Status: Complete and thankfully transferred before it was lost. I just wish it was as good as my other stories. Oh well.

Keep on Preaching, Cause You're Not Teaching

02. Trouble Isn't Even Relevent

Isabella’s POV

“Hey Danni.” I mumbled.

Danni was Ray’s girlfriend. They’ve been dating for a few years now. If this wasn’t true love then I don’t know what is. She has shoulder length brown hair and beautiful golden eyes to match. She was about an inch shorter then Ray, but still taller then me.

Ray came in and tackled her to the ground. He covered her in kisses. This was usual routine. She works a weird shift and would come over and get Ray everyday. He would get of work. Then eat with us and wait till she got of work. This was quite boring if you asked me.

“You’re early.” She asked getting up.

“Yea I know,” I shifted from foot to foot.

Our door open and in came Jim. I looked at him with a weird look and he looked at everyone else in the room. I don’t know what he wanted but I really didn’t want to know.

“Hey Jim, what are you doing here?” Mikey asked as Ray and Danni left.

“I need to talk with Bella.”

“Let’s go outside so I can have a light.” I grabbed a hoodie off the hook and put it on.

We made our usual way to the elevator and out the doors. I grabbed a cigarette and lit it up. Mikey hated this habit of mine. I’ve been trying to quit for a while now. I just can’t stop.

“How’s you head?”

“Miles away,” I took a long drag and exhaled.

“What happed?” He lit his cigarette.

“Can you keep a secret?”

He nodded and inhaled the poisonous concoction as Mikey calls it.

“One is Mikey’s brother.”


I nodded, “He threw me around a few times as we argued. He said he might turn me cause of my stubbornness. Dropped me and sent some vampire call James after me. I killed him, heard a scream and followed it. Got her out of the way. Then my stupidness got me pined to a wall and I looked right into his eyes. Never have seen a color so intense as this at night. He put on a sadistic smirk and stood so close to me. I was so scared. He told me to go home because he didn’t want to hurt me.”

He laughed, “He used to be a regular. I wondered about him. Well...” He threw his cigarette on the ground and stepped on it, “We just have to keep him away from you. I can’t have you going into trances and not getting jobs done.”

I threw mine, “I understand. What are we going to do about him though?”

“We’ll wait and see. Goodnight Bella.” He started walking off.

“Yea you too,” I walked back in
********NEXT DAY***********

I was back out searching, like usual. I like that word. Usual, it’s so weird. I don’t know why I like it…I just do. It must be the fact that it has two u’s. I’m just weird like that.

“You are very weird.” By this time I turned around. Gerard was leaning against a wall. His clothes same as yesterdays and hair was just as messy. His, what appears to be his, trademark smirk plastered across his face.

“Look who’s talking Dracula.”

His smile, if it was even possibly, got bigger. He stood up straight and sauntered to me. Let me tell you this, it’s creepy and attractive. Wait, did I say attractive? Scratch that out.

“Oh so I’m attractive now?”

If you where alive.

He had reached me and I instantly looked down at his feet. I was not going to repeat last night. I felt his hand under my chin, trying to lift it up. I quickly stepped back a few steps. My eyes still glued to the ground.

“Loss of words?”

I have no idea why I didn’t just leave. I have other vampires to kill. Since I can’t kill this one yet. Note...I did say yet. Though, yes. I was at a loss of words. Mostly a battle of the good and bad.

“Oh come on, not a little remark.”

He continued forward as I walked backwards. This wasn’t a good idea but I couldn’t risk it. I needed to be able to focus tonight.

“Get bent Gerard.” I mumbled.

“Hmm? Now why would I do that? This is so much more fun.”

I hit a wall. Yep, a fucking wall. Just great…now what? I must have all the bad luck in the world. I have a wall behind me and a vampire in front of me. Now if I run…No he’s to strong. He’d grab me before I get a chance.

“Exactly, now you’re catching on.”

“Oh shut up. You’re really annoying.”

He closed the gab between us. He pressed into me pinning me to the position I was in. I still hadn’t looked at him. He, with one of his hands, pinned my arms above me. I was fighting the best I could to get out of his hold. His other hand grabbed my chin forcing me to look at him. I snapped my eyes shut.

“Oh, come on. Look at me.”

“No.” I muttered.

“Please? You know you want to.”

“No I don’t.”

He laughed. I felt a warm breath on my neck, “Let me see your eyes or I’ll bite.”

“No you would hurt your brother’s best friend.”

“Wanna bet?” His teeth lightly grazed over my neck.

“Okay, just don’t put me in a trance.”

“No promises.”

I opened my eyes and he looked me in the eyes. I was so scared. I was still trying to get out of his arms. I had no idea what he was planning. Most vampires don’t like to toy but we’ll get to se if that’s true.

“Gerard I got a girl.”

The new voice I heard was really familiar. I was dropped and he went over to the new vampire. I wish I could have seen him. They both stood looking at each other and I think Gerard nodded.

“You got lucky” He whispered to me. They both took off running and took the next corner.

