all time perv. / Comments

  • Dumb_dumb

    Dumb_dumb (100)

    United States
    Yeah, we all have different perceptions, so even if we say we see the same thing we see it in different ways. I wonder what they see and think, and I wonder if it is near what we think. They give us songs that are filled with so much emotion, thought, passion, hell, even rebellion.

    No, it is perfectly fine, but are you alright? What made you wander into your own world?

    I wish I could hear your voice sing it too, I bet you are a beautiful singer! =] I read this before I went to bed, and I actually dreamt of us both singing with an acoustic guitar in the park. Unfortunately there was little to no sound in that dream. Haha. =]

    It is great that you still have some experience though, right? I know what you mean by not feeling it deep inside. I used to do a lot of things, like softball and what not, but I was never truly in it, not with my heart. I still like it, but then and there it was not for me. Maybe it comes with being a child we want to be a hyperactive misfit. =] Could you get back into music classes? Someday?

    The only way I can explain a world without music is like when BLInd. takes over, except the Killjoys are not going to be there to save us. It would be all government, pollitics, war, news, etc. The world would be as you said- colorless.

    I would not want to be anything but sweet to you! =] Besides you are kind to me as well. We are suppose to treate people how we want to be treated I guess. =P

    Exactly! The distance is physical, and mental distance is much worse than physical to me. So long as we are strong in one our roads stand united. =] You do not even have to ask for support from me as well. You can come to me anytime you want, the comment box, and inbox is always open to you. =] Thank you for your promise, it means more to me than I have words to explain. =]

    It turned out to be victums that I hugged, I think my siblings got a little scared afterwards because I usually am not so...huggy, and cuddly. Haha. =] Aw! I hugged my teady bear too! =] He is a brown bear I think I named him Scrappy after Scooby-Doo's nephew, or whatever he was. That is so cute that our teddy bear's name is Gee! What does Gee look like? =D

    I wish I was like that. I was raised in a house where I could not speak back, and even still to this day if I try to say something back to a person who tells me that I need to go burn at a stake with the rest of the gay community I am scolded. If I hold myself back I feel terrible about myself, and it causes so much inner conflict, but if I do not hold my tongue then it causes outer conflict, and if that escalades, then not only do I have the person I am arguing with, but usually my school will get me in trouble (by my school rules it does not matter if you start a fight, or if you are defending, you will both get in trouble, which is bull because it means that I can not defend myself without having reprocussions that will fuck up college for me), and I do not want to even think about what would happen at home. It sucks though, because there are such fucked up people everywhere, and here there are quite a few, and they are more than willing to take a piss out on me. I have to watch every little word I say (if I ever speak) because it will be thrown back in my face, and that is fine, but it is also irritating, and it makes me think that people have nothing better to do. High school is not as bad as middle school so far though. It has not gotten physical like in middle school/junior high. Now that was weird. It was physical, and verbal there. I know a lot of people that do not think before they do and say things, and it just makes me want to shake my head at them. I can only sigh about most people, because I have given up on most of them. They decide to hurt their own kind, and go against their own kind, I want no part in that. Most people here ride a high horse, but they do not realize that their high horse is made of cardboard. Life is a game of Chess, not Go Fish. Chess is methodical, it takes time, it takes thought. Go Fish is a game of child's play (though, it is fun), that takes little to no thought. I understand what you mean by not saying what is on your mind when people infurriate you, and I am glad that we are so similar that we will not judge one another, and that we can be ourselves around each other, it is a big relief to have someone to be able to do that with, so thank you. =] And sorry for that babble. O.O I was venting, and it was probably random shit that I just spewed out.
    July 19th, 2011 at 10:15pm
  • Tayyyyyy

    Tayyyyyy (110)

    United States
    BALLS! D:
    Well, I hope you have fun! :D
    July 19th, 2011 at 09:00pm
  • Tayyyyyy

    Tayyyyyy (110)

