Status: Update when I can

Red Is for Traitor


"Miss Lightwood, what are you doing?" Dr. Pent cried as he walked into the room I was still occupying four days later.
"Up. About. Anything." I was a little uneven on my feet from staying in bed for five days. "I cannot stay in bed any longer."
"You should continue resting."
"I was hung Dr. Pent, I am not an invalid." I stretch, only to wince when my neck felt like it was pulling. It was still sore and had a nice purple bruise that resembled a choker. If someone looked close enough they could see scabs scattered within the bruise. I rubbed at it to try and ease the tightness that comes with strangulation apparently.
The doctor sighed, "I must insist. Rest is very important."
"It is, but so is fresh air." I tried to tame my unruly wavy hair. "I am going to visit my Papa's grave. If you wish to accompany me to ease your worry then please do." With a huff the older man agreed and left to ready himself. I walked over to where my cloak was resting on the back of a chair. I ran my fingers over it. All this trouble over one red piece of fabric. Bleck. I gently shook my head, picked it up, and wrapped it around my shoulders. When I tried to put my boot on, I cringed in pain; my neck did not want to move that way. A little embarrassed I called, "Dr. Pent?" He entered all ready with a raised brow. "Would you mind helping me?" I rubbed my neck which was explanation enough for him to kneel down and help me. Once he finished we headed out the door. I paused and breathed in the cool fresh air. Inside the windows were only opened for a few minutes a day to keep the house from chilling. Dr. Pent waited patiently for me to focus back on the task at hand. Nodding, we started towards the cemetery. We parted ways for him to visit the grave of his wife while I stood before my Papa and Grandparent's grave. While standing there I shifted the cloak away from the front of my neck. Anytime something pressed against it I felt panic shoot through me. Slowly as the hours passed more of that day came back to me and I would find my self panicking for no reason other than I remembered something. It was terrible and I cursed myself for reacting that way. No one seemed to blame me, some even pitied me. That made me annoyed because I did not need it. In some respects I have been through worse and yet I could take those with stride while here I was waking up in the middle of night covered in sweat. It made me want to run as fast and far as I could, but I knew that would accomplish nothing. You cannot run from your mind. I learned that early on in my life.
I was lost in thought until I heard a squeal and crunching of snow to my left. Turning my whole body, I saw Zane running towards me with Sindri calling to him to slow down. Of course he did not which made me laugh. I bent down so I would not have to strain my neck. I held my arms open for him to run into them. He did and circled his arms around my neck and rumbled happily. I froze the moment I felt his hug tighten around my neck. My face must of shown my panic because Sindri eased his son's arms from me and lightly scolded him. "Be careful Zane, Macha's neck is hurt remember?"
Zane's pupils turned into saucers as they zoned in on the purple. "I'm sorry!"
I could see tears welling up. "It is okay. Here," I wrapped my arms around his shoulders. "My torso is not hurt, hug away Zane." Wiggling in my embrace, his face nuzzled my chest so his ear was to my heart. "How have you been, pup?" I whispered, resting my chin on his head.
"Better now I see you." He muttered. "I was scared."
"I am sorry."
"Those bad men hurted you." He growled as menacingly as a young wolf could manage. He pulled back suddenly and touched my neck surprisingly soft. "Why does you bruise heal slow?"
"I am human. Our bodies take longer to heal."
"I do not know, I think it is because you are special." I smiled at him.
"You special."
"Am I?"
"Yes. You Mak." He swooped in and hugged me again. I chuckled and looked up to see Sindri smiling gently. "Why bad men hang you?"
I sobered as I replied honestly, "Because I am a friend to wolves."
"That dumb. We nice. Unless hurt pack."
"I know. Sometimes people fear what they do not know and so they try to eliminate," Zane scrunched up his face not understanding the word. "Kill what they do not know."
"They dumb. They should know us. Like you did."
"Not everyone is willing."
He nodded and then pulled back again. "When you going home?"
"Hopefully soon." I sighed, I wanted to return to the forest and cottage. "Once Dr. Pent lets me I will return to the cottage."
"I miss you." He pouted. "Go home soon."
"As soon as I can you have my promise."
"Good." When he saw the doctor approaching from behind me, he ran over to the man. "When Mak can go home?"
Dr. Pent's eyebrows raised at the little wolf. "Perhaps in a few more days. I want to make sure she is healing properly."
"She smell okay." Sindri's hand rubbed at his face wondering why his son said everything that came to mind, while I giggled to myself.
"Just in case. You never know when something might happen. We want her healthy do we not?" Zane nodded his head furiously. "Good."
"Doctor?" He pulled on the man's pant leg. "Why you speak like Mak? Villagers don't."
