Animal Abuse is Suffering

Animal Abuse is Suffering Everyone deserves to have a chance at life right? What about the animals that live around us? Should we take out our guns and shoot them in the head? No. So what if they leave a 'surprise' on your carpet? Should we chain them up in the backyard and forget about them? No.

Thousands of animals every day are suffering from animal abuse. Whether it's living in an unhealthy environment, or being thrown out of a window, it still brings on the same pain. Animal abuse is breaking the hearts of those whom trust and love us. What did they do to deserve suffering?

I believe that animal neglect is wrong. If you put yourself into animal's shoes, you might just feel the same. Let's say this little girl ran into you on the street. Why don't we just take out our choke chain and suffocate her? You wouldn't want to do that, would you? So why do we do it to animals?

Anger is no excuse. Just because you lost a big soccer game gives you no reason to go home and beat on your dog. We have better ways of handling anger issues. Go to a freaking therapist, what did your dog do to make you loose the game?

Chaining your pets in the yard is a problem. It may not seem like one, but it's a problem that many dogs suffer. Mostly dogs whom have not finished growing to their fullest experience the more painful. If you leave them out there without a change of collar, the skin will eventually grow around the collar. Imagine how much that would hurt!

Animals need food to survive! We all need food to survive! So why do we starve our pets? I don't know either. Starvation is the most miserable animal neglect, I believe. Imagine, your mother and father not feeding you for weeks. You have no source of food, you're just skin and bones. Thats what millions of animals suffer every year. Billions maybe, I just know that there are a lot of animals that suffer from our act of selfishness.

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