Mein Licht

  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    In searching for answers, Mizuki had actually turned her back on Kross, momentarily rolling her eyes as he started talking about some things being hard to do with Harry around. She was going to kill her brother, leaving her alone with this guy... and she couldn't even spot him!
    Her thoughts on that abruptly ceased as she felt something on her ear -was that a tongue?!- and heard him saying something about her tasting sweet. As he then went for her wrist then, a noise half like a growl came from her. "STOP THAT!" she pulled her body away. "What's wrong with you?!" she asked, when he simply blinked at her with that same sort of lazy smirk painting his face that made her want to slap it away.
    Well, she could say one thing at least about Kross... she honestly had never met a person like him... ever.
    June 10th, 2013 at 09:38pm
  • Kross

    Kross (100)

    United States
    "Why? You can taste me!" he said, like that would make it all better. He shoved his wrist into her face "What do I taste like, huh? Am I spicy? I bet I am..." he laughed, tapping his wrist against her lips repeatedly.
    "Why're you so worried about finding Harry, anyways? The village isn't big at all... It's not like he could get lost," Kross said pointedly, as if that were actually Mizuki's problem here.
    He continued to tap his wrist against her lips, waiting for her to 'taste' him.
    June 10th, 2013 at 09:45pm
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    Mizuki sighed, shoving his wrist away from his face. "I am not going to "taste" you," she said, shaking her head. She was half in the mind to just shove him down a hill into the forest and hope he couldn't find his way back... that would be mean though, she decided, and knew she wouldn't do it, no matter how much he annoyed her.
    "I know the village isn't big and he won't get lost," she sighed. It was the fact that Harry had left her alone. Plus he had been too lazy to actually try to learn how to vampire hunt. Some people decided not to learn but did other things for the village instead. They had trading days and all that. She worried about her brother... and he was all the family she had left. Nothing was going to happen to her twin. "Look, can we just go find him?" she asked. She didn't quite trust to leave Kross alone but she wanted to find Harry... quick. She had no idea what would be shoved in her face next.
    June 10th, 2013 at 09:50pm
  • Kross

    Kross (100)

    United States
    Seeing the genuine worry on Mizuki's face, Kross put his hand down and dropped the goofy smirk. "Yeah, we can go look for him," he said, for once rather seriously.
    "Where do you want to start?" he asked Mizuki as they headed down the hill, away from the willow tree. It was as soon as they made it off the hill though, that he smell hit his nose again and the snake-like voice was back in his mind. Save me! Set me free! We can get out together! Just save me!!
    Trying his best to put it aside, Kross looked at Mizuki again: she was the only reason for him to stay here. He hadn't even known her but for a couple of hours, yet he felt like he just needed to stay with her for a while longer; a gut feeling.
    Kross spotted red hair moving through the crowd and pointed "Hey, is that him?" Though once the person moved a bit more, Kross discovered that it was only a person wearing a red cloak. "Oh... This may be more difficult than I thought,"
    June 10th, 2013 at 09:57pm
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    Mizuki sighed softly as the person only turned out to be wearing a cloak, giving Kross a small nod. "Yeah. I wish right now that we really did have twin telepathy. Maybe then I would feel better about him going off on his own..." she shook her head softly.
    Maybe she just had to think like Harry... if he hadn't followed them, there were probably only a couple of things he was doing. She doubted he would be in the thick of the crowd, but by himself most likely and with how lazy her brother was, maybe even sleeping.
    She bit her lip as she thought. "He's not going to be in the crowd," she finally confirmed to Kross. "Probably trying to take a nap somewhere actually..." she trailed off with a shake of her head. "You remember the way back to the house? If you check there, I'll check out the cemetery really quick," she offered, ignoring the questioning look on his face as she waited for an answer. Since he wasn't from the village, she had to make sure she didn't send him somewhere he couldn't find his way to or back from.
    June 10th, 2013 at 10:03pm
  • Kross

