wildcurl788 / Comments

  • nthomas81

    nthomas81 (100)

    United States
    I don't like Taylor. Not in a mean way. I didn't before the whole dating rumor and before she was slated to be in their movie.

    I can't comment on single Joe.. I'M MARRIED! hahaha! I really don't think they were or are dating. I think it is publicity as it has happened before and propaganda gets my goat.. that's right I said it! Plus, I am pretty sure... and it is documented in pics and utube vids... I think he was dating one of Miley's backup dancers not to long ago. You remember the whole question came about where they asked Joe if he was dating his backup dancer and he said, "We don't have backup dancers." with a smirk. Yeah, it was true, they just asked the question the wrong way. If you have seen Miley's 3D movie, she's the one with the red highlights. But of course, deny, deny, deny.

    So yeah, he's free for you now.

    About the baby thing... 2 was good for me until I had 3. Then that was good and my husband is thinking that I will think 4 will be good... he's holding steadfast to that and my doc agrees with him (they gang up on me at appointments :). He isn't a barefoot and pregnant kinda guy, but he likes it that I am that kinda girl. Before Mellie-girl was born we were just getting back to being a couply couple. And then whoops we were a little too couply apparently.. hahaha!

    Actual funny story... the Spaghetti making scene in Sept Joe where he coerces her into telling him about the fire... yeah, that's kinda how it happened and boom 9 months later... yeah. Long story short... learn how to drive in a parking garage so you don't have to explain a dent in the door to your insanely HOT husband!

    I am starting to think that Nick being the only one to know is going to be significant in an upcoming chapter... dum, duh, dum, dum!

    I have to go back to the chapter and read the innuendo. I missed the R rated thing probably cause I was laughing so hard! The funniest chapter EVER!

    expect another commo on the chapter as soon as I can read it!

    I hoped I wrote on YOUR wall enough :)
    October 9th, 2008 at 04:32am
  • nthomas81

    nthomas81 (100)

    United States
    I called Joe and told him to leave Scout with Kevin so you two could have some alone time :) so when he gets back from Europe get ready hahahaha!

    That is not funny about the calling another dog Scout thing. I am reading the Twilight series (seriously I am hooked! total obsessiveness. I read 1 book every other day at least!) and when i was walking up to get my daughter one of the little boys I had in reading class last year said hello and I called him Jacob. In my defense, his name is Jack and I had just finished reading a Jacob-y part. anyway!

    Further proof that reality is relative to the crazy person who lives in it! What did I just say, I don't know. I better go. but I am serious about Joe so get ready :)
    October 8th, 2008 at 02:41am
  • nthomas81

    nthomas81 (100)

    United States
    okay so now I feel stupid. The thing I was thinking was beach scene complete with hula dancer... you know the kind you put on the hood of a car and its hips shake unnaturally ... anyhoo, one of you could be the girl with the crazy hips, one could be a fabo palm tree (my favorite) and one could be something else islandy... like a coconut or somesuch. Oh, or even the ocean, like as a backdrop panel and people could use you guys as a backdrop for taking pictures hahahaha!

    Now that I have let my imagination run away with me... it sound really stupid so never mind :) I am sure you will come of with something better. WAY BETTER :) we bought my daughters costume and it is SO gorgeous. It is the ladybug costume from Party City. I put it on her everyday, I can't get enough!
    October 4th, 2008 at 07:08pm
  • nthomas81

    nthomas81 (100)

    United States
    Thanks for the awesome review. It is so funny, now that I have had a chance to go back through the chapter I almost wish I would have waited to post it-- there are a ton of things that pop out that I wish I hadn't put in the story or ways I SHOULD have made it better... isn't that funny, always second guessing I guess. But I figured I had to put something up :)

    Okay so last night my gfs and I took our kids to see that Chihuahua movie and I randomly had an idea for you for costumes, but since I have had a chance to sleep I forgot it. I will definitely get back to you when it pops back in. My mind only has so much space. Sad admission: Just after my daughter (who is now 8) was born my husband made me go to the doctor cause I would get this raging temper and would forget things... like putting my keys and folded clothes in the fridge and more serious stuff like peoples names and one time I even forgot where my car was at the mall and had to call him at work to come help me find it. Yeah, pretty crazy times [I actually put one of the temper flares in chapter 7 of Enough Joe], anywho so this forgetting of costumes thing kinda has me concerned.

