Sequel: Trembling Hands
Status: working on the sequel lovers <3

Waiting for a Breaking Heart

The Party Scene

“My hands float up above me, and you whisper you love me. And I begin to fade into our secret place,”

I pulled my black phone from my pocket as Flyleaf continued to sing my ringtone.
“Hey girl hey!” I cheered answering the call. I was currently moving breakable things from Alex’s living room into the large closet upstairs. He and I had hardly looked at each other since this afternoon.

Zack passed me mouthing ‘Who is it?’ I mouthed back at him ‘Tell you later’.

“So you’re in town?” I asked once the girl on the line stopped rambling on about some crazy story. I made sure my hands were free save for my phone. A split second later a girly scream came out of my mouth as I jumped up and down. It didn’t take more than two seconds for Alex’s messy head to rush up the stairs with Jack in close pursuit.

“Shana what happened?” Jack asked looking around for something to cause my screaming.

“Are you okay?” Alex asked scratching his head not seeing anything out of the ordinary.

I sighed and took the phone away from my ear. “Tabby is in town!” I squealed again and jumped on Jack who easily caught me.

“Is she on the phone?” He asked slipping it out of my hand and put it up to his ear. “Hello? Tabbycat?” His smile grew as my other best friend’s voice rolled out of the phone.

“Tabby?” Alex questioned hooking his fingers around the belt loops on his pants.

I squirmed a little and Jack let me down while continuing his conversation on the phone. “Tabby! She moved a couple years back, but she was my next door neighbor and gave Jack a run for his money on being my ultimate bestie.” I explained poking the skinny boy in the side.

I saw the older boy just nod his head. I sighed, “Yea I know, cool story bro. Whatever.”

I began to walk back down the stairs to collect more stuff. “Well…does she want come tonight?” He asked calling after me.

I turned to see him ruffling his dark hair and following me. “Are you…being nice to me?” I inquired raising a perfected plucked eyebrow.

He let out a breath and took a couple more steps so we were standing only a small distance from each other. “Rian suggested I try to be nicer and maybe you’d stop terrorizing me. Like you know…sending your new pet after me.” He said mumbling the last part a bit.

A smile was tugging at my lips, I fought it back. I crossed my arms and licked my lips. “Deal. I won’t tell Ashley anymore bullshit to get her to chase after you.” I pushed my hair from my eyes to make sure he knew I was staring at him. “Well you know, for now. Us being nice to each other forever is a ridiculous thought.” I shot him a wink and walked away to go find more glass to hide from drunken idiots.

As I turned away I couldn’t help but smirk to myself. No further bullshit didn’t mean anything to all the bullshit I’d told her after the café earlier. Alex had this coming to him.

"What were you really planning with Ashley? I can tell she annoys and astonishes you with her intelligence." Alex called after me again.

I paused and turned to speak to him again. "Feed her loads of crap about you so she was brave enough to throw herself at you. You were supposed to do the exact opposite of what I was telling her and act like the horndog you are."

I ran a hand through my hair pushing my bangs off my face. As sigh escaped, "I wasn't supposed to be dealing with her still. The term is hit it and quit it darling."

Alex laughed brilliantly and shook his head. "I had a feeling that's what you were up to. That's why I kept her around."

"To piss me off?" I paused to think about that. "You get props. Well played Alexander."


Jack hung up the phone with Tabby and walked down the stairs slipping Shana’s phone into his pocket to give her later. He walked down a bit to notice Alex and Shana actually having a conversation.

A slight smile crossed his face. He liked it when his best friends got alone with each other. Sinking down he stopped to listen to them.

After Shana walked away he stood up and put a hand on Alex’s shoulder.
“Don’t say it dude,” he muttered and walked into the kitchen to get out the chips and various chasers for the party later.


“Jacky! Come with me to go get Tabby! She got dropped off at my house!” I shouted running through Alex’s party proofed house.

Alex walked through carrying the illegal liquids I knew he stored up in his room. “And what are you going to tell your mom? Hey, we’re just going to go get shit faced and mac on dudes at a party. See ya tomorrow mommy!” He asked setting the glass bottles down on the counter.

I spun my keys around my finger and pretended to think about it for a second. “That’s pretty much it. I’ll be telling her that you’re having a get together and we’re staying at your house. She loves you for whatever reason.” I explained grabbing Jack’s hand and starting towards the door.

“Tell her she’s a smart woman. All people with their heads on right love me!”

