Disney Town

  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Belle was surprised to hear his words and, with a slight smile, she turned her attention up to him. "Well, you're my favorite guy," she assured him gently, though, upon realizing what she said, her cheeks warmed up and she turned her attention ahead. She fell silent, both unsure of what else she should or could say and not wanting to open her mouth for fear of making things even more awkward than she was certain it was.

    Kovu looked down at her with surprise, quirking an eyebrow in curiosity. "Well, partially," he admitted before giving her a slight squeeze. "But I also liked seeing you blush in embarrassment. It's a good look on you," he teased lightly, offering a slight smirk. He didn't want her to think that he only bothered with her because she was the preacher's daughter. After all, he genuinely liked her and he didn't want to ruin that.

    Mulan listened quietly before a quiet sigh eventually escaped her lips and she looked up at him. "What? You'd rather go to class than spend time talking to little ol' me?" she asked, though she was mostly just teasing him. It surprised her that she was even going so far as to tease him, but she ignored it and instead stepped out of his way. "Well, I would like to know why you suddenly joined my side when you saw Pocahontas talking to me, but you seem in a hurry to get to class."

    John nodded to her words before folding his arms over his chest and leaning against one of the desks in the room. "Well, at least, if they are off doing that, we have a better chance of convincing them both to join us. At least, then, if they're in some sort of relationship, they wouldn't have to hide it," he offered. Then again, they would probably still have to hide it since Kiara was the preacher's daughter. Regardless, he nodded again. "Calculus, got it." The sooner they got everybody to join, the better, in his opinion.
    September 2nd, 2014 at 10:54pm
  • Brekke

    Brekke (100)

    United States
    Adam looked at her in surprise for a moment at her words before a smile fell onto his lips. "You are my favorite girl," he said honestly as he grinned at her although a light blush covered his cheeks. He watched her for a moment to see her reaction as he rubbed the back of his neck, a habit he did when something made him nervous. "Do you think that it is possible? To break everything down like this?" he asked curiously.
    Kiara looked at him and laughed as she leaned up and kissed him gently. She pulled away again and smiled lightly before she bit her lip. "You know, I don't know why but I liked that you teased me. That you drove me completely and utterly insane," she said with a smile on her face as she thought about how they first became whatever it was that they were. She reached up and ran his fingers through his hair before letting her hands rest on the back of his neck.
    Shang watched her for a moment and ran his fingers through his hair. "I don't know what you are talking about," he said simply before he turned and began walking down the hallway. He didn't understand why this girl made him feel so flustered. Normally, he was calm and controlled but the closer that she got to him, the more he wanted to be around her. No on had ever made him feel like this before. It was uncomfortable.
    Pocahontas looked at him and nodded. "I also got Mulan to join as well although she is hesitant to do so," she said honestly before sighing lightly. "This isn't going to be easy," she said honestly before running her fingers through her hair and pulling it back up into a ponytail. "It goes against everything that we were raised on," she said as she watched him for a moment. "Why are you so desperate to change things? You just got here?" she asked as she watched him carefully.
    September 3rd, 2014 at 02:46pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Belle's cheeks flamed darkly at his words and she cast her eyes downward once more as she chewed on her lip. She tried to think of a proper way to respond to him, but words were lost to her - which was definitely a first when it came to her. She blinked, though, at hearing his next words, and lifted her gaze to him, her blush still on her features. "I'm not sure. But we won't know unless we try," she murmured gently.

    Kovu chuckled lightly in response, quirking an eyebrow with amusement. "Is that so?" he asked quietly before resting his forehead against hers, his fingers trailing along her back gently. "I'm surprised. I thought that driving you insane would make you hate me." He was glad it hadn't, though. They could be together like this now and he couldn't imagine anything better than that.

    Mulan sighed quietly to his words, watching him as he left. She didn't know if he was telling the truth or just trying to dodge the question. Regardless, she made her way to her own class, a slight frown on her features. She wasn't sure why, but it almost bothered her that Shang might be keeping things from her.

