The Only Difference Between Bill Kaulitz and Brendon Urie Is Press Coverage

'A Hotter Touch'

That night I laid in bed just waiting for Bill to climb in, I knew he was in the bathroom getting ready for bed.

Bill's was the only compartment that had a little TV built into the end. I was flipping through the channels thinking about the day.

Well Anna and Ryan sure had a fast liking to each other, he told me that after the tour he was gonna take her out sometime and then he continued to thank me throughout the day for introducing such a wonderful girl to him.

We'd all gone out to dinner then and back to our tour buses. I supposed once the tour was going a bit then we'd have a bit of a get to know each other thing cause I really wanted to know Panic more.

The actual venue for tomorrow was in a weird place in the suburbs and from where we were it would take eh around two hours to get there. We were gonna get there tonight and stay there and around the city the whole day. Where the venue was was closer to where main campus was, and that was good cause me and Gussi were gonna go up and visit Bea for awhile.

I let the channel stay on MTV, Made was on and they were making this really ugly girl into a model. Hmm...I was getting bored...

The day had been full of the paps following us. And it was only for Tok but they were surprised by Panic as well, especially by Ryan and Anna together so much of the day. I could just see the headlines of TMZ- "Are they an item?!!" Well I knew they would be some time in the future.

Bill pulled back the curtain and climbed in next to me. His hair was flat and he only had a bit of eyeliner still on and he was wearing these adorable striped pants and one of my Panic shirts.

"I was gonna wear that to bed," I whined and put my head on his shoulder.

"But Tara it looks so smexy on me, don't you think?" he mimicked my voice and I slapped him playfully. "Don't may come off."

I smiled myscheviously. "Well I was thinking hun...."

"Hmm?" he looked at me with those irresistable brown eyes.

"Oh you know...that we can cut it one month short."

"Really!" his eyes lit up and I nodded. He jumped out of the bunk and yelled, "Be right back."

I giggled and laid down a bit. Jeez these beds were comfy. I would hate to be claustrophobic though, that would really suck for them. It reminded me of those compact hotels in Tokio...uh Tokyo. Whoops.

Bill came back within moments and closed the curtains to the bunk all the way and pulled the chord tight so that it wouldn't open.

"Now...where were we?" he smiled and kissed me gently.

I put my hands around his waist and started to kiss him and then inched my hands up his shirt to feel his abs. Yummy. =P

I helped him a bit and took off my shirt. His hands were clumsy and fumbled around with my shorts so I helped him with those too. Jesus how long had it been? Nine whole months? God we both needed this so bad.

He pushed me down and fell on top of me and started nibbling at my neck. I started to giggle and he broke away for a second and started with his pants too. I helped.

"Say my name Tara," he breathed, his face inches from mine.

"Bill..." I sighed and then he tore into me. My nails were digging into his back but God did it feel good.

"Louder!" he demanded, but I liked this, him being the dominant one and all.

"Bill Kaulitz!" I cried, almost screaming with pleasure, and he smiled and I pulled him closer to me. "Harder, baby..."

Tom's POV

Well it sure wasn't fun hearing my little bro and his wife getting it on below me. I tried to blast the music on my iPod as far as it would go and all that would play were stupid slow songs by Coldplay and some songs by Fall Out Boy that Georg and Bill had put on there. I needed to listen to some rap, man's music.

Though I wasn't feeling so much like a man at the moment. Hadn't had a girl since hell that Deidre girl with the boyfriend back in New York. God that had been for nothing.

I didn't like showing my emotions, but it was hard to keep them in recently.

The fact was I kept remembering that night I'd had with her. We'd been insanely drunk but hell I still remembered. Tara and that girl Deidre, they'd been the best fucks I'd had in my life. Was that why I couldn't handle things? Knowing I could never be anything more with these girls?

I could hear Tara scream and I turned up my iPod even more.

I sighed and rubbed my temples. God not this constant headache again. Every day was a headache. Walking up was pointless with the life I had.

I'd gotten over the drugs, yes, gotten over those feelings of suicide, but my life was still shit. Where was I going, what was going to happen to me before I died? Would I ever find a girl that would want to hang on to me forever?

Hm...that made me think of Bea. Had to include her in my best. She really had changed, and she'd done it because of me damnit. She wanted to be with me, but the new her didn't approve of my ways. God I was different now, wasn't I?

A single tear rolled down my cheek and I wiped it away as fast as I could. I couldn't cry. But part of me was like Bill I guess...