"Like Miss Lightwood, I was taught in the city. It was not until I met my wife that I moved here."
"What happened to you wife?"
"Zane." Sindri warned when sadness crossed over the doctors eyes.
"She died in childbirth."
"I's sorry." Zane hugged Dr. Pent's leg, startling the older man, before letting go and scampering off back to me.
Recovering from the shock, the doctor cleared his throat. "Miss Lightwood, we should head back in. Fresh air is important but it is cold and you are still recovering. How is your breathing?"
I sighed, "It is a little hard with the cold air." I stood up and ruffled Zane's hair. "Are you coming over or did you only want to check up on me?" I grinned.
"Visit!" Zane cheered as Sindri replied, "Checking up." The two males stared at each other, the father ultimately winning the staring contest. "We were checking up on you since I have to talk with the elders."
I nodded and looked over at the doctor. When he nodded, I offered, "If Zane does not want to go to a meeting, he may keep me company. As long as it is okay with you."
Zane looked up at Sindri with his eyes wide. "Please Poppa."
"That's fine." He rolled his eyes with a smile. Like he was going to say no. We started towards the doctor's house with Zane chatting happily. Suddenly he stopped when we were a few feet from the door.
"Poppa, how momma die? Did she die like Mr. Doctor wife?"
Sindri nearly tripped from the questions. Gaining composure he replied, "No."
"Why I no remember her?"
"You were only one when she died."
"With rest of pack?"
"Oh." Zane nodded before grinning up at his father. "Bye Poppa! Have fun."
The older wolf snorted and bent down to hug his son. "Be good for Macha and Dr. Pent. I'll know if you aren't."
"I always good."
"Uhuh." He nuzzled Zane's cheek before thanking the doctor and then leaving. Our eyes met for a second and I smiled at him. He smiled back and left.
I frowned, I thought I saw his cheeks tingled pink. Playing it off as seeing things, I diverted my attention to Zane. "What shall we do?"
For the rest of his time in the house we played and he told me all of his adventures I missed. When Sindri finished his meeting he stayed for a little while. We talked a little while the doctor taught Zane some of the things he knew as a doctor. Being the ever curious child, Zane drank in what the doctor said and asked questions that differed from what he learned from me. The longer I talked with my friend the drowsier I became. I could see the amusement in Sindri's eyes as I blinked myself awake.
Taking pity on me (screw you Sindri), he stood up, "Zane, it's time to go back to the pack."
"But Pooooppa." Zane whined.
"Dr. Pent needs to fix his dinner and Macha needs to sleep."
"Nice excuse, wolf." I muttered before yawning.
He looked at me with a raised brow before looking back at his son. "I also need to talk with Alpha Corbin."
"Uncoo would understand." The pup pouted and crossed his arms.
"We've visited, now we have to leave. Say goodbye."
"Fiine. Bye, Doctor Pent. Thank you." He hugged the sitting man who awkwardly patted the child's back.
"It was nice meeting you, Master Zane." The doctor smiled.
"You too." He gave a missing teeth grin and then turned to jump on the bed. "Bye Mak!" He made sure to hug me around my waist.
"Goodbye Zane, thank you for visiting me. Tell everyone hi for me. Give Arawn and Trista a big hug for me." I smiled.
"I will. Rest and come home soon!" He hopped off the bed and trotted over to the doorway to wait for his father to say goodbye.
Once he thanked the doctor Sindri walked over to me. "I'm glad you're doing better and thank you for watching Zane for me."
"Like you were really going to bring Zane to a meeting." I smirked.
Unabashed, he shrugged, "He was worried about you and since I had to come to the village anyway I thought we could drop by."
"I am glad you did."
"Good night, Macha." He held out his hand as if we were strangers.
Rolling my eyes, I took his hand and pulled him into a hug. He let out a noise of surprise and had to use his other hand to prop himself up. "We are friends, Sindri we can hug."
"My, haven't you changed." He muttered.
"Hazard with being friends with your pup." Sindri chuckled but I still felt how tense he was. In a voice I knew only he could hear, I whispered, "I am fine, Sin." He locked up more before turning his face into my neck and taking a deep breath. "You got to me in time. I am alive and on my way to being well. Thank you." He rumbled softly before pulling away.
"The woods aren't the same without you and your cloak running around. Hurry and get better." He grinned like a jerk. "Goodnight, Red."
"Night, Wolf. Bye Zane!" I waved obnoxiously. I watched the doctor chuckle as he shook his head.
"I am going to make dinner."
"Do you need help?" He waved me off and I settled in quickly falling asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
I did not think of the psychological repercussions of her hanging...