Conflicting Castles (Closed)

  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BearGirl
    Camilla smiled and danced with him. AS his lips met hers she sighed softly and let him pull away though she wanted to keep him close to her like that. Camilla beamed as he spoke and shook her head. "I feel the same way. I want to be married to you already too." she said wrapping her arms around his neck and rested her head on his shoulder. Camilla smiled and closed her eyes. "I never knew I could feel this way for someone." she admitted and blushed softly peeking up at him after a moment.
    Felix sighed. He was really hoping she would tell him what was going on but he wasn't ready didn't know him enough yet. Felix nodded and kissed her head. "Once we're married please no more secrets. For now you can keep them to yourself though." he said and stepped back taking her hand. "Do not worry I am speaking with the country again and stating my intensions and position. If they do no accept it then we will go from there but I can be very persuasive." he said and kissed her cheek softly. "Let us start back towards the castle." he said gently.
    May 28th, 2018 at 10:06pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...

    Nicholas smiled warmly as he wrapped his arms around her a bit tighter. He laid his head ontop of hers, just for a moment. "I didn't either." He whispered gently into her hair. Nicholas stayed like that with Camilla for a while, just relaxing against her as the song continued to play.

    Though, once the song was over, Nicholas slowly pulled away from her and let out a small sigh. The dance had been nice, but now was the time for Camilla and himself to move around the room and talk to the nobles. Most of them were quiet busy themsleves, dancing, eating and chatting with each other. Though, it should be quite easy for them to walk up and start a conversation. "Okay, now is your chance to go around and talk to some of the nobles." Nicholas glanced around before his eyes stopped on a middle aged graying man. He was quite lanky, but stood up straight with pride. "You should go talk to Lord Pothens. He will be a good place to start. He is one of the more important members of our court, dealing with a lot of trading. Though, he is also quite kind. He should not give you any problems."
    "Yes, no more secrets once we're married." Charlotte said softly as she wrapped her fingers around his. She hoped she could keep true to her word. Though, in order to do that, there were some things that Charlotte needed to take care of. One of them was stopping the potential war. However, how Charlotte was going to convince them to back down, she had no idea. They already wanted her gone before she even got involved. How they would trust her now, she did not know.

    Charlotte followed Felix back to the castle, the pup following close behind her. It was almost time to head to bed, but that was not going to be her plan tonight. She was going to have to call an emergency meeting in order to get to them before Felix talked to them tomorrow. "How are you going to persaused them?"
    May 28th, 2018 at 10:34pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BearGirl
    Camilla grinned as the dance ended. She had enjoyed that so much. She felt truly special to Nicholas and that was all that mattered. Once his mind switched to work she nodded and switched her mindset as well. It was time to win over some nobles. She was nervous and remembered her sister doing his when she was younger. A pang of guilt hit her as she thought of her sister. She shoved it away and squared her shoulders before walking with Nicholas over to Lord Pothens. Camilla smiled as he turned and bowed to them. Camilla curtsied respectfully and so it began. "Lord Pothens, it is a pleasure." she said and smiled as he sweetly placed a kiss upon her hand. She had been studying her nobles of course fo knew that Lord Pothens had three grandchildren living with him to learn their noble ways as his children lived on his land but his wife had died many winders ago. "How are Lennon, Lewis and Julianna?" she asked smiling gently. If she could find the passion in this noble this would easy to connect with him.
    Felix grinned glad she agreed they would quit the secretes once they where married. It would make them stronger if they stood as one. He walked with her silently for a while until she asked what he was going to do to convince them. He smiled. "Well what I would really like to do is go in there with you, with no secrets so they see us as a united unbreakable force but since your not ready for that yet then I will have to just prove the facts. I will go through your rule in your own kingdom and how that can help not only my own country but theirs as well. Then I will have to use a bit of persuasion about how our country has helped them and if they rise against us what they will be loosing because I do not loose." he said and smiled at her. "I think between all of that then they will see that it is not wise to try and control my reign in fact it would be best for them to support me. It is not like I have not listened to their concerns. I know them well and have done everything I can to ease them now they are going to have to trust me." he said and smiled. "Alliances are very fragile things as you know and forming new ones are never easy but I know we can make it work and the others will deal with it in time." he said.
    May 28th, 2018 at 11:12pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...

