How My Sister Became a Werewolf and How I'm Dating the Alpha

Chaper 20

"Julie?" Jenna knocked on my door.
I covered my face, "No! Don't come in!" The urge to tear down the door and attack her was strong. If she came in, it would be even stronger.

"Are you alright?" Uh, duh Jenna. No I'm not alright. I'm a vampire when the love of my life -who I don't really love anymore- is a werewolf. Nothing is alright.

"Yes I'm alright! Just don't come in! If you have to talk to me, talk through the door!" I shout. I fall to the floor and my elbow hits my lamp. It crashes to the ground.

"What was that? Jules, I'm coming in." Jenna opens up the door and I quickly roll away from her.

"No go away!"

"Come on, what’s wrong?" She walks over to me and pulls my hands away from my eyes. Apparently she hasn't gotten the memo about what happened to me. "I just wanted to thank you- Agh!" Yeah, I attacked her when she was trying to thank me. I'm such a horrible person.
The sight of her face opened up something scary inside of me... It opened a need... A need... for blood. My fangs protruded from my mouth and I lunged for her neck. She 'eeked!' and backed away from me. I don't have very good aim, so when she back stepped, I miscalculated and fell onto the door -er into the door. It cracks, but luckily doesn't break.

I turn to face Jenna again, who has now shifted, and jump at her again. She cowers and before I hit her, the old Julie comes back into my head and I roll away from her. My hands brace my head as the internal struggle fights itself out in my head. "Augh! Jenna! Just get out of here!" She shifts back and backs out of the room with wide eyes. I writhe around for a few more minutes on the floor till I sense that she is out of the house.

"Julie?" That was my Dad's voice.

"I'm okay. Please just go away." I guess something in my voice convinced him and he left. I could hear his footsteps fade down the hallway. I got up off the floor and surveyed my room. The lamp was broken. There was a huge crack running down the middle of my door. My bed was a mess and the floor had scratches on it.

I walk over to the window and opened it. I judged the distance to the ground and leaped out before I could think otherwise. I land on the ground with a thump and take off for the woods. I have to find something to satisfy this thirst.


I look up from the dead stoat in my hands to Abe's face. I wipe the blood from my lips. "What are you doing here?" I couldn't help but feel giddy.

He smirks, "Making sure you are alright. Are you ready to come join us and be a vampire yet?"
I smirk back, "No."

"You don't feel any different?" He asked and fingered the dead stoat that I had thrown on the ground.

"That's none of your business." The breeze blew into my face. I smelled something familiar in it...

"You don't have any questions about being a vampire? Or our way of life? I assume you got my note." He examined his fingernails. I saw his eyes dart around the clearing. Maybe he smelled what I smelled too...

I do have questions... but do I trust this guy enough to ask them? He laughs. "I see you do. What are they?"

I bite my lip... "What happens when a vampire kills a human?"

"So you didn't read my note. I thought it explained that pretty well. I'm disappointed in you."
"I did. It said that you expelled them from the vampire world. What does that mean?"

"When a vampire drinks enough blood from a human to kill them, the human's life will cancel out the vampire's life and turn the vampire back into a human. It is extremely painful and the vampire doesn't usually make the transformation. Only about 2% survive it. You aren't thinking of doing that, are you?"

"Is there any way to change back without killing a human?"


My hopes plummeted. There was no way I was going to be able to kill a human... I mumble a 'thank you' and run from Abe as fast as I can.

Abe, standing alone, says out loud, "I never said that you had to kill the human. Just drink enough to kill the human..." I was too far away to hear him.


The school bell rang and the students made their way inside. I slammed my locker door and trudged off to my first period class. I sat as far away from Ana and Jenna as possible and buried my head in my arms. The teacher droned on and on about who knows what, I sure didn't, and I counted the minutes in my head till school was over.

This is how my days have gone. Go to school. Avoid Jenna and Ana at all costs. Don't forget my sunglasses and to put them on whenever I go outside. Go home. Avoid my parents’ questions. Sneak out the window once the sun has gone down and hunt. Wait for Abe in the clearing. Talk to him. Then sneak back in my window.

My life is horrible. I feel depressed. I miss Audric so much there is always a pain in my side from him. I miss how he used to just hold me when he knew that I was feeling sad. I miss the sound of his voice on the phone or in my ear. I miss just his presence on the bed beside me.
I miss hanging out with Ana and Jenna. Their friendship. Their silly jokes. Their companionship...


Audric's Point of View.

I stared out the window. "Alpha?"

"What is it Andres?" I growl. I don't feel like messing with Pack business when Julie isn't here...


How I miss her. Seeing her was always the brightest part of my day. Even if she was mad at me, I was still glad to see her. Oh how I miss her so much. How she would just lie in my arms and giggle when I blew on her cheek. How she would always do anything to help someone else even if it meant being turned... I wiped my eyes.

"Craig's wolves have left. They said that Abe hasn't been on their territory for awhile so they see no need to attack him anymore. Craig said he will come back if you call him." Andres reported.

Why do I need to know this? I have already scented that they have left.... Andres started to leave the room, "Andres." I say.

"Yes, Alpha?"

"Is their anyway to turn a vampire back to a human?"

"They would have to kill a human, I think." He shuffled his feet.

I sighed. "Okay. You may go." He leaves the room and I turn my attention back to the window. It was a dreary, wet September day.

"Alpha?" It was her. Julie's sister. What was her name? Jenna.

"Yes, Jenna?"

"Alpha, I have a... a plan. To save Julie. To turn her back into a human." she stated. Gosh she looked so much like Julie. She had the same brown eyes and brown hair... I missed her so much.

"A plan? What is it?" I could feel hope flood to my eyes.

"I sort of spied on Julie when she went to see Abe that first day... He said... He said that to turn back, a vampire has to drink enough blood from a human to kill them... I didn't know if you would..."

Hope soared through me. There was a chance she could be mine again! "Would what?" I said, excitedly. If I was in my wolf form right now, my tail would be wagging.

"I didn't know if you would want to risk her death..." Jenna trailed off.