marcus mumford / Comments

  • pepper potts.

    pepper potts. (105)

    United States
    Ooh that's a good idea. I never thought to do that before. I'll make that call tomorrow morning. It's probably to late now but it's worth a try.

    Well... ugh. Well okay, I guess I skipped out on some details. But my father has never been apart of her life till last year. It's a long complicated situation. I'll send you a PM I sent to a friend a few days ago explaining everything.

    Business... yeah I guess it can go into anything. Do you have any specific plans with it?

    Ahh I see. Well if he is acting weird and stuff don't let it bother you. You are an amazing person and don't deserve to be distressed because of him. I'm sorry but I've never been in a situation like that before, but I'm just trying to find the right words to make you feel better. Arms
    January 22nd, 2011 at 03:21am
  • pepper potts.

    pepper potts. (105)

    United States
    Well the interview I went on last week was for a housekeeping position at a hotel. They wanted me there at ten in the morning. So I was. I sat in the lobby of there hotel for twetny minutes till someone came to get me and then it wasn't even really an interview. The assistant manager talked about the history of the hotel and who owns it. Then the lady who runs housekeeping talked about what the job entails. They only asked me one question and sent me on my way. I called back two days later, and the lady I talked to
    said she did not know if the position got filled, but she would get back to me; she took my name and number and never got back to me.

    If I could I would get out of Michigan and go somewhere where I actually have a chance of getting work.

    Yeah I do talk to her... well kind of. We send messages back and forth on facebook sometimes, but she makes it hard to keep up conversation and her responses are really dry. She's sixteen and lives in Florida. I don't know if we will have much of relationship... especially when she keeps pushing our father on me, telling me what a great guy he is and blah blah blah. I've never known the man. It's twenty years to late and I don't want to.

    Oooh what are you going to school for?
    And ahh. Is the friends thing with him to akward?
    January 22nd, 2011 at 02:49am
  • pepper potts.

    pepper potts. (105)

    United States
    Yeah it has been forever. Arms
    Life kind of sucks at the moment. I did have a job and now I don't.
    Went on a interview last week but no one got back to me about that.
    That seems to be the main struggle right now. Trying to find work.

    During the last week of december I found I have a half sister and on facebook of all places - and there has been some drama since I found out.

    How about you?
    January 22nd, 2011 at 02:36am
  • AMANDAbroken

    AMANDAbroken (300)

    United States
    Sounds hawwwt. Hahaha, what color?

    I know, like he's a really rad dude. I think he's just trying to see if I'll do it becaue he's been saying this for weeks but never actually says the shit he says he's gonna tell the creeper. Oh well, I'm hoping to get a job somewhere else soon.

    I know! It's just a fun envirtonment I love it. I wish they'd give me more hours but they only need me two day sa week :(

    so what's up? any plans for tonight?
    January 22nd, 2011 at 01:29am
  • AMANDAbroken

    AMANDAbroken (300)

    United States
    What kinda car do you have again?

    I know :( Like Ty's rad and stuff but I don't want to have sex with him. But like he keeps pushing it and like I don't even know.
    Bdubs is rad! I work tommorow night. I work 2-10 subway tommoz then 11-3 at BBW. Gonna be a long day but so worth it; i need cash monies.
    January 22nd, 2011 at 12:59am
  • AMANDAbroken

    AMANDAbroken (300)

    United States
    I'll take a pic when I get it back, hahah.

    Yeah, I hate driving in this shit, I just want summer alreadyyyy

    Ughhh, it's such a long story. But basically Ty has this like blackmail ultimatum situation going on. I either have sex with Ty and he'll tell the creeper to fuck off or whatever. Or if I don't have sex with Ty he's going to tell the creeper that I have a "rape fantasy" ://///// This is why I need a new fucking job.
    January 21st, 2011 at 07:09pm
  • AMANDAbroken

    AMANDAbroken (300)

    United States
    Haha yeah, I drew like cats watching TMNT or reading the perodic table. I just drew random shit.