    "Ah, I see someone has done their research. That is quite impressive, if I may say so." A large smile moved over Lord Pothens' face as Camilla mentioned his grandchildren. "They are doing quite well, Princess. Thank you for asking. I would ask how your engagement to the Prince is going, but I assume it must be going well based on what I have seen so far. So, instead, I will ask how you have found your time in our country so far?"

    Lord Pothens seemed to be a rather honest man. He had no need to rudity or for lies. All he wanted was the best for himself and his country, and the honest way of living seemed to provide that for him. Though, others that were not so up front- or necessarily kind - started to look over at the Princess. It seemed she was now ready to talk to some nobles, and that was something that many were interested in.
    Charlotte was quiet as she listened to Felix's plans. They were quite good, though the issue was what she had done in the background. Now she only had a couple of hours to figure out what to say to the ambassdor to match what Felix would say the next day. She needed to show that she planned on being on their side now, that she was being truthful and was ready to honor the decision both of their fathers had made. But would words just be enough? Would she be able to convince them to back down? These were things she needed to think through. Maybe a deal needed to be made, or some kind of offering.

    "I hope everything goes well and that they do back down." Charlotte said softly as she squeezed his hand. "It is getting late and you have an important day tomorrow. So we should head off to bed."
    May 28th, 2018 at 11:24pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BearGirl
    Camilla beamed as the old man talked with her. He was impressed by her learning and she was glad she had put so much time and energy into it. If half of the nobles where this easy to connect to she would be doing okay. Camilla blushed as he mentioned the relationship between her and Nicholas. She looked up at him and smiled. It was obvious to everyone that things where going really well between her and the prince. He asked about her time in the country and she smiled. "I have not gotten so see as much of it as I like yet but that will change soon." she said and smiled at Nicholas again. "But how little I have seen I love. I am most excited to meet with all the nobles and the people as well." She said focusing on the one noble before her not all the others listening in. If she was open and honest then whatever it was would work out and she believed in that.
    Felix smiled softly. She still looked concerned and he was worried about her. He knew honesty was always best but she was still trying to do this all on her own. He nodded as she wished him well and then suggested bed. He chuckled and nodded. "Very well Princess." he winked at her and kissed her head. "Just remember that whatever we go through if you need anything I am here for you, you are not alone anymore and we are stronger together." he said and tilted her chin up to look at him. "No matter what you do we will work through it together. I support you that is how this works and I hope one day you will support me too." he said and smiled picking up the puppy and putting him in her arms. "Goodnight Charlotte." he said and then started off towards his room after walking her to her own.
    May 28th, 2018 at 11:51pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...

    "Well, I have heard that you are finally going into town tomorrow?" Lord Pothens said. "I am quite sure that your love with continue to grow as you see more of these beautiful lands. Hopefully, you will have a tour of it as well. I definitely hope that you will before the wedding? I think the others would also agree that it would be...improper for the future Queen to not have visited most of the country before the wedding." Lord Pothens was not trying to challenge Camilla, which was clear in his voice. That being said, he still wanted to ensure that certain actions were being taken care of by the royal family. His country was important to him, and having a Queen who did not know the land would be an issue for him, and many of the others.


    Nicholas smiled widely at Camilla as he watched her speak. She seemed to be doing well. Lord Pothens seemed pleased, and the others who were watching were either listening with interest or were smiling. That, in the least, was an assurance that nothing was going wrong. There were other...more deviant lords and ladies that Camilla was going to have to meet, but he hoped that was something they could handle together.

    Just as he was about to turn to speak to another noble, Phillip came in and immediately stole Nicholas' attention. "We need to talk." Phillip said before essentially grabbing Nicholas and pulling him a bit. "Immedaitely." It was unusal, and certainly improper for even his friend to be pulling him out of a ball like this. Though, it seemed to be important as well. Nicholas shook the man off before agreeing to follow him out. But, before doing so, Nicholas motioned to his mother to keep an eye on Camilla. The last thing they needed was for something to go wrong while he was out of the room.
    Charlotte let Felix walk off before she glanced down at Jace and held him close. His words weighed heavy on her heart and they kept repeating in her mind as she made her way to her own room. It was time to get to work.

    After a few hours, Charlotte was able to recieve a letter form the ambassador, agreeing to meet with her as soon as possible. It was the dead of night, so Charlotte knew she should be able to get around the castle without any issue. She pulled her long cloak on and made her way down to the agreed upon meeting area, which happened to be in an abandoned bedroom down a hallway that seemed long forgotten. Charlotte and the man spoke for the better part of two hours, though, by the end of it, Charlotte was sure that she had gotten no where with him. He seemed Hell bent on sending her back to her own country, no matter what she said, or what she promised. And, to make matters worse, he had threatened to spill the truth, to let Felix and his father know what she had been doing behind his back.