    John was surprised to hear her words, his attention turning to her as he listened to her question. Eventually, he offered a slight smile and lifted his shoulders in a shrug, unsure of how to really explain it. "The tension in this place just bothers me," he murmured after a few moments before he let out a sigh. "I don't think people should hate each other like this. It prevents others from getting along - and, who knows? A Royal's true love could lie in the other side, but they wouldn't know because of the hatred between the two groups."
    September 11th, 2014 at 09:08am
  • Brekke

    Brekke (100)

    United States
    Adam looked at her for a moment and nodded before he sighed softly. Looking up, he saw people whispering and pointing toward the two of them and his fists clenched. He barely held back a growl that slipped past his lips. He couldn't care less about what they were saying about him but the fact that they were insulting Belle, the kindest, smartest, most beautiful girl he had ever seen, really pissed him off.
    Kiara watched him for a moment and smiled gently as she kissed him lightly. She shivered as his fingers trailed down her back and she arched against him. "It did at first. At first, I couldn't stand to be around you but you know what got me to realize that you weren't a terrible person?" she asked with a smile on her face. "I was walking toward the grocery store and a little girl was walking into the parking lot. Her mom wasn't paying attention and a car was coming. I screamed and then you came out of no where. You scooped the girl up and ran across. You saved her life," she said softly.
    Shang walked to his class and sat down in his usual seat. Glancing around, he was surprised to see that more and more, the separation between the poors and the riches was bothering him. He never really cared before but now, it was actually bugging him. Sighing again, he ran his fingers through his hair and tried to pay attention.
    Pochontas watched him for a moment. "You believe in true love?" she asked curiously before running her fingers through her hair and pulling it back up into a ponytail. "That is a really noble cause," she said honestly before going toward the door. "We should go. Class is going to start soon," she said as she opened the door.
    September 14th, 2014 at 04:45pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    (I'm sorry this took so long! A lot's been happening lately and it's really hard to explain. :/)

    Belle lowered her gaze to the floor as she walked, attempting to ignore those speaking around her. It normally didn't bother her, but she didn't particularly enjoy a lot of attention on her - and she didn't want to be a bother to Adam. Trying to force the thought away, she put a smile on and lifted her gaze to Adam. "I think we have our next class together," she informed him.

    Kovu listened to her quietly, blinking several times upon hearing the story. In honesty, he felt a little embarrassed that somebody, especially Kiara, had witnessed him doing something so kind and he rubbed the back of his neck. "Anybody would have done that, though," he offered in response, "Who would want to see a little girl get run over, after all?"

    Making her way into class, Mulan moved straight to her seat, not bothering to look around to see who was in the class and who wasn't. Her mind was too occupied with other thoughts. Why would she care if Shang was telling the truth or not? It wasn't like she cared what he thought or anything, right?

    John laughed lightly and rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Well, shouldn't everybody believe in true love?" he questioned with curiosity before following after her as they headed inside. Glancing sideways at her, he furrowed his brows slightly before he asked, "Don't you believe in true love?" Or maybe that wasn't something they were encouraged to believe in here.
    October 23rd, 2014 at 06:06am
  • Brekke

    Brekke (100)

    United States
    (Time Skip for them all)
    Adam walked into the library and immediately began searching for Belle. Smiling when he saw her, he began to walk over. "Hi," he whispered in his low, deep voice, as he slid into the seat across from her. As always, she had her head buried in a book and he couldn't help the fond smile that graced his lips before his eyes darkened when he saw who was walking over. Gaston, he thought with a growl as he glared at the other man.
    Kiara was leaning against her locker, waiting for Kovu. SO far, almost everyone knew she was with him and honestly, she didn't care. She wanted everyone to know. She was his and he was hers. Smiling softly, she barely noticed when Kovu's brother came up to her and grabbed her arm. A gasp slipped past her lips as she was bragged toward the janitor's closet. "Let go of me!" she demanded when she finally regained her voice.
    Shang rolled his shoulders before he turned and looked at the team. "Okay, today is the day we have been working toward. We are going against the best team in the state, the Huns, but guys...and girl, they are known to fight dirty. Don't stoop to there levels. We fight clean got it? We can win this. I know it, we just have to push." he said as he made eye contact with everyone and he nodded before his eyes met Mulan's. "And everyone be careful. We don't want anyone getting hurt," he said softly.
    Pocahontas walked into the cafeteria and watched as the guy that she was supposed to be dating, Kocoum came over to her. She plastered on a col smile and nodded toward him. "Hello," she said before grabbing an apple and looking around for John and Thomas. She ran her fingers through her hair and took a soothing breath again. "Kocoum, you don't need to follow me around. I'm a big girl," she said as she looked over her shoulder at him.
    November 10th, 2014 at 04:50pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    (Sorry this took longer than expected! I got caught up hanging out with this guy the past few days.)

