Status: this is my first hope you guys enjoy it. let me know what you think good or bad whatever you can also give ideas enjoy.!

Fallen and Broken

Dark Paradise Part I

Max's phone vibrated on the nightstand next to her bed. She lazily reached across to the nightstand knocking over a couple bottles of perfume in the process. Once she got a hold of her phone she squinted her eyes at the bright screen.

"Bobby" It read. Max groaned, It's probably Dean trying to trick me into talking to him." Max thought. She answered; "Apparently you're not getting the memo, De-" "Max." The stern voice interrupted. "Bobby?" Max leaned on her elbow. "I need you to get down here now!" He demanded.

"Do you what time it is?" She rubbed her eyes. "Dean's disappeared and Sam. . ."He paused. Max sat up listening intently. "I have no idea as to where that boy went."He continued. ". . .Alright I'll be there as soon as possible." She hung up and got dressed and packed.

Since Max didn't have a car she would have to steal one. Eventually she found an old Chevy Nova SS that could use a new coat of paint.

34 hours later:
Max pulled up to Bobby's house and nearly sprinted to the door. Bobby opened it before she could knock. "Max." He said in relief. "Any word on either of them?" She asked as she walked. "No." he shook his head. "When was the last time you talked you either of them?" She asked. "I was talking to Dean three nights ago and he vanished, literally. I haven't talked to Sam for a week." He responded.

There was only one thing she could try out and hopefully it would work. "I have a plan but. . .it might not work." She said. "I'll take anything I can get." He said. Max walked back outside to the junk yard that was filled with old, worn-down cars. She inhaled deeply and hoped for the best.

"Castiel!" She shouted. Moments passed and nothing. "Cas!" She shouted once more. And still nothing she looked back to see Booby standing on the porch, watching. "Goddammit Cas! If you don't get your feathery ass down here." She threatened.

After her last try, there was still nothing. "Well, worth a shot." She murmured. Just as she was about to step forward, her surroundings changed instantly. She was no longer outside of Bobby's house but in a room. A room that seemed quiet, the walls were white and paintings hung on the walls.

"Max?" A gruff voice asked. Max turned around and saw Dean. She didn't know whether she felt relieved to see him or annoyed. But either she knew where he was.. "Dean." She bluntly responded. "How did you get here?" He questioned. Before she could even respond, a man and Castiel appeared.

"She had a little help from us." The older man smiled. "Max, we've been expecting you. Please have a seat." The man gestured towards the Victorian white arm chair that was pushed against the one of the walls. "I don't feel like sitting." She bit the inside of her cheek. He sighed and with the flick of his wrist, he forced her into the chair.

"Okay, can someone tell me what hell is going on?" Max was becoming furious and impatient. "Oh how rude of me, I have even introduced myself. I'm Zachariah and superior of Castiel." He said. At the mention of Cas she looked over to glare at him.

"And you are Maxwell. I've heard much about you." He mentioned. Max stiffened in the chair, hoping he wasn't talking about that she a werewolf. "Castiel here told me everything about you." He said stepping closer. Max returned her glare at Cas who looked down. "You're a strong soul. A perfect soul to play her part." He said.

"Part?" She questioned. "Yup. You see you and your brothers have a very important part to play." He vaguely went into detail about what he meant by part. "Let us out of here." Dean demanded. "Like I told you, too dangerous out there." Zachariah responded. "I'm sorry but we've been risking our lives all these years and now you're concerned about our safety?" Max said. "You're lie'n. I want to see my brother." Dean demanded.

"That's ill advised." Zachariah said. "You know, I'm so sick of your crap riddles and your smug fat-face. What the hell is going on, huh? Why can't I see Sam? And how am I going to ice Lilith?" Dean raised his voice. "Lilith? What she have to do with this?" Max questioned.

Zachariah sighed. "You're not going to "ice" Lilith." He conceded. "What?" Dean creased his brows. "Lilith is going to break the final seal. The train has left the station at this point." He said taking a seat. "But Sam, Max, we can stop it." Dean asserted. Max was just struck by the fact that Lilith was in the midst of this, that she was here, and that they needed to stop her.

Zachariah sat in silence, waiting for Dean to realize something. "You don't want us to stop it." Dean said. "Nope. Never did. The end is nigh. The apocalypse is coming to a theater near you." He joked. "What was all that crap about saving seals?" He questioned. "We couldn't just tell'em the truth. We'd have a full scale rebellion on our hands. I mean think about it. Would we really let 65 seals get broken? Unless senior management wanted it that way." He paused. "But why?" Max asked. "Why not?" Zachariah answered. "The apocalypse. Poor name, bad marketing, puts people off." He went on about the apocalypse and how it was a good thing.