    Kross (100)

    United States
    Kross nodded to her "Yeah, I remember the way," he said, "You go the cemetery, and if he's not in the house, I'll meet you there... and vice versa for you,"
    Kross then headed off to the house, running past the people of the village, accidentally bumping their shoulders and not bothering to say sorry. As he bumped into one woman, he felt a burning pain in his biceps. "Aah!" he hissed, gripping his arm as he ran. He turned his head to look back at the woman and saw she had been carrying a silver tipped spear in honor of the festival. Since he was only part vampire, it didn't hurt Kross as much as it should have, but it still stung, like venom pumping through his blood.
    Ignoring the pain for now, Kross opened up the door to Mizuki's house and peaked inside "Harry?" he called out, though there was no reply. He went into the hallway and checked all the rooms, not finding a trace of the red headed boy. Once he reached the bathroom, Kross debated whether to knock or not. He shrugged after a seconds thought and threw the door open anyways, "Harry!" he yelled "I've come to see yo--" Kross stopped though, as the bathroom was empty. "Hm... I guess I'll go check the cemetery, then," Kross decided, and headed back out the door.
    June 10th, 2013 at 10:10pm
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    Mizuki nodded. She was sure he could find the cemetery. It was just behind the biggest building in the small town, and the fence could be seen from where they were standing. "Okay," she told him with a nod and as he headed back towards the house, she went in the direction of the cemetery, wading easily through the crowd of people. She had been doing this for a long time and was pretty practiced at it unlike Kross.
    Finally she came to the metal fence, although she ended up on the opposite side of where the gate was. Groaning, she simply hoped no one saw as she hopped over the fence. They were supposed to walk around to the gate instead of jumping the fence, but at the moment she just wanted to find her brother. "Harry!" she called out as she started walking amongst the sea of alabaster and gray stones, even a couple of monuments present as well as a few flowers. She walked slowly, making sure to check the entire span for her brother, until she caught sight of something red.
    She ran for the color, hopping over graves and sending vocal apologies to the dead as she did so. Finally she came to a place she recognized, and she began to slow down. It was where their mother and father were buried. Panting a little at this point, she found Harry with a couple of flowers that looked as if the kind that were growing all over the place, the flowers being in season. Even as she walked up, he laid down a minature boque at both grave sites, and she sighed softly as she came up behind him, crouching next to her brother. "What made you decide to come out here today?" she asked, still a little out of breath from the run.
    Harry looked at her, a smile formed on his lips before he shook his head. "You wouldn't believe if I told you anyway," he said, sitting back. "Where's your boyfriend anyway?"
    June 10th, 2013 at 10:19pm
  • Kross

    Kross (100)

    United States
    Kross swam through the crowd of people, now watching where he stepped to avoid further injuries. He saw the fence to the graveyard, and just like Mizuki, climbed right over it, though he did not know the rule.
    As Kross climbed, he felt the familiar burning in his palms, except it was toned down this time. He looked at the fence to find that it was sure enough made of silver, but it was old and losing its shine... Not as effective.
    When he hopped down on the other side, Kross's palms were tearing at the skin, with dark garnet colored blood slowly dripping out of the cuts. He pulled the sleeves of his button down shirt closer to his hands so it would cover them. As for the cut on his shoulder, which was still burning, he decided to try and play it off as a normal cut, if they brought it up. The torn skin was hidden enough by his shirt to be believable.
    Passing through the graveyard, occasionally reading names on the headstones as he went by, Kross saw Mizuki and Harry bent over two graves, placing flowers around them. He assumed it was their parent's graves and decided to stay back... It wasn't his place to interfere.
    June 10th, 2013 at 10:30pm
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    Mizuki rolled her eyes at Harry, shoving him in the arm a little. "He isn't my boyfriend, Harry!" She shook her head with a sigh. "I was just trying to get him away from the tent, okay? I figured what I did would help distract him..." she trailed off with a small shrug, having no idea Kross was just behind them.
    "Just saying. With how you normally act towards guys, you seem to like him." He put up his hands quickly against another attack, but it never came and he peered at his sister carefully.
    "I might like him more..." she trailed off with a sigh. "If he would stop trying to flirt with me constantly. It's really annoying." she shook her head and nudged his arm. "Come on. I sent him to the house to look for you, and he'll probably be this way soon. And don't you ever worry me again like that, Harry Skye!" she said as she stood with her brother.
    When she turned around though, to start heading out of the cemetery, she was surprised to find Kross standing a few feet away, and remembering what they had been talking about, a light shade of pink came into her cheeks before she could force it down. "Ah, how long have you been standing there?...."
    June 10th, 2013 at 10:37pm
  • Kross