    The ambassador left the room first, and Charlotte could feel herself falling into a tizzy. What could she do now? Everything was falling apart around her so quickly. What would Felix think when he was told the truth? What would happen to her? Though after a half hour of obbessing over what Felix would think of her, his words hit her right in the chest again. Oh, she hoped to Dear God that Felix meant every word of it. Still, in the middle of the night, she found herself running through the castle and made her way straight to Felix's room. Charlotte swung his door open, essentially falling on top of him as she started to shake him as hard as possible. "Felix? Felix? Please wake up. Felix!"

    A few guards stood at the door of the room, not quite sure what to do. Two of them had seen her running through the castle, but thought it best not to stop or restrain Felix's fiancee and their future Queen. The two guards that stood at Felix's door also hadn't stopped Charlotte from rushing in, but now all of them were watching as she seemed to panic, trying to wake the Prince.
    May 29th, 2018 at 12:45am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BearGirl
    Camilla smiled as nicholas' pall pulled him away. She smiled softly watching him leave then returned her attention to Lord Pothens. Camilla nodded. "Yes I agree it is very important for me to see the land and meet the people. It is our plans to see the lands before we return to see my homeland as well." she said because she did not know when they would get to see the lands because of the speedy wedding date due to the kings illness. Camilla smiled softly. She was very excited to be a part of her new home and hoped that everyone could see that. Camilla wondered why Phillip took Nicholas out of the ball right now. She was not going to let it bother her though because this was her job to keep the peace while Nicholas handed the important work.
    Felix woke to the cry of his fiancee and he sat up half naked as he usually slept and pulled her to his chest blinking and frowning as he looked around seeing his confused guards. He sat up and soothed her hair back. "Hey Charlotte it's okay I got you. Shhh." he soothed and pressed a kiss to her head. Once she was quieted he waved his guards away thankful someone had lite a light. He sat up more and pulled her closer until she was on his bed with him. It might be improper but when a woman came crying to him in the middle of the night he found no reason to stick to rules. Felix let her calm before he spoke again. "Charlotte what is going on are you alright?" he asked and looked down at her.
    May 29th, 2018 at 02:46am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...

    Lord Pothens nodded at Camilla's words. She seemed very reasonable, and quite sweet. He thought that she would make a good companion for Nicholas. Though, it had yet to be determined if she would make a suitable Queen. Only time would truly be able to tell him, and the others, that. But, for now, he was satisifed. "Yes, I agree. It is important for you both to take a journey through both of your countries. Hopefully, it will happen sooner or later." He smiled at her before motioning to the drinking table. "May I get your highness anything?"


    Nicholas glanced over at all of the information Phillip laid down before him. He shook his head, in disbelief that this was happening. Camilla had always seemed so innocent, so kind, so warmhearted. So why would she ever agree to such a plan? The amount of pain and suffering his people had gone through. Though, here it was, in her own hand. Camilla had assisted her sister in burning the grain that his people had desperately needed. Nicholas closed his eyes for a moment, trying to manage his temper. How did he not see that Camilla was the devil in sheep's clothing! Was this her plan all along? To seduce him and destory him simultaneously?

    "Something must be done about this." Nicholas said, a growling coming from deep in his throat. "I will confront her, but I do not know what happens next... Wait until the ball is over and then bring her to me."
    Charlotte looked up at Felix for a moment before looking down and slowly nodding. "No..well yes, but no." She said before letting out a small sigh. "It is complicated. I am not physicially hurt and the pain I have, I caused to myself." Her head lifted back up again and Charlotte looked up into Felix's eyes. "I've done something horrible. To you, to your country. And I tried my hardest to fix it but I don't believe that it did any good. I regret what I did horribly Felix. I just...before I even got here I assumed that there was nothing that would make me want to stay. I thought that you were going to be a monster...and then you weren't but I didn't let that change my plans to try to get sent back home and well..."

