If I Could Go Back in Time


Jenna had been suddenly spending a lot of time with her ex, without their child. After he had come back that one day and told her about the fight with Jami, she was starting to wonder if maybe Jami had a point. She hadn’t slept with him, and even now a week later she hadn’t slept with him, but she had kissed him.

She kissed him the night before the fight with Jami, and it had been on a dare. She had gone out with him, and they came back to her place and were playing truth or dare like children, and when he said truth, she asked him if would have kissed her if he had picked dare, and before she could say another word his lips were against hers. They had made out a little bit, and she asked him to stay with her, but she didn’t go any further. But now she wasn’t too sure about how she felt for him.

“Jen, you have been spending a lot of time with Austin lately.” Mercy said when she walked into the kitchen where Jenna was picking at a bagel with cream cheese.

“I know. He’s having some issues with Jami, and for some reason he’s kind of leaning on me.”

“Well, I could give you my opinion.”

“If I say no you will anyways.”

“I think you are still in love with him.” Mercy said and opened the fridge. “And I think he is still in love with you.”

“Shut up Mercy! He’s married.”

“And he hates his wife. He spends all his time with you, he calls you all the time, he texts you when he’s not calling you. The two of you act like a fucking couple.”

“I’m just trying to help, like a good friend. He’s the father of my child.”

“When are you going to see him again?”

“Tonight. Oh by the way Mercy, not to sound mean, or rude, but keep it down when you are having sex with Zacky in the house. Austin told me you woke him up three times the other night when I had you watch him.” Jenna said with a smirk. Mercy blushed.

“We were trying to be quiet.”

“Well you failed.” Jenna smiled. “I have to go take a shower. I’m going out with him tonight.”

“Am I on babysit duty again?”

“It would mean a lot to me.” Jenna said with puppy eyes. “I’m sorry. I know I ask a lot of you.” She said and stood up from the table.

“It’s fine, he’s a great kid.” Mercy said, and Jenna hugged her tightly.

“I’ll try to be back early.”

“With or without Austin?”

“I make no promises.” Jenna smiled and ran up the stairs. She showered and got dressed and ready to go out with him. Her son walked into her room and sat on the bed.

“Mommy, where are you going?” He pouted.

“I’m going to dinner with your daddy.” Jenna said and sat next to him.

“Can I go?”

“I’m sorry baby, not tonight. But I promise you can come to the movies with us tomorrow ok? I will tell your daddy, and we will all go to the movies and get lunch. Okay?”

“Alright mommy.” Austin pouted and hugged his mother. She kissed his head and finished getting ready. It was only a few minutes later that he walked through her front door.

“Daddy!” little Austin yelled and ran to his father. Austin lifted him up.

“Hey buddy. You practicing on that guitar?”

“Yup.” little Austin smiled. “I’m getting good at it too!”

“Really, I’ll have to take a listen one of these days. Where is your mama?”

“She’s upstairs, getting ready. She said that you would take me and her to the movie tomorrow, and lunch.”

“Sounds like a great plan little man.” He said. When Jenna finally came down the stairs, his jaw dropped a little bit. She was wearing a black skirt and a blue silk blouse, with some low heeled shoes.

“What?!” She asked when she noticed him staring at her like that.

“Nothing…you are just…gorgeous.” He said after a long pause. She blushed.

“Don’t say that. You’ll make me go all red.”

“You look pretty mommy!” little Austin exclaimed. His father put him back down on the ground and he went to his mother and hugged her.

“You ready to go?” Austin asked, and Jenna nodded. They left. When they got to the restaurant, Jenna couldn’t help but think about what Mercy had said. She sometimes felt bad, being out with a married man, but nothing ever happened. “You are still just as pretty as you where back then Jen. You know that…you might be prettier, now that you aren’t so tired looking.”

“You look pretty good too.” Jenna said. “Austin…why do we do this?”

“Do what?”

“Spend so much time together, without little A? I mean, before he was always with us, and now lately we are together alone all the time.”

“I need to get away from Jami lately. She’s driving me crazy, with her jealousy. I keep trying to tell her that nothing is going on between us, and she keeps insisting that there is. Sometimes I wish there was…”

“What do you mean?”

“Never mind Jen. Let’s not talk about that.”

“No, what do you mean by that?” Jenna asked. He reached across the table and took her hand.

“Let me just say, it wasn’t a mutual break up Jenna. You left me.”

“What do you think about me Austin? Aren’t you happy with Jami?”

“Was that a serious question? I was happy with her, until I ran into you. Then she got so jealous, and all we do is fight. She’s always mad at me, and I can’t be there with her.” He said. Jenna looked at the table.

“I haven’t been out with a guy in two years, and now here I am with you, listening to you tell me about how unhappy you are with your wife. There are so many things running through my head right now…so many feelings.” She said and looked up at him. Before she could stop herself, she leaned across the table and kissed him on his lips. He returned her kiss, and it didn’t take long for them to leave the restaurant, without ever ordering. He took her home, and she invited him inside. Once inside the front door, she had her lips pressed against his again, and they were moving towards the stairs. When they got there, rather than try and both walk up the stairs, Jenna jumped up and wrapped her legs around him.

He carried her into her bedroom and laid her on her bed. She pulled his shirt off over his head, and things started moving so fast that before she knew it she was completely naked under him, and he thrust into her. She whined a little bit, but she liked the feeling.

It had been eight years since she had slept with anyone, and now she was sleeping with the same man. She could feel his hands on her skin, and the cool metal of his wedding band, along with the gentle scratch of the diamonds, but she didn’t care. She could feel his love, and it was the same as it had been so many years before. She pulled her long brown hair out of its clip and let it fall freely around them.

She fell asleep onto of him, with his arms around her, and her head against his chest, hearing his heart beat.
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this is my favorite Chapter that i have written
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