Status: Keep it or Forget it?

Just One Mistake

Sweetest Goodbye


So Milou decided to pick two fans at random to have come and hang with each of us guys for about 7 minutes and then get to go towards the front of the line to get into the venue. So she picked these two girls, Amanda and Lacey. So I am spending my 7 minutes with them when Milou comes bursting through the door, apologizing to the girl, and then yelling at me for not locking up the bus. It was a dumb move, and I didn’t mean to do it. I know she isn’t as mad as she is acting, but the guys will find out what happened so she has to pretend that she is pissed so the guys will remember the yelling and it will all make sense. That and she has to act like this in front of anyone who isn’t me or Michael.

“Sorry girls. ZACHARY DAVID PORTER!!! What the hell! You trying to have everyone lose their personal items and have them sold on embay? I mean really just leave the bus unlocked, I don’t mind if my computer gets stolen.” She says her voice dripping from sarcasm. “Oh and then there is Nathan’s guitar that means the world to him, and Cameron’s bass, and Michael’s beanie! What the hell was that!”


“No! you know what forget it! Just GRRR!!! Remember to lock the bus next time, or else that pretty little face of yours won’t be so pretty when my computer is gone!”

“What the hell is her deal?” Amanda says.

“How could she talk to you like that?”Lacey says, followed by Amanda saying, “Aren’t you her boss or something?”

“Either way she shouldn’t have spoken to you like that! I mean you didn’t mean to leave it unlocked.”

I decide this is when I have heard enough because I know I deserve worse than all the crap she has ever given me considering what I have put her through, and because I know it isn’t real, but they don’t, and they can’t.

“She is our new tour manager. She is very nice, just not to me. We have a history, and I accidentally put her through a lot of crap. So no need to defend me, I don’t deserve defending. I deserve that anyway I did leave it unlocked, and everyone’s prized items are in there. My fault, not hers, thanks though.”


“WHAT!!!” I yell into my phone.

Nathan has had some personal/family issues, that before could be overlooked, just barely, but they have blown up, and now can’t be over looked so now he has to temporarily stop touring. Lucky for us they found a replacement for Nathan, though truly no one, and I mean no one, can replace Nathan. There is, however, nothing we can do.

I’m going to miss Nathan.

I don’t want him replaced…
♠ ♠ ♠
Title and short description credit to "Sweetest Goodbye" by Maroon 5

Going out of town so no updates until about a week... a little over....

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, and new idea for the story so hopefully more updates more frequently when I get back

THANK YOU!!! for subbing :D (for those of you who have subbed)