How My Sister Became a Werewolf and How I'm Dating the Alpha

Chapter 10

I tried to not look at Jenna when Grandma had said 'werewolf'. In all my life I don't think I had ever heard the term 'werewolf hunter'. I've heard of vampire hunter, but never werewolf hunter. It's kind of ironic really with Jenna being a werewolf and me dating one. Hehe. Not really.

"Werewolf hunter?!" Jenna shrieked. I put my hand on her shoulder and she relaxed a bit. I gave her a warning look.

"Yes. It runs in the family. You could say we have a knack for finding them." Grandpa replied. Jenna looked like she was about to strangle him. Oh Grandpa, you don’t know how ironic this is.

"Er... Grandpa? I think I speak for both of us when I say that we don't want to uh do that. We really would rather you not speak of it anymore..." I said. They looked offended.

"And why wouldn't you? It is a tradition in the family to hunt wolves." Grandma remarked.

"Look! We do NOT want to do this! So stop asking us and if I ever hear of Mom or Dad hunting wolves I will rip their throats out!!" Jenna screams her face going all red. "So just get out of here before I rip out yours!!" She does have anger issues doesn't she?

"Jenna!" cries Grandma.

"She is possessed! The power of Christ compels you!" Grandpa cried thrusting his cross necklace at Jenna. If this wasn't such a serious moment, I would've laughed at Grandpa. That is so classic!

“Just get out of here!" shrieks Jenna. I don't think Grandpa and Grandma could get out of here fast enough. Jenna was about on the verge of shifting out of anger when Mom and Dad came running in.

"What did you do, Jenna? All you had to do was say no!" says Mom sternly.

"It is sick and wrong what they do!" screams Jenna shaking.

"You didn't have to threaten them!" yells Dad.

"Well what did you expect me to do?!"

"Just say NO!" booms Dad. He was always the more vocal one.

"Are you saying that you actually support what they do?!"

"I was part of the hunt when I was your age!"

"You monster! I can't believe this!" I grab Jenna's shoulder as she struggled to not change.

"Mom! Dad! Just leave! You’re making her to mad!" I scowl at them.

"No! They aren't going to be the ones that leave! I am! I can't stand to be in a house with killers! I'm going to Ana's!" With her shouting that at Mom and Dad, Jenna grabs her coat and runs out the door. We hear it slam. The room is suddenly enveloped in silence.

"Well that went well." I say jokingly.

"Ugh. If I knew that they were going to tell you, I would've told you beforehand..." Mom said, her eyes tearing up.

"I don't understand why you guys would do such a thing," I reply, looking at them angrily.

"Let's just not speak of it again." Dad says rubbing his bald spot. He does that when he's nervous. "I'm not proud of what I've done in the past. I can't change it now; only regret what I've done." Dad walked out of the room.

"I hope Jenna will be okay..." Mom whispers, looking towards the door.

"She will. She just has to cool down. Ana will calm her down." I pat her hand and walk up to my room. I shut the door quietly and lay down on my bed.

I look outside. The sun is setting now. I hope that Jenna is okay. She probably shifted as soon as she left the house. I could almost feel her anger in myself. I close my eyes, the setting sun warming my face.


"Julie." Something poked my arm.

"Nrgh!" I shove at it and something warm catches my hand. I sit up and give a squeak. "What are you doing here?!" I whisper furiously.

"I wanted to tell you that Jenna is okay. She is going to stay with Ana for awhile if that is okay with your parents," Audric says sitting down on the edge of my bed.

I rub my eyes sleepily. "I'm sure they're fine with it. It'll only be for a few days, right?"

"Well... It might be for longer. One of our conditions was that she joined my Pack. I would actually rather she stay with Ana than be here. It will be easier for her if she stays in our neighborhood."

"I don't know if Mom and Dad will like that..." I mumbled running my fingers through my hair.

We sit in silence. "You look pretty." I look shocked at Audric. I'm half-asleep, my hair is a mess, and I fell asleep in my clothes so now they're all wrinkled. He thinks I look pretty?

"Are you crazy? Do you need your eyes checked?" I whisper at him.

"No I do not think I am crazy or I need my eyes checked. I think you look beautiful. You smell good too." Well, if I look good half asleep to this dude, then I probably look like a goddess during the day to him.

"Thanks I guess."

"You are not pleased with my compliments?" Who is this guy? I know he's Audric, but who says that anymore?

"No, no. They're wonderful it's just... Most boys don't say that about their girlfriends at night... er on the girl's bed... unless they..." I mumbled looking downward.

"Am I making you uncomfortable?" He questioned, concern showing in his voice.


"Then I will leave." He said, his voice gruff. He gets up and heads for the window.

"No! Don't go! Please?" Something about his presence comforted me, even if it was a weird comfortable. "Will you stay till I fall asleep?"

"Okay," He sits down again. Almost feeling dirty, I pat the bed beside me for him to lie down next to me. He looks surprised, but lies down next to me anyway. I curl up next to him, his warm body folding around mine. I close my eyes and fall asleep to the gentle sound of his breath in my ear.