    With that, Charlotte told Felix the whole story about how she had been sneaking around at night, talking to the ambassador. Encouraging him to threaten Felix into sending her home, how she thought it would work, and had never intended for Felix to agree to a war. And she told him about the argument that she and the ambassador had just an hour or so ago, how she tried to reason with him, beg him to let it all go, and how it failed. Taking in a deep breath, Charlotte continued. "Well, I have done a lot of things since I came here, but this is the worst of them all and I don't know how to stop it. And I understand if this changes everything between us... I just needed to tell you before it was too late. I want to help fix it, if I can."
    May 29th, 2018 at 03:09am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BearGirl
    Camilla smiled and shook her head. "Oh no thank you." she said and thanked him for talking with her politely excusing herself before going to talk with other nobles and the queen as she needed guidance. As it headed towards the end of the night Camilla started to become worried about Nicholas and what could have happened to keep him away for so long. The nobles started to depart and she stood there bidding them farewell until there wasn't a noble left until Camilla saw Phillip. "Sir Phillip." He looked angry at her and she frowned not understanding what was going on. "Is Nicholas alright?" she asked fear spiking in her belly. She bit her lip as he barked his orders out at her for her to follow him. It wasn't really proper but she was to worried about Nicholas to really think about it. Once they arrived to the room Nicholas was in Camilla walked in and jumped as the door slammed behind Phillip. Camilla looked up at Nicholas feeling suddenly worried and confused. "Nicholas is everything alright?" she asked looking around. "What's going on?" she asked and stepped towards him. That was when she saw it. The letters from her sister and the key to decipher them. Someone had gone through her things and she could guess it was Phillip by the way he was acting towards her. She frowned and clapped her hands in front of her while she waited for Nicholas to speak. She already knew he must be angry even though she didn't know which notes he had from her sister.
    Felix sat there listening to her for a while before he rose from his bed pacing as he listened to her. A creese showed up between his eyebrows as he listened growing more and more concerned. He waited until she was silent for a while before he stopped pacing and looked at her. She was watching him and he sighed. "It was what I expected. I knew this would not be easy for you and I did not expect you to do nothing to try and get home. I am upset yes but it does not change how I feel for you Charlotte. You're right this is going to difficult but you know what? You came to me and that means so much to me." he said and took her hand. "We have a lot of work to do and it's not going to be easy but now we can finally start working together and once we do that no one will want to stand in our way." he said and then sat beside her. "I would like for you to tell everything to me but not now. You need to rest because early this morning we will be talking with the ambassador in front of a room full of nobles. I know you are no stranger to work but it's about to get harder. "So here is your one chance, your choice. I can send you home once we are married and it will simply be a marriage union without the complications, or we can do this together. We can make choices and combine out two countries to be stronger and better than ever before." Felix said truly hoping that she would pick the latter because he wanted a wife and a queen not an arrangement.
    May 29th, 2018 at 04:13am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...

    "You tell me." Nicholas said hostily as he chucked one of the letters at Camilla. "I just found out that you and your dearest sister were behind the food crisis!" He snapped at her before standing up from behind the desk. "Why Camilla? Why did you do this? What was this all for? Don't you know what you have done? The trouble, the pain, the deaths you and your sister have caused by burning that wagon full of grain?!"

    "What do you have to say for yourself?" He growled at her, his hands balling up into fists. Nicholas felt deeply betrayed by Camilla, and rage was running through his veins. Just hours ago, he wished that he was already married to her, and now Nicholas was not even sure that he truly knew who Camilla was.
    Charlotte was quiet for a moment as Felix gave her a choice. No matter what, they would be married, but in one choice, Charlotte would be allowed to live at home, like she had wanted all this time. Though, she was beginning to realize that she did not want that anymore. Charlotte did not want to be doing this alone anymore. She wanted a partner, but more importantly, Charlotte wanted that partner to be Felix.

    "If you would have asked me that two days ago, I know that I would have asked to go home." Charlotte said quietly as she held onto his hand tightly. "I am not sure that I deserve it, but I want to make this work. I want to be with you, Felix." Getting up from the bed, Charlotte stepped into Felix and laid her free hand onto his cheek. She then leaned in and lightly pressed her lips against his. "I really like you Felix. And I know I have caused a lot of trouble, but I promise that I will help you fix it all...Though we will start with this one first."
    May 29th, 2018 at 04:56am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BearGirl
    Camilla flinched as Nicholas tossed the papers at her. She looked down frowning as he snapped at her. She looked up as he said her name and she gasped as he said the wagon burned. She looked hurt and surprised. "No! I begged her not to!" she said and looked away as he demanded for her to explain herself. She looked at Nicholas now seeing all of the emotions he had had for her just hours ago had vanished with just one mistake. It crushed her inside but Camilla wasn't ready to give up quiet yet. Maybe with what she had to say he might be able to forgive her one day. Camilla shook her head.