“Har har har, we all know I’m off my rocker Lex!” I shouted back at him and hopped in my car with Jack.

“Did you call him Lex?” Jack asked as we drove the three minutes back to my house.

I gave him a quick glance before looking back at the road. I shrugged, “I guess? I think we’re being civil for the party.”

Jack stayed quiet for a minute looking out the window. “I like it when you two get along. You’d be really good friends if you let yourself. Alex isn’t a bad guy, and he tries, but you shut him down.”

“He irritates me.”

“You just don’t like that you can’t get him to do whatever you want.”

“That’s so not true! I love you and you don’t do whatever I want!” I protested pulling into my driveway.

Jack laughed, “No, but you know I would if you asked. Besides I’m just too adorable not to love!” He brought his hands together and swiveled side to side.

“So you haven’t changed at all Barakitty.”

The both of us turned to the back seat where a girl with long blond hair was sitting with a smirk on her face.

I literally jumped from the front seat and attacked her. “Tabby! Tabby! Taaabby! I missed you girl!” I screamed not letting her out of the hug.

“Banana! Bananaaa! I want some Tabby love-ins toooo!” Jack whined like a little child holding his arms out like I stole his teddy bear.

Both of us girls laughed before she moved into Jack’s arms to give him a hug as well. “How have you been Barakitty?” He didn’t respond just shook her around a bit more.

After the hugging and gushing was over I got back up front. “I already told your mom we were going over to Alex’s.” Tabby told me buckling her seat belt. “Oh and I raided your closet. I figured you’d already be dressed for a party because…well you’re you and always fashionably dressed. But I grabbed clothes for me. It’s really good you have your outfits set together otherwise I’d never know how to dress with all your nice clothing.” My blond friend said letting another bright laugh out.

Tabby, well Tabitha, was my next door neighbor since before I could remember. I tended to avoid her as a young child. Jack though, because we met as really young children, thought we should get to know her. That might have been the smartest decision he’s ever made.
After that the three of us were best friends and did practically everything together. Tabby’s parent’s got divorced when we were 13. Her mom got custody and moved to Oregon. Every now and then she’d be allowed to see her dad and would visit. It was typically only for a day though. Her dad moved out of town and lived a couple hours away.

Our trio made its way back to Alex’s house. It was about an hour before people started showing up for the party. We still had to make playlists so the right music played all night. The furniture had to be pushed off the dance floor. The bedrooms had to be stocked with condoms in easy places.

I personally said we shouldn’t put condoms out because it’s funnier when dumb bitches get pregnant. The guys gave me a look and said getting pregnant was not funny. Apparently it’s the scariest word in the guy world. …Which you know made me laugh harder.

Tabby was introduced to everyone and was fitting in perfectly. I smiled liking that my best friend was getting along so well with all my current friends.

I was watching the blond jump onto the counter and dance as Rian and Zack laughed at her nerd moves. An arm found its way over my shoulders. No one was here yet so assuming it was Jack I leaned into them.

“Any reason why Ashley just proclaimed her passion for me and I quote ‘will not be getting any of her special lala’s in the magical land of vaglanda’ if I don’t make her my girlfriend because I’m scared of loving?” The perfectly timed voice whispered so close I could feel his breath.

I straightened myself up and tried to get out of Alex’s grip. He spun me around so that his forehead was pressed against mine and his hands were locked behind my neck.

“Did she really say special lala’s?”

“Practically the first thing out of her mouth.”

I closed my eyes only opening them to see Alex’s chestnut eyes staring right back at me.

“I told her to use normal person words.”

The taller boy sighed and stood up letting me go, “You’re forgiven.”

“What?” I asked not really understanding this new concept of us getting along. “You’re being weird.” Since when did Alex and I forgive? Being civil for the party was one thing.

“You’re forgiven. I deserved it; I shouldn’t have said what I did to you.” He walked off into the kitchen to grab a drink before the party officially started.

I stood there for a bit longer really wondering what had gotten into him since this afternoon.
“Heeey baby!” Tabby screamed running and jumping onto me. The both of us tumbled to the ground in a fit of laughter.

“Eh baby!” I responded wiggling my eyebrows at the younger girl sitting on my stomach.

“Damn girl! Did you get skinnier?!” She exclaimed poking at my hips. “Ima have to feed you up, make you plump and fat! Good for the eatins!” She followed that sentence with an evil cackle and began to tickle my sides.

