‹ Prequel: Slave to Destiny
Status: Same story is posted by me on Quizilla under the username ParentalAdvisory4382

Puppet to the Crown

Chapter 11


Chapter 11

“Here,” Sharada barked shoving a pair of jeans and a t-shirt in my hand, before slamming the bathroom door in my face. That girl was a complete bitch. A small growl was emitted from my lips as I turned shower on and flung off my clothing. The water was warm and refreshing as it ran over my dirt caked flesh. It gave me a chance to attempt to think things through.

Who was this man? How did he come by such an extraordinary place? Why was I here? Why were the guards after him? So many questions and absolutely no answers.

Quickly I rinsed the grime off of my body before flinging on the new clothes. One glance in the mirror and I knew I still wasn’t looking my best. My light brown hair was a matted wild mess. I could hardly run a brush through it if I tried. The jeans and shirt were a tight fit making me feel mildly self conscious. Sharada, evidently, was not only prettier but also thinner than me.

As I stared in the mirror something happened. In a split second I could see the most incredible thing occur. For the tiniest of moments I saw an old woman with blind eyes staring at me. Her wrinkled face was filled with joy as she openly grinned at me revealing sharp teeth as white as snow. It was so shocking I screamed. It was a natural reaction I’m sure. I mean even if the Night Mother is on my side. I was taking completely off guard.

To add to my surprise I heard the pounding of feet running down the hallway. The door flung open revealing the man standing there in an offensive posture as if he was ready to pounce on any danger. Slowly he turned his head investigating the room. “What happened?” he asked cautiously.

A small blush appeared on my cheeks. Oh you know, I saw the Night Mother goddess in the mirror and it took me by surprise. Something told me that wouldn’t go over well. Instead I responded with, “Nothing.” His eyes narrowed in a deep glare.

“What do you mean nothing?” he asked me in a harsh voice. I simply shrugged my shoulders in response. “Whatever. Come on,” he grumbled grabbing ahold of my wrist and jerking me out of the bathroom. He dragged me through the twisting hallways further into his residence. I could hardly comprehend what I was seeing. Some of the technology that was here was more advanced than the stuff we had in the castle. Where was he getting all this stuff from? He couldn’t possibly be going into the human world.

In no time we entered an office. Oddly it was a round room with a large wooden desk in the center that looked grand and imposing. Without hesitation he took a seat at the desk before flipping through paperwork that resided on top of it. Silently I stood their embracing the awkwardness of the situation. He hadn’t said a word to me. He seemed totally engrossed by whatever sat in front of him.

Perhaps he wasn’t as interesting as I originally assumed. If he was going to be an asshole I may as well leave. “I guess I’ll be going now,” I muttered turning on my heel.

Just as I reached the door he mumbled, “Stop,” half-heartedly. He could care less. I could tell. It infuriated me. Maybe I had been to pampered as a child. Maybe I was acting justly. Whatever the reason I was not having any of this. Without a moments hesitation I swung open the door and ambled out into the hallway.

In a split second, before I even knew what occurred, I was pinned to a wall. “We need to talk,” the man whispered in my ear. A deep growl was emitted from my lips. He had better stop pushing me around. “Who are you?” he asked curiosity sparkling in his eyes.

“Gabby,” I responded shoving him off of me with ease. Lies were becoming a part of everyday life for me.

“Gabby…” he trailed off as though he was deep in thought. “My name is Axel,” he finally told me leaning casually against the wall. “You should know that. Everybody does.”

“Well aren’t you arrogant,” I grumbled.

“No that’s a fact. So once again, who are you?”

He was on to me. I chose my next words carefully, “I’m Gabby. I’m one of the royal servants,” I told him casually. Surprise adorned his face.

“Okay…why are you out of the castle?” Axel further questioned me. I couldn’t understand why he was so curious. Why didn’t he just lead me out and leave me the hell alone? What time was it? My father would be so pissed if he found out I was no longer hiding out in my room.

Come up with a lie fast, “Well the Princess asked me. She wanted to know what it was like out in the city.” Well it was kind of true. I did want to know what it was like.

Axel laughed, “Why would she want to know that?” I shrugged my shoulders.

“I’m going to go now,” I muttered attempting to leave again. Axel seemed content with my answers and let me leave. He trailed behind me making sure I found my way out.

“Next time stay out of trouble. I’ll take care of it,” he told me as we made our way back on the street. A frown was etched on my face. He acted as though I was a child. I would hardly consider myself a child.

“I guess this is goodbye,” I responded slightly depressed. Axel was the most entertaining person I’d met in a long time.

“For now.”

With those words he reentered his head quarters leaving me in the same dark alleyway as before. I attempted to block my memories from the day out of my head as I wandered back towards the sewers to make my journey home. I attempted to not stare at the crowds in disgust because every time I looked at them I felt sick. They would let me die at the drop of a hat and I would try to save them all. They were so lost.
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If you love me you will!
Also I have a mild banner craving...just saying.