    United States
    Ohhhhhhhhh nooo, why!?
    July 19th, 2011 at 08:03pm
  • Tayyyyyy

    Tayyyyyy (110)

    United States
    I can understand why, haha, no worries.
    And I'm thinking either it will be up some time today or tomorrowww.
    July 19th, 2011 at 06:21pm
  • Tayyyyyy

    Tayyyyyy (110)

    United States
    Haha, poor Bert, the whole world is against himm.
    Don't you worry, it'll be up veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy soon! :D
    <3 <3
    July 19th, 2011 at 05:59pm
  • DaniellaAutumn

    DaniellaAutumn (100)

    Aw, really? :3 Thank you so much. <3
    July 19th, 2011 at 04:09pm
  • DaniellaAutumn

    DaniellaAutumn (100)

    I got excited when I saw you commented on my Frerard lol :3 You're one of my favourite authors on here.
    Am I doing okay? I'm really scared that I'm doing terrible because it's my first time writing something that isn't for school.
    July 19th, 2011 at 03:23pm
  • Tayyyyyy

    Tayyyyyy (110)

    United States
    :D Frankieee's awakeee, yaaaaaaaaaayyyy!
    I'm glad you were so excited for that chapter, haha, sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you.
    But thank you for the comment as alwayyys, your enthusiasm warms my soul, <3.
    July 18th, 2011 at 08:17am
  • KimmaLoveLaugh

    KimmaLoveLaugh (100)

    United States
    I know! I'm kinda mad at him. :(
    Linda is okay, she just...needed reassurance, i guess. :D
    thank you for reading, honey! :D <3 <3 <3
    July 13th, 2011 at 08:07pm
  • Dumb_dumb

    Dumb_dumb (100)

    United States
    Who knows what goes on inside that artist's head. That is one of the main thing that intrigues me about all of them, are their minds.

    Haha, aw that is cute! =] I am the eldest of my siblings. And you did not have to shut up with Panic! silly.

    Yeah! It is the whole concept of "don't judge a book by its cover", but what in the sane heck do they do? Judge, and then their socks get knocked off and they shut up and walk/turn/run away. People are frustraiting. T.T To say in the least.

    That is awesome! I started diving into music only last year, or so, and I had choir class for my 9th grade, but the teacher did not spend much time on reading the sheet music, he said that basically as long as we can hit the notes it does not matter to him. I wish we spent more time on it, and that I was more willing to learn it. Oh well, I know the basics, but choir notes and string notes are different. >.< I think that it is wonderful that you were taught at such a younge age! I admire that you have the ability to pull it off. =]

    What if the world was all business? What if it was like Battery City and what not, expect without any Killjoys to save us? My skin crawls, and my stomach turns just thinking about it.

    You only have yourself to thank, I merely pointed out the quality that you have held since you were probably born.

    Maybe over a course of time we can change, our paths may not be together because we are so far apart, but even though we are not together we can be alone together and support one another. =] The road will be long, and it is a rough journey with uncharted terrain, but I think we can make it. =]

    *Blushes* Aw! Thank you! You are such a freaking sweetie pie! I wish I could hug you right now, but since you are not here I'll find another victum XD

    That is great, it does take a long time to heal from that stuff, and I hope the fucker that did this to her rots, and karma gets him right back (or some other force, so long as he gets his in the end).

