Suspicious Minds - Comments

  • matt's an idiot, someone should smack him.

    and wtf is jays problem, I'd have thought that with emma ignoring him, the talking about friends and him leaving it was preeetty clear things were as good as over, I thought they were... ah well maybe I4m stupid but so is he! serioulsy expecting her to live with brainy and not fuck him? psh! stupid Lola, why would she want to go there it'll only cause more drama and trouble!

    and you know maybe I'm abit cynical but the teacup thing made me want to throw up... then again a lot of 'fresh' couples make me want to hurl sooo maybe you're being realistic.

    love the story keep it up ! xp
    March 8th, 2010 at 10:44pm
  • "
    “Oh Miles, don’t be fooled by her innocent appearance, little Emma here can be a little fox…you wouldn’t want to know what position I found her and her ex in last year when we were in Vegas for a night! Her brother didn’t appreciate it either.”"

    that wasnt cool..not cool! I mean its embarrassing enough to share this with a stranger..but an elder? felt uneasy

    I guess Lola knows that Miles can laugh at this without judgement but was kinda weird:p

    "“No need to be embarrassed darling! You’re young, it’s only right to enjoy yourself.”"
    oooh..okay Miles! :P

    "We got into a huge fight and I smashed all his terrible plates"
    mmm...i much fun! lol

    "“Do I look like I wanna calm down? That whore fucking cheated on me, on me! Where are her and that clean friend of hers!”"
    someone punch him please!

    "a good enough reason for me to turn up at George’s place"
    wwwwwwwwhyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!! stay where you are! leave things as it is!they're fucked up enough aleady!

    this story makes me wanna punch people!!!

    "Get drunk or high or whatever you do when you’re heartbroken."

    "really thought you two had a good thing going…while it lasted."
    i have to say that when I first read the chapter title I felt a bit anxious...but ok that calmed me down.

    "He has been good to you and never lied to you…it’s only fair to repay the favor, even if it hurts the both of you."
    Lola knows best.;p no joke..she's right

    "he had told her that he’d be leaving, and from that I took that he was kind of saying good bye to her. "
    to be honest, at that scene I was sure that was the case too. I never thought that he would accuse her of jealous yes..but I didn't thought they were together. At least from Emmas POV, they were just friends.

    "Someone messed up all her make-up supplies so we’re going to use that someone’s credit card to buy new ones."
    haha yees:p

    "Guess he found it a little odd when I asked to have Bullet For My Valentine in huge letters on my chest"
    laughed at this

    "“You’re fucking joking me, right?”"
    and died at this! lmao!!

    "“Is Emma coming?”"
    how sweettt

    "and the size was perfect for the inside of my wrist."
    perfect spot. just perfect

    "I bet I could get him all fired up"

    "Seconds later the door opened and a half naked Brian stood in the door"
    am sure that was Fanni's addition??;p

    "I moved towards one of the cupboards and heard Emma inhale sharply, knowing that I was on the right track-

    “take it back or I’ll start smashing your plates, one by one. They’re terribly inappropriate for a rock star.”"

    yes yes grinning like the joker here! haha

    "here was some deeper meaning to why he had kept the cup"
    whyyyyy?? I wanna know!

    "“Shut the fuck up!”"

    "knew you were pretty possessive of her but dude, you gotta relax!"
    you gotta love possesive dudes!!! ohh's women's day!