Max looked around the room taking note on the paintings. They were of angles fighting, blood being spattered, people dying, and demons battling. "It's paradise on Earth. What's not to like about that?" He finished. "What happens to all these people during your little pissing contest?" Dean asked, afraid by what Zachariah's answer might be.

"Well you can't make an omelette without cracking a few eggs." He said getting up. "In this case truck loads of eggs but you get the picture. Look, it happens. This isn't the first planetary-anima we've delivered." He said.

"What about Sam? He won't go quietly. He'll stop Lilith." Dean added. "Sam. . .has a part to play. A very important one. He may need a little nudging in the right direction but I'll make sure he plays it." Zachariah responded.

"What does that mean?" Max asked as she stood up. "What are you going to do to him?" Dean asked. "Sam Sam Sam Marsha Marsha Marsha, forget about him will you." He patted Max and Dean on the shoulder. "You both have greater concerns. Why do you think I'm confiding you? You're both still vital. We weren't lying about your destiny. I admitted a few pertinent details. But nothing has changed. You both have been chosen. You both will stop it. Just not Lilith or the apocalypse, that's all." Zachariah finished.

"Which means?" Max asked. "Lucifer." Zachariah spoke. "You're going to stop Lucifer. And when it's over, and when you've won, your rewards will be unimaginable. Peace, happiness, 2 virgins and 70 sluts." He slapped Dean's shoulder.

"Trust me one day we'll all look back on this and laugh." Zachariah said. "Tell me something. Where's God in all of this?" Dean questioned. "God? God has left the building." And with that Zachariah and Castiel disappeared. They stayed in silence for a good moment as they tried to process the entire conversation.

Dean paced from one end of the room to the other, as Max stood by the harp, softly plucking at the strings. Finally Dean came to halt and pulled out his phone. "Who are you calling?" Max asked. "Sam." He said putting the phone up to his ear.

"You can't reach him Dean." A stern voice stopped Max from plucking another string. From the corner of Max's eye she could see a figure. Cas. "You're outside your covert zone." Cas added. Dean put away his phone. "What are you going to do to Sam?" Dean asked.

"Nothing." Cas sighed and stepped closer to them. "He's going to do it to himself." He said. "And what does that mean?" Max asked and continued with her plucking. Cas didn't respond. "Oh right, right. You're going to tell the company line." Dean said.

"Why are you here Cas?" Max asked, still plucking. Cas walked over to Max. "We've been through much together, you and I." Cas began. "And I just wanted to say I'm sorry it had to end like this." He said. Max stopped strumming the harp and just stared at it. "Sorry?" Max raised an eyebrow.

"Cas, you're gonna need a bigger word than sorry." Max faced him. "Can't you try to understand. This is long for told. This is your-" "Destiny?" Dean finished his sentence. "Don't give that holy crap. Destiny, God's plan. It's a whole bunch of lies, you stupid son of a bitch. It's just a way to keep us and you in line! . . . You know what's real? People, families, that's real. And you're going to watch them all burn?" Dean raised his voice.

"What is so worth saving?" Cas took a step towards Dean. "I see nothing but pain here. I see inside you both and I see your guilt, your anger, confusion. In paradise all is forgiven. You'll be at peace. Even with Sam."

Max turned around to face Cas. "You can take your peace and shove it up your ass. Cause we'll take the pain, the guilt, I'll even take Sam as he is. It's all lot better than being some step-ford bitch in paradise." Max declared.

"This is simple Cas!" Dean ranted as Cas turned away. "No more crap about being a good soldier. There is a right and there is wrong here and you know. Look at me!" Dean pulled on Cas's shoulder. "Now you were going to help me once, you were going to warn me about all this before they dragged you back to Bible camp. Help us now. Please." Dean pleaded.

"What would you want me do?" Cas gave in. "Get us to Sam we can stop this before it's too late." Dean suggested. "We do that, we will all be hunted. We'll all be killed." Cas expressed. "If there is anything worth dying for, this is it." Max said.

Cas shook his head. "You spindles, soulless, son of bitch." Dean walked away to the other side of the room. "What do you care about dying? You're already dead." Max turned away from Cas. "We're done." Dean said. "Dean." "We're done." Dean said once more. And then it was just Dean and Max alone in the Victorian room.

Somewhere down inside Max, she hoped Cas would change his mind and help because they sure as hell needed it.