Christianity: The Easy One to Blame - Comments

  • I liked this article alot. I am a Christian and I don't think it is fair that they get attacked for everything but I think alot of it has to do with alot of Christians being judgemental and pointing out everyones falts. But newsflash: no one is perfect and the sooner people realize they are no better than the person sitting next to them no matter what they believe the better this world will be.
    August 27th, 2009 at 12:04am
  • The reason we Christians get blamed for everything is because most of the civilized world (if you can call it that) is predominantly Christian or historically, was a Christian nation.

    Think about it, Europe (Russia included) and America are the current superpowers. America was founded 300 years ago on Christian beliefs and was a Christian nation for over 200 years, Europe was christian for almost 1600 years.
    August 26th, 2009 at 10:04pm
  • I agree with most of this (though I dont follow any religion myself) The only time I do get annoyed is when people preach at me about it, but then thats not all Christians either :)

    I got annoyed at a Christian the other week though as she was preaching on here to my best friend calling him 'wrong' for being bisexual, I want to understand what gives anyone the right (regardless of religion really) to judge anyone else?

    Good article, it made me think... which at 1am is probably not the best thing xD
    August 7th, 2009 at 01:53am
  • I get what you mean but being honest everyone has a say in governmental issues including the majority (which can in some cases be Christian), but that doesn't make they're opinions (which are the basis for their political beliefs) aren't important. Everyone always wants to be heard and everyone tries to make themselves hears, just because Christians are occasionally reported on doesn't make them any worse than anyone else
    July 16th, 2009 at 05:29pm
  • I'm not against Christians or their religion or anything like that. True, I don't accept it, but still, I don't hate anyone who practices. What I hate is that, since Christianity is the majority religion wise, some Chrisitians think that that gives them the right to influence government in some way, and that is not fair to anyone. I can understand haveing different views and opinions, but I can't stand anyone putting down other people because of their life choices. And, I'm sorry, but any time a group of powerful people voice their opinons about anything, people will listen, and critize, and it's not just with religion. That's just the way it is.
    July 16th, 2009 at 01:39am
  • Straight off I have to disagree, if you want to name a so-called "religious" war go ahead but I assure you that there will be other stronger reasons for the war as they use religion as a cover, wars are fought for land, money and power, nothing else.

    But you see the "common beliefs" are personal. Just because the Church agrees with these beliefs doesn't make them any less important. These beliefs (such as anti-abortion and anti gay marriage) are held by thousands of people who are not religious aswell as those that are. Your right that a persons beliefs influence them but beliefs are completely personal, a religious body can tell you what to believe but they cant make you believe, if you personally dont believe then it will have no impact on you so beliefs shouldn't be slandered because the Church holds them.

    Well I can prove things like Jesus existed and was said to perform miracles, that is if you would accept a Roman Historians recorded work but you know no one can technically prove that either no one can prove any old texts so I'm not going to argue with you as to whether the Bible can be proven (thats been going on for years) but i have to reitterate that I have NEVER seen a Christian hide behind the Bible. The only people who I've ever seen hide behind the bible are people like you who use it as an excuse not to agree with something. Anyway your argument is extremely flawed as you say the bible needs to be hard evidence to believe in it that then means that YOU need hard evidence to support your view. A view is purely personal and opinion based no evidence can back it up if evidence backs it up then its not an opinion or belief its a fact.

    Lets see find an argument that doesn't have roots in religion, simple, "I think the idea of being unique is dead as conformity is all modern day uniqueness is". That has no strong religious connotations. Of course you could always argue that religions talk about people and people are the ones trying to be unique but thats just stretching it to ludicrious proportions.

    And on your point about religious signs being removed you are totally wrong. In Ireland in Saint James Hospital the crib at Christmas was removed because the officials recieved one complaint from a Muslim intern so they decided that the crib was offensive. This is completely true it was even reported on the biggest news broadcast in the country, also this hospital observes other religions festivals aswell as things like Chinese New Year but no one is allowed Christmas decorations and at one stage some tried to stop a Priest giving communion to sick Catholics because "it was offensive". Just because you havent heard of it yourself doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

    Religions go in cycles of which one is fashionable to blame, and yes now it is Christianity, but just because its happened before doesnt mean that it should happen. By your argument we should just tell all rape victims to get thick skin or all genocide victims to get over it because "It's nothing special. It happened in the past, it's happening now, and it'll happen in the future." It has always been apathy towards a situation that allows it to escalate to obscene proportions.
    July 12th, 2009 at 05:52pm
  • Um. First of all, I'd like to point out that alot of wars HAVE been about religon, throughout history. People have always fought over beliefs, in words or weapons, and sometimes, both.
    And also, when people make arguments against religon, it's not personal. They're not arguing with your beliefs. They're arguing with the common beliefs of Christianity. And it's true, it's because that alot of people are Catholic/Christian, and that those beliefs mold the ones for people that follow either.
    As someone said below, I would respect them more, if the people didn't hide behind their religon when confronted. As far as I have seen, every argument can he traced back to something in the bible. And quite frankly? You may believe in it, but the bible isn't a proven fact. It can't be used as evidence, because there's no solid proof backing that it's true. Want to proove me wrong and find an argument that doesn't have roots in religon? Fine, try it.
    And for the person that said that they would be denied a sign being taken down, because it supported another religon? And saying that they would be looked down on that? That's so, totally untrue. Your beliefs would be respected just as much as anyone else's beliefs. And really? You guys are kicked down just as much as anything other religon, or lack of religon, out there. It's nothing special. It happened in the past, it's happening now, and it'll happen in the future.
    Get some thick skin.
    July 10th, 2009 at 07:28am
  • I think people choose to blame Christianity because it's usually the only religion that speaks out about it's beliefs or vews about any certain topic. So yeah I agree with you on that and that's probably why you guys get all the rude comments and such.

