If I Could Go Back in Time


Mercy sighed as she checked her phone. The boys had gone out drinking and she was babysitting for Jenna, which she didn’t mind. Jenna was actually out with Austin, which is really strange, but things have moved along in the last three months. Yeah, Jami and Austin are still married…..which is the only thing that stands in the way of Jenna and Austin being together.

I really hope Zacky keeps his promise. He said he wouldn’t get completely drunk like he usually does… Mercy thought.

“Mer, when is mommy coming home?” Austin asked.

“I don’t know, baby. She’ll probably be home soon. Why don’t you go change into your pjs and I’ll tuck you in?” Mercy asked.

Austin just nodded and walked into his room to change. When he was done, Mercy tucked him in and walked back down stairs. She sat down on the couch and turned on the T.V.

Mercy watched T.V for about four hours when she noticed it was almost one am and no one was back yet. She rolled her eyes and sighed, and then she heard a car pull up in the driveway. She got up and opened the door. Brian was hauling Zacky inside.

“You drove?! How much have you had to drink?” Mercy asked, clearly pissed about Brian driving.

“Not much. Way less then what I normally drink. It’s Zacky you need to be yelling at. You can see he completely broke the promise he made to you,” He replied.

“No shit Sherlock,” Mercy snapped.

“I’ll see you later.” Brian turned and walked back out the front door.

Mercy huffed, “Get some sleep. We will talk about this in the morning.”

Zacky just nodded and tried to get up to follow her.

“Uh, where do you think you are going? You’re sleeping on the couch.”

“Not fair,” Zacky slurred.

“You shouldn’t have broken your promise.”

Mercy walked over to the linen closet and got out a blanket and two pillows. She handed them to Zacky and walked upstairs to her room.

The next morning, all was still and quiet….until…

“WHAT THE HELL ZACKY?” Mercy screamed.

She had went to wake him up and he had hickies all over his neck. She hadn’t noticed them the night before because the lights had been off.

“Ugh…stop screaming,” Zacky whined.

“I will once you tell me why you broke your promise and why you have fucking hickies all over your neck?” She demanded.

Zacky’s eyes widened, “Oh shit…”

“Yeah, oh shit. What the fuck?”

“Baby…it was nothing....I didn’t mean to get so drunk. I was only going to have a couple and then I just started throwing them back and I lost count of how many I had.”

Mercy just glared at him, “Hickies?”


“Baby baby baby. Geeze, Zacky, you can’t even think of a fucking excuse. You let some whore grope all up on you. That’s it. Period. End of story. You cheated on me.”

“I am so sorry. I was so drunk.”

“Oh and the guys just let you do it, huh?”

“No….I left the table because they wouldn’t let me drink a lot…and then everything just happened so fast…”

“I can’t trust you anymore, Zack.” Mercy sniffled.

“What’s with all the yelling?” Jenna asked, coming down the stairs. Austin trailed behind her, ex-boyfriend Austin.

Mercy raised her eyebrows, “He stayed the night? I didn’t even hear you come home.”

“Yes, he stayed the night. Big deal. Nothing happened. Now what’s going on?” Jenna asked.

Austin smirked when she said nothing happened so apparently something happened.

“Fuck face cheated on me,” Mercy spat out.

“Would you quit calling me names?” Zacky asked as he cradled his aching head.

“No, I will not. You are stupid motherfucker who I don’t want to have anything to with. You probably fucked that whore in the bathroom. Congratualtions, you waited so long to get with me and you lost me in a matter of seconds, good job.” Mercy stomped up to her room and slammed the door.

“Yeah…good going Zack. I don’t know Mercy that well, but you just lost the best thing you have ever had,” Austin said shaking his head.

“Oh shut up Austin. You’re cheating on Jami with Jenna,” Zacky said out of spite.

“No, he’s not..” Jenna trailed off.

“Yeah right. I don’t believe you. Fuck this, I’m calling someone to come and get me.” Zacky pulled out his phone and called Brian. It didn’t take him long to end the phone call.

“Ya know, instead of you going home, you should probably fix things with Mercy,” Jenna pointed out.

“No, she needs time to cool off. She’s really pissed at me and she’ll just end up throwing something at my head and narrowly missing.”

“Ugh, I should really kick you in the balls for doing that to my best friend. She really loves you Zack. I’ve never seen her as happy as she is when she is with you.”

Zacky looked upset and just nodded his head, “I love her too. I’ve loved her since I laid eyes on her.”

“Then show her.”


“You will have to figure that out for yourself……” Jenna trailed off.

Zacky nodded and then noticed that Brian was there, so he walked out the door.

“Crazy fucking day already…” Jenna trailed off.

“Yeah, I know. You should go check on Mercy,” Austin said.

“Yeah, I am. Go check on little A and I’ll check on Mercy.”

They both walked upstairs and went in different directions.
♠ ♠ ♠
My favorite chapter so far.
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