Status: a work in progress...

You Kill Me In a Good Way.

It's complicated.

Once I walked out I ran straight into someone causing me to groan.

"Sorry." I mumbled as the guy in front of me backed up.

"No worries." He said and I could feel him checking me out.

Damn Oliver and this stupid dress.

"Well, excuse me." I said talking a step to the side so I could move past him.

"What's yeh name doll?" The tall dark haired boy asked as he grabbed my arm.

"Ana." I responded calmly. I was going to hit this idiot if he didn't let me go.

"Yeh a yank."

"No..." I said rolling my eyes and he grinned, "mhm, always wanted to make out wif one."

"Ha, well let me know how that goes." I said pulling my arm from his grasp.

He smirked, "don't yeh wanna find out love?" He asked pinning me against the wall and I struggled beneath him. Seriously? This was really happening?

"Let me go before I yell." I said and he laughed, "who's gonna hear yeh? That music is quite loud." He said running his hand up my leg and I tried to use all my energy to push him off of me. Which was unsuccessful for several reasons. I think that's when I started to panic and began praying for Jona to walk out and kill this guy.

"Oye!" I heard and before I could even look over the guy was pushed off of me.

"What tha fuck is yeh deal?" the guy asked loudly and I noticed that the guy defending me was, Oliver of all people which took me by surprise.

"Yeh my fuckin' deal." He said angrily as he shoved the guy once more and I wrapped my arms around myself trying to keep myself together.

"Is she yeh fuckin' bird or somefin?" the guy asked loudly.

"Does it matta?! Leave her tha fuck alone."

"Yeh can have her she's just a yank anyways." The guy said and I grabbed Oli's arm before he lunged at the guy. The guy laughed before walking off in the opposite direction.

Once the guy was out of sight Oliver quickly turned to face me and wrapped his arms around me which caused me to begin to cry, well cry harder then I realized I was. I was just overwhelmed with what happened and to know it was over and I was safe, it just really got to me.

"Oh Lo, yeh ok. I'm here now. I won't let him do anyfing ta yeh." He said softly rubbing my back as I cried into his chest.

"It's all ok love." He whispered holding on to me tightly and even though I didn't like him I was just so glad to be near someone I knew so I didn't care.

He pulled back locking eyes with me, "Did he hurt yeh?" he asked seriously as his thumbs ran over my cheeks wiping away tears.

I shook my head no as I sniffled trying to stop crying.

"Ok. Good. I'd hate ta have ta go after that bloke." He whispered.

I smiled weakly and he brushed my cheek with the back of his hand. This was a different Oliver. It was like being with a stranger who oddly looked like him. What was more odd was how fond of this Oliver I was.

"Come wif me, we will get the guys and go home." He finally said.

I shook my head no and he rolled his eyes, "yes. Yeh want ta go home and afta this I'm not in the mood ta be here anymore." He stated grabbing my hand and pulling me into the pub.

He pulled me through a sea of people and we finally reached the table where the others were.

"There yeh...What happened?!" Jona asked defensively jumping up from the table once he saw me. I'm sure Oliver holding my hand didn't make it any better.

"Yeah we need ta go." Oli said sliding Lee his keys who got up instantly.

"What happened?" Jona asked wrapping his arms around me his face filled with concern.

"I just want to go home." I mumbled and he nodded quickly not letting me go as we walked out of the packed building.

Once the cold quiet air hit us the guys began asking questions.

"What happened? Do I need ta kill someone?" Matty asked his face hard as if there wasn't a bone in him that was kidding.

"So I come outside cause I left my cigs in Lee's car and I forgot she was comin' out ta Matty's whateva, when I came out some guy was like all ova her not willingly so yeah..." Oli said shrugging his eyes still on me.

"What! Who the fuck was it?!" Jona asked loudly.

"I dunno. I've seen him here before though."

"Why didn't yeh like kill him?!"

"Cause Jona! She was propa upset I didn't want to add on ta it!" Oli said defensively.

"Ok...true but still..." he mumbled rubbing my arm still holding me to him as if someone was going to snatch me up.

"Let's get yeh home." He whispered and I nodded not really up to talking.

Oddly enough Oliver not only rode in the same car with me but he sat in the back with me. Cradling me like what had happened was his fault. I was too exhausted to fight him like usual so I just let him do whatever and closed my eyes.

The next thing I knew someone was laying me on what I assume was my bed it was too dark to tell and pulling off my shoes which caused me to sit up quickly.

"Relax love. It's just meh." Oli said not phased by my reaction as he sat my shoes on the floor.

I watched him as he pulled my cover down on the other side of the bed.

"Come lay down." He said softly and I moved over to the spot he had cleared.

Once my head hit the pillow he pulled the cover over me gently.

"Get some sleep." He said brushing my hair from my face and I nodded as I closed my eyes. His lips touched my forehead softly before he spoke, "goodnight."

"Oli..." I said softly before he reached the door.


"Sleep with me." I don't know why I was asking him to but really I just didn't want to be alone and he was the only one who was here.

He didn't say anything but I felt the bed move as he climbed beside me. His arm went around my waist gently and he pulled me to his chest.

The next morning I woke up alone. I questioned whether last night was just a bad dream but when I sat up and realized I was still in my clothes from last night I groaned. I stood up slowly and decided I need to shower. I felt gross and I still had makeup on.

Once I was showered and in fresh clothes I tip toed to the living room and wasn't surprised to find Matty and Oli sitting on the couch talking as the television played quietly.

"Hey love. Yeh ok?" Matty asked and Oli's eyes moved from the television to me quickly.

I nodded as I sat beside Matty and he placed his arm around me.

Oliver's eyes never left me as I leaned against Matty. The only thing that I felt now was awkwardness with him. I mean, the way he treated me last night wasn't very Oliver like. Not that I minded it but it now was uncomfortable because we both didn't know how we would be now in the aftermath.

"What time is it?" I asked and Oli looked at his phone, "9."

"What? Seriously?! Why am I up!" Matty asked and I laughed, "deja vu..."

"Yeh people are killin' meh!"

"Well Matt, go to sleep we're not holdin' yeh hostage."

"I would but leavin' yeh two alone scares meh. I don't want one of yeh ta end up dead."

Oliver looked over at me before speaking, "it's fine Matt. Go."

He looked down at me and I nodded before pulling myself from him.

He sighed, "Juss scream really loud if he yeh know tries ta kill yeh."

I smiled, "I will."

He mumbled something as he got up and went back to his room. I looked over at Oliver who was fiddling with his hair and I wondered if that meant he was nervous or he was just bored. Either way, I found myself wanting to know. If anything good came out of last night it was how my view of Oliver changed. Maybe I was wrong all along.
♠ ♠ ♠
See, Oliver isn't so bad. :)

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