If I Could Go Back in Time


Jenna knocked on Mercy’s bedroom door softly. “Mer, are you alright in there? Can I get you anything?” She asked softly. She could hear Mercy crying, but she didn’t get an answer. “Can I come in Mercy?” She asked.

“If you want to, I don’t care.” Mercy said after a long silence. Jenna opened the door to the bedroom and walked in. She walked to the bed where Mercy was lying and sat down next to her.

“I’m sorry he did that too you Mercy honey.” Jenna said and placed her hand on her best friend’s shoulder. “It was pretty low.”

“Can we not talk about it please?” Mercy said.

“Mercy, you have to talk to him, I mean I know you’re mad at him, and I know what he did was stupid, and I understand that you are more than upset with him. But you have to talk to him, at least to straighten things out a bit.”

“He cheated on me Jen; he cheated on me with some whore in a bar.” Mercy said and let out a little sob. Jenna stayed with her friend for a long time, trying to comfort her.

Austin had left the house without really saying goodbye to Jenna. He had to get home; Jami would kill him for being so late. He was confused by what had happened with Jenna the night before. They had gone out, supposedly as just friends, and then he was with her in her bedroom. Nothing had really happened, nothing too serious anyways. But he wasn’t sure about what had happened. At the time it seemed like nothing more than a kiss…but now that he was on his way back home to his wife, it seemed like so much more than just that.

Once he got home he was greeted at the door by a very pissed off looking Jami. “Where in the fuck where you last night?!” She snapped.

“I was out Jami, I’m here now, so calm down.” He said. She shot him a look.

“Where you out with that Jenna bitch?” She asked.

“Does it matter?”

“What were you doing with her!? Did you forget that you are my fucking husband! Were you out fucking her?! Is that what you were doing you son of a bitch!?” She yelled.

“No Jami I was not out fucking her! We went to dinner okay….is that so fucking terrible!? I went to dinner with the mother of my child! Big damn deal Jami.”

“How could you do that too me Austin!? You are supposed to be my husband and you are out fucking her!”

“I just said I didn’t fuck her! I would never fuck her anyways. With Jenna, it was love!” He snapped, and then regretted opening his mouth at all. Jami was fuming with anger and she slapped him across the face.

“You want to fuck her, then go and fuck her! I don’t want you around me!”

“Oh my god, I just told you a million and one times, I didn’t fuck her! I should have…that way you’d at least have something to bitch about! I’m tired of all your bullshit! You wanna call me a cheater, than make fucking sure you know what the hell you are talking about!” He snapped. “I’m not staying here with you and your mood. I’m going to see my son.” He said and turned to leave the house.

“Your son, or his mother Austin. Which one are you going to see? Don’t lie to me” Jami said with tears rolling down her cheeks.

“Does it even matter?” Austin said and left
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