How My Sister Became a Werewolf and How I'm Dating the Alpha

Chapter 7

So yeah, Jen. That all leads up to right now. I'm sitting on the Alpha's bed, writing this entire thing out. He says that it will be good for me and for you. I think he wants to have you write one too, about what happened and all. He thinks it will sort things out between us. I don't think it will. He's clueless when it comes to drama. Even if he is Alpha.

I wonder what Mom and Dad are going to do once they found out your a werewolf and that I'm dating one... I wonder if we'll even tell them. I'm sure they'll freak either way. They'll find out I'm sure. They'll know something is up when you start to growl at a squirrel and want to sniff people's butts. Hehe. Okay maybe not that last part, but still.

Um.... Not sure how to close this... Hope you forgive me. Love you.



I put down my pencil, thinking deeply. That's really all that has happened. Well except for the part where the Alpha had to hold her back from killing me when I tried to explain what happened. And then the time that Ana had to go all werewolf and knock her out so she didn't kill me. Oh yeah, and the time that I had to climb a tree to get away from her. But... I don't think I should write that. Hehe.

I hear a knock at the door and look up. "Hey." The Alpha comes in and leans against the dresser.

"Are you done writing?"

"Yup. All here Alpha." There was an uncomfortable silence between us. I still didn't get the whole 'mate' thing. He looked, well, he looked like an Alpha. All powerful and dominant.

"You’re going to give it to her?" He rumbled.

"Wasn't that the point?"

"I said in the end you could decide whether or not to give it to her. Sometimes writing things down organizes everything in your head and makes it clearer." Was he a psychiatrist in his past life or something?

"I guess I will. Might make her understand that I am completely innocent about this whole thing," I say, picking up the notebook and flipping through the pages.

"What does she not understand?" he asked. I looked into his brown eyes. He truly did not know. Boy was this going to be awkward.

"About um... er... the conditions."

"About her joining the pack?" Oh gosh! Was he clueless.

"No... The other one... about... uh us." Wow. That was embarrassing. Sort of.

His eyebrows arched together in confusion. "What is not to understand? You are my mate."

"Yeah well she er....” How should I put this so that Jenna doesn’t sound awful? “Well, you see, she wanted to be uh your mate."

"Oh..." He looked down. Guess he was just as embarrassed about this whole thing as I am. He fingered the beads on his necklace. "And you, do you want to be my mate?" Maybe not.

"Er... If it meant saving her then I would do anything." I don't want to hurt his feelings, but if he wanted a 'yes' or 'no', it’s going to have to be no. Sorry dude.

"All other reasons aside, if it came down to your decision, would you be my mate?"
Time to break his heart. "No. I wouldn't. I'm sorry, Alpha."

I cringe when he takes a deep breath. "Okay. You don't have to be." I sigh with relief. All pressure gone. "I don't believe in having the female being unhappy in a relationship. I will just have to win you over." I was not expecting to hear those words. "You do not think I am worthy of you, so I will make myself worthy." Oh gosh he's going all gentlemanly! And he's making me sound horrible!

"No! No! I er... do think uh you are worthy to have me... but I'm just too young. Yeah that’s it. I'm too young to be mated uh er with." Gross! Gross! I cannot believe I just said those words!

"Just because we are mates does not mean we have to mate," he says, his brown eyes looking into mine. "I was never going to force you to do something you do not want to do. If you want to date other boys, that is fine with me. I will have you know, though, that I have claimed you as mine and that boys will treat you differently now."

I have a confession to make. The whole entire time I have spoken to this man, I have thought of him as a werewolf. A werewolf as in a dog who can only speak in short and sweet and to the point sentences. Not, 'I was never going to force you to do something you do not want to do.’ Actually, that was kind of sweet in a weird way. If a boy who was my age said that, I would have melted right then and there. But with him, being the Alpha werewolf and all, I was actually starting to see that he could be human and talk and act like one too. Then he had to go and say the whole 'I've claimed you' thing that set me back in my ways.

While I was mulling things over in my head, he said, "If you would like, I could give her your writings and tell her that this was my entire fault and that she shouldn't be mad at you." He looked down and his dark brown hair fell into his eyes. He flicked them back.

Aw! He's back to the human-view! He looks sort of like a lost puppy now! "No! No! It's not your fault!” I tried to sound truthful, “I'm the one who agreed to it! And I knew full and well the consequences of my decision. I don't regret one thing of it."

"So you will be my mate?" Ugh. Back to werewolf-view.

Do I want to be his mate? I think to myself.

Part of me thinks, 'Of course not! He’s like 10 years older than me! This is totally illegal! And on top of all that he is a werewolf! Remember! Your sister likes him!

The other part is thinking, 'You're just going to keep hurting his feelings! And think of Ana! If you’re not his mate, she will be so sad... Remember about the whole boy thing! You’re not going to be able to date any boys because they will be too scared to be with you. So why not just take him?'

While I am so with the first part of me with the whole this is illegal thing, but my second half has a point. If I even see a boy that I like, he'll probably pee his pants talking to me. If this guy has claimed me as his, I bet all the boys in school Monday won't even want to be near me, not that they were crowding around me to begin with...

I look at the Alpha. I can't stop thinking of him as 'the Alpha' and not as Audric. I mean seriously. He's not an animal, Julie. He's a human being. Sort of. You get my point. He also has feelings and apparently some internal instinct that is telling him that I am his mate. The funny thing is, I think I have this internal instinct that is saying that he is my mate too. Maybe it's just that I've been hanging around with werewolves for so long. Maybe it's just gas. Who knows?

So, do I want to be his mate? I look down at my fingers and then up at him. He's studying my face. Looking for anything that will give him a clue to what I'm thinking.

"I'm not sure right now..." I mumble. "I'm not saying yes I want to be your mate and I'm not saying no I don't want to... I'm saying, asking really, if we couldn't end this uh... relationship that we have. Just take it slow and not have any of the er... mating thing going on? Maybe sort of like we're in the dating stage?"

"Of course. Anything that will make the female happy." He smiled at me.

"First things first. Can you not call me female? It makes me feel like I'm property," I say.

"Okay, if you promise to not call me Alpha. It makes me feel like an object."

"So er... what do I call you?" I didn't like where this was going.

"Audric." I'm supposed to be calling some 20 year old ‘Audric’? This is going to be slightly weird. Heck. What's not weird in my life right now? "So do you want to go give that to your sister now?" He asks pointing at the notebook I was holding.

"Yeah... Can you come with me? I'm not sure how she'll react..."

"Why not. Anything to protect the female uh er... you..." Apparently this was going to be as weird for him as it is for me.

"Call me Julie." I laugh and we both head to Ana's house.