    "Nicholas... I... there is nothing to say that will atone for what I have done nor excuse it but I want you to understand. When my sister and I found out we where to come here she sent for me and I came to her. She asked me to be her spy promising we would both go home. As my family and my queen I agreed. I didn't want to because it is not like me to be secretive or manipulative but she insisted it was best for us and our country. I came here expecting you to be a monster that she told me you would be. I went a long with it out of love and loyalty for her and my country but... then I started to get to know you." Camilla looked at him now her eyes pleading with him to really listen to her. "I couldn't do it anymore but out of the loyalty for my sister I gave her one piece of information that there was a food shortage and you where sending aid. I thought it might soften her heart and cause her to not lash out at you. I begged her not to because... because I had developed feelings for you. I expected her to listen to me. If I had thought otherwise I would have told you! I would not have put people's lives in danger. I know you don't believe me and there is no real way to atone for this but if I have t I will send every moment of my life trying to because you and your country mean something to me. I was wrong but don't condemn me for a foolish mistake made out of loyalty that no longer belongs to her. Please Nicholas you have to see I didn't mean to hurt anyone. I told you in my own way didn't I? Don't you remember when I was upset and I apologized though you didn't know why? I had hoped it was all over and we would never see the harm but I was wrong."

    A tear slipped out of her cheek now and Phillip stepped forward in his anger. "You little liar! How dare you try to manipulate the Prince." he said and went to raise a hand to her and Camilla flinched. She let out a whimper waiting for the blow.
    Felix smiled softly and nodded. "Alright then we will begin in the morning." he said and kissed her head. "Come now let me dress and I will walk you back to your room." he said and pulled on his shirt then grabbed the candle and offered her his arm. He lead her out into the hall and down to her room. He opened the door for her and smiled softly. "Good night Princess. I will be sure your lady wake you in time to get ready for the day." he said and then ran his hand down her hair gently before he removed himself and walked down the hall giving orders to his guard to prepare things for tomorrow. He returned to his bed and fell back asleep after thinking about how tomorrow would change some things. He had to decide how to go about this all but over all he was deciding if there was anything he needed to do now to fix Charlottes mistakes. He hoped it wasn't to much that couldn't be reversed. It was defiantly going to be a more difficult argument now but none the less he was confident and that was the key that would help him win.

    In the morning Felix rose and dressed then had breakfast at his desk writing out his thoughts. Once he was ready he sent for Charlotte. It was time to deal with all of this and he was hoping to get her opinion on how to get handle this. He was thinking to force the ambassador into a confession and then trap him into a lie that would put their alliance on thin ground if he did not back off his decision to marry Charlotte.
    May 29th, 2018 at 05:40am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...

    "ENOUGH!" Nicholas shouted out as Phillip raised his hand to Camilla. He stood up, slamming his hands on the desk in front of him. "Don't you ever raise a hand to her again. Get out." As Phillip opened his mouth to argue, Nicholas was quick to snap again before he could even get a sound out. "OUT!"

    Phillip glared at Camilla again before stomping out of the room, slamming the door behind him. He was pissed, but Nicholas was not concerned about that right now. Phillip had an easy solution, but that was not the case with Camilla.

    Nicholas took a deep breath before standing up straight. He glanced over at Camilla, his eyes searching through his face. There was rage and confusion in his eyes. Her story seemed believable but was it the truth? And even if it was, what was Nicholas going to do about Charlotte? If Camilla was being honest, he still wanted her love. But going after her sister would only break them further. Though if it was all a lie, then Nicholas was heartbroken and he did not know what to do with his manipulative fiancee. "Is there anything else you want to say before I have the guards lock you to your room?"
    Charlotte woke up to her maid opening the curtains in her room. She shifted in the bed, letting out a small groan as she did so. Once again it had been a rather sleepless night. By the time she headed off to bed it was early in the morning, and even then it took Charlotte some time to fall asleep. But once she told Felix the whole truth, there would be no more reason to sneak around at night.

    As Charlotte got ready for the bed, she thought about Felix. Her heart pounded a little faster just thinking of his name, and her cheeks grew a little red. She felt grateful that he was the one she was engaged to. And even more so with what happened last night. Charlotte had been so sure that Felix would reject her, but he didn't. Instead he just accepted it and wanted to move forward.