    Belle almost immediately brightened at the sound of Adam's voice - and, considering she was already reading, that was definitely an accomplishment. But, as soon as she realized that his eyes had darkened, she realized something was wrong. Before long, Gaston had taken a seat beside her, clearly ignoring Adam's presence as he rested his feet on the table, dangerously close to Belle's book. "Well, hello, Belle," he greeted, a little too pleasantly for Belle's liking.

    Kovu had only just rounded the corner when he caught sight of Kiara being dragged off. Without really thinking, he rushed forward, quickly grasping Kiara in his arm as he shoved his brother away. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" he snapped angrily, glaring at his brother in an almost deathly manner. He couldn't remember a time when he had been so pissed - especially at his own sibling, because his family was rather close.

    Mulan was a little surprised at how frozen she became when Shang's eyes met hers and it took until he was done speaking for her to divert her gaze. Clearing her throat, she tried to think of something to say, but it had become harder and harder to stay calm around Shang. "I'm sure we'll all be okay," she eventually decided before looking to Shang, "Who's up in a match first, anyways, Shang?"

    John laughed idly at something that Thomas mentioned as they entered the cafeteria. He had managed to convince his new friend to join in their efforts, so it wasn't too much of a surprise that they hung out a bit. Seeing Pocahontas with Kocoum following her, he couldn't help but to feel a little jealous. He pushed it aside, though, and grinned as he waved towards her instead, he and Thomas soon getting in line to get their lunches.
    November 17th, 2014 at 06:11am
  • Brekke

    Brekke (100)

    United States
    Adam watched Gaston with a deep frown on his face. Moving forward, he grabbed Belle's book and moved it further from Gaston's boots and to her other side. He hated the other man with a passion as he tried his best to control his anger. Belle had been helping him with his temper and he was gaining some semblance of control. Watching the two of them, he decided that he needed to let Belle lead this but if she needed help, he would back her up with everything he had.
    Kiara moved behind Kovu as she waited to see what was happening. "That little bitch is changing you..." his brother said, almost worriedly. "Everyone is worried about you..." he said. "I am trying to protect you. You are nothing to her. Do you really think you have a future? She is from the other side. We are play things to her. How could you ever see it going anywhere. You are a bum off the street. We both are, his brother said and Kiara felt tears fill her eyes.
    Shang looked at them before running his fingers through his hair. "The first match is Shi Fu. The second is Mulan," he said. "Everyone do your best but be aware, this guys are dangerous and they play dirty." he said before he opened the door to the locker room and motioned for all of them to go out. "Now, let's give them hell," he said with a grin as he led the charge into the arena.
    The first match passed with little incident as Shi Fu lost pretty quickly. Sighing softly, he ran his fingers through his hair and hoped that Mulan didn't get hurt.
    Pocahontas sighed as Kocoum followed her to the table that she had started sitting at with John and Thomas and a couple of her friends. It was nice to be with other people. "Kocoum, you know I have been fighting with my father about anything happening between us. I don't want to be with you," she said. At first she had tried being nice to him but it had gotten ridiculous. She didn't want to be with him and she had no idea how to beat that into his head.
    November 17th, 2014 at 03:50pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Belle chewed on her lip as she stared at Gaston's boots. "Hello, Gaston," she greeted after a few moments. "Is there something specific that you want?" she questioned, hoping she wasn't coming off too rudely. "Well, now that you ask, there is," Gaston decided with a smirk as he leaned towards her, "How about you and I spend a little time together?" Belle nearly cringed at the question and couldn't help but to shift away from him. "I'd rather not," she decided carefully.

    Kovu tried to hold back a growl as he glared at his brother. "I haven't changed at all!" he snapped angrily as he held Kiara close to himself, clearly in a protective manner. "She makes me happy. She's not using you and the only reason that you even assume that is because of our mom. You should be happy for me, not criticizing my choices of who I want to be with!" It usually didn't upset him to heat things like this, but his brother was insulting Kiara and he wasn't going to let that happen.

    Mulan looked up as she realized it was her turn. After a long moment, she moved to get ready for her match. She tried to ignore the glare that the other team gave her, though she had a bad feeling about the match. Maybe she should have listened to that bad feeling because, the moment the match started, the opponent didn't hesitate in swinging a hard kick to her head, knocking her to the ground, unconscious.

