Status: a work in progress...

You Kill Me In a Good Way.

Drunk girl.

I forced myself to sleep and of course it didn't matter I was up at 9 even though I still felt exhausted. I had to meet Josh at 11 so I didn't have time to complain. I crept into my room where Oli was still passed out and grabbed my things before going into the bathroom.

Once I was ready I texted Josh who had insisted on picking me up and I waited for him impatiently in the living room where Jona was snoring on the couch.

I was hoping he'd arrive before Oliver woke up and apparently things decided to go my way for once because he called me to tell me he had arrived so I quickly grabbed my things and ran out of the loft.

"Why are you running we have plenty of time." Josh said laughing as I reached his car.

"You have no idea." I said rolling my eyes as he grabbed my things from me and placed them in the back seat.

"Good thing we have time for me to find out."

"Right. Just great." I said climbing into the car.

"So, any process with Oli?"

I groaned, "Please. Be that one person for me who doesn't bring him up."

He chuckled, "Fine. I won't but just know...I wanna know."


"I didn't say his name!"

I sighed, "fine. Short version."

"I can handle it." He said with a grin.

I rolled my eyes, "ok. Fine. Here it goes. I didn't tell him I liked him, we got in a fight of couse then we slept together oh and then we fought again and he then showed up drunk told me he loved me and he's asleep right now in my bed and I am here with hardly any sleep because I slept with Matty." I said not taking a single breath until the end.


"So I don't know."

"Ok. So you two slept together as in..."

"As in we had sex Josh!"

"Ok just making sure it meant the same!"

I groaned, "Yeah it's a mess."

"And he said he loved you?"

"Who are you? Oprah?!"

"I'm just getting my facts straight!"

"Yes. He told me last night when he showed up soaked from the rain and drunk."

"Well he knows how to win'em over huh?" He asked chuckling as we parked.

"I know. So I got him to bed and slept with Matty." I stated before getting out and he met me on my side where he helped grab my things.

"But, do you love him?" He asked as we walked into the building where the photo shoot was going to happen.

I shrugged and he smiled, "I think you do and yes, I think he meant it when he said it. Drunk or not."

"Ok enough! Can we stop it now?!"

"Yeah. Fine. Don't take shitty pitures because of me asking..."

I laughed, "I won't."

"Oh Max and Dan are here." He stated and I turned around to see two boys walking up laughing and playing around like two 12 year olds.

"Guys this is Lo."

"Ello." Dan stated with a grin and Max grabbed my hand up, "Nice ta meet yeh." He said kissing the top of my hand causing me to laugh.

"She's dating Oliver Sykes."

Max dropped my hand quickly, "shit. Don't tell him I did that."

"I am not dating him." I said shooting Josh a look who chuckled, "she is. She says she isn't but he is."

"Um don't link me to that douche bag."

"Yeah see, if it was true I don't think she'd be calling him names..." Dan stated.

"Thank you!" I said thowing my hands up.

"Now can we get the show on the road?" I asked.

"'re single?" Max asked and I laughed.

"Max, go ahead and hit on her but when Oliver comes after your arse I'm not protecting you." Josh stated.


He shrugged, "gonna believe her or me?"

Max looked a bit torn as he looked at Josh, "I'm gonna believe you just cause Oli is bloody scary."

I rolled my eyes, "he is not."

"Of course his bird wouldn't think that."

"Oh my gosh. Can we do this so I can get away from you?" I asked looking at Josh who flashed me a smile.

"Attitude." Dan said jokingly and I pushed him towards the room he needed to go change clothes in.

"Job well done mates." Josh said once it hit 4 o'clock and we actually were finished.

"Oye yeh should come out wif us tonight."

"Oye we should go now." I said copying him and Dan laughed, "yeh wanna drink at 4 in the afternoon?"

"Tryin to beat Oli today?" Josh asked and I elbowed him causing him to laugh.

"You know Josh, at first I thought you were all cute and sweet now, yeah none of the above."

"Awe you thought I was cute? That's so sweet of you." He said placing his hand on his chest.

"Not anymore."

"My bird wouldn't like it but I'm flattered." He said with a grin.

"Shut up."

He laughed and slung his arm over my shoulders.

"Come on Lo, let's go get trashed and maybe this time Oli can take care of you and you can confess your love."

"I really hate you." I mumbled and he laughed as we exited the building.

The next thing I knew Josh and I were laughing as we stumbled up the stairs to Matty's place. It had been dark for a while now so I wasn't sure exactly the time to be honest.

"Shh." I said to Josh as he laughed and I tried to unlock the door but before I could it flew open and a very angry Matt stood in the doorway which caused Josh and I to stop our laughter.

"So I'm gonna go..." Josh said calmly and Matty quickly spoke, "where the fuck have yeh been Logan! We've been worried sick ova yeh!"

"I told you I had a photo shoot."

"Yeah a million hours ago! Do yeh both not know how ta answa a phone?!"

"Well mine is dead so I don't know her reasoning..." Josh stated.

"I left it here." I said with a shrug, "chill out dad."

Matty clinched his jaw and Josh spoke, "mate I'm juss makin sure she gets home can I leave then yeh two can have at it?"

"Thanks Josh." I said glaring at him and he laughed, "Goodnight Lo."

I sighed as I walked into the loft and Oli was standing not too far from Matty with his arms crossed.

"What the fuck is this?! I think I'm allowed to do things without permission Matthew."

"Reallah! Cause yeh had us freakin out cause no one had heard from yeh!"

"Oh my gosh. Ok matt well I'm sorry. Chill the fuck out. I can't do anything about it now and you knew I was with Josh."

