This Is So Embarrassing...

  • Gah! I know I'm only 13, and will probably be ashamed of the writing I do now, somewhere in the future, but I looked back at the first chapter of my first story, and the dialogue was awful, my vocabulary was limited, the story was just a bunch of cliches rolled into one, and my main charecter was just like every other female main character that I've ever read about. Pretty, but doesn't see her beauty. Has a big appetite, but doesn't get fat. And her best friend is in love with her, except she's too stupid to see it.

    What I'm more ashamed of is the fact that I'm writing the sequel to this story, and it's just as cliche Dx
    July 24th, 2011 at 04:27am
  • This story I wrote when I was like ten or something about a kid named Harold who insisted on being called Hammie and eating Cocoa Pebbles cereal for every meal Facepalm I don't even know.
    And another story I wrote about three gnomes or something.

    What makes it worse is that I'd set the font to Comic Sans for both Facepalm
    July 24th, 2011 at 01:49pm
  • like many previous posts, most of my embarrassments are from years ago and aren't even on this site...but one thing I get embarrassed about is explaining my plots to other people who aren't writers or fantasy lovers (like me) and the plot summaries always sound so cliche, cheesy, and terrible. I don't think my writing is terrible, but I could be wrong.

    ^I used to play around a lot with fonts too when I was younger. I loved picking the perfect font for each story. Now I look back and think--wow that was dumb. I am a TNR-12 girl now (college MLA formatting has converted me)
    July 25th, 2011 at 06:56am
  • Ugh. I think Quizilla is literally the worst site to start on. I think its mostly because all the readers are young people that love reading obvious stories. I mean, I wrote a story called "The Meaning of Love? Life? Friendship? Pfft! You Tell Me!"
    Words cannot describe my shame. It literally had two characters (three if you add the stereotypical villain), had a jumpy plot, made no scientific, logical sense, and was never explained. Chapters had cliffhangers that literally ended with incomplete sentences and dashes, and I used more coloured fonts than spellcheck.
    Overall, it was the worst story I ever wrote. Quizilla should have an age restriction.

    And on the topic of quizilla;
    I wrote a song about a boy I liked and how much he P'd me off for not paying me any attention. Looking back, I am so glad someone reported it. It was honestly the single most mortifying, desperate, pathetic thing I ever did. The song was called "Arm Candy" !
    Gah. I still have the account, and most of my stuff is still up there, but I only kept it because starting a new account would take too long, and I'm not really up for writing stories with obvious titles that give away the plot.
    July 25th, 2011 at 10:40pm
  • My Pride and Prejudice rip-off. I'm pretty sure that even when I was writing it I knew it was a rip-off. I found it today and it's full of lines like 'for he had a happy countenance' and ''twere yesterday 'tis true'
    It was just terrible :') and yet I love it haha.

    And... pretty much anything written before the age of sixteen, I think. I hate on my stuff a lot.
    July 30th, 2011 at 01:13am
  • I have seven notebooks full of the most pathetic stories, poems and random crap I have ever seen that I wrote God knows how long ago. They're petty and full of spelling mistakes, grammatical errors and plots that make no sense. I wanted to rip them up, or chuck them in a bonfire several years ago but just couldn't bring myself to do it. So know I just have them hidden in a Co-op bag behind a chest of draws in my bedroom lmfao
    August 7th, 2011 at 02:42pm
  • I think the most embarassing thing I've ever written was my first slash. Every other word was a cuss word, dialouge and narration had chat speak, and when I tried to write the first sex scene, it was just two pages of them rolling around taking each other's clothes off. I think I was 11 when I wrote it and firmly believed that qualified for sex.
    The plot was terrible, 'gay, emo boy' with a best friend who's a girl and a new kid comes to class who's 'so fing hott and emo!'. Twitch
    and all of the usual cliches. thankfully I didn't put up on here.

    And I just deleted one story I started when I was about 12. It was a slash and had those 'deep blue eyes' and 'porcelain skin' cliches. The main kid's dad was a druggie and abusive. OH. The kid did drugs, but seemed to behave perfectly normally while using and noone ever suspected anything. Also, I would probably switch POVs every other paragraph and every other word was a cuss word. And the one and only sex scene... OMFG

    I've improved so much. Yes
    August 8th, 2011 at 05:32am
  • desiher:
    Terrible almost-smut that I wrote about three years back. Twitch mrgun
    I reread it last year and nearly died of embarrassment. I wanted to smack myself so hard my head spun around. Facepalm