    Thank you, it is just a bit difficult to get passed the mindset of watching caution signs of what personality I can be, and what I can not. With just about everyone that I have met here (where I live) giving out my entire personality is intolerable, and the looks on people's faces is sometimes worse than swollowing my pride and shoving myself down my thoart so it does not bubble out of my mouth. I hope that made sense, if not then I am terribly sorry! The two people that had accepted my entire personality were awesome, and still are, but we are not talking, unfortunately. I am glad that you are free with me, I like that you can be that way. =] I do not hold back with you as well, or I try not to. =P Yay! I am glad about this sentence as well "You're one of the few people that actually made me show'em who I am bluntly, without a fear of rejection, because I could just sense you'd accept me :3", that made my day. =] Thank you! And of course I would accept you, I am one of those weirdo's that you might see that hangs out with a very...different set of people, by that I mean a small group of people, but a very diverse group of people. =] Hell, I have even managed to get passed the jock steriotype and befriend one or two, or even more. =P I think it is funny when I talk to someone, and then after a while of talking to them they seem to relax a bit and their personality shifts, and they become this person that most people do not see, and that persons starts to freak out because of what they have allowed me to see of what is truly them, and they expect me to "run for the hills", but I only smile and we keep talking. I think that as long as people are not focused entirely on themself, and as long as they are not completely egotistical then they deserve a chance, however if their ego is too big, then my seconds are wasted and in truth I walk away because it is one of my pet peves when someone is too full of themself.

    Oh yeah, my sister is good, thank you for asking. =] She just did not want to sleep alone, and so I let her sleep with me so she was not scared, but then I did not sleep very well because when another body is next to me I just can not really settle...I guess it is from being younger and being a little too alert, it is a defensive thing for me, when someone is near to wake up. It is odd, and difficult to explain...
    No, it is fine, it is just a rather long story. I was friends with a girl for nearly 3 years, a bit romantically involved, but not dating or anything (gosh, I wished), and some bad things happened between us. My parents tried to separate us, and everyone that looked into the relationship (that observed the relationship, how we talk to each other and what not) said that it was abusive, and that I needed to get away immidiantly. People that knew me and heard of this relationship, that saw just back and forth conversations between me and the girl wanted me to leave the friendship and never turn back. Of course this only made me latch onto her even more, and some shit went down not too long ago, and we are not talking, and I saw not too long ago that this girl brought another chick to her house and...I still have romantic feelings towards her, so that hurt, I broke down. There are so many thoughts about it that run through my mind, and the situation of how we got to not talking I am certain that a friend of both hers and mine said something about how I said that I hate that the girl I have romantic feelings for is getting involved in drugs, and that in a way I am glad my parents found out about that and I can not "hang out" with her among other things. It is one of those teenage situations, but with a bit of a twist if you actually look at the situation. Sorry it is difficult to explain, and it is a LONG story, haha. Thank you for caring, you know if you have something to talk about as well I am here to listen. =]
    Good, because you are important to me as well. =]
    How are you feeling?
    July 13th, 2011 at 07:33pm
  • Dumb_dumb

    Dumb_dumb (100)

    United States
    Awe! And a bunch of his fans are teenagers too! I wonder what goes on in his mind concerning this topic. I mean, when he meets a fan and they are around our age, he seems to react pretty collected, but inside I wonder how he is feeling and what he is thinking.

    Oh wow, I was thinking that your brother is younger than you. Are you the middle child?

    Yay! I am glad that we can agree on music, most people look at me and would not guess correctly about the music I listen to. Is it the same for you?

    That is amazing! See I can not play songs yet, I litteraly just started learning on my birthday, and I have to wait to get the strings changed before I can dive into doing more than I have. Singing is pretty fun, I just have an issue with one-reading sheet music and completely getting it, and two- the tempo. Those are key things (other than getting the notes right), but I am improving on it. Are you good at reading sheet music? I bet you sing wonderfully. =]

    I think a world without music would be chaos. I can hardly stand to think about it, let alone discuss it because it is, as you said, unbearable.

    I do, I believe that you are very strong. =]

    I hope that you do not do that often anymore. Locking it and pushing it down, and boxing up your emotions is destructive on yourself, it does as much, if not worse, damage than a blade because it goes to the heart, brain, and soul. It is an inner scar, and those hurt so much worse than physical pain, it really does dove. I know what you mean about crying at night, the tears that are silent, the muffled sobs, the tears that no one sees. It sucks, and it makes you feel alone when there are not arms around you, and a voice cooing in your ear, or even just some other simple form of concern/support. It just sucks. I box up my emotions, and I wait until nightfall to possibly unlease them, even then I usually do not. It makes my life a living hell because of the stress, not getting proper sleep, and then the emotions get so out of control the box starts to wear down and I can not tackle my everyday life. I want you to have a better life than that, and for you to be able to express yourself, because it is alright to show your emotions, and it is more than okay to cry.