I fought her until I’d turned the table and was now the one sitting on her. “Don’t you talk about me missy! You were always my doll cause you’re so skinny remember?” I reminded her laughing someone. She always let me dress her up in all sorts of outfits. She fit perfectly into everything.

I could hear Zack talking to Rian, “So this is what a girl sleepover is like…it’s nice.”

“Kara why don’t you have more slumber parties at my house?” Rian accused jokingly before pulling her into a hug.

“Hello my lovely ladies, I’ll be at your service tonight. Here are your drinks to start out the night.” Jack sat down next to us and held out two cup for us.

I hopped off Tabby and took the drink happily. Tabby didn’t hesitate to accept the cup from Jack either. The three of us sat on the floor taking sips from the cliché red cups.

“Hey guys any idea why Alex is being so sickly sweet to me?” I asked taking another drink and feeling the usual burn of whatever alcohol Jack had mixed in the cup with soda.

Tabby laughed and said she’d let Jack that the question.

“It took the convincing of both you’re best friends that if he’s nothing but nice to you, you’ll have no choice but to be nice to him. As much as you’d like to deny it, you have a conscience and won’t be flat out mean.” Jack said patting my head before getting up to go to the kitchen.


“Body shots!” A girl whose voice I didn’t exactly remember sounding that damn girly, but definitely knew as my own screamed. Zack picked me up off the counter by my waist and shook his head. I giggled violently before letting my head loll back to look at all the people in the kitchen. “Zackery!”

“Shana where’d you lose your shirt?” He asked as he carried me upstairs, away from the alcohol and most of the party. He set me down in Alex’s room.

As soon as my feet touched the ground I started twirling until I lost my balance and fell onto Alex’s bed. I giggled some more and looked back towards Zack. “I didn’t know I had a shirt!” I practically screamed just for the hell of it.

He shook his head and tossed something at me. I screamed but realized it was just one of Alex’s shirts. I put it on and stood up again. “Why aren’t you as silly as me?” I asked poking him in his defined chest and inevitably falling into him.

Zack laughed and began to lead me out of the room again. “Because I’m not as much of a light weight as you. Now don’t lose that shirt or I’ll come find you again. Run along and be a good girl.” He said patting my head and sending me on my way.

I smiled like a cat before looking down to see what I was wearing. From what I could see it was one of Alex’s Blink shirts. With a shrug I skipped off to find someone I knew.

“Baaanaaanaaa!” I turned in time to run straight into Jack slurring his nickname for me. “Where have you been you naughty girl?”

I laughed violently, “Jacky baby! Zack took me upstairs to get a new shirt cause I apparently lost mine.”

Jack laughed along with me while the both of us willingly moved with the crowd towards the dance floor. “That’s sad, I liiiked your shirt.”

The both of us were giggling idiots running around the house. We found ourselves in the kitchen. My bright blue eyes fell onto the clock. "Oh my gosh Jack!!!" I screamed shaking him by the shoulders.

"Whaaaat?!" He asked with a terrified gleam in his brown eyes.

I smiled, "It's after midnight! Do you know what that means?"

Jack and I simultaneously jumped up and down like school girls. "Alex is eighteen!! Happy birthday Alex!!" It only took the two of us screaming to get the whole house shouting it as well.

Rian walked by and I tackled him. "Ri! Where's Alex? It's his birfday!" I giggled dropping myself to the ground again.

"I haven't seen him around for a while, I dunno." He responded before moving towards Kara.

Jack suddenly had his arms wrapped over me again. "Where's Tabby?" I asked him noticing I hadn't seen her recently either. Jack shrugged and held up two shot glasses full of what smelt like vodka.

I sort of stopped remembering what was happening after that. My world was like stop motion.

Jack and I were dancing like goofs.

Jack and I weren’t dancing so goofy.

Jack and I weren’t dancing how friends should dance at all.

Jack and I were stumbling somewhere laughing like lunatics.

Jack and I had gotten drinks.

Jack and I were against a wall.

Jack was a brilliant kisser.
♠ ♠ ♠
I like this chapter.
I think it's kind of funny trying to write the story from the eyes of a drunk person.
Giggly drunks are the best!
They laugh at all your motherfucking WORST jokes!
Oh and I guess that part with Alex was cute too...
pshhh whatever, no one reading an Alex story wants to hear about him right?
- Andi :]]
[btw! if you want the next chapter soon, you're gonna want to leave some feedback. it's a critical point in the story]]