    Kross (100)

    United States
    Kross just slowly put his hands in his pockets, smiling crookedly at her. "Ah, I dunno... Why?" he asked her, giving her a quizzical look.
    She's into me... I knew it. he thought, though he showed no signs of the victory on his face. He just kept staring at her, smirking, hopefully putting her through torture on the inside at her wondering what he had heard. Okay, so maybe toning it down a bit will help... But her saying that makes me want to flirt all the more... he sighed mentally, but still kept the 'I only know what you want me to know' look his face.
    June 10th, 2013 at 10:47pm
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    "Because I turn around you're just standing there..." As Mizuki's normal color returned, she barely kept from narrowing her eyes at him as he simply to look at her, the expression on his face being close to how it usually was, and she sighed softly, shaking her head. "Nevermind," she muttered, glancing at Harry, who just shrugged. "Wanna go home?" She asked her brother. Today was pretty much the 'kid' day of the fair, and the stuff that went on wasn't all that, though she did enjoy being part of the play. After a moment though of thinking -and Harry's shrug- she looked back to Kross. "What about you, mister lone traveler?"
    June 10th, 2013 at 10:51pm
  • Kross

    Kross (100)

    United States
    "Sure," he said, "If you guys don't mind me staying with you," though he really just said that to be polite, because whether they liked it or not he would be staying with them.
    As they got up and headed back to the house, Kross turned around to get another look at the festival. His eyes mindlessly wandered to the thick red tent, which sent another chill down his spine. He was far away enough to be able to control what he heard, so he blocked out all the sounds coming from the tortured vampire.
    Once back inside, Kross plopped into a jar, a jar in hand filled with water, and put his tiny little Kano inside. He swam around in tiny circles, and Kross smiled foolishly "How close is the nearest store that would sell fish food? He could make it another day without eating, but we might want to get some soon,"
    June 10th, 2013 at 10:57pm
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    Mizuki blinked. She hadn't exactly been inviting him to stay with them, but after a moment and sigh she just shrugged. What was she going to do; tell him he couldn't stay and have him sleep in the cemetery like Harry already did? "I guess," she finally answered as the trio headed out of the graveyard, through the festival once again, and then finally back to the house.
    Harry went to get a shower and change, leaving Mizuki alone with Kross as he played with his fish, and she sat on the couch in the living room, putting her legs up so that it would be obvious she didn't want anyone to sit with her. There was another couch and even a chair anyway... with a family of four, furniture was often needed.
    As she listened to the question about fish food, she pursed her lips. "I don't know... they'll probably have some back in the village, considering how many kids will have won fish. But beyond that, it's about a week's walk to the nearest town. That's why we having trading days. So everyone isn't just back and forth at will. Plus groups help prevent vamps from trying to attack." She shrugged a little.
    June 10th, 2013 at 11:03pm
  • Kross

    Kross (100)

