If I Could Go Back in Time

Twenty Three

The next morning, Mercy woke up with Brian’s arms still wrapped around her. She sighed as she felt how puffed up her face was from crying.

“Brian? Please move,” She said, shaking Brian awake.

“Ugh, too early, Mercy,” He replied, but moved out of her way. She got up and ran to the bathroom to throw up. She didn’t know if it was morning sickness or the fact that she cried for hours the night before.

She felt her hair being lifted up and Brian’s rough hands rubbing her back.

“I love you for being here for me, but it should be Zack,” She mumbled.

“I know. Just humor me until he quits being an ass. I love you to death Mercy and you know I would do anything for you.”

“I know and thanks.” Mercy smiled and then went to brush her teeth.

Mercy checked on little Austin and he was still fast asleep; then Brian and Mercy walked down stairs.

“What the fuck?” Mercy whispered at seeing Jenna and Austin asleep on the couch.

Brian raised an eyebrow and pointed to the suitcase on the floor.

“Oh hell no. Not now,” Mercy commented. She shook Jenna awake and it woke Austin up, too.

“Suitcase?” She asked.

“Uh, Mercy, see Austin left Jami….and he needs a place to stay….”Jenna trailed off.

Mercy rolled her eyes, “Well, he should have thought about that before he left her.”

Mercy stomped off into the kitchen with Brian following her.

“Mercy, just give it a chance, please? They love each other and if he lives here then they can be a family.”

“I know, I’m okay with it I guess, I just want what they have,” Mercy sniffled.

“I know you do. I hope you can have that one day, whether it is with Zacky or not.”

Mercy hugged him and then walked back into the living room.

“I’m okay with him staying here. I think it would be great,” Mercy said, hugging Jenna.

“Thanks and I think it would be great, too.”

“I just wish I could have what you guys have….because obviously Zacky doesn’t give a shit.”

“Zack is probably just scared. I probably would have done the same thing,” Austin said.

Mercy just shrugged.

“Hey, do you want to go for a ride with me? Maybe stop by Zacky’s?” Brian asked.

Mercy sighed, “I guess. Let me go change.”

Mercy walked up to her room and changed into a pair of jeans and a Panic at the Disco shirt. She slipped on some flip-flops and grabbed her phone. Zacky had made no effort to call or text her.

“Ready?” Brian asked as Mercy walked down the stairs. She nodded and followed him out the door, after telling Jenna and Austin bye. Mercy climbed into the passenger side of the Escalade and then they pulled out of the driveway.

Mercy was biting her lip because she was nervous. She didn’t know what she would find at Zacky’s house, but she wasn’t expecting what she found.
♠ ♠ ♠
Team Brian-1
Team Zack-0

You guys probably hate me for that cliffhanger....oh well...
I'm sitting at school in the library bored as fuck because we had a test in math and I got out early.
I have about 30 minutes before my next class starts.