Why Do You Write This Genre/Fandom/Rating/Topic...?

  • This.Useless.Heart.

    This.Useless.Heart. (115)

    United States
    ^ I wish I could do that XD I'd so fail. I guess that's the key. Don't write slash if you fail, and I fail, so I don't. lol

    [and so this isn't too spam-liscious, I'd better rattle on about something else...]
    I haven't written any recently, but I think I'd like to start writing more one shots because they are one thing I won't take forever to finish. Also because on here they are what I personally prefer to read. I figure I might as well write what I read. [that philosophy is why I even write fanfic in the first place!]
    January 28th, 2010 at 06:56am
  • youth and whiskey.

    youth and whiskey. (415)

    United States
    Why I write fan-fiction;
    -I feel like my fanfics are better than my original, I just put my whole ability in them.
    -I adore whoever I write about, and the more I look at them, the more it fuels me to write.
    -I just prefer it.
    December 28th, 2010 at 05:05pm
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    Why I write oneshots:
    - So they get finished
    - It's easier for me to focus on one thing instead of eighty things in one fic
    - I find that I don't need multiple chapters to say what I need to say (most of the time)
    December 28th, 2010 at 05:11pm
  • southpaw

    southpaw (565)

    United States
    I write original fiction because when I create a character of my own, I feel close to them - as if I know them in real life. That doesn't happen to me with fanfiction. I feel as if I'm just trying to mess with someone else's creation and my heart's just not in it. My original characters all have something of mine in them, and for that, I feel more attached to them.

    I don't write drabbles or oneshots because I'm not good at making something that's short and to the point. I'm into chaptered stories that have a plot that thickens over the course of the story, with characters that grow. My best ideas are those that can last for twenty or so chapters. I'm just not good at establishing an event within one or two of them.
    December 28th, 2010 at 05:12pm
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    Why I write fanfiction:
    - I have no connection to OCs really. (Even Dylan in Confusion isn't strongly connected to me.)
    - If they can handle it, I can handle it.
    - If I write it, they'll be okay.
    - I care so much that if I don't write it, I'll break down.
    December 28th, 2010 at 05:48pm
  • Cursed333

    Cursed333 (150)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    I write slash (despite being a lesbian myself) because:
    a) I just love the relationship two guys can have with eachother. It can be so many things and has the potential for a lot.
    b) The way boys interact with eachother is totally different than the way two girls or a straight couple are.
    c) The emotions are deeper
    d) I love the romantic side of it all
    e) I like writing boy characters. Out of all the many stories I wrote only a couple are about girls.
    f) The way boys think and act is interesting to write
    g) Girls in general seems to have more drama and a lot of them are more fragile or have attitude problems
    h) I'm a gay female so I like to write gay characters
    i) I just really like love between two boys

    I write fanfiction because:
    a) Stories and people and music and life in general inspire me
    b) Characters are always popping into my head where they can fit into a certain fic. I'll be thinking "Wow, this person would be great for that person" or "I think this story could really benefit from another character" or my most popular question of "What if..."
    c) I love those people that I write about. They are huge parts of my life in some way or another and I just feel really compelled to get my feelings out and expressed in some form.
    December 28th, 2010 at 08:04pm
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    I write slash because:
    - I hate writing female characters.
    - I'm much more interested in men and their emotions (maybe because I can't experience them first hand).
    - I write fanfiction and the bands I'm interested in are guys.
    - I think non-straight relationships are more interesting than het.

    I write establish relationships because:
    - To me, how a couple gets together isn't that important.
    - I like to write about the way people interact with each other when everything's already figured out to a certain point.
    - I'm impatient.

    I write relationships that aren't concrete because:
    - It's so interesting to not know.
    - It's more complex when a relationship isn't black&white and expected.
    - Not everything in life fits a definition.
    December 28th, 2010 at 08:22pm
  • dreaming dawn

    dreaming dawn (100)

    United States
    I write Original Fiction:
    -Because I can not connect with all ready developed stories as well as my own.
    -I love coming up with believable, quirky characters.
    -I love developing my own world.

    I write non-established relationships:
    -Because I love Romance Novels and enjoy telling the story of how they got together.
    -To help the reader understand later in the series why some things are the way they are.
    -To help the reader better understand the characters later on.

    I want to write a book series:
    -Because Kenyon, Feehan, Showalter, etc. are my idols and I look up to them. For the courage, passion, and drive they have to do what they do.

