When It's Over

I'm thinking!

Synthia’s POV

“I want to go see Katie,” I told him after Sam had spoken, I looked around the room and grimaced. “I want to make sure she’s okay.”

“Katie?” Dean asked at the same time that Jinx snorted the same name. “Who’s Katie?”

“Kayleb’s girlfriend,” I explained standing up. “I talked to her this morning but this morning, these men were apparently alive. She said she seen Jasper, whichever one he is at the store.”

“Well let’s hit the road then,” Jinx nodded towards the door and started towards it before anyone. “I call dibs on the next picking of the lock, Dean.”

“You can’t call dibs,” Dean argued with Jinx until we were all loaded into our cars, we drove for an hour or so until we stopped in front of my brother’s college, University of Kansas.

“Ew…tramps,” Jinx climbed out of her car and grimaced seeing two blond college girls, she had a thing against college girls with blond hair, for some reason.

“Ah the sweet sight of college girls,” Dean smiled and inhaled deeply before he seen me staring at him with one eyebrow raised. “What?”

“You’re a horndog,” I complained shaking my head. I leaned over and into the window of my car and whistled, scaring Tristyn from her game. “Get out; we’re going to talk to Katie.”

“Okay,” she murmured and put up her game; she climbed out of the car and pulled on her sweatshirt. “It’s still freezing.”

“Its like 70 degrees,” Dean murmured looking over at her. “You’ve lost your mind, Trist.”

“Maybe, but you lost yours years ago,” she smirked and nudged me in the stomach. “Like Syn here, she lost hers forever ago.”

“Did she ever have one?” Jinx questioned sounding sympathetic but her grin gave her away.

“Oh I feel the love,” I smiled and made my way to Sam. I hugged his arm and laid my head on his shoulder. “You love me don’t you?”

“Yes, I really do love you Synthia,” he smiled and kissed the top of my head, making everyone pretend to gag. “It’s forced upon me.”

“Oh you jackass,” I shoved Sam playfully. I cleared my throat and nodded to the dorms Katie stays in. “Let’s go talk to Katie, hopefully she’s not at class.”

Jinx’s POV

“Yes, I really do love you Synthia,” Sam smiled and kissed the top of Synthia’s head, Dean, Tristyn and I made gag like noises, “It’s forced upon me.” Sam added, I laughed.

“Oh you jackass,” Synthia shoved Sam playfully. She cleared my throat and nodded to the dorms Katie stays in. “Let’s go talk to Katie, hopefully she’s not at class.”

I sighed as we walked into Katie’s room. She was sitting on the bed crying. Synthia went up to her and hugged her, “How are you?” Synthia asked Katie.

“It’s been like days!” Katie said. Oh it’s not like it’s been four years since I’ve last seen my father. I sighed and kept my hands in my jacket pockets while leaning against a wall.

I was in the driver’s seat of my car waiting for Katie and Synthia, Dean was trying to hook up with some college chicks. Sam came up to me. “Hey,” I said putting a fake smile on, he smiled back and looked at the campus, “What’s the matter?” I asked Sam, he looked at me.

“Oh nothing,” He told me, I nodded. “Why’d you leave?” Sam asked me, I shrugged.

“Family problems,” I told him. The good thing about Sam is that if he asked a question and the person answering that question didn’t really want to say the real reason behind it, he won’t keep asking or anything.

“Four numbers!” Dean said smiling.

“Dean, that, that’s shocking!” I told him. He scoffed at me and I rolled my eyes.

“Stop bickering you too!” Sam told us, I laughed at him. I sighed as I closed my eyes. I saw images of Kayleb flash in my eyes; he was in a dark room. I opened my eyes to see a worried look on Sam’s face. “Are you okay?” He asked me, I nodded.

“Mhm, yea I’m fine!” I said putting on another fake smile at him. He knew I was lying, I could tell. And I was, I wasn’t fine, I’m not happy. I couldn’t find where my dad is and I’m scared that he’s dead, I sighed.

Synthia walked out, “Finally!” Dean said, I rolled my eyes.

“Why’d you take so long, it’s nearly like five!” I told her, Synthia let out a frustrated sigh.

“I asked her question, and then she blabbed on. She told me everything, like five times!” She told us.

“See! That’s how I hate college bimbo’s, not saying Katie’s one. But the one’s acting like it, ya know blond, big tited, think they know everything!” I said to them.

“They’re the best out of the whole pack of girls!” Dean said, I looked at him.

“Dude, you only care about getting them in your pants!” I told him.

“Hey I care about a lot of other things about girls!” He told us, I put my hands on my hips.

“Yea, right name them!” I told him, Dean opened his mouth, then closed it “See!” I said.

“I’m thinking!” He told me.
♠ ♠ ♠
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Jared and Jensen, looking all pretty.