"I didn't fuckin know that! Photo shoots don't last until 10 at night!"

"Stop yelling at me!" I said loudly as I crossed my arms.

"Way to be responsible Logan." Oli mumbled and I looked over at him, "excuse me. why are you here? It's not late enough for you to be and you're sober so..."

He rolled his eyes, "shut the fuck up Logan you're one to talk now aren't yeh? Plus goin out wif someone who has a girlfriend isn't smiled upon."

"First of all it wasn't just me and him Max and Dan were there so can you go home now?"

"How is it possible for you to come off to me as being even more of a douche bag when I'm drunk?!" I asked throwing my hands up not giving him a chance to respond to my last question.

He just stood there is eyebrows knitted together as he stared at me.

"I just don't get it! I apparently was always right about you! Who would have thought?! You're just a fucking jerk. There's no other way to say it." I said feeling my eyes start to water.

Emotional drunk here I come.

"Logan." Matty stated and I looked over at him, "I'm going to stay with Jona." I said not giving him a chance to say whatever he was going to.


"Because! I'm sick of getting lectured and I'm sick of seeing him!"  I said loudly before walking to my room and trying to find my phone which I found under my blanket some how. I instantly dialed Jona's number as I tried to put clothes in a bag.


"Jona. I love you, can you do me a favor?" I asked and he chuckled, "sure, what do yeh need princess?"

"Can you come get me?"

"Sure doll. Why?"

"Cause..." I started before my phone was ripped from my hand.

"She's not goin anywhere." Matty said and I pushed him which didn't even budge him.

"Jona don't listen to him!" I said loudly.

"Seriously? Don't." Matty said and I grabbed up my now packed back.

"Give me my phone!" I yelled which was ignored.

"Fuck it. I don't need it." I stated walking out of my room into the livingroom.

I grabbed up my purse from the couch and Oli spoke, "and where are yeh goin?"

"Away from you." I mumbled as I walked to the door.

"He's not comin ta get yeh Lo." Matty said walking back in with my phone in his hand.

I shrugged, "Oh well. You're fucking stupid if you think I'm staying here."

He rolled his eyes and I quickly walked out of the loft breathing in the air deeply trying not to cry like I felt doing.

"Where exactly are yeh goin' ta go?" He asked following me out.

"Who fucking cares. Maybe I'll get lucky and get kidnapped." I mumbled.

"Ugh!" He yelled in frustration before slamming the door shut.

I started walking and I wasn't even sure where I was going and on top of that I had no phone and I was not fully sober. But at this point my idea was just to keep walking. I heard feet scuff the ground and I knew it wasn't mine so I quickly turned around on alert only to see Oliver walking behind me his hands pushed into his jacket as he casually walked at a slow pace.

"What are you doing?!"

"Followin' yeh. Did yeh fink I was goin' ta let yeh walk round sheffield at night by yehself?" He asked as if we were friends or something.

"I think I can handle myself."

"Reallah? Like yeh did at that pub?" He askd and I winced before turning back around and picking up my pace.

"Where are yeh even goin?"

"I don't fucking care maybe i'll just walk to the airport so I can go home and get away from you." I mumbled.

"Mhm, well I've got all night." He said not phased by my insult.

As I walked a car stopped beside us and I looked over to see Jona.

He rolled down the window and stared at me confused, "What the fuck are yeh doin?"

"Um walking?"

"Why?! I thought I was comin ta get yeh!"

"Matty said you weren't!"

He rolled his eyes as he parked the car before hopping out.

"What the hell happened?" He asked as Oli reached us.

"She's bein a drama queen so I'm followin her so she doesn't get kidnapped."

"Of course. It's always me."

Jona looked back at me and I wrapped my arms around him, pressing my face into his shirt. I was relieved that I had him to count on because for a moment I felt really alone.

His arms went around me and he spoke, "let's get yeh home lil bird and we will talk then."

I nodded and he gave me a reassuring grin before letting me go and I didn't even look at Oliver just got in the car.

Jona said something to Oliver and then both of them climbed in.

"No worries, I'm takin him back ta Matt's..."

I nodded in response as I stared out the window.

"Hey can you go get my phone from Matty?" I asked once we parked back at Matt's.

"Yeah. He's fuckin' ridiculous." Jona mumbled.

"Yeh so mature Logan." Oliver stated.

"Oh my gosh...first of all I never told you to follow me and second off get the fuck out."

He smirked and leaned against his seat as Jona sighed and got out quickly.

"I hate you."

"Thought we already figured that out, love."

"Please get out." I said sighing.


"I get that you hate me as well but can you spare me this once?"

"I don't hate yeh. Yeh hate meh."

"Wonder why." I mumbled rolling my eyes.

"Wanna know why I followed yeh?"

"Guess so..."

"Cause not only did I want ta make sure nuffin happened to yeh but cause I yelled at Matt for bein an asshole."

"Did you yell at yourself as well?"

He sighed, "fought yeh did that already."

I rolled my eyes although he couldn't see and I saw Jona walking back to the car.

"Get out Oliver."


I groaned and leaned against the window as Jona got in the car.

"Here yeh go." He said handing me my phone.

"Thank you." I mumbled and he patted my knee.

"Tell Oli to leave."

"He's stayin wif us."

"What? Did you not get that he was part of that whole disaster that I just left?" I asked looking over at Jona.

"He isn't goin ta do anyfing."

"Him being here is doing something." I mumbled as I closed my eyes.

I would never get a break would I?
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to: The tie mosnster and Colorful_dinos for the comments. :)

I really can't believe I have as many subscribers as I do! Makes me happy! You guys are awesome.

Anyways! Feedback is welcomed. :)