    You never have to thank me for caring sweetie, I do it willingly, and with open arms. It is important to me that you are alright.

    I hope so, if not I have no idea what I will do considering all the time and effort I will be putting into the summer assignments.

    It makes me even more mad that many teenagers are ignorant and blind to the fact that it is that their parents are trying to keep them safe.
    I never really broke curfew or anything, but my parents now have a rule about walking outside alone at night active for me now. It was because I used to take nightly walks during the summer and stuff, and I was stalked during that time by many different guys, and almost kidnapped once. I mean I still go on nightly walks alone, but not nearly as late, and now I always watch my back, and my surroundings.
    I hope that your friend is able to heal over time, I know that situations like that are so fucking difficult, and no one can ever truly understand what that person is going through.

    I think the first time I ever fully revealed myself, or came close to it, it took three years time, and me and the person no longer talk. She helped shape me into what I am now. From how I talk most people assume I am nice but they have no idea about the impure thoughts that roam my head. I can usually gauge what a person can take on when it comes to my personality, and I know what boundries I have with them, but I abhore boundries. I hate faking it. I have so many sides to me, and it makes people hate me at times because it depends on my emotions on what type of personality you are going to get. Granite, I grew up in a school that had us act like there was no tomorrow, so even if I was pissed off and in a cynical mood I could act like my "usual" self (the side that the people I am talking to usually sees), and possibly even ease myself into the personality that the people I would be talking to are used to, but other times I just say "fuck it" and will show some of the cynical personality off. I want it to come out, I truly do, and it is like constantly smothering myself because I do not let it free. I hate having to hide myself. It is the same thing as biting my tongue. It just infuriates me, but at the same time you might be confused because I am laughing at my frustration. Can you say complex character? Nah, not really. You never have to hide yourself with me, and if I feel that maybe a topic is sensitive, or something like that I will let you know, but you really never have to hold back with me, in fact I would absolutely hate it if you were/are. I will try to do the same, but depending on my mood it might be a gradual thing, or a very blunt and out there thing. =P If you do not mind that is?

    No! Never apologize for speaking/typing your mind, not with me. I like it, I like to hear what you have to say.

    You know it! =]

    My days, honestly last night was shit. I hardly slept because I was helping my younger sister get rest, and something from the past came back to haunt me, and sent a bit of a painful impact to my heart, other than that though my days are fine, thank you for asking, I appriciate it. =]

    <3 =^.^=
    July 13th, 2011 at 01:07am
  • Dumb_dumb

    Dumb_dumb (100)

    United States
    I think it is nice how they are open with the fans too, and open minded. Their talent, their creativity, their imagination is all wonderful, and we get to see it in action. They are so open that I heard that Gerard once said in an interview that he is afraid of teenagers. One-that is awesome that they are not afraid to give out information like that, two-that is both cute, and giggle worthy.

    Oh, wow. O.O Well at least he likes Thirty Seconds To Mars? Maybe with age he will like the other bands as well?
    We have some similar interests in favorite bands. Mine are: My Chemical Romance, Avenged Sevenfold, LeATHERMOUTH, Pencey Prep, Papa Roach, Panic! At The Disco, One Republic, Mindless Self Indulgence, and the others I can not think of because I just woke up and am still fucking tired, haha. I have been all over the place with music lately, from light rock to country to metal to screamo. My dad wanted to be a guitarist, but never really played because his parents did not want him to, so he settled for just blasting music in the house (I do mean blasting because it was LOUD) even since I was born. That is as far as music runs in my blood, or so I think. I am learning to play the guitar. =] That is amazing that you have music in your blood, you have a great taste in music, and hearing (reading) that you know, or at least partially know how to play the violin is marvelous, it really is sweetie. Many people in the world will never know how to properly pick up an instument, none the less to play it, it is wonderful that you have this much passion, and that you have this much talent involving it already. I think that shows great promise, and I think that your parents would be proud of you. =] I know what you mean about releasing your feelings through the bands and music when no one is there. I would hate to see a world without music.