    Awe :( Yeah it snowed like shit here, I was supposed to go bowling with some friends but the roads were too damn messy to drive out there last night.

    I'm goood; no school today. Slept for 12 hours. Just relaxing, no work today either. But I gotta work with the creeper tommoz for 8 hours :/
    January 21st, 2011 at 06:35pm
  • AMANDAbroken

    AMANDAbroken (300)

    United States
    I failed my chem final for sure; i didn't know anything so i drew pictures of cats on all 20 math finals. and i guessed on the 150 multiply choice ones lololol but i still passed the semester thank god

    That's rad brooo :) so how're the classes going?
    January 21st, 2011 at 02:59am
  • AMANDAbroken

    AMANDAbroken (300)

    United States
    Thanks and I totally owned finals, I have teaching professions tommorow but that's super easy it's just a chill out time and the only final I've been worried about chem :/ i'm just gonna wing it, fuck chemistry

    Awe yay! Do you dig your professors?
    January 20th, 2011 at 02:25am
  • AMANDAbroken

    AMANDAbroken (300)

    United States
    Same bro. I've have finals all week, no school yesterday or Friday. But the plus of finals is that we get otu early. The only one I'm worried about is my chem one. But life's beengood lately bro. I've been makingsome really good friends and Ty's taken care of the creeper at work and stuff.

    How was school?
    January 19th, 2011 at 02:50am
  • AMANDAbroken

    AMANDAbroken (300)

    United States
    It was rad bro! I have bruises fucking everywhere and my knees and lower legs are all cut up but so worth it. Such a rad gig.

    Same bro, like the four year old is non fucking stop, jesus christ he never ever relaxes. haha but they're fun.

    So what's up?
    January 18th, 2011 at 05:02am
  • AMANDAbroken

    AMANDAbroken (300)

    United States
    Oh well it's supppper tiny, kind of like Pirates cove except the stage is just one foot about the floor so like it's really inimate. And I went with my friends john, kyle and ken and we got there first so I was literally right infront of Anthoney And since I'm so tiny and crowd was rowdy I had both knees on stage and I was literally 6 inches of Ant the ENTIRE gig and after the gig he grabbed my hand; pulled me up and was like "you have a huge pair of balls (because he saw my knees were bleeding through my tights) and he handed me his guitar pick and the set list! Gah, such an awesome gig.

    How old aer the babies you sit on?
    I watch my little cousins alot now since I'm at my uncles. My one cousin is like an 8 year old chick, she's pretty cool. But the 4 year old boy is a fucking beast, he wears me out. Damn thing never chills out.
    January 17th, 2011 at 07:28pm
  • AMANDAbroken

    AMANDAbroken (300)

    United States
    Fuck yeah it was rad! Have you ever been to Grog Shop before?

    Awe, how many hours do you usually get a week at work?
    January 17th, 2011 at 07:09pm
  • AMANDAbroken

    AMANDAbroken (300)

    United States
    It went great! At first it was a bit hard balancing shit but I got that shit down and I made like 70 bucks in tips! Its just a fun environment and stuff; I love it.

    I've gotta cold now too :( And ontop of that I pretty much got the fuck beat outta me at the Bayside gig lat night, haha.

    But how's you? Still ill?
    January 17th, 2011 at 05:42am
  • AMANDAbroken

    AMANDAbroken (300)

    United States
    I'm so excited too!!! First night tonight! Got my yellow and black tee, black pants and shoes. And I had my aunt load my face up with makeup, haha. Hopefully gonna make mad tips tonight, I'm so excited.

    Because I'm with my uncle now and drive 40 mins to school I had him drop me off the lsat few days since not all the roads are plowed yet.

    Awe :( Did you end up going?
    January 15th, 2011 at 02:19am
  • AMANDAbroken

    AMANDAbroken (300)

    United States
    Awe yayaya.

    Yeah I fell ya bro.