And that girl, that friend of Tara's, she was gorgeous but I hadn't even been offered to her. She was gonna be for Brendon, that asshole of a guy. No seriously, he was never serious, and I barely knew him and I could tell that. At least Ryan had Anna. If there was anyone in all of us I wanted to find love it was him. Lead guitarists had connections to each other, didn't they?

Poor guy was nice, and he had feelings and deserved a girl. But that Anna girl, with her huge blue eyes and that slender body...God was he lucky.

But I was sure she wouldn't even have looked at me twice. No one took me seriously, no one at all. Except the band...Bill took me seriously of course.

I opened the curtain to my bunk and jumped down. I didn't like being up there except to sleep. I was sorta claustrophobic when I was up there. Whoa, TH lyric in my head...

"Hey Tom," Gustav was sitting on the couch in the front watching TV.

Good, Gussi was a sensible, serious guy. And out here, with the bus driving along the highway, all those sounds from the bunk were blocked.

"Gussi do you ever think I'll find a girl?" I asked him and put my iPod in my pocket.

He looked at me and shrugged. "I'm not one to say Tom."

"But I've changed haven't I?" I asked, worried.

"Of course, changed for the better," he smiled and nodded. "Tara said she will find you a girl on this tour."

"How many friends does this girl have to give away?" I sighed. Deidre, Anna, Jeni, and Bea were all Tara's friends, and were all associated with this band in some romantic way.

"Well she was a good matchmaker for Ryan Ross," he reminded.

I sighed and sat back on the couch a bit to watch what he was watching. I could really watch RHPS right now. I was so odd these past weeks, damn it was confusing.

Gussi was watching Wild N' Out on MTV2. Well, I liked this show, so I watched for awhile and then I started to get really tired. If I went up into my bunk and fell right asleep then I wouldn't hear anything much.

"Night Gussi," I said and got up off the couch.

"Goodnight Tom. And don't worry..." he declared as I walked off to my bunk.

But on the way there something snagged onto the curtain of Bill and Tara's bunk and it pulled back.

"Shit," I whispered and felt my whole face get hot.

Tara's POV

That blast of light hit us like a bullet. Bill fell on top of me and cursed in German. I heard someone curse outside of the bunk too.

"What the hell?" I whispered and felt my face get really hot cause Tom had been the one that opened the bunk. He scurried off like a scared little mouse but Bill called him back.

"Excuse me Tom," he called. "What was that for?" I scrambled for some covers, but to no avail.

"Sorry bro something snagged onto the curtain I'm really sorry," I heard Tom call down from his bunk. Damn wasn't that awkward. Well at least I could breathe a bit now, Bill had me moving so much, but I liked it. I was just really short of breath.

"Well try not to do it again, I'm trying to fulfill my husbandly duties," Bill called and then closed the curtain.

I giggled for no real reason and pulled him to me again. He kissed me and we fell back, him on top of me like before. But I pushed him off of me and climbed on top of him.

"I'm out of breath Bill Kaulitz," I whispered and sat up. He pulled me closer and I shivered as he traced the outline of my body with his fingers.

"You sure are sexy for having two kids Tara Kaulitz," he smiled innocently and pulled me down again.

"I love you baby," I whispered and put my arms around his back.

"I love you too," he whispered and ran his fingers through my hair.

I closed my eyes and laid against his heart. And I fell asleep.

I don't know what time it was when he woke me up again, but it was some time past midnight cause the bus was already stopped at the venue.

"Come on Tara I'm really hard," he whispered in my ear and rolled me over.

"Mmm..." I sighed, still half-asleep.

"So is that a yes or a no?" he asked.

"Do what you want with me," I yawned and rolled over onto my back. I was just too tired to do anything.

He pulled down my waist a bit and then pushed inside of me again. I was instantly awake after that, damn was he right.

"Oh Bill," I moaned.

Bill seemed quite pleased with himself. Well...he did have a reason to be.

"This is not gonna happen every night," I told him as I was lying in his arms again.

"I know," he frowned.

"Oh Bill I love you," I squeezed him tight and kissed his neck several times.

"Keep doing that, it feels good," he whispered.

So I did for awhile but God I was so tired. I wasn't used to all of this wild sex. Believe me, it was fun of course...

"I feel like I still need to keep my ears open to make sure the twins aren't crying," he declared when I was almost asleep. Didn't he sleep?

I smiled. Bill was a good daddy.

"Do you think they're sleeping for my rents?" I asked.

"Probably not," he replied. Yeah, he was probably right. I'd ask Cam tomorrow.

"Can I sleep now?" I asked him, yawning.

"Of course," he kissed the top of my head and I fell into a much-needed deep sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
oh baby that was steamy. =P
