Ash and Angel's He Said, She Said Corner - Open Relationships

Hey guys, it's Angel!

He Said, She Said is back! For those of you who are new to these blogs I'd suggest going and taking a look at our first blog: Ash and Angel's He Said, She Said Corner - Jealousy!

The topic of today is: Open Relationships
Ash's Thoughts

Personally open relationships aren't all too appealing, the reason I'd be in a relationship at all is because of love, and that way you know the person you are in the relationship with feels the same way and you can hopefully have them all to yourself, whereas an open relationship would completely contradict those feelings, because you know the person is most likely only with you for sex or status, but if its sex you want, why not just be friends with benefits? And if its status, then that's completely up to both of you to be ok with.

Angel's Thoughts

Personally I’m more of the serious, happy to be settled down type of person. However I think that if you've just come out of a relationship and you don't want to get to serious with someone then I don’t see the harm in being in an open relationship as long as safe sex is being used there shouldn't be a problem. Too each their own really. For me I'm happy to share what little I have but sharing my guy isn't one of them, sorry ladies, and some guys! Don't get me wrong I've thought a lot about open relationships because I love the thought of not having that jealousy factor but at the end of the day, one guy is enough for me.
Now I have some questions for you:

1. What are your thoughts on open relationships?
2. What's the difference between an open relationship and friends with benefits?
3. Are you for, against or indifferent to open relationships?

Feel free to answer all questions or some or one and if you have a topic you'd like us to do leave a comment! :)

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December 13th, 2013 at 07:30am