    What is the cure to increased tempers and forgetfulness you ask? Crossword puzzles and adult books (not NC17, just books with college reading levels AKA not Dr. Seuss)

    Okay so I am sure I have sufficiently wasted enough of your time with mindless chatter.

    Have a good weekend! and thanks again for supporting the story!
    October 4th, 2008 at 03:32pm
  • yorrieSTAR

    yorrieSTAR (100)

    United States
    =D Thank you, glad I could make you giggle. ^_^
    I really love your story, it's AMAZING.
    September 30th, 2008 at 04:12am
  • nthomas81

    nthomas81 (100)

    United States
    How did the date go? That is SO exciting... nerve racking, but that is where the fun is. Oh and my daughter thinks you should go as Minnie Mouse, but she also told me I should go as Thing 1 and my husband as Thing 2 so, I don't know.

    Did I tell you that you look like a Maggie? Oh and my husband said Kentucky tailgaiters are the craziest! I immediately thought of you.

    Hope you had fun on your date, and make all the sugary sweets you can. Its the only time of year you can get away with it. the caramel apples were DEVINE! Now I have to make them and hope they last until my kids get home hahahaha!
    September 28th, 2008 at 05:52pm
  • nthomas81

    nthomas81 (100)

    United States
    I talked a gf of mine into going as a trashbag this year! hahahaha

    What can I say, you gotta supply your own entertainment! : )

    My son went as Joe last year (the outfit he wore at disney channel games07 with the vest and red tie, complete with fedora and whit raybans), pretty hard to top that! He got a LOT of extra candy!

    This year he wants to be the Joker, Lame and not very original, but I couldn't talk him out of it :( My daughter is going as Jasmine. She has had her costumes planned out since from the time she was 3 until she is 13 and has decided that is old enough to stop trick or treating, she's crazy like that. I don't get dressed up. I never have, I have always just stood at the road and enjoyed the walk, even when I was young.

    Melanie is going as a lovebug, of course, with tiny little hearts where the ladybug spots would go. I wanted to dress her up in a tiny pink jail stripes suit so she could go as "Felony Melanie," but my husband didn't think it was very funny and I am currently on restriction from any major decisions involving the kids because I EVEN brought it up.: ) Oh well, sometimes you just gotta stick you're foot out to see if it'll get rund over.

    Anywho, gotta go try out my new mini caramel apples recipe. If it works out I might send ya some :) I know, it's only September *wink wink*, but its never too early to enjoy a good old fashioned over sugared apple :)

    The boys were on fire last night, weren't they?!

    JB junkie,
    September 25th, 2008 at 04:16pm
  • nthomas81

    nthomas81 (100)

    United States
    hahahaha! That IS funny! I can't imagine you being able to keep a straight face. In your friend's defense, I have my decorations up already, but I have small kids :)

    Are you guys going trick or treating? Or are you making her go by herself? hahaha.

    PS Guess who I saw yesterday . . . Scout! fully grown. I live in the country where apparently the dog laws don't apply (I am a cat lover.) and a dog runs through the property. I was about to yell at it, then saw that it was a Scout dog and just let it run through without the usual vulgar threat and rock throw. I was nice to it because of you, darn it. What can I say, I'm a softy :) I am in love with the new story! Congrats on a sequel that is worth reading. I think that is the hardest, hoping people will still love it. I know I do!

    Have a stupendous day!

    JB junkie,
    September 25th, 2008 at 02:29am
  • Thoughts.