I got up and ran after them. I’m not letting them take a life. I couldn’t see past two feet in front of me. I ran deeper into the new ally way. I’m not giving up. I turned, it was my only option, and got deeper into the ally. It became completely dark. I couldn’t see any thing. I slowed to a walk. It’s safer to walk now.

I exited to a new direction and a street lamp lit up the ally. Thank god for that. I could see the both of them. They where ready to start feeding on the girl. She was whimpering and trying to get way from them.

“Hey Gerard,” He looked at me and sighed, “Didn’t your mom tell you not to play with you food?”

He stood up completely and turned to me, “Do you mind?”

“Yea I do.” I stepped back a little, “Come on Gerard, you know what you really want.”


I took out my pocket knife and sliced my palm open. I quickly placed it back and he stepped forward. The other vampire who I still couldn’t make out looked back at him and me. Gerard pointed at the girl and the vampire moved closer. Gerard kept moving closer.

“Stop,” which he did, “If you want this, you have to earn it.”

I turned and ran the way I came. His footsteps we’re quickly gaining mine. I was back in the pitch black ally, trying to get through it with out falling. I got tackled by him. We landed on something soft. I think it was a mattress. I started crawling out from under him. He lifted of slightly and turned me over. He straddled my hips and sat on them.

This wasn’t good. He was breathing as hard as I was and he’s dead.

“You put up a good fight, but not good enough.” He whispered in my ear.

“No, I’m not giving up.” I started clawing his face. He grabbed one of my wrists and pinned it. The other he grabbed and brought in to his mouth and started sucking the blood out. I struggled all I could. He groaned and bit my hand for more.

“Get off of me.”

He sucked more and started licking the wound. Can you say disgusting? He licked down my arm to grab the drops that he missed. He hadn’t drained me dry. Why not?

“Cause I would never hurt my brother’s best friend.” He moved to my neck.

“Let me go.”


“Why not?”

“I’m going to turn you.”

“Oh hell no your not.”

He drove his teeth in and I screamed. After a few minutes he pulled out his teeth and licked the holes lick before. I wasn’t even light headed.

“I’m not turning you tonight. I just marked you.”


“It means any vampire that tries to bite you they can’t.”

“Okay? You’ve completely lost it.”

He growled, “You’ll thank me when it saves you sometime.”

“Can you get off of me?”

“But this is so comfortable.” He released my hands.

“I don’t care.”

I tried sitting up. Which ended up with me being pushed down and him nuzzling his head in the nape of my neck. He mumbled something I couldn’t hear. I thought of something. His legs where in between mine. I wrapped the around him.

“Getting comfortable?”

I smirked and flipped us over and off the mattress. I was on top and now was sitting on him.

“Ohh, trying to be dominant? Or are you going to give me a lap dance?”

“Keep dreaming.”

I got off of him and walked started walking back to the bar. I knew that girl was long dead by now. I had failed for the second night in a row. I need to train or something.

“Where are you going sugar? I’m not done with you yet.”

I turned and he got of the ground and started walking towards me. I took off down the ally.

“Don’t call me sugar!” I yelled making a new turn and running to the back entrance of the bar.

I had reached it and was now pinned to it. My back exposed to him and my head was sideways. I could see him out of the corner of my eye. He slid his hands down my sides and towards my pocket. He reached in to them and grabbed my house key and my cigarettes.

“Give those back.”

“Only if I get a kiss.”

I rolled my eyes, “Typical male.”

“You keep insulting me and you won’t get either back.” He stepped back and I turned around.

“So what will it be? Kiss or no kiss? Key or no key?”

I could get it replaced, but Mikey would be pist.

He interrupted my thoughts, “It’s just a kiss. God, you act as if it’s the end of the world.”

“Okay…I would hurt.”

He placed the objects in his back pocket and he came close to me. He bent slightly down and captured my lips in a soft kiss. I tried to pull back, but his hand held my head in place. Damn his strongness I thought to myself. Yes I make up words. So sue me if you don’t like it.

He smirked against my lips and begged for entry. Ha, like I would let him enter. I’m sure any other person would, but I’m not. He bit my lip softly. No is no mister. He pinched my side and I gasped. Which cause my mouth to open slightly. Of course he took it as an invitation and slid his tongue in my mouth. I groaned as he explored. Might as make it worth it. I lifted my tongue letting his reach the top of my mouth. He moaned and pressed into me. Definitely not cool. Our tongues battled for dominance. Sadly he won. He pulled out and I glared at him.

“Happy now?”

He smirked and tucked my cigarettes in my back pocket.

“My key please.”

He handed to me, “Sleep with one eye open Bella.”

I went in side and Jim was pissed of al the events that happen. Of course I lied and said I never kissed back. I served drinks for a few hours and got paid a few hundreds. Mikey had come and took me home, which was really nice of him.

“I have rent for next month Mikey.”

“Okay cool.”

That was the only conversation we had all the way home. We entered and he went straight to bed. I took a shower; I wanted the smell of alcohol gone from my body. Have you ever taken a shower and you get a chill just standing there? Today was the first time. A very cold breeze enter the shower. I got out and got dressed in my undergarments. I pulled on one of Mikey’s tees and a pair of my pajama shorts. I crawled into bad and soon passed out.

♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to foREVer.JoanJett

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