    Thankfully, none of it ever made it to the internet. I burned the pages about a week later. Shifty
    i had a femmeslash smut like that when I wrote when I was like 12... OMFG
    it was terrible, I was so embarrassed by it, when my friend came over and picked it up to read it I snatched it from her hands, folded it up as small as I could get it, and cut it up with scissors into tiny little pieces right in front of her. lmfao
    she kept asking what it was and I couldn't even say anything about it. Cheese
    August 8th, 2011 at 05:38am
  • I just wrote my first slash sex scene, and I feel so dirty. Especially since one of the guys is real, which makes me feel like a psycho stalker.
    I can't even read it at the moment, and I'm dreading doing a heterosexual sex scene, because then its gonna seem so much more personal.
    I think I'm only really put off by the idea because I know they're so stupid and unrealistic.
    August 11th, 2011 at 07:15am
  • I just wrote my first slash sex scene, and I feel so dirty. Especially since one of the guys is real, which makes me feel like a psycho stalker.
    I can't even read it at the moment, and I'm dreading doing a heterosexual sex scene, because then its gonna seem so much more personal.
    I think I'm only really put off by the idea because I know mine is so stupid and unrealistic.
    August 11th, 2011 at 07:16am
  • My old bandfics with the random scene girl who falls in love with X but Y has a crush on her and X and Y fight. There was also always some sort of crazy, abusive ex and depression/cutting. The entire band loved to go clubbing, guitar hero, skittles and redbull and was hyper as heck. I'm so embarrassed by them now.
    August 12th, 2011 at 02:44am
  • I had a Draco Malfoy story titled 'I'm Living With Who!?', about a girl who went to live with her sexy arch enemy Malfoy.
    And then the sequel was called 'Changes That Have Been Changed'. I actually thought I was a genius with the title Facepalm
    April 24th, 2013 at 12:59pm
  • When I was about 10 years old, my sister and I wrote a Fairly Odd Parents fan fiction, in which Wanda died and Timmy was looking for a new wife for Cosmo. I was a troubled child.
    April 26th, 2013 at 06:52pm
  • @ Katie Mosing
    Oh my goodness, I loved Fairly Odd Parents. I remember writing really weird, random fanfic about them all the time.

    When I was nine years old, my best friend and I wrote this fan fiction about A Series of Unfortunate Events and basically answered all the mysterious questions that come up. V.F.D recruited Violet, but she was like, in her early twenties, and they needed her to save a teenage Sunny from Count Olaf's evil nephew, Count Olin. I think I still have a couple of pages somewhere. Facepalm Embarassing.
    May 5th, 2013 at 02:44am
  • Should I just link you guys to my old Quizilla or

    Okay well my first story ever has no plot and my main OC was psycho. And I killed her off. And ended the story with her death.

    Then my second story ever I used the same OC and made her even more psycho and the story had no plot other than the relationship between her and Brian Haner Jr.

    May 5th, 2013 at 05:07am
  • Everything I wrote up until I was about 14 was awfully written... I have to admit, the ideas and plots were pretty good and interesting, I just wasn't thoughtful enough. I was convinced I was a revolutionary, amazing writer and that I didn't even have to put the effort in to be articulate.
    May 7th, 2013 at 08:29am
  • Oh man, I had this Paramore fanfic when I was younger (I have deleted all traces of it on the internet, but I saved it in a Word document for a laugh) and basically Hayley Williams got kidnapped and then everyone was upset but then oh my goodness Hayley appears again by magic because she beat up her kidnapper and escaped. The grammar was appalling, my spelling leaves a lot to be desired and I couldn't write dialogue to save my life.

    And then we have pretty much every Elliot Minor fanfic I ever wrote. They all seemed to have me and my friends in them. They were a prime example of self-insertion gone really bad. I'm so glad I actually learned how to write.
    May 8th, 2013 at 11:34am
  • I wrote this story when I was around nine or ten about this princess
    and thankfully I never posted it. Because I found it awhile ago when I was
    sorting through my old writing and it was awful. She was the most two dimensional character ever, and I didn't even get past the first piece of paper
    when I wrote it.

    Then there are the notebooks a friend has when we cowrote stories in sixth and a bit of seventh grade. The stories were about a group of four(?) teens with magical powers and we would each write the perspectives of a boy and girl. We even had a glossary with the spell / incantation translations. And we had villains that were ogres and other fantasy creatures. tehe Last time I checked, she still has the notebooks.
    May 12th, 2013 at 05:51am
  • I had this one story I wrote that started out as a murder mystery but ended up as a alien invasion story because i didn't know what to do next. And to add to it, the grammar and spelling were terrible. The really sad thing is I wrote it for a contest. Thank heavens I didn't send it in.

    I guess I shouldn't feel too bad about it - after all I was only eight. But still. O_o
    May 12th, 2013 at 07:43am
  • When I was about ten, I wrote Lion King fanfiction. I learned as much as I could about the movie, and Africa, and Swahili... Basically I went bonkers over the entire thing. It even had a sequal, but my computer crashed and I lost everything.

    I've always loved Harry Potter fanfiction. I wrote some god-awful stuff on Quizilla. I have two stories on here, Masquerade and Mistaken Memory, that are Draco Malfoy fanfictions from a couple years ago. I only keep them up because they're like my Mibba babies. But I tried to read over Masquerade, and oh boy. Between characters overreacting, unrealistic scenerios, POV mix-ups, and horrible grammar... I stopped reading it, and just kind of sat it aside. The sequel wasn't as bad, but just didn't make any sense.
    May 14th, 2013 at 07:34pm