    Once she was told that Felix was waiting for her, Charlotte made her way to him. She wondered what his plan was.
    May 30th, 2018 at 10:09pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BearGirl
    Camilla flinched at Nicholas's voice. She had never heard him raise his voice before. She looked up as Nicholas spoke to Phillip. She looked at him with hope and sadness knowing what this all meant. It meant that despite it all he wanted to believe her and care for her but it also meant putting his friend in an odd situation. Camilla visibly relaxed as Phillip left. She understood why he was angry. Camilla hung her head silent for a while as he asked if there was anything else. She looked up at into that beautiful face torn and hurt and it ate her up. After everything he deserved better. "I am so sorry Nicholas... you deserve better than this. I hope one day you can forgive me but for now I only have one thing left to say. Yes my sister initiated this but I am just as much to blame and for my part in it I will always be working to make up for it, for my sister please if you can find it in you to forgive her one day too. She is not like this normally, she is scared and does not give up. It does not excuse her regardless but I hope one day you can understand her." Camilla said and frowned. "What ever you decide I will follow." she said and looked down again waiting for him to call the guards to escort her back. She wouldn't trust her either.
    Felix smiled as he saw Charlotte in the morning. He greeted her then sat down at their private breakfast. "I figured we could work and eat." he said and nodded tot he servant who brought in the food. He sat back until they where served then began. "I know this ambassador well. He is a cocky and proud man. If we can corner him into a lie in front of the court he will back down. So here is my plan." He said explaining how he would talk with the ambassador and get him to reveal Charlotte. He knew the ambassador would not want to expose how he had agreed to it as well so he would try to make it all her fault and at that point they would bring Charlotte in to defend and explain herself. It would be good to clear the air to the court as well about Charlotte. He knew it would make it harder for her to transition but he was there to support her and he knew his court would side with him because they he believed in the country he would build.
    May 31st, 2018 at 03:04am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...

    When she had finished speaking, Nicholas called the guards in and told them to put Camilla under house arrest. No one seemed to understand what was happening, but they immediately followed his orders and took the princess out of the room. Not even his parents knew the truth, but he would have to tell them. Though, tomorrow seemed like a better time too. Surely, his father was asleep and his mother was probably heading off to bed as well.

    Once his fiancee was completely out of the room, Nicholas fell back into his chair and moved his head into his hand. Why did everything have to be so difficult? Why couldn't Camilla had just loved him from the start? Why did things have to happen this way? He understood the need to fight, the desire to go back home but...

    He let out a sigh. That did not matter much right now. What Nicholas needed to figure out first was if Camilla was telling the truth or not? How could he find that out?
    Charlotte listened very carefully to Felix's plan, nodding as he spoke. There were parts of it that she did not like, specifically admitting that she had tried to work with their current enemies, but overall, it was a good plan. There was a high likelihood of it working against the ambassador, but there was a risk of it backfiring hard on her. Now that Charlotte was in it for the long haul, she needed his nobles and countrymen to trust her. Telling the truth was going to push her back in that goal.

    Once Felix had finished speaking, Charlotte took a moment before slowly nodding. "If there is no other way, I will admit what I had done. Though, I would prefer not to, if that is possible... But it appears that will not be possible." She looked up at Felix. "I agree to your plan, I just hope it fixes everything that I did."
    May 31st, 2018 at 05:10am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BearGirl
    Camilla nodded softly as they ordered her back to her room. She walked with them slowly trying to make this as simple as possible. Once in her room she sat there trying to think of the best way to go about helping to fix the mistake she had made. Camilla got out her stationary and started to write to anyone she could think that would help. Finally once she had them all written out she then wrote a note to the queen. The lest she could do was to admit her guilt to Nicholas's parents before he had to figure out how to say it. She requested to the guard to give all the letters to the queen. If the queen thought they would be helpful she would send them out and if she thought there to be any malice she would destroy them. Camilla knew she was on thing ice now. The night was late enough to be early before Camilla allowed herself to rest. Once she was in bed it took her forever to fall asleep and once she did it wasn't long before someone woke her.