    John looked up as he noticed Pocahontas was already at the table. Upon getting their lunches, he and Thomas joined her. Noticing Kocoum, John tried to ignore his jealousy and instead offered a smile. "You can join us if you like," he offered as he sat next to Pocahontas. "How has your day been so far, Pocahontas?" he asked, noticing that she looked a little annoyed with Kocoum's presence.
    November 18th, 2014 at 03:51am
  • Brekke

    Brekke (100)

    United States
    Adam was barely holding onto his temper as he watched Gaston interact with Belle. He was so condescending to her and clearly didn't care about her and it bothered Adam greatly. Clearly, Gaston wasn't worthy of Belle, not that he was either but at least he was trying. "I think it is time for you to leave now,"Adam said. "Belle said she didn't want to spend time with you so you have your answer now hit the road," he said as he watched Gaston with a glare almost dating him to try something.
    Kiara reached out and touched Kovu's arm gently, to try and get him to calm down a little. Looking over at Kovu's brother, she sucked her head to avoid his glare. "Well, maybe she is special to you but are you special to her?" His brother asked. "Are you sure she won't just do anyone to piss if her daddy?" He asked with a mocking tone. "I bet I could get her to slide off that skirt real fast." He said and Kiara gasped softly as she looked down and tears filled her eyes. "Kovu..." She whispered.
    The minute Mulan hit the ground Shang sprung into the ring. He grabbed Mulan and looked her over for a moment before glaring at the guy. "That was a cheap shot," he growled through his teeth as he scooped up Mulan into his arms. She is so light, he thought as he carried her out. "Everyone pack up. We are leaving now." He said as he brought Mulan to his car. Strapping her in the backseat so she could lay down, he drove her to the hospital. He could use his name to get her looked at by the best.
    Pocahontas smiled at John before groaning softly when Kocoum sat down on the other side of her. "Great," she said as she answered John's question before she ran her fingers through her hair and tried not to groan when Kocoum placed his arm around the back of her chair. "Please don't," she said as she leaned away. Looking at John, she waded with her eyes for help in any form. Kocoum retraced his arm and she let out a breath of relief as she smiled gently again.
    November 25th, 2014 at 04:16pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Belle blinked, looking to Adam when he spoke up. She was rather grateful for his input, but she was also worried that Gaston would just consider the entire thing as some sort of a challenge - Gaston had always been that way, it seemed, wanting to push away any threat to his chances with Belle (not that he had any chance, anyways.) Gaston's eyebrow twitched irritably as he stared at Adam before leaning forward. "Who gave you the right to talk? You're nothing more than a beast," he growled out with annoyance.

    Kovu frowned, narrowing his eyes at his brother. Moving forward, he grasped the collar of his brother's shirt and held it tightly. "Watch what you say about her," he snapped with clear anger. "You know nothing about her. You're just angry that I have somebody and you don't. Grow up already." With that, he shoved his brother away, into the lockers before quickly turning to Kiara. "Come on," he murmured gently, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and trying to lead her away from the area entirely.

    (I'll wait for them to get to the hospital to have Mulan wake up. :) )

    John stared at the two, frowning slightly as he watched the events unfold. He was about to tell Kocoum to back off, but he had already retracted his arm, so he held it back. With a sigh, he turned his attention to Pocahontas. "Are you okay?" he asked, deciding to ignore Kocoum's presence for now. Pocahontas was clearly uncomfortable with Kocoum being around and he wanted to do something about that, but he wasn't too sure if it would be smart to mention anything to the boy, for he didn't want to get Pocahontas in trouble.
    December 1st, 2014 at 05:33am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    @ Olaf
    December 28th, 2014 at 12:21pm
  • Brekke

    Brekke (100)

