CircusForLosers. / Comments

  • I updated our story! God I'm orginised :L x
    June 18th, 2011 at 11:46pm
  • Well that is just rude he could have at least put a kiss on the text :/ Are you still going to start talking to him though?
    By the way I did go to the festival and went to your house with Josh! And now I'm watching Mean Girls, I bet you didn't know that! ;)
    Oh and I have this really freaky friend that knows all the words to Mean Girls and it's slightly scary too :S Love you really kid! :L
    I hope Stacey still doesn't hate us on monday still :S x
    June 18th, 2011 at 08:49pm
  • You never know it could be the same person :L Why did you fall out did he ring you at midnight again? :L Bless him :) What was wrong on the bus today babe? x
    June 17th, 2011 at 05:09pm
  • Oh my god we need to do that! Stacey says he's obsessed with you though! :L Bless! Oh and I can meet Daniel if you and Scarlett were talking about the same person!! :D x
    June 14th, 2011 at 10:58pm
  • THANKYOU!!!!! I feel loved now I'm on your interest thingy with Nathen and Daniel, I really do wish I had had the chance to meet them :/ I've put you on my page too, 'cos I'm nice like that ;) Love you!! x
    June 13th, 2011 at 08:46pm
  • I find your comment on my profile quite offending! I don't like you either you're a bit of a whale ;)

    But seriously yeah I love you really :D x
    June 9th, 2011 at 06:27pm
  • There is no way I could get a little brother.
    I did in a way have a little brother once... I babysat a little boy for three years, he practically lived at my house, he woke me up by running into my room and jumping on me, he watched movies with me, and I liked to show him new things.
    It was pretty cool, but we moved, and I only saw him once after that.
    His mom almost moved to my town, but I guess that never happened.
    I have abnormally high patience LOL.

    And yeah, my brother is a dirty blonde, with big blue eyes, and muscular.
    I always joke and tell him that it's like Hollister is making people now.
    I don't have any hostility towards him, I think it's funny as all hell (most of the time) like right now a girl keeps sending this guy over to our house to get him to meet up with her. I hung out with her just as much, and she doesn't even remember my name, it's hilarious!
    But yeah, girls think he's 'hot' and so think I should curl up and die somewhere, I find it amusing.

    Oh! One time I drank like 13 cups of coffee in one morning!
    I was in a hotel, and did it out of curiousity... It would have worked out fine if I didn't think it would be a good idea to drink hot cocoa, and finish it off with a watermelon soda (I didn't even know watermelon soda existed, so I couldn't pass it up) ...yeah after that I had a couple hour drive, and me being carsick sense birth, without dramamine, it didn't end pretty.
    But I did it! And it would have worked fine if not for that damn soda...
    I'm disgusting, tis why I work better with guys. You are entirely right, girls get so bitchy, I honestly don't know what to do with them.
    May 22nd, 2011 at 09:44pm
  • Not everyone likes him better, but the girls certianly do.
    Even on the internet I have girls being nice to me, to get to my brother! It's humorous really, but sometimes it sucks.
    Like, I have this pen pal of several years, right? And I can go 3 to 4 months missing her on IM, and of her not returning my emails, only to finally talk to her, and she wants to know how my brother is doing. Which sucks, y'know?
    But I've never been a big hit with girls anyways LOL.

    I have half brothers, too! Three of them, and beyond that, they're half chinese! And then I have a half sister.
    I've always wanted a little brother though...

    I'm addicted to coffee! I drink coffee everyday, sometimes all day! Tis a dream, coffee is!
    May 17th, 2011 at 02:30am
  • Correction; 48 year old man ;p
    I think even given the chance, I wouldn't hang out with people.
    I have tried the whole socialisation thing, but always end up ditching it... Probably the most comical thing about my attempts is that the people I socialize with end up liking my brother more LOL.
    Personally, I just wish I could take walks, or go off somewhere private, and read a book, or write, or draw; but where I live I'm not allowed to go anywhere alone.
    Walking with my brother defeats the purpose, so I stay home.

    Random Question Time!
    What do you prefer; coffee, or tea?
    May 15th, 2011 at 08:59pm
  • Thank you much for the welcome! ^^
    How are you doingg~? :)
    May 15th, 2011 at 03:13am
  • Yes, well people do think that is interesting, or at least strange.
    But I never have anything particularly new to say. If you ask me what I did on the weekend, I would tell you that I rented a movie, y'know? Like I dont go out places, and the only person I have conversations with (in person) outside of my family, is a guy who works in the electronics department of Fred Meyers LOL.
    Aside from that, I have 2 E-pals, an 18 year old girl, and a 48 year old man... Which people think is weird, but he's sort of my art mentor, and anticonformist friend... He's a comic book illustrator.

