Silvikrin / Comments

  • ViagraPencil

    ViagraPencil (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    hey dunno if you remember me, ive not been online in a while lol, how you doin? x x x
    February 1st, 2008 at 11:54pm
  • rejected-one

    rejected-one (100)

    Shitty I guess, but well whatever it takes it's still life, right/?/
    i'm kinda bored of frustation now, i'm heading to stay here so blah I don't even know what to write about

    Write to me soon, i'll try too as fast as somethingpop into my head
    Cheers :*
    November 2nd, 2007 at 06:45pm
  • rejected-one

    rejected-one (100)

    well school some things like that, so nothing really. tomorrow at school we have halloween party going on... although I'm not excepting much fun even if my friends are so wrapped about it... i'm glad about evertyings hitting on right road now, so what are you up to now?
    October 30th, 2007 at 12:34am
  • ViagraPencil

    ViagraPencil (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    btw thanx for the comment on my journal, it helps alot =]
    October 28th, 2007 at 11:49pm
  • ViagraPencil

    ViagraPencil (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    omg thats so cool, im there like every weekend too =] and my myspace is x x x x x
    October 28th, 2007 at 11:31pm
  • rejected-one

    rejected-one (100)

    well pretty nothing really, it's just that every single thing has its two sides the one is for being quite able to be ok and the other making you scream and cry or totallt feeling shit... So i choosed the first one for now. And neutral is good word I guess
    Tell me about that boy? did everything went well?
    October 28th, 2007 at 02:38pm
  • ViagraPencil

    ViagraPencil (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    hha cool! where abouts in manchester are you from? do you go to urbis at all? x x x
    October 28th, 2007 at 02:39am
  • ViagraPencil

    ViagraPencil (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    i'm good thatnx, and you? x x x
    October 27th, 2007 at 07:10pm
  • rejected-one

    rejected-one (100)

    good, all the same maybe just some random things happening but that's a life ;) what about you?
    October 27th, 2007 at 02:16am
  • ViagraPencil

    ViagraPencil (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    hey, so sorry i only just realised that you left a comment on my mibba lol, my name's sophie, my friends call me gat, you can call me either i guess : ] what's your name? x x x x
    October 25th, 2007 at 08:44pm
  • rejected-one

    rejected-one (100)

    Nah, she's at work all week so I don't know. But i guess it's typical for parents i ahve it all the time, but shit how much it can ruin everything... :/
    How are you now?
    October 17th, 2007 at 12:11am
  • rejected-one

    rejected-one (100)

    You won't believe it o.o I can't. Everything seem to go better way and bang! shit happens
    Mom started to pick on me, first the way I dress then all the shit, she was so confusing in her words, she said she can't stand the way I am, yet she started to say I do not need to feel down, or change anything
    I couldn't stop tears, it was so .. well it made me feel down, coz as I started to climb up it drag me down again but now more because of my appearancee, usually i don't mind someone pick on me, no one's perfect but she said I'm tomboyish and shit as it was a crime, like I'm like that from yesterday, fuck no I've been like that since always and I thought is there's someone that digs it it is my mom...I feel like crap, damn :/
    Hope your hair will work, my didn't I have no cash, tattoo need to wait too
    Cheers, sorry for my reply, I bet you look great in blue extensions with lego box fringe
    October 16th, 2007 at 12:14am
  • rejected-one

    rejected-one (100)

    Nah, just boring agues with mom. I'm gonna dye my hair today, black with green fringe, and for me your lego fringe seems awesome ^^
    October 14th, 2007 at 03:33pm
  • rejected-one

    rejected-one (100)

    It's really good to hear well read that you're heading for better side of life. Yeah, teenage years, but you know depression is very common in those years, once I heard if you won't have mood swinging at teen you never know what ya miss ;)

    I'm well, I'm kinda sway around, listen to music, learn and paint... trying not to think much, since i'm trying to cheer more it's like I cn see I hurt my friends, and they felt bit distracted so i'm going on and on
    How does your hair look now? Do you like it?
    Cheers :*
    October 12th, 2007 at 02:15am
  • rejected-one

    rejected-one (100)

    Hi, cheer up, it must be seriously something happend... people don't get just bored like that of the ones they share secrets and all, no one who can love and be trusted in could do that so wait a bit before saying all that. I can imagine it's horrible for you, but I think if he isn't returning calls you need to wait till he will, coz it's not like you didn't seem bothered. I can't imagine a fucker who would find someone on replacment, i don't think you can fall into someone like that so he's probably (for sure) not. And remember that doing something like this is like dishonour or whatever to call it but of his, of the person that doesn't see conections as importance and not bother over feelings of other people, what's more over yours as you're really special and sensetive person, ypou have beauty inside of you and as you said you reveald at least a bit of it no one can leave it out .
    It will get fine.