    United States
    Adam growled low in the back of this throat before he pushed himself up from the table. "I may be a beast but at least I know what no means," he said before turning and stalking away. He didn't want Belle to see him lose his temper. Walking away from her and Gaston was hard but he knew that he needed to leave before he ddi something else that would get him suspended or worse. He headed toward the gym where he knew he could work off some of the aggression built up without anyone getting hurt.
    Kiara walked with Kovu for a moment in silence. She wasn't sure what to say to him that would make any of this better than what it already was. "Kovu?" she asked quickly as she bit her lip gently. Reaching up, she touched his cheek gently before stopping entirely. "None of that is true," she whispered softly. "You are special to me and I hope that you know that," she said before she bit her lip gently. "Thank you," she said as she slid her fingers against his and smiled lightly. "For standing up for me," she clarified.
    Shang drove to the hospital, being careful not to turn or go to fast. He pulled into the parking lot and scooped Mulan into his arms before heading to the hospital. Once he walked in, people jumped toward him and reluctantly he handed Mulan over. Watching as they took her away, he sat down in the waiting room and began to wait for them to tell him that he could see her or that she was going to be fine.
    Pocahontas smiled a fake smile at John before nodding. "I'm fine," she said as she ran her fingers through her hair before pulling it back into a ponytail. "So you guys going to the party tomorrow?" she asked. She couldn't wait. It was supposed to be one of the best and biggest of the year and since it was a Saturday night, her father would be too busy with council meetings to notice that his only daughter would be getting home between 3 and 4 in the morning. "John, Thomas, you guys should come," she said with a flirtatious smile.
    January 15th, 2015 at 09:58pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    (Sorry this took so long! I've had strep throat. D: )

    Belle frowned when she watched Adam leave. Turning her attention to Gaston, she shook her head disapprovingly, ignore the smirk that etched its way to his features. Clearly, he was proud of himself for having made Adam leave and Belle wondered if the annoyance she had for him at that moment was actually hatred. Standing, she was quick to make her way out of the library, her books in hand as she tried to follow Adam quickly.

    Kovu let out a sigh as he pressed his forehead to hers and stared down at her. "I do know it," he assured her quietly, wrapping his arms around her and giving her a tight but gentle hug. "I just don't like hearing others speak so badly about you." He was certain that his brother was jealous, that he was just spouting lies and he hoped that was all that it was. "I would always take up for you, Kiara. You should know that." She was the most important thing in his life, after all.

    A while had passed in the hospital room before Mulan managed to wake up. Her head and she cringed as she lifted a hand to press it to her head, rubbing it gently. "Ouch," she muttered, trying to remember what had happened, though she frowned with annoyance when she recalled the match. Looking around, she took notice of a nurse in the room, but the woman was quick to exit the room when Mulan started to shift to sit up.

    John was mildly surprised to hear Pocahontas suggest that he and Thomas come to the party. Seeing the flirtatious smile etched onto her features, he couldn't help but to grin. "Sure, we'll go," he answered, though Thomas seemed a bit unsure about it. "Where is it going to be at?" Thomas spoke up at that point, swallowing thickly. "Actually, I'm not so sure that it's a good idea... What if others don't want us there and a fight breaks out?" he stated his concern. "We'll be fine," John assured him.
    January 20th, 2015 at 04:19am
  • Brekke

    Brekke (100)

    United States
    Adam continued to walk down the hall. He hated that he let his temper get the best him especially in front of Belle. Running his fingers through his hair angrily, he sighed again. Heading out to the courtyard, he sat down next to the tree and looked up at the clouds. Great, he thought, I am an idiot. He ran his fingers through his hair angrily before letting out a huff. Belle probably thought he was a brute, a beast.
    Kiara looked up at him and smiled softly. Leaning up, she pressed her lips to his gently before pulling away. She smiled up at his before lacing her fingers with his and beginning to walk down the hall. "So," she said, "what are you up to this weekend?" she asked curiously as she winked at him teasingly. "Besides studying hard and getting homework done," she teased lightly as she stopped at her locker to grab her books.
    Shang was leaning against the wall outside of Mulan's room. He had thought about leaving several times but it didn't seem right. Sighing, he glanced up when the nurse walked out of the room and she smiled at him. "She is awake love, you can go on in," she said before walking away. Shang sighed softly before he pushed the door open. "Hey," he said softly as he looked at her. "You took quite the hit. How do you feel?" he asked feeling pretty stupid.
    Pocahontas grinned as she looked at him. "Awesome, it's by the train tracks," she said. "You walk over them toward the river and you can't miss it," she said. She firmly ignored the warning stares and the disapproving look that Kocoum was sending her way and she smiled at John. "I can't wait to see you there," she said as she grabbed her bag. "I'll see you guys later," she said as she headed out of the cafeteria.
    May 18th, 2015 at 08:52pm