    A tiny bit strong? No, how about strong to the point where you have me in awe? I think it fits, and if the shoe fits...=]

    I see your point, but you also have to let yourself have those moments where you break down and cry (so long as those moments do not involve picking up a razorblade). A lot of people would say that your parents would not want you to be sad or cry, but in my opinion I think you have to let yourself have that release even if just for a few seconds, because holding it all in will ruin you, and I am saying this from experience, it completely destroys a person inside, and their outside life will start to deteriorate as well. I am so proud of you for being strong for everyone, and pulling more than your load is meant to carry, but now is the time I must also ask when are you strong for you? Because that is my main concern, is you.

    Good, I think many people's Mibba life would be a bit drab if not for you. =]

    Ah, that would be about the same as mine. =] Unfortunately I have work to do now though. T.T I get to read a 400-500 page book, do a essay (which will be turned into a speech) on it, do another essay, and do 150 math questions. Yay. T.T All BEFORE school starts up again. Not very delightful, but it'll prove to be worth my time and effort at some point and time in the future...hopefully..haha. =]

    Yeah, I know what you mean. I have been through a few types of abuse a few times so I as well see things in a different eye than average teenagers here. I absolutely deplore people like that. How self centered and shallow are they to hate their parents (or even to merely say they do) for wanting them to be safe, and for wanting them close, and possibly for just wanting a set of rules to be enforced? Usually stuff like that is enforced for safety because there are people out in the world who will do things to others that are not seen in a good light, at all. Most people think "it won't happen to me" and then when they ditch curfew and then things have the oppertunity to turn sour. People in the world do get raped, tortured, killed, kidnapped, etc. It does happen, and some rules like that are enforced because parents fucking care. Gosh that gets me so riled up! I think people derserve to hear your feedback on that, and derserve a good punch to wake them up. I used to hold back too, hell, I still do, but I have moments where it suddenly because not so endurable, and the lock to my mouth melts. I usually blame it on having a chemical imbalence (because when you are bipolar it is said that you have a chemical imbalence in your brain) because the change is so rapid, and then moments later I am fine, I just never really want to talk to the person that made me snap, for a few days at least. I think that people need to watch what they say sometimes, I get that they are venting, but when you vent about stupid stuff like that you only cause trouble.

    No, never be sorry for venting, I like to hear people vent. I like to hear their opinion, and their outlook on everything, and anything, so it is more than okay. =] I hope that got some of the steam out, if not take another go. =]

    I hope that the days are going well dove! <3
    July 11th, 2011 at 08:47pm
  • Dumb_dumb

    Dumb_dumb (100)

    United States
    Oh gosh! I wonder what was going through all of their heads, and I hope things are calming down..

    I know what you mean. My brother is the same way, luckily I was able to sway him into adoring My Chemical Romance, but other than that my siblings love hip-hop, pop and what not. Very few family members have the same taste as I do. I have a more..diverse taste for music I suppose you could say. I like Metal, Rock, Screamo, Techno, Classical, Pop (very very rare times), Country, and basically anything else that is not rap. I like that we have the Rock and Metal in common, who are your top favorite bands? And do not worry I love to hear people talk so if you have hundreds please do say so and do not be afraid to go into depth. =] I love learning about other people. =P

    I believe you can, in my view you are a very strong person. =] I am glad that you do not plan on leaving for a while. =] As selfish as that may be.