    Thoughts. (100)

    United States
    Yeah, it's kind of weird, but it just sucks...there were so many stories that I was reading on FFnet. and Now I probably have only found 10 of those stories.
    I hate it.
    I'm so glad I found yours!
    September 13th, 2008 at 01:35am
  • Polaroids;

    Polaroids; (100)

    United States
    *Lets out a sigh of relief*
    I'm glad! I can't let go of them either! I mean come on I'm just reading but I got so attached to this story while on fan fiction! :D
    I'm happy you are doing a sequel!
    September 12th, 2008 at 10:38pm
  • awesomestuff16

    awesomestuff16 (100)

    United States
    Loved the latest chapter, but I cant beleive its almost over! That SUCKS, with a capital S,U,C,K,S. I love Waiting For You, cant wait for the next update. I really hope Gretchen and Joe get back together.
    September 10th, 2008 at 04:49am
  • messy perfectionist.

    messy perfectionist. (100)

    United States
    Lol of course Im reading! Favorite story on FF!
    Can you check out mine? Thanks!
    September 9th, 2008 at 12:16am
  • IKnowWereInseparable

    IKnowWereInseparable (100)

    United Kingdom
    Oh it's no problem (: I feel everything here is pretty hectic too. Yeah, I know how you feel - I pretty much feel that about my main story i'm writing at the moment, I feel like its going to suck and just i dunno never be noticed! Ahaha.

    Oh please do a sequel! I love how Frankie was basically telling Joe what to do; ahaha. It made me laugh. I know what you mean - You just can't let go their like your precious babies! Each chapter is beautifully written if I must say. Can't wait til' the next chapter! Keep the work up! :)

    September 6th, 2008 at 05:09pm
  • il0vemuffins

    il0vemuffins (100)

    United States
    haha. i was the only oneee?
    for reals? O:
    yeah, i liked that part!
    haha. okay (:
    can't wait!
    September 4th, 2008 at 03:36am
  • IKnowWereInseparable

    IKnowWereInseparable (100)

    United Kingdom
    Oh my gosh.. You don't know me, but your Waiting For You - seriously needs to be updated! Poor Gretchen. I love your characters. Perhaps a sequel? I can't believe he'd cheat on Gretch then expect her to listen to him! How silly of him. But in a way, i feel sorry for him.

    MAJOR FAN of your stories! Please do a sequal. I absolutely love that story and it would be a shame to just put an ending on it. :)

    September 2nd, 2008 at 04:30pm
  • nthomas81

    nthomas81 (100)

    United States
    Awesomer update! Is that a word... it is I just coined it! Awesomer than any other! I can't believe he is doing this to her, and after all he has sucked her in with. Poor Gretch ... poor poor Gretch! I can't wait for you ... hahaha.. to update again!

    Thanks for the gorgeous remarks too. We think she is pretty great, but it is also awesome to hear it from other people who are ... u know, impartial :)
    August 30th, 2008 at 11:11pm
  • Yelloh

    Yelloh (350)

    United States

    I iz a fan of Waiting for you. And I was banned from the Forums, so I cannot comment until sep. 23rd... But I wanted ot tell you it's a wonderful story that needs to be updated. -_-

    August 28th, 2008 at 05:58am
  • kelsxo

    kelsxo (100)

    United States
    thanks back, it's greatly appreciated. :]
    August 18th, 2008 at 06:54pm
  • kelsxo

    kelsxo (100)

    United States
    thanks for finding me! i love your stories by the way, gretchen is a really fantastic character. her and my character blair would be friends, for sureeee. <3
    August 17th, 2008 at 06:19am
  • keep_on_loving

    keep_on_loving (100)

    United States
    Hey! I'm Kelly, I was underdog.love on Fanfiction.net
    So glad I found you so I can keep reading about Gretchen and Joe. hahah, I know I tell you this all the time, but I'm kind of addicted to their relationship. I love focusing on Joe Jonas' fake relationships rather than pay any attention to my own :]
    August 13th, 2008 at 10:04pm