    United States
    Kross couldn't help smiling at his little fish... He just looked so tiny, swimming around in the jar! Once he heard Mizuki talking again though, his attention was pulled back to her. "Ah, okay. That's good. When are trading days, by the way?" he asked, turning his body back to the jar. Little Kano was still going at those circles.
    June 10th, 2013 at 11:22pm
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    Mizuki shook her head softly at Kross and his apparent obsession with his fish, but said nothing about it. "They're about once a week. Day after the festival ends in this case. Today's first day of the festival, two days after today is trading day," she told him, shaking her head once more at how he kept just watching the fish. She didn't really mnd though and ended up closing her eyes as she relaxed on the couch.
    June 10th, 2013 at 11:27pm
  • Kross

    Kross (100)

    United States
    Kross nodded, but he didn't say anything. Instead he looked over at Mizuki, who had her eyes closed.
    As quietly as possible, Kross snuck over to the couch and crouch down on his knees, almost nose-to-nose with Mizuki. He sat there and watched her for several minutes, breathing slowly so she wouldn't feel the air against her face. She's cute when she sleeps... he thought, smiling with a closed mouth, ear to her. Since he was so close to her, his eyes were krossed (Heh.) too, so he just looked plain ridiculous, yet cute in a funny way.
    June 11th, 2013 at 03:20am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    Even though Mizuki wasn't asleep, Kross managed to be quiet enough not to startle her as she relaxed, just thinking to herself as she laid there. After a little while though, the thought occured to her that he was being quieter than she liked... he was never that quiet... frowning, she opened her eyes.
    And jumped back almost immediately at seeing him right in front of her. In her surprise, she even jumped enough that she started to fall over the couch, though at the last moment the furniture decided to give out and fall on top of her instead, pinning her to the ground as she groaned when her head hit the floor. "Dammit," she cursed, rubbing the back of her head for a moment.
    June 11th, 2013 at 03:30am
  • Kross

    Kross (100)

    United States
    Kross leaped over the couch in an attempt to catch Mizuki before she hit the ground, but he wasn't fast enough. Instead he immediately scooped her up in his arms and carried her down the hall way and into her bedroom.
    Once they were in there he put her down on the bed and stared at her, before his eyes widened "Gaaaaaaargh! Don't go to sleep!" he yelled and flailed his arms around before picking her up again and running to the bathroom door. Harry was still in there, showering, but Kross didn't care. He kicked the door since his hands were holding Mizuki, several times, creating loud banging sounds. "Emergency! I gotta get into the medicine cabinet!" Kross yelled over the sound of running water, holding Mizuki tightly so she wouldn't wriggle away.
    June 11th, 2013 at 03:36am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    "What the-" As Kross picked her up suddenly and started carrying her everywhere, she tried to move away -especially since she was fine- but he was surprisingly strong and the position she was in was all weird. "Just put me down already!" she shouted when he just barged into the bathroom while Harry was still taking his shower. She hoped her brother had the sense to stay in that shower...
    It seemed like he wasn't listening to her though, and she groaned. What was wrong with him anyway? Hadn't he ever seen someone get scared and flip over a couch?... probably not. She could feel something wet at the back of her head, but it wasn't as if anyone could see the blood. Her hair was probably so thick it covered it up, and she barely felt it, if that said anything. "I'm serious, Kross," she said in a warning tone when he didn't listen to what she said. "Put. Me. Down."
    June 11th, 2013 at 03:44am
  • Kross

    Kross (100)

    United States
    "No!" he shouted back to her, banging on the bathroom door some more "Harry! Open up!"
    He looked back at Mizuki, "This is my fault, I gotta fix it!"
    He kicked the door again one more time, so hard that it finally gave in and fell to the ground. Steam was everywhere from the shower being on, but Harry remained obscured by the curtain. Kross flopped Mizuki over his shoulder, and used his free hand to open the medicine cabinet. He grabbed some spray disinfectant and a bandage, then sat Mizuki down on the toilet and began pulling her hair out of the way "This may sting," he said, then sprayed the tiny bottle onto her wound.
    June 11th, 2013 at 03:58am