    I think I fell in love with you. Hehe, we have the same opinion on that. We do not like tanning, we do not like the sun, we do not like sunburns. That was sweet of you to go with your brother. =] I appauld you for that, and yes I really am sitting down, staring at the screen and clapping, or rather I will be after I finish typing. =P About now! Hehehe

    Haha, really? That is awesome dude! I am glad I seem to have his character down so far, he is very silly. I seriously love his character because he for one makes me giggle to no end, for two he is so out there and unafraid and flirtatious. I love characters like that. =] So you can imagine how much harder I fell for your story. The idea that you were thinking of a similar scene made me not only break out in a big smile, but it made me giggle, actually giggle, for the first time today, so thank you. =]

    Same old? I do not mean to be uber nosey, but do you mind giving me a walk/talk(type) through? =] I am glad it is at least calm, it is much better than terrible, or angst filled. =P

    I am alright, just cramping is all. I have been holding my tongue a lot and I do not like it, though. Someone I know was irritating me with a story of how she has problems when in reality she should take a double look at her life and burst out into tears of sorrow and guilt for what she had said. Her life is wonderful, it makes me awfuly mad when people try to feed me bull shit tales about how their life is crap when it is nearly perfect. I know this person inside and out, and I know their public and home life inside and out, which is why I can say that her life is wonderful, and she takes it for granite too much. Sorry, I am venting a bit. It gets me riled up when people do that. How do you feel about situations like that?
    July 10th, 2011 at 05:34am
  • Whatsername'97

    Whatsername'97 (100)

    United States
    thanks for the story comment XO
    July 9th, 2011 at 09:59pm
  • shesmywynonna

    shesmywynonna (100)

    United States
    thanks for the comment on When Loving You Becomes Too Much For Me To Bear :3 I should have more soon, im trying to think of how the chapter's gonna end :)
    July 9th, 2011 at 09:28pm
  • Tayyyyyy

    Tayyyyyy (110)

    United States
    She was really just trying to get a better hold on the situation, but don't lose faith just yet.
    You'll just have to see what happens in the next few chapterrrs.
    July 9th, 2011 at 09:19pm
  • Dumb_dumb

    Dumb_dumb (100)

    United States
    Gerard has been suicidle? I have not heard of that, but I hope he is okay. I hope the others are as well, and that they were not suicidle. There is a lot of pain involved in being that way, pain is inevitable, and suffering is optional, but just thinking about suicide, I would say it is more so suffering. I wish I could tell you that I am not the type of person who would not wish things like that onto other people, but I have wished bad things like that on other people (to be fair the last one I remember doing that to was a man who punched a woman in the face, I am not sure if that justifies wanting his car to explode with him by it though). You never truly stop being suicidle, you just learn to either cope, ignore it, or move on with it staying in your past, but it stays in etched in your heart and mind where the most distress was put. That is my belief anyway, what is your opinion on the matter?

    Why would your brother not go to the MCR concert? Is he not interested in that type of music?
    Do you think you can do something for me then? If that was your last hope on this life can you stay here for me, if you can not for yourself? I think the world needs to see you, and recognize you before you leave, and it may seem sily, but I have a feeling that you are not meant to pass just yet. Whether you think it or not every life makes some kind of impact on people, and on the future, and I think we would all miss the good impact if you left so suddenly, and so soon.

    I hope that it gets better quick! I hate sun burns, any other burn I can handle, but personally sunburns irritate me. I dislike being in the sun, haha, if you could not tell. =P What about you? Do you like being in the sun? All of my sunburns turn to a tan T.T it is terrible, what happens when you get a sunburn, after the burn part fades I mean?