    I'm not a christian and I disagree with a lot of the stuff that they believe in, but one of my best friends is a highly devoted Christian, she always goes church and she's never sowrn in her entire life (which I think is rather impressive) but I love her to bits. I don't judge anyone on what religion they are but I don't like it when people do try to force their religion onto me. Not saying that this article did, I'm just saying what annoys me. So yeah. Also, in every single religion, there's good people and bad people so there's no reason to judge.

    Thank you ^_^
    June 28th, 2009 at 06:27pm
  • I think it is easier to blame because then you don't have to sit through church but then when you die, wouldn't you have rather sat through an hour long church service than burn in Hell for eterity?
    June 24th, 2009 at 11:05pm
  • I personally agree that Christianity gets the reputation it does simply because it's the foremost religion out there. If you're going to have a stance, there are going to be people that are against you. I understand where you're coming from and what you feel, but that's reality. I'm as entitled to my opinion (pro-choice, pro-gay marriage) as you are to yours. That's what free speech is; you have to be able to take criticism as well as you give it.

    Besides, I think it's healthy for people to question the majority.
    What would the world be without a bit of skepticism?
    Debating is probably the best way to strengthen your beliefs, or come to new conclusions. :)

    Nice article, in all.
    June 22nd, 2009 at 05:00pm
  • I absolutely love this article, and I agree with you 110%. Christianity is always the religion that takes a bad rap, and I don't think that's fair. You're very right in what you said about how people in every religion are going to have different views on things like gay marriage and abortion. Thank you so much for writing this.
    June 18th, 2009 at 11:58pm
  • I have to agree. I try not to think about the religious side of it all, because it gets just too easy to blame on religion for everything.

    It's just human nature, though, to not want to be a parent (although you could give the child up for adoption), and to be gay.

    We're all a little gay, though, at some time. I mean, what girl hasn't had a girl-crush? What man hasn't had a man-crush?
    June 10th, 2009 at 08:13am
  • Great article!
    I'm a pretty devoted Christian and from kindergarten to 8th grade, I went to Catholic school. I always HATED when people outside of school try to judge me before they know just because of my religion. Because of the large number of Christians out in the world, I guess we're the ones people always point fingers at. But, hey, if Jesus could stand up and take the abuse from the people around him, then we can too.
    June 9th, 2009 at 07:55pm
  • This is a great article! Thanks for writing it! All over this website people are bashing Christianity, and it's stupid! I am a Christian and I agree whole-heartedly with you.
    May 13th, 2009 at 04:22pm
  • Thank you so much for writing this article! I am Christian and get bashed even by my freinds for it. Jesus says that we will be persecuted because of Him though and I care about His opinion way more than my freinds' opinions
    Just for the record I don't consider myself libral or conservative... most people just consider christians as conservative jerks and i dont think it is a fair assumption
    April 4th, 2009 at 11:21pm
  • Christianity is easy to blame because it's not the under dog. Other religions, like Satanism, are the under dog. So of course people are going to root for them and try to kick in the ego of the larger one.
    March 28th, 2009 at 01:10am
  • That's the thing that gets me, I'm Christain right? Does that mean that I'm a horrible person and I should feel ashamed? NO! So what if Christianity, as a religon, doesn't have a very good rep, but that isn't all Christians, AND I can bet you on my life that you can find horrible things about other religons, but I don't rail other people for thier beliefs, THERE BELIEFS! Just let the past lie.

    Besides, people just follow the crowd when they start a flame war with a Christain because that person admitted it. People do that because their expected to. If a Muslim is shoping at Target sees a 'Merry Christmas' and they say that offends them, the manager will apologise all over the place and change the sign to 'Happy Holidays'. But if I walked in and said that a sign saying 'Happy Honika' (I apologise for me horrible spelling skills) I'd get blown off. People would be just short of throwing rotten vegitables at me as I walked down the street because I 'attacked the Hebrews'. Christianity is getting attacked all over because it'ss socially accepted, but if any other religon has one negative comment against them, all a sudden, you're a Bible thumper and deserve to die for it.

    People need to chose, either all religons have a say, or no one can say anything.
    March 11th, 2009 at 03:42am
  • So I agree with the author. ^_^
    February 19th, 2009 at 02:47am
  • This was a well written article, good job. Christianity cannot be blamed for everything just because it is the majority. Religion does create conflict for very complex reasons, but saying that the world would be better off without it is ridiculous, because humans NEED something to believe in. I like to "argue" with people about religion because I learn from them, and they'll learn from me. Bam! embrace it!
    February 19th, 2009 at 02:46am
  • Alright, state the contradictions? if you can't back up the comment it's worthless.
    Also I know for a fact in Islam there are the equivalent to religious court hearings whenever someone goes for an abortion (well obviously not everyone but a high percentage) they always end up saying the abortion is not allowed but they never come out and say it publicly.
    Oh and one other thing. I couldn't care less about America. It is NOT the only country in the world, and really hate to break it to you, people have opinions and debates in other countries too, this article was not about the little world of America, it was about the whole world.
    February 10th, 2009 at 01:15pm