    I GOT DA JOBBBBBB! Ty's mom hooked me up with an interview with theo wner before he left for vacation tommorow. I'm only working Friday and Saturday nights but they really need waitresses and Ty's mom is such a sweet talker. I'm working under the table because I'm underage and can't legally waitress booze and stuff, so I'm only getting 3 dollars an hour + tips. But something is better then nothing. And Friday and Saturady nights are their busiest nights and I talked to some of the chicks and they said on average they make about 50 bucks in tips a night. So I'm STOKED. Plus my hours are rad, 10 pm - 3 am, my prime hours since I suck at sleeping. Plus alotta the other waiiters are hawt :D The only downside is the one manager was like "stuff your bra, where alot of makeup so people keep coming back" 0_o :/ But dude so esssitteddd!!!

    The roads here are fucking redic. I had my uncle drive me to school and my sister drove me home, I hate driving in this.

    How's school going?
    January 13th, 2011 at 04:19am
  • Roseh; believe

    Roseh; believe (330)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Thank you so, so much for the photo comment Arms
    January 12th, 2011 at 06:26pm
  • AMANDAbroken

    AMANDAbroken (300)

    United States
    Feel better bro?

    Fo real but I kinda like the ebook reader idea though. Like it's kinda like an ipod for music. But I'm too poor for that shit, the library is my homegirl.

    She's trying to get me an interview that's right down the street from my Subway :) Hopefully she can, I'd be so greatful.

    I'm mehish. It's snowingl ike shit here and my car's brake can't take it. I almost got in an accident today. And the situation at work isr eally realllllllly awkward and stupid and i hate it man. But finals are next week and stuff, I'm stressed over school and work :/ But I'm seeing Bayside and The Sleeping this Saturday. Stoked

    How're you?
    January 12th, 2011 at 03:04am
  • AMANDAbroken

    AMANDAbroken (300)

    United States
    Ewww, i hope you feel better soon bro.

    That sounds like a solid idea but the thing with book stores is that everything is slowly becoming via digital online. Like Mike Shea and I had this in dept discussion about how thei nternet is ruining magazines and paper information.

    Welp, men are all douches :/

    Bro, Ty's mom used to manage all local Cleveland BWW's and she knows how tight I'am on money and stuff, she's like hte mom of Subway. She comes in all hte time with cookies and stuff. And so she's been trying to land me a job there because they give raises every few months and I'm still stuck at minimum wage at Subway even though it's been almost a year.
    January 11th, 2011 at 02:36am
  • AMANDAbroken

    AMANDAbroken (300)

    United States
    Awe :( Feel better soon! Hot water and salt gurggles are good for your throat. And if your lungs are hurting you should probably see a doc, because when mine were aching I found out i had a hole in mine and stuff. Sit on yo couch, sleep and watch criminal minds reruns woman.

    Dude, fo sho' that sucks. Like in my AP econ class I wanted to shoot myself from all the math bullshit. Thankfully I took micro economics instead of macro. Micro = not too much math, macro = MATH. Math = evil.
    Do you know what you wanna do after you graduate? Like do you wanna be business women/owner?

    I know dude, that's what I'm trying to understand. Like why does he care if I hooked up with Nick (which didn't even happen) when he cheated on me and basically ended our relationship? Men are dumb, I just dun understand them. And ontop of it, Kiel posted like this picture that was REALLY fucking personal, like it was me and him the morning after his birhtday and it was like me in my bra and panties and Kiel in his boxers and like we both had hickeys and stuff and my uncle saw it on my facebook (he has one) and he THREW a fit. And my aunt had this awkward sex talk with me today, omg so bad and awkward. It was SO fucking embarassing, by far the most embarrasing situation of my entire life. I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate him. Ugh, i can't even make eye contact iwth my uncle or aunt right now.

    Thanks :) Same here, the work situation is getting more and more awkward which sucks but I just feel better now with the whole new living situation and stuff. And ontop of everything Ty's mom might have gotten me a second job at BWW! I'm still figuring it out but I'm hopingI can get it.
    January 10th, 2011 at 05:58am