. XD lol Happy birthday to your brother!! :D What age is he turning? Haha. Being terrible to your ex. XD Sounds like you really don't like him anymore. lol I've never had a boyfriend myself, but I'm not really interested in that stuff anyway. :P Plus, no one seems to like me. lol I reallly don't care. My day was fine I guess. Way too much school work as usual, and too much of sitting while doing the school work. My butt hurts. rofl People are, like, 53% more likely to die from heart attacks if they sit for most of the day. XD Ah, statisics. Most of the time wrong, but you can't help but wonder. roflmbo So, in other words, school will kill people more literally than we think. XD Also, if they're gonna teach us something and hope that we'll remember it, they need to think of fun ways to do it instead of shoving a book in our faces and telling us to memorize stuff. :/
    May 5th, 2011 at 10:12pm
  • one.tough.cookie

    one.tough.cookie (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    well i changed them and she didnt eat me becuase when i talked to her she had a bowl of pasta :D and no i didnt get a ribbon :'( im sad now, i didnt ribbon :( why whats up with you ipod?
    May 5th, 2011 at 06:06pm
  • Hyper_Sprite

    Hyper_Sprite (100)

    United States
    Yeah, I see no point in learning stuff we aren't majoring in either. They teach us more than we actually need to be taught. >.< Seton (the program I'm being home schooled by) is probably even worse than actual school. My math book hardly has any examples to go by, my history is sorta fine I guess, but my Spanish? Oh, my Spanish. They like that they can cram all the Spanish into my head in just 3 quarters and then have me read an entirely-Spanish book. >.< I can't do that!! XD Since I'm religious and I'm taking some religious courses as well, I also have a religion book. That one is an okay subject as well. History, Religion, Science, and Vocabulary are the easiest subjects I have. English (which makes me do TONS of paragraphs every week) is the hardest subject ever. I've covered every subject. XD Math, Religion, History, Science, English, Vocabulary, Spanish. Hmm, seven subjects. Never counted them before. Gah?!?!!? What am I doing?!?!? XD I'm talking about school when it's already enough that we actually DO school!!! rofl Okay, no more school talk. How was your day? XD
    May 5th, 2011 at 04:09pm
  • Hyper_Sprite

    Hyper_Sprite (100)

    United States
    rofl Yes, Vampirates is a good series. :P I wouldn't have read the whole first book in almost a day if I hadn't. XD If I don't like a book, I'll usually stop reading after a couple or so chapters. I can judge if I like it or not by a couple chapters, yes. I most likely won't be getting a summer. :( I'm so behind in school work it isn't funny. XD Yeah, school is soooo stressful and boring. It's so stressful that I dread every day of it. rofl My favorite part of the day is when I get to sleep. Haha.
    May 4th, 2011 at 11:43pm
  • one.tough.cookie

    one.tough.cookie (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    i went today! :O i did it with only a nibble mark on my arm! ;) she said that i need a letter from my mum saying that she agrees but luckily she doesnt mind what i take. so tomorrow will be when the real cannobalism to start. OMG OMG OMG OMG in P.E today we were doing long jump. the average jump is about 2m 25cm and my highest was 3m 35cm! AAAAAAAAAHHHHH i would have got 3m 70cm but i put my foot down by accident :S the worst thing.... I WAS BEATEN BY A BALLERINA! >:( anyway i was still happy with my score :D so what has happened recently in the life of Carissa?
    May 4th, 2011 at 06:57pm
  • Hyper_Sprite

    Hyper_Sprite (100)

    United States
    You're Italian? That's awesome. XD Speaking of Italian people, I've wanted to go to Italy for the longest time. lol I've apparently also developed a fantasy in my mind just because I hate reality so much. o.e rofl I want to sail on a pirate ship and go EVERYWHERE! XD I'm actually reading some books called Vampirates by Justin Somper. I love these books a lot. o.o I read the first book (about 400 pages) within, like, almost a day. XD ALMOST. It got too late and had to finish the rest the next day. lol Now I'm a third into the second book (about 500 pages)! rofl Yay. School is taking away my time from reading them, though. >.> Dang school and it's taking up of most of the day. >.< I don't see why anyone doesn't realize that the youthful parts of our lives are the best and should be lived more excitingly than our older years. D: lol I'd prefer to have a short exciting and adventurous life than a dull boring long one. Haha. XD I want to travel evvveeerrryyywwhhheerrreee. :D *sets all schools on fire* >:D BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
    May 4th, 2011 at 04:16pm
  • one.tough.cookie

    one.tough.cookie (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    loving the new layout, veryyy ncie :) well i have decided! it was my friend that made me a very valid point into taking textiles. here was our conversation in history:
    Zoe: so what are you going to do?
    Me: I dunno :/ What do you think i should do?
    Zoe: Textiles
    Me: Any valid reasons to your opinion?
    Zoe: (thinks long and hard) well im not being mean but what work do you actually do in history?
    Me: None. I copy you!
    Zoe: And then what happens when all the tests come up?
    Me: I can never do them
    Zoe: well i kinda think that is your answer then :)

    and i think it is a very valid point! so off i go tommorow to change them. if you never get a reply from me, you know that i argued with the teacher and she ate me XD lol thankyou for alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll your help <3
    May 3rd, 2011 at 09:54pm
  • blank-

    blank- (100)