    Once Camilla was ready for the day she sat at her desk looking at a blank page still trying to figure out how to help when suddenly the tears came. They streamed down her face faster than she could stop them. She had killed people with her negligence. That broke her heart. Camilla hurried her face in her hands sobbing as silently as she could. She couldn't bring those people back, that was something she could never fix.
    Felix nodded understanding her reservations. "I know broken trust is not easy to regain but what is impossible to regain is human life. If we go to war again lives will be lost meaninglessly. We can rebuild the trust from the nobles together." he said and took her hand as they finished breakfast. "Together we can do anything and we will." he said and kissed her hand gently. "I believe that and in you." he said. "Charlotte... we have a little longer before we need to go but is there anything else that is time sensitive or important for us to fix these mistakes?" he asked her and held her hand supporting her. Felix knew that she needed his support and he was happy to give it.
    May 31st, 2018 at 05:31am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    Nicholas woke up in the morning to a knock at his door. He was sure that it was his mother to ask what was going on with Camilla. Surely, she would have heard by now that the princess had been locked to her room without the Queen or King's consent. Pushing himself up onto his bed, Nicholas walked over to the door and slowly opened it. And, he had guessed right, his mother was standing there. Though, she had done something Nicholas was not expecting. Immediately, she pulled him into a tight hug, keeping him close to her.

    After a few moments, Nicholas learned that Camilla had sent her a letter, and some addressed to others in the night. His heart tightened for a moment. He was grateful to not explain, but at the same time, it was difficult to know that Camilla was considering his own wellbeing.

    Once they had a long talk, and breakfast, the Queen made her way to Camilla's room, holding onto all of the letters still. The guards annouced her presence as she entered. Her eyes looked Camilla up and down, trying to get a read on her. "May we talk?"
    Charlotte gave Felix a little nod. Everything that he was saying made complete sense, though still, she wished there was a way to back the ambassador back off without telling the complete truth. But, it seemed like that was the only way, and Charlotte was willing to do it. This meant that there would not be another war, and it was possibile to win back the nobles and the people. It would just take time, and work. "I believe you." She said softly, looking up at him.

    She squeezed his hand gently, thankful for Felix and for the support that he was giving her. Charlotte was not sure how much she deserved it, but she was glad to have it. "There are other things that I have done, but none of it time sensitive or needed to fix this situation." Charlotte told him honestly.
    June 2nd, 2018 at 11:28pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BearGirl
    As put together as Camilla tried to appear it could be seen how tired she was. It wasn't just physical tired but emotional too. She was worried about how all this was going to play out and with how much she wanted this to work out. She wanted to win over Nicholas and his country. When the queen spoke Camilla nodded. "Yes of course."

    Camilla paused and stepped back looking down. "I should apologize for interrupting you so early in the morning and with everything else going on I know this should be the last of your problems." she said and looked up at the queen with regret in her eyes. She knew the suspicion and the careful calculations that would follow her for a long time to come. If she ever won over their trust again it still would be in their minds that she did this. Camilla stood waiting for the queen to speak. It seemed the queen had not decided to trust her just yet and understandably so. Camilla did not think this to be easy and honestly she had to restrain herself from asking if the queen had seen Nicholas yet and how he was doing. She wanted to see him to apologize again and make things right but it was not her place. For now her place was to wait and to amend what she could where she was of what she had broken.
    Felix nodded and kissed her head. "Very good. As long as you are prepared for this then we can continue. I will have my most trusted guard send for you when it is time." he said and stood. He held out his hand for her and waited until she stood before closing her in his arms. He kissed her softly and leaned his head on hers a moment. "I must go we will be beginning here soon." he said and then left her there.

    Felix moved to the spot beside his father in the council and sat at his spot. He was grateful his father had given him the freedom to handle this himself. This was his future and he had won the right to decide for himself what it was he was going to do and how he would lead the kingdom. The court began and Felix sat while the ambassador started to explain his position on his refusal to allow the princess to be queen.
    June 3rd, 2018 at 07:00am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...

    The Queen looked over Camilla's face, taking in her poise, her posture, everything about her. It was clear that the young girl was already worn down. The toll of her actions already hitting her hard. Though, she was sure that it would only get worse from here. There was no way that things would not get worse before they got better, if they ever did, that is. She folded her hands in front of herself and walked further into the room. "No, this is a pressing matter and therefore, worth the wake up and the time."