    "“On second thought, God knows if you cleaned the surfaces after your little reunion…wouldn’t wanna catch cooties.” "

    lovely update!! always makes my day :):)

    saw the tattoo..looked amazing!

    and yeah I love Lola like this:D
    March 8th, 2010 at 08:51pm
  • Loved the update. More please!!
    March 8th, 2010 at 08:38pm
  • i LOVESSSSS ITTT!!!haha too bad you're not here in SW Florida be f-ing great to chillax with you hot babes ;p Loved the chapter!!! cant wait for the big 5-0!!!
    March 8th, 2010 at 01:51pm
  • amazing updates :)
    March 8th, 2010 at 12:54am
  • I swear, chapter 48 just blew my mind. This story is one of the most.. amazing things i have EVER read. I can't even describe it.
    March 5th, 2010 at 11:39pm
  • Wow…I absolutely love this chapter..especially that new side of Brian. All this build-up tension between Emma and Brian sure did lead to some good time for both of them. Lol the ending was really funny. I wonder exactly how Bella got up to the second floor?? Lol
    Amazing update here.
    March 3rd, 2010 at 03:48am
  • I love this story! It's the only story I haven't forgotten about after subscribing, can't wait for the update :)
    March 2nd, 2010 at 06:36pm
  • I loved the last two updates!!
    March 2nd, 2010 at 09:43am
  • Holy crap.
    That was so amazingly INTENSE.
    I love this story.
    That scene was crazayyy.
    Oh myyy(:
    March 2nd, 2010 at 05:26am
  • how the hell did the dog get up there?!
    March 2nd, 2010 at 01:50am
  • fucking amazing. nuff said, just discovered this story and ohhh mayynn its my favourite one on here ever! but holy shit you write good sex scenes. i. want. him. nuff said. genuinely got more than a little turned on in that last one, keep up the...good work ;) freaking brilliant stuff, update as soon as you feel like it, preferably soon, you bought out my syn side..
    March 2nd, 2010 at 01:35am
    that blew my mind!!!
    throwing things and breaking things to
    rough, hot,passionate,desperate sex!
    update soon plz :]
    March 1st, 2010 at 06:35pm
  • that had to be the best sex scene I've ever read.
    great job :)!

    i love this story, I'm always excited when I get e-mails for it. haha. :)
    Keep up the amazing work, girls :)
    March 1st, 2010 at 05:33am
  • Holy shit... O_O *clears throat* Well, nice update...keep up the good work.
    March 1st, 2010 at 03:29am
  • I'm not a Brian-girl, but that was the hottest fuckin' scene I've read!
    Holy shit!

    One of ya'll has to write something that intense for Matt-
    Hot damn! lol
    March 1st, 2010 at 02:44am
  • "Brian seemed like he had just swallowed a glass full of a hobo’s cum." Bahahah that was fucking funny as hell to read! But damn girl! Yet again you made that soooooooooo fuckin' hot. Got a little hot in here haha. Ooo how I love it when Brian gets angry, it is always so sexy. Makes me all happy inside lol. But you guys are doing an amazing job!!
    March 1st, 2010 at 01:32am
  • Wow, that was one intense chapter. I just wonder how can you write such great sex? You're gifted ;)

    I like the concept of this chapter. It cointains everything: roughness, angriness, passion, love, etc. The whole thing was wild though. And who doesn't love a dirty, dominating Brian?

    Damn, I'm happy; they had great sex, made up and we can all just hope this relationship will last forever.

    What can I say/write more? This was epic. Congratulations, you did an awesome job.

    Oh, and I'm always looking forward to reading chapters like this :D
    March 1st, 2010 at 12:39am
  • YESSSS!!!! SMUT!!!! BRIAN AND EMMA SMUT!!!! FINALLY!!!!!! lol WOOOT!!!! *does happy syn obsessed fangirl dance*
    hellz yes!!!!!! lmao i love brian's demony side too makes me melt and it twix my nethers with oh so deliciously goodiness and im like YESSS I WANT THAT!!!! Sadly your oral sex part in there made my mouth water and the ni rmeember what I shouted friday night at the three days grace and breaking benjamin concert and i will explain moe in a message to my lovely nuuba LMAO you will enjoy it!!!!

    Great job ONCE more on the chapter at least THIS TIME MIBBA ALERTED ME THERE WAS MORE GRWR! update soon duckies!!!
    March 1st, 2010 at 12:04am
  • New pants please?
    Holy crap, just like the best ever sex scene written.
    February 28th, 2010 at 11:39pm