    United States
    Good. Finally 17! So exciting, I know. Lol. Happy birthday to you too, love.
    :) Im sorry you got sick *stabs germs instead*

    I think I went insane.... XD
    May 3rd, 2011 at 08:43pm
  • Hyper_Sprite

    Hyper_Sprite (100)

    United States
    Yeah, hanging out with family is great, especially if you have EVERYONE in your family to hang out with. Parents, sisters/brothers, cousins, aunts, uncles, everyone. lol That would be a heck of a lot of people for me. o.e Not sure how big your family is. XD Although, I think you might've mentioned the number.... There goes my memory again, being the place that only stores information temporarily. XD Anyway, I GOTS A PUPPY!!! Pfft, no I didn't. D: rofl I wish. Haha. Nah, I see purple. x3 'Tis everywhere. Everything is purple!!! :D Okay, no it isn't, but I'm imagining it. So.... everything is purple!!! :D roflmbo
    May 3rd, 2011 at 04:28pm
  • one.tough.cookie

    one.tough.cookie (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    well i think i will take textiles. an a* is better than C/B so i hope they will let me change it :) i watched parts of the wedding. They were either going to become Duke and Dutchess of Cambridge or of Oxford, which we compete with on EVERYTHING! boat races, university scores etc. back to school on Tuesday -_- and everytime i now think about going to change my options i feel this massive stone just sink further in my stomach. well i kinda know what i have to do soo....
    May 1st, 2011 at 06:26pm
  • one.tough.cookie

    one.tough.cookie (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    history would look better i think but i prefer textiles and have been told that if i take textile there is a high chance i will get an A* but if i take history maybe a C or a B. I soooo dont know what to do! The wedding was AH-MAZING! her dress was divine! and so was her sisters bridesmades dress and guess what?! as a wedding present from the Queen, they are now Duke and Dutchess of Cambridge....which is where i live!!!!! Its always cold compared to America. The hottest temperature ever recorder for summer was: 101.3F and most of the time it doesnt even compe close to that! I have to really start to think about my options now, becuase if i want to change them, i better do it soon :S
    April 30th, 2011 at 01:01pm
  • Hyper_Sprite

    Hyper_Sprite (100)

    United States
    Ehhh. With me it's hard to choose. I don't know which I like best, so I like them all. :P And my Easter was great. Thanks for asking. I just ate a whole bunch of candy and my stomach hurts. rofl How was yours?
    April 29th, 2011 at 09:49pm
  • blank-

    blank- (100)

    United States
    I sorry march sucked :/ March always sucks :P
    But I am glad you are amazing now. My Carissa shouldn't have to have crappy months! *stabs March* XD
    April 29th, 2011 at 08:52pm
  • one.tough.cookie

    one.tough.cookie (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    oh i am grateful believe me! especially as i need to catch up on my sleep. I can never sleep if when i am trying i think about something i.e my options. I am trying to change them but i went to my form tutor today and asked who i go to change them and she asked me why and all that shizzle and then she said that she doesnt think that i should change them. She says that what i have at the moment would probably look better on my CV than if i took textile. SO i am right back to square one again. I have been told to go and see my head of lower school about it and find out what she thinks but...i think i know what she is going to say. well...our university fee's have been tripled now...GREAT! That means to go to a decent uni in the UK it will be about £21,000, so i have come up with a plan....i will try and get a visa into American to study at *fingers crossed, this is my dream now* Harvard or Yale. Then stay in America a little bit once i have qualified to give back my little bit to America and if i get the job i want maybe even stay. My mum nad my friends arent happy with the idea, but i do actually want to do something with my life. LOL the wedding is a big thing over here and nobody literally nobody cares. Me and my mates care so much we are going to the cinema and to town. Arent we kind :D I only have a 3 day week next week! :DD cant wait. we have monday off for bank holiday and then i am going to see Barry Manilow at the o2 arena on Friday! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH i actually cant wait! its gotten cold over here again! its not fair, i want the warm weather back!!!!
    April 29th, 2011 at 12:19am
  • blank-

    blank- (100)

    United States
    I'm doing great! How about you, sweets? t has been far too long <3
    April 27th, 2011 at 09:28pm