The Only Difference Between Bill Kaulitz and Brendon Urie Is Press Coverage

At my Rents

“Hi Cam!” I yelled over Sophie’s crying as he opened the door.

“Um…you do know it’s like six in the morning…” Cam’s eyes shifted to the tour bus. “Oh my God I wanna come!”

“No, you can take the babies though,” I gave him Sophie’s carrier and surprisingly she stopped crying. “See, she likes you.”

“Uh I have school this morning Tara,” he frowned and me and Bill pushed our way into the living room. He placed Kayden’s carrier on the ground next to Sophie.

“They just ate so you won’t have to feed them,” I dropped all the bags full of junk they would need on the table. You know-formula, bottles, pacifiers, bibs, baby food-all those kinds of things and then there were some bags with diapers and some with clothes. Tom was behind us carrying in their car seats and high chairs.

“Holy shit how do you keep track of all this?!” Cam cried. “I’m gonna go wake up mom and dad so they can handle this and I can get ready for school.”

“Speaking of school how is it?” I asked.

“Today is the first day. Senior year,” he smiled. “I feel old Tay.”

“Where are you going to school?” I asked.

“I might be getting a football scholarship to Michigan,” he replied.

“That’s great!” I cried, but he didn’t seem too happy. “But of course you wanna go to Illinois State?”

“Well that’s where all my friends are going,” he whined.

“So, be your own person.”

“I’m going to wake up the rents now,” Cam left the room and Sophie started to cry again. Wow we needed to have him around more often.

My mom and dad didn’t seem too happy about being dragged out of bed but they were happy to see us, and instantly picked up the twins in their arms. Sophie really protested to being held by her grandma, but Kayden was good with dad.

Mom passed Sophie to Cam eventually and she settled down. Aw Cam looked so cute holding her.

“So how have things been?” me and Bill sat with dad on the couch and talked for awhile.

“Good. We just released a new album,” Bill explained.

“I know, Cam plays it all the time,” dad smiled.

“You bought a TH CD?!” I gasped and looked at Cam. He used to hate them when I had my obsession.

“Yeah,” he smiled and then passed Sophie to Bill. “I gotta go get ready for school.”

“How have you kids been with babies around?” my mom asked rocking Kayden in her arms.

“It’s been hard, but we’ve really changed a lot,” I smiled and looked at Bill. He was smiling too. I could tell we were thinking the same thing…we make some damn good-looking kids.

We talked about what the twins would need, what to do for the two months they would be here for about an hour. Cam left for school at seven and then we left soon after. We needed to meet Panic in the city.

Bill and I said goodbye to our babies and made sure to leave directions for the webcam so we’d be able to see them everyday.

“Well that took long enough,” Georg declared as we walked back into the tour bus.

“Sorry,” we sat down next to Tom and the bus took off for the city.

“I hope they’ll be okay,” I whispered and put Bill’s arm around me.

“They’ll be fine Tara don’t worry,” he sighed and pulled me closer to him. “Your parents will take good care of them, and so will Cam.”

“Yeah,” I replied, reassured.

Here we come Chicago.
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