    Ah, I will be fine, I always am. I am breathing, and my heart is beating, I am fine. I just wonder what it is, and of course one of the first things that will come to my mind is things that are genetic problems like heart issues (I think we have that), stomach cancer, etc. Plus I have been getting odd illnesses this year. I got vally fever, a bad skin rash where my skin swelled up then turned into massive bruises (with the colors of blue, grey, purple, etc.), a skin infection, and that stomach flu. It makes me worry a little, but at the same time I have a pretty weak immune system so getting sick is like breathing! XD

    Thank you! =]

    You are so very welcome, I am sorry that I did not get it posted soon enough! I have been a bit lazy when it comes to reading, and have been working more on writing. In truth it makes me feel guilty for not reading it sooner, but I am definately glad I did because it made me giggle. Mikey is so mean, he just laughed, and never tried to help Gerard. I could understand though, I laughed too so...yeah haha. =] I am sure that if Gerard really was in trouble, or hurt he would be quick to help in any way possible (expect sexual hopefully XD ). I had a daydream before I went to bed last night about that chapter and more. It was something about when Gerard texted Frank, Frank woke up, looked at the text, and pulled a "what the fuck" look, but flirted back anyways, then walked around his house in boxers and drank out of a milk carteen. It was very odd.

    How are you feeling, and how has your day been, love?

    Eee! Love you too, sweetie! <3 <3 <3
    July 8th, 2011 at 09:27pm
  • Sherlock Holmes.

    Sherlock Holmes. (100)

    South Africa
    No problem at all. c:
    Dude, to be honest, I really couldn't help thinking you were awesome. By the way, you just climbed the awesome-meter. I just saw that you write frerards. Which I intend on reading ASAP, by the way. :3
    *flails* Can I just,like, adopt you? :'D
    Awh, thank yooou. <3
    I am jealous of your name. ._.
    Right now, I'm a little jumpy and twitchy. I just watched Dawn Of The Dead, so whenever I hear a noise I'm like "ZOMBIES! D:"
    How are you?

    Also; thank you so much for the story comments. They mean a lot. <3
    July 8th, 2011 at 03:43pm
  • Dumb_dumb

    Dumb_dumb (100)

    United States
    Yeah, I know what you mean. I think that it is what you do with those ideas that makes them unique. =]

    Yes, they will definately be in our hearts forever. I would not want it any other way.

    I am glad that MCR saved us both in a way then, it is nice talking to you. =] It's odd, I was surfing the web at some point and I looked up something on YouTube, one thing led to another and I found this weird video. Apparently a bunch of fans think that MCR is pro self harm. The person who put the video up had the intention to yell at the fan girls (but it should be fan people, I find it a bit sexist that they believe only girls can like boys) for liking MCR for their looks. Ugh, it was a bit infuriating. One-if we lecture, yell, rampage, or throw wrath about what is it truly going to do? Not really anything. Two- in their list of comments the person who put the video up also stated that children and teens (again, only refered to GIRLS) have nothing to be suicidle and "emo" about, and stated it in a way that they meant it as a fact. Three-they said that MCR is like any other ordinary band, they do not save lives. Four-MCR is Pro self-harm. And the list goes on. I was completely baffled by their words, not in a good sense.

    You should be proud of yourself. =] I do not doubt that you are smart, so I hope to hear this more often. Show people your amazing intellect!

    T.T that does not sound very fun. Yeah, their current tour is really expensive, traveling a far distance does add to it, so I see what you mean. Your brother would not come with you?

    Ouch! Did you try aloe vera gel? Aloe Vera comes from a cactus-like plant, and the gel helps to heal. People use the gel specifically for sunburns as well. I am very glad to hear that you are sleeping well lately, and that your days have been going well! Warm liquid helps to sleep too. =] Warmth helps our bodies fall asleep.

    I've been alright, I have been getting hot flashes and random sharp pains lately, but it will probably go away or something. It is probably anxiety. >.< Haha, but other than that I am well, thank you. =]

    Thank you so much for the story comment by the way! =] And sorry for the weird acts that will probably be comming up, along with the one that just happened. O.O
    July 7th, 2011 at 08:43pm
  • theword4live

    theword4live (100)

    United States
    Yeahh, me too.../:

    July 7th, 2011 at 01:49am