Is this all hopeless or am I going mad?

Is this all hopeless or am I going mad?It's like the constant taste of pepper on my tongue. Maybe, for once, it would be nice to taste some jelly and trifle.I often think that my taste buds aren't developed yet, but I can still taste that pepper.I've tried breath freshener but it just makes me feel sick.I have shoved the sweet stuff down my throat, but I just appear bulimic when I gag it all up...
December 27th, 2011 at 11:49pm

Mendacii Key Taster Chapter: Chapter 3, Trust

Here is a short extract from the story: Chapter 3, Trust. This is when you first see the relationship between Jonas Savage and his father, Tony Savage. Jonas works in the company, Teneta, which governs the world, and Tony Savage, (referred to as Savage) is the Executive of the company, making him the most powerful man on the planet. Aliona Watford is the daughter of Samuel Watford, an old friend...
December 27th, 2011 at 02:09pm

Rantings of an Obsessed Author... (Author's Notes: Please Read!)

I doubt anyone has noticed, but my story, 'Mendacii Key' has vanished off the face of this site. No worries, minions, that does not conclude the death of my masterpiece, but seeing as not a single comment or critique has come my way, I have decided to keep it to myself and work on it quietly, consulting my faithful few friends and keeping most of the content private until a world-renowned...
December 27th, 2011 at 01:41pm