    I write one shots:
    -When I feel like it and when that darn plot bunny just won't go away.
    December 28th, 2010 at 10:27pm
  • rrcaexx

    rrcaexx (100)

    United States
    I write original fiction, because when I read a book, I want to escape into it. I am not a fan of non-fiction, as it requires too much thinking, and there is no chance for me to lose myself in it :)
    December 29th, 2010 at 09:23pm
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    I write explicit sex scenes because:
    - Sex is interesting.
    - The way characters interact with each other during sex shows more than how they interact any other time.
    - You see vulnerability and vulnerability is important.
    December 29th, 2010 at 09:38pm
  • dressedtokill

    dressedtokill (100)

    United States
    I write/read fan and band fiction because:
    -I'm not really confident in my originals.
    -I obviously like what im writing about and want to feel more of a conection with the person
    -i didnt like the way the story ended.
    -it makes me happy:)
    January 17th, 2011 at 07:39am
  • Roseh; believe

    Roseh; believe (330)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I write fanfiction because:
    - It gives me a chance to explore characters that I already love.
    - It allows me to interpret the canon in my own way and share my ideas with other people who have the same interests.
    - It lets me develop something from something else.
    - If I can do it well, it makes me feel like I'm paying tribute to the original creator(s) of the works and celebrating their achievements more than anything.

    I write original fiction because:
    - I can create my own worlds with my own characters.
    - I'm not restricted by the limitations of some kind of canon.

    I don't write bandfiction because:
    - I don't feel a strong enough connection to any artist to be able to write about them.
    - I wouldn't be committed enough to find out everything about them; both factually, and their personalities.
    - I just feel more attached to fictional people than to real people.
    January 17th, 2011 at 03:26pm
  • swell

    swell (150)

    I write fan fiction basically because I need some way to release the feels.

    I write original fiction because I'm a dreamer and I'm constantly thinking of story ideas that while could be translated into fan fiction, it just doesn't fit into my brain. I also love that in original fiction, the possibilities are endless while in fan fiction, I feel like there are some limitations with how much you can twist and bend pre-existing characters. At least, when I write the pre-existing characters I try to stay as true to their personality as possible.
    March 16th, 2013 at 09:44am
  • solo sunrise

    solo sunrise (260)

    Neutral Zone
    I write sci-fi and fantasy because there is absolutely no limit to imagination, especially in futuristic/alternate universes. I just love world-building, and I feel limited by any genre where I can't manipulate the setting.
    March 20th, 2013 at 03:17am
  • swell

    swell (150)

    I write about One Direction because how else am I supposed to get the feels out.
    March 20th, 2013 at 04:13am
  • amaranthine.

    amaranthine. (155)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I write original fiction because:
    - I love creating my own, unique characters and watching them interact with each other.
    - I can put a small part of myself into the characters.
    - I feel oddly uncomfortable writing real-person fanfiction; as though I'm abusing their rights or something (even though I know that's not the case...)
    - I don't like taking someone else's characters and having to conform to certain restrictions.
    - The possibilities are endless.

    I write long stories because:
    - I'm not good at writing concisely.
    - My favourite stories are intricate sagas with lots of plots and sub-plots.
    - I love complex, unpredictable plot-lines.
    - I like to watch my characters grow and develop.
    - I want to publish a series of novels one day.

    I write sci-fi, dystopia and fantasy because:
    - There are no limits or restrictions.
    - The idea of a futuristic world intrigues me.
    - You can combine elements of other genres (e.g. romance, horror, adventure) in with them.
    - Some dystopian ideas really scare me, and I tend to write what I'm scared of.
    March 20th, 2013 at 06:18pm
  • Sansa Stark

    Sansa Stark (930)

    New Zealand
    dru's war paint.:
    Why I write oneshots:
    - So they get finished
    - It's easier for me to focus on one thing instead of eighty things in one fic
    - I find that I don't need multiple chapters to say what I need to say (most of the time)
    All of this. Wouldn't have said it better myself File
    March 26th, 2013 at 01:07am
  • bellamy blake

    bellamy blake (3280)

    Class of 2015
    United States
    I write fanfiction because:

    - When I get an idea for something, it's usually in relation to a certain character, pairing or universe.
    - It's more of a challenge for me to get into a pre-existing character's mind than it is for me to already know everything because I built the character from scratch.
    - It's also more of a challenge to write something that people already familiar with the fandom will find believable.
    - I feel like I have just as much freedom writing fanfiction as I would original. If I get the urge to write m own characters, I can always include an OC in fanfiction.
    - I would have no interest in writing if I couldn't write fanfiction. My adoration of a specific actor/novel/film/musician is the main thing that fuels my writing. I wouldn't bother making time in my crazy life for writing if it wasn't something I was passionate about, and the only thing I'm passionate about is fanfiction.

    I write smut because:

    - I'm a sucker for romance, especially the untraditional kind, and I feel like one of the most telling things about a relationship is how the partners interact with one another through sex. Sex is characterization of a relationship.
    - My thoughts wander, I fantasize a lot, and writing smut is my own way of doing something productive with my over-the-top sex drive.