    The woman walked further into the room, glancing over at everything. It was one way to see what the princess had been up to, if anything. Though, it appeared, that she spent the most time at her desk with the way everything was laid about. "I have read your letter, and thought about your words. It does not seem impossible to me that you might be telling the truth, that you might be more innocent that it appears. However, only time will tell if that is the case." She walked over to the desk, setting the letters down on it. "In the case that you are, I would like to give you some advice. Sending these letters, asking people to help prove your innocent would not necessarily help your cause. It could appear as if you are trying to get them to cover up the truth, or to lie for you. Instead, I would suggest that you give me a list of names that might be able to do so. That way, we can contact them on our own terms. You would look less gulity this way, dear."
    Once Felix had left, Charlotte moved into a study close by the court. It was near enough that she could be brought in quickly, though not so close that she would be able to hear what was going on inside of the room. At first, she was sitting in one of the chairs, looking out of the window, thinking about what was to come, and the exact words that she should use. Yes, she was going to be exposing herself to his country, his people and that was nerve wracking enough. But she needed to use very specific words to show that she saw error in her ways, that she was trying to fix what she had caused.

    After a while Charlotte moved onto her feet and started to pace around the room, now moving her hands worriedly together. She had never been in a situation similar to this before, so it was hard to say what she needed to do exactly, how people were going to react to what. Charlotte never had to worry about a whole room of people suddenly hating her....
    June 8th, 2018 at 02:33am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BearGirl
    Camilla stood and shook her head. "I am sorry but you misunderstand my intensions. It does not matter if I am guilty or not. My only duty now is to make up in what little way I can to the people the mess that I have made. Those letters are to ask for aid for the people from sympathizers I know who have the records to help. My innocence does not need to be proven. I gave that information to my sister. I am guilty of that and she misused it. I will take the punishment whatever it might be but I do intend to help the people while I have the chance. I sent those letters to you so that it could not be said I was doing more harm. I want there to be no doubt that I regret my actions and intend to make up for them. If you require a list of people to confirm or deny my innocence or intensions I am not sure there is one that could do so nor would I want to ask that of them. I would also not want to waist your time when I should not be the focus here." Camilla said feeling a sense of urgency even in her shame and guilt.
    Felix stood as he talked and then smiled as he trapped the ambassador in a lie. "Well why don't we ask the princess herself what she thinks of your lack of involvement in this matter." he said. The ambassador was trying to give proof that the princess was plotting against the kingdom and how he was only trying to help their country by exposing her. Felix gestured to the steward. He left the room and returned with Charlotte. Felix looked down at her wishing he could be at her side for this but she needed to begin without him and when he found the appropriate time he would join her at her side and convince the court to their side and continued support. Felix looked down at Charlotte as people murmured and spoke over them. "The princess and I have been engaged in many conversations and we are united." he addressed the court then turned to her. "Princess Charlotte the ambassador has accused you of trying to plot against the thrown. Is there something you would like to tell the court?" he asked giving her the floor to speak what it is she needed. He would make sure she was heard.
    June 28th, 2018 at 12:06am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...

    The Queen was quiet for a moment before she gave the young woman a small nod. She reached over, taking the letters up again and turned back to Camilla. "Very well, I will have these letters delivered for you." Her hands moved together as she looked over at the young woman. At this point, she was not quite sure what to do with her. Camilla's actions had caused her and her people much pain. Also her son was clearly distraught over the whole situation. There was no denying that Camilla had caused much trouble for her family and the kingdom with such a simple act. Though, she would be lying if she said she did not believe the princess. It seemed she did regret her mistakes and was trying to make up for them. But even she did not know that would be enough to mend anything. "If given the choice, would you want to stay here?"
    Charlotte looked up to Felix for a moment. Her eyes stuck to him as she spoke her next few words. "The ambassador is correct in his accusations. Though, he is just as gulity as I." As those words left her lips, there was a suddenly uproar in the court. To hear that such accusations were not only true but worse than expected, well it was scandalous. It took some time until everyone was settled again and Charlotte could continue to speak, now looking to everyone in the crowd. "I colluded against the throne with the ambassador's and his country support. Together, we had formed a plan with the hope that the King and Prince would reconsider my arrangement and allow me to return home to my own country and people. This was to be done by threat of military action by the ambassador, thinking that they would give in before allowing another war."

    "No true attack was ever meant to take place. I had been assured that there would never be a war on this country." She dropped her head for a moment. "Though after some time, I regretted what I had done...As much as I miss my home, I have grown to love this country and the poeple here. I immediately confessed to the Prince so that I might make this right."
    July 15th, 2018 at 10:52pm