Hatred for a Whole Year? Get Over It T-Swift - Comments

  • viralstorm

    viralstorm (100)

    United States
    @ Carpe Diem !
    Thank you!

    And yeah, maybe the song is really about John Meyer as some say, but she has been the one pointing fingers at Harry and eating up the attention. The stunt she pulled at the brits, this years vmas, and a few interviews as well. Its ridiculous and a bit childish.
    September 1st, 2013 at 07:40pm
  • harley is awkward.

    harley is awkward. (100)

    United States
    Amen oh my god. This I exactly how I feel about the situation and her. T-Swizzle and I just don't mix. At one point I was like "why don't I like her?" And I tried to like her but now she has to be bitter about everything. Thank you for saying this. Made my day.
    August 31st, 2013 at 11:46pm
  • Carpe Diem !

    Carpe Diem ! (100)

    United States
    Everyone keeps using the excuse "the song was written before Harry" but apparently the entire world has forgotten she's said in interviews that it wasnt the first time they've crossed paths. They had a run in before and she said at the last Brit awards, "it's easy to preform a song when the person it's written about is standing on the side of the stage" referring to Styles. I just hate that people don't remember they dated out of the eyes of the public once before.
    August 31st, 2013 at 07:31pm
  • DaniGates

    DaniGates (100)

    United States
    The song was written prior to their going out.
    August 31st, 2013 at 06:15am
  • permanentdeclaration

    permanentdeclaration (100)

    United States
    I agree that Taylor's little digs are way past being annoying. However, I think it only fair to point out that in the case you are referring to, when she accepted her moonman at the VMA's, she was not referring to Harry Styles. The album, and thus the song I Knew You Were Trouble, came out in October of 2012. Taylor and Harry didn't start dating until December 2012. The song could not possibly be about him.
    August 28th, 2013 at 02:35am
  • maus.

    maus. (400)

    United Kingdom
    A) No proof that she said that.
    B) She's only had seven, count them, seven boyfriends.
    C) That song wasn't written for Harry.
    D) It was six months ago, not a year.
    August 28th, 2013 at 01:26am
  • teenagedream91

    teenagedream91 (100)

    United States
    I did like TSwift when she first came out but as the years rolled by and then the jabs she makes when she gives her speeches really make me roll my eyes now. Like I'm slowly getting irritated with her attitude towards her exes. I don't listen to her music all that much anymore and she's a sweet girl but she can surely hold a grudge I guess she falls so hard and was so hopeful to be let down again. I understand in a way. She's a bit of a bummer now though sadly
    August 27th, 2013 at 06:29pm
  • angus young

    angus young (355)

    Having a lot of boyfriends doesn't make her a terrible person. She's childish, but that's not the problem.

    What DOES make her a bad role model is how her songs basically say she can't be complete without a boyfriend. She can't be happy unless she has one. And then when something happens, she acts like the bigger person and obviously none of it was her fault. That's not a good message to send to girls, and it's something I felt for years upon years when I was younger. You have to be complete by yourself, and your significant other will complement you instead of complete you.
    August 27th, 2013 at 01:34pm
  • gothique4

    gothique4 (100)

    I'm not a huge fan of her music as it just isn't my taste but who the hell can keep up with her boyfriends lol? She goes through different ones so often, it's hard to tell if she's just dating them to get material to write about when they break up or she can't stand being on her own and leaps into things too fast without getting to know the guy first. She definitely needs to grow up - the analogy with Adele was quite eye opening. There's definitely a world of difference in their maturity level and holding a grudge for that long is not healthy. Case in point my mother who split with my father 22 years ago but she's still bitter and twisted about it to this day and refuses to move on. She's not happy but she won't let go of the past and move on.

    In my opinion she's just an attention whore. When she's not bashing her exes she's actually quite a talented song-writer but until she matures beyond the age of 12 nobody above a teenager is going to give her much respect.
    August 27th, 2013 at 11:40am
  • strigoi.

    strigoi. (395)

    United States
    The silly thing is that the song wasn't about Harry. That song came out before she was even with Harry, so it couldn't have been about him. People have speculated it was either about John Mayer or Jake Gyllenhal. I think Taylor just said that because she knew Harry was there and because she likes to draw things out excessively. Even when the 1D guys were up on stage presenting an award, she could be seen in the audience mouth something along the lines of shut the f*** up when Harry was speaking.