    Well, I'm back woring at school there's so much to do, and so much time too so I don't need to panic like I did before, the sickness spare time was a good thing, calming down a bit.
    There's nothing happening, on 16 th of october my friend has a bithday and we heading with her to tattoo studio, I'mconsidering to have one tattoo too, below my wrist. But yeah, well emotions are dead now again, sometimes it feel like pure gold to me, whole bipolar thing.
    Cheers, xoxoxoxo
    October 9th, 2007 at 10:10pm
  • rejected-one

    rejected-one (100)

    Don't worry so much over that boy, I think he was really busy, and he didn't forget he just had no time to call, probably worried about what you'll think.

    Yeah, i'm not much interested in that boy, he just seem to fit as friend, it's rather having fun then anything else. To about my crush, well, i won't talk to her about that. We are friends since last year so I don't want to ruin it, she's stright - of that i am sure. It happens all the time ; )
    my friend, well she fall in love in that teacher but to be honest, she is just bored out of mind and she likes things are happening. Coz there is no boy she would like to have a friendship, you see at my school there are like 20-30 boys for 160 girls, and she's not much social so the crush upon someone so hard to get close to is just a new shelter... And well she's not homophob usually but when it comes to her friends e.x. me she gets nervous and jealous and she says she can treat a girl like it would be a boyfriend but just as someone who tries to steal me ... For me total bullshit, who cares over orientation and the people I stick with. Meh time cures everything I guess or at least makes things get more senseless then before.
    Give me sign what with your special one, will you? ;)
    October 7th, 2007 at 03:32pm
  • rejected-one

    rejected-one (100)

    Well I am bipolar but now it's freakin pissing me off.
    My friend, you remember the jealousy one she fell in love in a teacher, well happens all the time but the way she behaves freaks me out -.- she's like the one and only, usually I could tell her everything, after this past misundertanding I can't, then she doean't tell me everything either, or rather she does but I'm not the only anymore. She tries to convice me i t's my fault... but I'm just straying from her more.
    The thing happening is that, well I'm bi, right, so there is a girl that we had argue with my friend, she's still there waiting for me, now this boy seem to be very funny, and we get along quite well. But what happened it's that i kindda understand that the crush i have recently, thinking that is not a crush, it's a girl from my class. I totally know she's not lesbian nor bi. i have no one to talk about it, coz as I said my friend is a bit homophobic. Can't talk to crush neither coz she's shy and would totally freaked out.
    Sucks, and I can't stop keeping on cutting which is bad too.
    Oh, not to mention a boy that is a crush of one of my friends and seem to be more keen on me.

    you seem bit better, at least your attidute to life and stuff. I hope it's funnier. Yeah, one person to live with it's all and enough of trouble, confusion and happiness I guess. I want to find one preciouse love too, the soul mate :)
    Well, latley I imagine that now as my hopes and faith are burnt into ashes, or crushed into pieces when the one will arrive I will propably just picked up some of them from the ground. You asked am I scared of being alone. No, but I'm scared that whole my life i will be alone.But then I will never know till I die what's still in future for me.
    October 4th, 2007 at 10:44pm
  • rejected-one

    rejected-one (100)

    Hi there, well I'm still sick, but on wednesday I'm back at school for sure... I'm not excited, used to while I was having bad flue and sitting at home I yearn to my pals and all, but not now... any wonder why?
    Anyways I'm writing coz like last week m friend gave me phone number of one of her boy friends (he lives in diffrent city) and we communicate through all this week, we had a laugh and so he seem very nice, thought i have hell no idea how does he look like. I will on saturday coz we decided to go to the cinema in his city with our friends... May be nice anyways it's relaxing to have someone to talk to, now it's you and him ^^
    October 2nd, 2007 at 11:01pm
  • rejected-one

    rejected-one (100)

    I haven't been leaving home since like friday coz I'm so ill.. my head feels like an elephant and stuff... no breath and so.
    did you enjoy shopping? ;)
    October 1st, 2007 at 12:21am
  • rejected-one

    rejected-one (100)

    That's sweet really, I feel about it same thought ^^
    I caught some flu now :/ it's like I'm addicted to pathetic stuff
    How are you? Maybe you're up to something on weekend?
    September 29th, 2007 at 06:33pm