Status: Alive and kicking...hopefully

I've Got A Problem

Capitolo 5

“Listen, Bergy, I need some advice.” That’s right. I, Milan Lucic, self proclaimed ladies’ man am asking for advice. Who knew? I realized today that I’ve been beating around the bush with Olivia (no pun intended). I need to tell her how I feel. Of course, it probably doesn’t help that I’ve avoided her the last few days, but I’m a man. I’m allowed to be stupid.

“What kind of advice? Olivia advice? I told you what I thought you should do and you shot that down.” I rolled my eyes. I’m not a romantic guy and Bergy’s all about wining and dining women. I sat down at my stall and contemplated my dilemma. Slowly and surely, an idea came to me. I packed up all of my stuff and headed home.

I’m pretty sure I ignored every speed limit sign I saw, but I got home in record time. I took the stairs two at a time and used my key to unlock Olivia’s apartment. I knew she was home, but I didn’t see her as soon as I walked in the door. I laid my bag down in the living room, checking the kitchen to make sure she wasn’t there. No such luck. After getting the all clear in the kitchen I headed to her bedroom. Sure enough, there she was piled under her comforter watching The Notebook.

“Don’t you ever get tired of this movie?” She rolled over and made a spot for me. I took off everything until I was down to my boxers. Which probably wasn’t a good idea considering she was wearing one of her skimpy Victoria’s Secret nightgowns and I have no problem rising to the occasion, but it’s too late now we’re already snuggled together.
“No, it’s such a great movie. I don’t know why you don’t like it. One day you’re going to fall in love and wish for what they had.” I laid there and thought about what she said, running my hands up and down her arms giving her goose bumps.

“What if I’ve already fallen in love?” I guess it’s now or never. Just tell her how you feel, Looch. I sat up and pulled her up with me so we were face to face.

“I love you, Olivia. I have since the first day we met, which is cheesy I know a lot of guys probably say that, but I really mean it. You make me feel like I can do anything and I hope I do the same thing for you. I never want you to doubt yourself. You’re beautiful and smart and funny and everything I’ve ever wanted. I just hate that it took me so long tell you.” She looked at me and cupped her hands around my face, tears pooling up in her eyes.

“Do you think maybe you could repeat that?” She smiled and brought her lips down to mine and I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling us down on the bed. I let her hands wonder across my stomach as I slid mine under her gown enjoying the feel of her satiny skin under my hands. I pulled her over me letting her legs straddle my waist and pulled her nightgown up over her head. Leave it to Olivia to shock the hell out of me. Under that skimpy black nightgown were an electric blue bra and the sexiest pair of lace underwear I’ve ever seen. I focused my attention on that lacey underwear, which upon closer inspection appeared to have cupcakes printed on them.

In the back of my mind I heard the opening of Hell’s Bells and it took me a minute to realize my phone was ringing. I drug my eyes away from Olivia and jerked up my cell phone. Bergy’s number flashed across the screen and I hit the end button to send him straight to my voicemail. Nothing was going to ruin this. Liv lifted her head up and looked at me before reaching behind her and undoing her bra. I wanted to take my time and savor this but it was all I could do not to throw caution to the wind and go for it. I gently pushed her back onto the pillows and kissed her. I ran my hands down her side and toyed with the edge of her underwear before sliding them down her legs.

“You…um….know what to expect right?” I knew she was a virgin and I didn’t want to make it any worse than it was going to be.

“I grew up on a farm and rode horses everyday so there’s nothing there to…get in the way.” She blushed as she said it. I slid down towards the end of the bed, kissing her exposed skin. She giggled when I planted a kiss right next to her belly button and caught her breath when I moved my lips to the inside of her thighs. She was wet and ready for me and I knew that we both wouldn’t last much longer. I rolled off of the bed to shed my boxers and when they hit the floor Olivia’s eyes widen. I’m a big guy, 6 foot 4 and 220 pounds, obviously being large in size will carry over to other areas. Not that I’m bragging. Okay let’s face it I’m bragging.

I tucked Olivia underneath me and reached down to guide myself into her. I’ve had sex with a good number of women and one thing I know for sure is that it was never like this. I took it slow, letting her adjust to me before I picked up the pace. We moved together in sync and I knew she was close to the edge. I slid my hand down between her thighs and play with her clit. She arched her back and came apart. It didn’t take long for me to follow.

“I think it’s safe to say I’m awesome.” I lay on my back with my eyes closed. I could hear the unladylike snort Olivia made from across the room. She had gotten up and changed the movie after we had finally caught our breath and could move.

“Yeah, you’re not conceited at all, babe.” I smiled and pulled her back onto the bed and cuddled her up next to me. I’m telling you I could get used to this relationship business. At least I think this is a relationship. It had better be a relationship. I haven’t once heard her say ‘I love you, too, Looch’. I’m starting to feel a little panicked and self conscience, not that I’d ever admit that out loud.

“I love you, Liv.” How do you like them apples? We’ll put her on the spot. She’ll say it back. Right?
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I am the most horrible updater on the face of the planet. I had to crank this update out 30 minutes before I caught my flight to Switzerland. The sex scene definitely leaves a lot to be desired. It's short and I felt extremely awkward trying to write it sitting next to my husband in a crowded airport. Let me know what you think?