    I do enjoy a lot of her songs, but she really is very petty and can be so immature. I mean, how old are you? I'm younger than her and I don't go around acting in that way about my ex's; even the ones that ended on bad terms. If you really don't like the person, let it die, and stop doing everything you can to draw more attention to the subject.
    August 26th, 2013 at 10:00pm
  • psychotic secrets;

    psychotic secrets; (1400)

    United States
    August 26th, 2013 at 08:14pm
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    Regardless of who the song was about, I think Taylor knew who everyone would assume she was talking about and she also said 'shut the fuck up' while he was presenting an award which is pretty tasteless, as well.
    August 26th, 2013 at 05:03pm
  • The Real Mitt Romney

    The Real Mitt Romney (250)

    Hong Kong
    HOLY SHIT I MADE A BLOG ABOUT HOW MUCH HER SHIT ANNOYED ME WAY BACK WHEN AND NEVER POSTED IT BECAUSE NO ONE EVER SEEMS TO SHARE MY OPINION ON HERE BUT YES. I understand that a lot of people just make money off of writing songs about people but I feel like she only ever talks about guys. It's like holy shit how many albums do you have out that are filled with those type of songs? Geeze woman get a grip and stop writing shit about your exs. She needs to take her own advice. All you are is mean, Taylor Swift, and pathetic. And a liar. File

    EDIT: and before I get reported for saying "mean, pathetic and a liar" I only said that because those are lyrics from one of her songs.
    August 26th, 2013 at 04:51pm
  • Usako

    Usako (150)

    United States
    As a Taylor fan, I can definitely tell you IKYWT was not written about Harry. Simple research dictates the song was created months before she even dated Harry. In all likelihood, it's about John Mayer. MTV obviously wanted to create some drama, and it worked.
    August 26th, 2013 at 01:56pm
  • Sansa Stark

    Sansa Stark (930)

    New Zealand
    @ mirror bomb.
    I went to Idol a couple years ago and the judges said I had a good voice but I didn't have that appeal that apparently you need to captivate the masses, and I'm pretty sure it's because my voice is deep and low, which isn't too usual in mainstream female singers. And also because I'm fat.
    August 26th, 2013 at 01:32pm
  • Sansa Stark

    Sansa Stark (930)

    New Zealand
    I have given up on understanding trends a long time ago. People will forever judge me for listening to Korean music just because it's Korean. I used to be really upset when anyone said that I only like K-pop because I have "an Asian fetish" -which I don't and, even if I did, I do not get sexually aroused just by the mere sight of an Asian man- and that K-pop artists are untalented and shitty... Why bother?

    @ dougie poynter;
    August 26th, 2013 at 01:29pm
  • Quiescent.

    Quiescent. (125)

    @ dougie poynter; and @ Kinki Jinki It's also not just how you sound, but how you look as well. You're more likely to succeed if you're good-looking and talented as well. At least from what I've seen of minimal reality singing programs. I've seen amazing singers leave because "they weren't what the industry was looking for".

    I can understand where you are both coming from, definitely, auto-tune has played a large factor in mainstream music, but I think a lot of it has to do with "concealing the truth" who wants a freshly-aged 16-year old boy whose voice hasn't cracked? I know Justin Bieber had that going for him but now that he's mature no one even remembers him before now.

    If something becomes popular you're always going to run with it more than you would like to. No one is going to admit that they sound better off auto-tune because that's admitting they aren't singing. So rather than admit it, they run with it, sell millions, cash it in and spend it on the pimps and hoes.

    Music will always reinvent itself, for better or for worse. There will be a day when no one will say The Beatles, McFly or N'sync were the best bands ever - it will be One Direction, Katy Perry and every other band or artist we may not appreciate, but the new generation will yearn for what we had.
    August 26th, 2013 at 01:06pm
  • nearly witches.

    nearly witches. (15250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    @ Kinki Jinki
    I totally get you there. I have the same issue with McFly. They were put together by a company with the same sort of idea as SHINee (and they are all pretty attractive as well) and I've lost count of the amount of times that people tell me that they mime live. Yes, they did at one point in ONE television show. They admitted it themselves. The studio for that show isn't set up to broadcast live performances (well, not live instruments anyway) but I've seen them live myself and I would bet my life on it that they weren't miming. The guitarist made a massive mistake halfway through the solo on a song. There are always subtle differences between being live and recordings on a CD. This live version has so many differences from the recorded version of that song.
    August 26th, 2013 at 01:00pm
  • Sansa Stark

    Sansa Stark (930)

    New Zealand
    @ dougie poynter;
    If you (not you, just overall people) doubt it's live, just listen to the studio version, it's a bit different. And that's because people can't stand the idea that a boy band put together by a company, that has teenage girls as the main target, can actually be good. Or the idea that a bunch of handsome young men can be talented.
    August 26th, 2013 at 12:55pm
  • nearly witches.

    nearly witches. (15250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    @ Kinki Jinki
    Sometimes it can be though, depending on how good your sound engineer is. There are tons of ways to mask using various types of techniques. Sometimes it can be really obvious, especially at live concerts like I said, but most television shows are pre-recorded and it is a lot easier to overdub and add in little things to mask the use of auto-tune and other techniques. I will throw my hands up and admit that the majority of people singing live with auto-tune or miming are easy to pick out, but sometimes the lines can be quite blurred.

    That video isn't showing up for me. :\ They are singing live, it's obvious. Why are people trying to say that they lip sync? You can clearly tell that all of them are singing. Facepalm
    August 26th, 2013 at 12:46pm