Status: On Permanent Hiatus .

We Don't Believe In Second Chances

Would I have been happier?


I sat on the swing quietly as I thought over the last day and a half. It's weird how I've lived here all my life. Went to this beach every day, and not once have I ever seen any of those guys. Or how hot they were. I wonder what my life would be like if I had met them long before I did. Would I have been happier? Would I be miserable?

I guess I shouldn't think too much on it. Knowing me, I'd get a headache from thinking to much. I've been told that I think about things too much. That I even over think. Cassie has always told me that I'm a worry wort. I would roll my eyes but I know it's true. I'm just trying to protect myself. From what? I'm still trying to figure that out.

I sighed as I kick myself off the ground and started pumping my legs as the swing grew farther away from the ground. I wasn't quite sure how well I would fit in with this group. They seemed nice and everything, but would they accept me? Once they knew the real me they'd probably run for the hills thinking I was crazy. I laughed at that thought. I am crazy. There's no denying that.

"What are you laughing about?" Zacky asked as he sat down on the swing next to me. I skidded my shoe on the ground before I came to a complete stop.

"Nothing. Just something I was thinking about." I smiled at him.

"You're not going to tell me are you?"


"Why not?"

"Because, I have a right to laugh out loud for no apparent reason." I replied with a smirk on my face.

"No you don't."

"And why not?"

"Because this is Baker land. What I say goes. Now spill."

"Okay, I was just thinking that a purple Rhino would make a good pet." I said smiling up at him. He started to laugh and he shook his head.

"You think I'm crazy don't you?" I asked.

"Yeah. But in the greatest way possible. I wonder what you're like when your drunk."

"I don't even know the answer to that." I replied.

"Are you serious? You've never been drunk?"

"No, and now that I'm friends with you I plan to keep it that way. I don't know who you really are inside. You could be one of those people that puts the date rape drug in defenseless girl's drinks." I replied.

"Oh, I am. I'm a big perv and I'm just itching to get into those tight pants of yours." He replied sarcastically while wiggling his eyebrows.

"You're such an ass." I laughed.

"I've been told I have a nice ass. Wanna see it?" He smirked while he got off the swing.

"You're bluffing." I said looking him in the eyes.

"Oh am I?" Right after he said that he pulled his pants down a little and he showed me his ass. I had to admit that it wasn't that bad. I quickly got off the swing and smacked him as hard as I could. He yelped and pulled his pants back up.

"See, I told you! It's so good looking you just had to touch it." He laughed.

"So? It's not my fault! It's yours."

"How was it my fault?" He asked.

"You just flashed it in front of me. How could I not smack that?" I asked. He started laughing. Then I laughed along with him. Once we quieted down I stared in his eye for a long moment before I broke the silence.

"Hey, lets go see what Jimmy and Cassie are up to. Then we could go to McDonald's." I said averting my eyes away from his.

"Oh, okay." He replied. I think he sounded disappointed but I couldn't tell. Once we met up with Cassie and Jimmy we headed off to get food. My stomach was growling the whole way to the fast food place.

"Sounds like someone is hungry." Jimmy said.

"Yeah. I didn't really have any breakfast today. I was being rushed by a screaming crazy man in my driveway." I laughed. He barked out a laughed and we continued to our destination...
♠ ♠ ♠
Breanna's outfit

Sorry it's been a while! and sorry it's so short! I'm having trouble concentrating. Comments = <3!!!!
love of vengeance