Status: I'm gonna try for two updates a month. We'll see how that goes.

Is It A Crazy House or an Orphanage?

Mello's Past.

“Do you think I’m stupid?”

“Of course,” I smirk, plopping back down on the bed next to coke, bouncing slightly on the springs. “But is there some reason behind that question?”

“I know you went to see L.”

Matt and Coke both give me that “You’re in deep shit now,” grin.

“Retard, I had to pee, and then Watari caught me in the hallway and gave me my first assignment. Thanks for the support,” I snap, making sure to sound hurt but at the same time like I’m trying not to.

“Oh really?” He asks, it’s obvious he doesn’t believe me. “What’s your new assignment then?”

“Nothing special like you three get to do, but I have to write a report on some data that girl Mo-Mo collected on her last assignment. It’s pretty stupid, but Watari’s confident in my writing ability, at least, that’s what he told me.”

“Oh…” He seems slightly convinced, that’s good enough for me.

“God, Mello, why do you always have to be such an ass? It’s really getting old,” I retort coldly. It’s true, he is an ass. Even if I did lie, he’s still an ass. I just can’t stand him and his superiority complex, he gets under my skin! So then why do I find him so damn attractive? It’s not even just his appearance, even though he pisses me off to no end, I still smile inside at his determination to be the best, and the fact that he hasn’t buried his emotions away like L and Near. He’s different, and he is quite beautiful.

“What, can’t get enough of this gorgeous face?” Mello sneers, and I realize I’ve been staring at him through that entire internal monologue. Shit.

“No way in hell! You’re face is ugly as butt!”

“Oh really, then why were you staring?”

“I wasn’t staring!”

“Oh oh, touchy now, aren’t we? No need to deny it shorty.”

“Who are you, some lame rapper? Don’t call me shorty! And for your information, I’m almost as tall as you!”

“Yeah right! You’re a shrimp!”

“Uh…” Matt and Coke share a glance before getting to their feet. Matt awkwardly scratches the back of his head and mutters a quick, “We’re gonna go get something to eat…”

“I’ll come with you guys,” I growl, crossing my arms over my chest with a huff.

Once we’re in the hallway out of ear shot, Matt grabs my arm and whispers softly, “Don’t be so hard on Mello, he’s been through a lot over the years.”

“Hey slow pokes!” Coke calls over her shoulder, “Hurry up, I’m hungry!”

“We’ll meet you down there in just a second,” Matt answers, then turns back to me. “Did he tell you why he ended up here?”

I shake my head, no.

“When Mello was three and his older brother was five, their father left them. Their mother raised them on her own from then on, but it turns out she was very sick. Around the time Mello was eight, the sickness finally took over and she passed away. Her two sons went to live with her mother and father, and eventually, after hearing of her death, her husband, Mello’s father, returned. I’m not totally sure of all the details, but after losing their mother Mello’s brother started to lose it. He became extremely angry. I think it was mainly aimed towards his father for leaving, but one day he set the house on fire. Mello was the only one who survived, he happened to be at a friends house at the time of the fire. That was when he was ten, shortly after wards he ended up here.”

For a brief second sympathy fills my heart, but it quickly turns to anger.

“Yeah,” I snap, ripping my arm out of his grasp, “Well you haven’t a fucking clue what I’ve been through.”
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Oooooo someone has a crush on Mello! She's also very angsty and seems to be hiding something about her own past... Oh, did I just give you a hint? Hmmm, fancy that.