Status: Working Progress

On the Surface I Have the Perfect Life, But My Life Isn't Surfacing

She has eyes that could light up this whole town(46)

It was 6 o clock and we were sat in some Italian restaurant, chowing down, hcum I mean eating.

My sister had said she had something ‘super’ important to tell us and so Maggie, Me, Davy, Megan, Mum, Marcus and Caleb had bundled into the restaurant and were now sat around chatting.

I was sat next to Marcus, who had been whispering things in my ear all night.

I looked up at Maggie who gave us a knowing look, I just winked back.

“You’re food looks nicer than mine..” Marcus complained.

“….We have exactly the same thing”

“Yes but yours looks creamier…” Marcus said.

He hung over my shoulder, his head by my neck. I giggled, I could feel his 5 o clock shadow tickling my shoulder.

I looked up, over at Caleb who looked at me confused, hurt.

I mouth ‘what’s up?”

“you two, made up?” Caleb mouthed back.

I nodded, at this point my sister began tapping her glass with her fork.

We all turned to face her.

“Friends, Family I- well me and My boyfriend have big news!” She exclaimed as we stared at her. “we’re…we’re having a baby!”

We were alls stunned with the outburst.

“But you’re not married?” My mother said.

I gasped. And turned to my mother, open mouthed.

“Mum, you did not just say that!”

“No its Fine CJ, Me and Giancarlo are going to get married. Just after the babies born!”

I squeeled.

I stood up and walked over to my sister, hugging her tight.

“Oh yes what am I saying, I’m so happy!” My mum had tears in her eyes and began to join in with the hugs.

Soon enough the whole table was involved in a big group hug.

I laughed and sat back down, rubbing my eyes.
Marcus rubbed my back.

“You big softie” Marcus whispered in my ear.

“Shuddup. I’m going to be an aunty!” I prodded him in the belly.

He laughed and went back to his dinner.

I looked over at Maggie who’s eyes were lit up.

Its so strange, like me and Rory are now ten years older, but we weren’t.

I’m 16 and getting married and she’s 25 and having a baby.

♠ ♠ ♠
Hello beautiful readers, Im so sorry for the lack of updates! But heres a little one for you! anyway if you have any suggestions for the up and coming chapters then just leave me a comment and i'll drop you a message!