
I Lost Myself, We All Fall Down

"So you're the newbie eh?" one of the men asked coming up to him. Henry looked up through his wayward dark hair. At the moment, he was hunched over a file. More specifically the file. He had been given one case. After he had asked why what seemed a thousand times, he had gotten an answer he had not expected or liked. "How's little Jezebel the Bitch treating you?" he asked.

Henry sighed and snapped the file closed. "You know, maybe it's people like you that's made her into what she is," he suggested standing up. "From my time with Miss Yale so far, I have found her to be an intelligent young woman in need of some guidance in life. Since everyone else seems to be so unwilling to grant her that then I suppose that that responsibility falls on my shoulders," he said locking his briefcase and fixing the man in with a pointed glare. "Now if you will excuse me, I have to meet with my client."

He hated lawyers like that. People who did their job not caring about what they were doing, just simply doing it. They weren't worthy or fit to do their jobs. Unfortunately, where he worked, he was surrounded by such idiots. He wished that it wasn't that way, but there were somethings that a person could not avoid. He was just going to have to prove them wrong about Jezebel Yale. It was going to be a trial though. He could already tell. The girl was stubborn, willful and strong. She was the kind of person who would hide if they were hurting. He had a bad feeling that she was hurting too. She would never admit it which meant he was going to have to coax it out.

God help him.

Tossing his briefcase in the passenger seat of his beat up car, Henry went around to the other side of the vehicle. He had a meeting with Jezebel again today. He was hoping that it would go better than last time. He wanted to get Jezebel to trust him. She probably hadn't had anyone like that in her life before so it was time that she did. He considered telling her his own story, but decided against it. There were some secrets that were best kept. Besides, she would likely think he was lying in the first place.
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Ooo! Yeah this chapter kind of came out of no where like most of them probably will, but I know what happens towards the end so I have a goal! I hope those who are reading are enjoying this!

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