    I write Big Time Rush fanfiction because:

    - It's the most versatile fandom I've ever written in. I've been writing it for around four years, and I have yet to get bored with it.
    - I adore all of the characters. Even the characters I'm not a huge fan of and that annoy me are interesting to delve into as a writer.
    - It's what I really and truly love to write. Much like fanfiction, if I couldn't write about BTR, I'd have no desire to write anything at all.
    - The showverse aspect of the fandom is really easy to incorporate original characters and pre-existing characters' backstory into.

    I write oneshots because:

    -Like fanfiction, most of my ideas come to me in the form of a oneshot. If an idea comes to me that would be better suited as a chaptered fic, I'll write it as a chaptered fic, but most of my ideas come to me as just a specific scene or a certain moment in time.
    - I hate writing filler.
    - I work two jobs, am a full-time college student, and have a lot of other hobbies and interests aside from writing. I do not have the time to regularly update a chaptered fic.
    - My brain works better when I'm working on a lot of different things at one time, and it's easier to switch back and forth between a handful of oneshots than it is to switch back and forth between chaptered fics.

    I don't write original fiction because:

    - Honestly, it doesn't interest me. It doesn't have that appeal for me. Many of the stories I'm working on now would certainly get more readers if I posted them as original File
    - I can get any urges I have to write original characters, an original universe, etc out through fanfiction.
    March 30th, 2013 at 04:55pm
  • semolina

    semolina (150)

    United States
    I write femme-slash because
    ♡ I love girls.
    ♡ I find lesbianism endlessly beautiful, special, romantic, and intriguing.
    ♡ I have first-hand understanding of how it feels to be madly in love with a fellow girl.
    ♡ There aren't enough interesting lesbian stories.
    ♡ It's an outlet of fantasy.
    ♡ But most of all, I write femme-slash because I love to write about love, and I am indiscriminate of what the gender of the characters that I happen to write about are. If two characters happen to be girls and I want them to fall in love, so be it.

    I write fanfiction because I fall in love easily with famous people and I tend to fantasize about what they'd be like in person, or what it would be like to fall in love with them. I don't know what to do with these thoughts other than further my deluded vision of these people by writing about them.

    I write original fiction because
    ♡ I love coming up with characters in my head. I don't even know how I do it, now that I think of it. I never try. They just come to my mind and I have a deep psychological understanding of them automatically, even if I haven't dreamt of their history yet. It's not even like they're characters - its like they're real people that exist somewhere and I just have to describe my understanding of them as best as I can.
    ♡ I love to imagine things happening that are either so absurd or so perfect that they will never happen to me, or to anyone. This makes me sad, so I make it real by writing about it.
    ♡ I spend a great deal of time trying to imagine the most interesting, perfect person I can. Again, I yearn to make them exist, so the closest thing I can do is to write about them.
    ♡ Essentially, by writing original fiction, I can have whatever I want. I'm in control. No one can tell me that its wrong, because its all mine.

    This is getting too deep. I'll probably come back and write more later. Smoke
    April 5th, 2013 at 05:34am
  • kyojin;

    kyojin; (100)

    United States
    I write original fiction because:
    - It's completely original. All my own ideas. All my own characters. Mine mine mine. Don't have to worry aobut giving credit to someone else. :)
    - It's my own little world, but it's not completely made up. I create a character and mold them into a complete human being. The only thing they lack is an actual literal body. These are real people with real feelings, they make the story and I just write it down.
    - I love to study the human brain and psychology. I like tapping int ocertain emotions spawned by life, death, sex, pain, pleasure, failure, success, everything. I love studying humanity as a whole.

    I write NC-17 because:
    - The world won't censor itself for us, why should I censor my reality? I won't beat around the bush or skip time or write unrealistic dialogue for the sake of other's approval
    - Human nature demands imperfection. I love imperfection. I love sexuality and fumbling speach and human weakness and the psychology behind it all.
    - I'm interested in realism. I know people cuss, fuck, kill, and do all sorts of nasty things. I can't pretend it's not happening.

    I write slash because :
    - I relate strongest to men
    - I have a more comprehensive knowledge of the male form and psyche than my own ("female").
    - When I come up with a coupling, 90% of the time, it doesn't feel a natural relationship unless it's two men
    - There are no expectations of gender role in a homesexual relationship. They are the same and totally equal until the couple decides for themselves who the dominant and submissive partner are.
    - A lot of the emotions are under the surface rather than jumping out and confronting you.

    I write romance because:
    - I haven't been in a committed relationship since I was fourteen years old.
    - I still dream about the happy ending.
    - I love seeing people in love more than I like being in love.
    - It makes me hopeful about love again.
    - I like feeling like cupid.
    April 5th, 2013 at 06:18am