‹ Prequel: Slave to Destiny
Status: Same story is posted by me on Quizilla under the username ParentalAdvisory4382

Puppet to the Crown

Chapter 12


Chapter 12

“Where have you been?” Nathan growled as he stood towering over me. I had hardly been in the castle ten minutes before I was promptly attacked with questions on my whereabouts for the days. What the crap, why would my brother care?

“Around,” I muttered attempting to blow him off. Blowing Nathan Sterling off is impossible though. He has that kind of a personality. He demands your presence in conversations.

As I tried to saunter off towards my room, I was jerked back roughly by Nathan. “Something happened,” he whispered in my ear, “Don’t make me find out on my own. Tell me.” And he left. His words bothered me. Could I afford to tell Nathan? He was my brother, but he was nearly as protective of me as my father. My thoughts were plagued by what ifs as I wandered down the hallway.

Something bothered me. It wasn’t the fact I got attacked. It wasn’t the fact that Axel was an asshole. It wasn’t the fact that Nathan suspected me of wrongdoings. No I was bothered because I wasn’t strong enough or quick enough to defend myself. I was bothered because Axel had to save me. Slowly I wondered the corridors lost in my predicament. I needed a teacher. I craved a teacher. How very unlike me, I who never wants to learn wants a teacher during summer.

Okay well who could I claim as a fighting teacher? Without my father noticing?

My mind spun through all the royal guards that lined our halls. Surely one of them would help me, but as I considered it I realized they would all inform my father of my intentions. My father would want to know why I suddenly wanted to adopt fighting. I had to pick someone though. I could hardly be helping people if I was incapable of protecting myself.

It was at this moment I received a gift from the…Night Mother…I suppose. Well really I just ran smack into someone because I was to busy staring at my feet instead of watching where I was going. I know I am so smooth. Instantly I tumbled down landing on the floor in a heap.

“Princess Emily, I am so very sorry,” my ear’s were met by an apologetic voice. A small smile played on my lips as I stared up at the man in front of me. His name was Roland. Or should I say Sir Roland considering my mother knighted him after the war.

For being such a big contender in the war, Sir Roland had most certainly faded in the background over the years. His age and the things he had seen left him pushed off to the side as an old guard. When the new guards came they had little respect for his knowledge and he allowed him self to dwell in the shadows. It didn’t matter, all he really cared about was protecting the royal family, not earning another promotion.

“Hey Roland,” I piped out thrilled to have ran right into the kind of person I was looking for. Like a true gentleman Roland reached out his hand to help me up off of the floor. His hands were rough and calloused. They contrasted with my silky smooth skin. In a way I craved the rough hands, they symbolized work and achievement. Something I knew little of.

When I didn’t immediately walk away, Roland was taken by surprise. “Can I help you with something my lady?” he asked quietly in a deep, husky voice.

My head bobbed up and down like a plastic bobble head toy. Roland raised an eyebrow in response before waiting patiently for me to reveal myself. “I want to learn how to fight,” I told him like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Roland stared at me wide eyed. His mouth was slightly ajar as he attempted to process the information. “Why?” he asked me finally.

“Because it is something I should know how to do, isn’t it?” I told him making sure to use my best set of sweet, innocent puppy eyes. I may only be half wolf but I sure as hell can yield the puppy eyes at the best of times.

“Okay…” he thought about it for a second, “You don’t want your father to know. Am I right?”

A small growl was emitted from my lips. He sure caught on fast. “Well you know how overprotective he is. But think about it, it will only help. I mean this way if someone attacks me I can fight back,” I tried to reason. Roland was deep in thought. He was weighing his options about the present situation.

After a few long moments he nodded his head, “Okay, I’ll teach you. I won’t even tell your father.” A smile appeared permanently etched on my face after hearing these words. “But,” there was always a but, “we will be doing this on my terms.”

“What are your terms?” I asked hesitantly.

A small smirk appeared on his lips as he responded, “You’ll figure it out. Meet me in the rose garden at nine tonight. Wear proper attire for getting exercise.” With that Roland turned and walked away. I highly respected the old guard. I knew he had fought valiantly for both my mother and grandfather, but right now I was pretty terrified.

The way he said it made my words made my stomach flip in anticipation and fear of the unknown. Slowly I wandered off down the corridor head for my room. This was going to be a good thing. I could feel it. This is something I needed to learn if I was going to continue my daily departures from the safety of the castle. The thing that scared me the most though was the fact Roland was going to demand I change into my other form, the abomination.

My stomach clenched at the mere thought of the barbaric creature I could become. The mixture between the beautiful human form of a vampire and graceful, powerful wold was not a pretty one. In fact it was disgusting. I was disgusting.
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Roland is a total BEAST! Thoughts?