    But yes, I always feel rather boring.
    May 15th, 2011 at 12:22am
  • Thanks, everybody is so welcoming here!
    May 14th, 2011 at 11:49pm
  • Oh! I was born in South Dakota, which always smelled like cow shit...
    South Dakota is the joke of the nation, by the way. There are less people there, than there are in the city of Portland, Oregon.

    Homeschooling is okay.
    You don't have any friends, so I guess maybe it's uneventful, or lonesome... But I've never had a friend, and it's rather hard to miss the things you have never had, y'know?
    Over all, it just makes me feel boring LOL, seriously, people ask me ''what's new'' and my answer is ''eh, I read a couple of books?...''
    May 14th, 2011 at 11:01pm
  • I'm homeschooled, so have never paid attention to that.
    In America you graduate at 18, though.
    Where are you from, may I ask?
    May 13th, 2011 at 12:12am
  • I went through a long time just reading Mibba stories... But I had to quit, because I had a growing stack of unread/half-read books... But I have read almost all of them! Aside from the new stack I got recently. Damnit! The never stop accumulating! LOL.

    Elton John has an incredible voice, although I don't really like his overtly 80s songs. The 80s had amazing music scattered throughout it, but the 80s mainstream sound makes me want to pull my hair out, y'know?
    But yeah... I'm sort of obsessed in Soul Glove.
    You know, come think of it, a lot of that 80s-pull-your-hair-out-sound is coming back... Drats!

    That knuckle thing sound pretty cool, btw.
    I can't do that, but if I pretend I'm typing, I can flip the viens in my hand over the bones, so it looks like snakes wiggling... Which people think is creepy, but I think is kinda cool =)

    I have two talents, I can draw, and if my brain permits me, I can write.
    I can't sing, I can't dance, I don't know karate, I have an onslaught of one-liners, that when unleasehed make people think you are VERY strange, and my endurance is shit, like seriously man, you would think I was a smoker! I can't run to save my life... Which is actually scary when you put it like that O_o

    Oh! And I have no idea what was in the time capsule, it was still sealed. It won't open until 2051 =(
    May 12th, 2011 at 08:32pm
  • That sounds fan-freakin'-tastic!
    I have seriously always wanted to go...
    I had a curious occurance with 9/11- Osama bin Laden, a few days ago; I found a time capsule that dated back to just a couple months before the trade centers went down, just a few days after bin Laden was killed.
    It was weird, to state it euphamistically.

    As for me, I have a very boring life, so nothing much is new.
    I went out to a really bad dinner, and vowed never to go out to places in my area again. I read a couple of books... I have, for some obscure reason, been listening to Elton John records for the last several days. He's good, you should check out his song ''Soul Glove''. If you want that is.

    Oh! I have recently decided to try my hand at getting into a gallery!
    I have a fairly good chance, I think, and so maybe this summer, I will be an actual featured/exhibited artist! *happy dance*
    The gallery is a co-op, so it means working their occasionally, which is awesome, because then I get to see people react to my work, which is something I have never really had, y'know?
    May 11th, 2011 at 06:16pm
  • Tell me how New York goes! I've always wanted to go there =)
    April 26th, 2011 at 07:03pm
  • The statue is only about 3ft tall, but he's awesome =)
    My room used to be really messy before I painted it, clothes all over the floor, art supplies scattered everywere, books stacked in toe threatening areas, an my art tacked up on the walls; but when it was painted I was like, okay this has got to stay clean! And it has =)
    I do have some awesome art on the walls, but it's not mine, it's by an artist called Derek Hess.
    April 25th, 2011 at 05:19pm
  • I very nearly purchased a mannequin! But I didn't have room, actually scratch that, past tense is nonsensical and inaccurate, I still don't have room, as my house is 608 square feet.
    But I did almost get a mannequin... I have a lion statue named Leonardo De Regenald, though.

    My room doesn't necessarily reflect my interests, unless you study my bookcase. My bookcase is pretty much the secret wonder of the room.
    If you ignore the bookcase you see aqua walls, and no nerdiness at all... It's almost frighteningly mature, you honestly wouldn't believe a teenager lived here.
    April 25th, 2011 at 12:06am
  • I have all of the Star Wars movies, including Star Wars monopoly, I own a Joker bobble head, a Dracula and Wolfman action figures, a LOTR cave troll, I have a sword named ''Sting'' a Wolverine poster, and a stack of comicbooks.
    Not to mention original Superman cartoon collection... I draw comics, and listen to Iron Maidens ''Final Frontier'' album while drawing sci/fi characters... I kind of consiter myself a geek, especially sense I belong to Nerdfighters...
    April 22nd, 2011 at 07:06pm