If I Could Go Back in Time

Twenty Six

Jenna hated that Mercy had left one such bad terms, and she still hated Zacky for it. Mercy had been gone almost a month now, and Jenna was still living with Austin and her son in the same house. Austin had filed the divorce papers and changed his cell phone number so that Jami wouldn’t be able to call him and beg him to come back. Last Jenna had heard about Jami, she’d gone back to Jonesboro, Arkansas.

“So babe, what do you say we go out tonight, just you and me. One of the guys can take care of little A.” Austin smiled as he stepped behind his girlfriend and wrapped his arms around her waist. She was in the kitchen making a grilled cheese sandwich for her son.

“Sounds good…but which guy is going to watch him?”

“I don’t know, I can ask Mark to watch him. He seems to get along with Mark pretty well.”

“Ok cool. Where are we going?”

“Dinner. Maybe a movie, but dinner for sure.”

“Ok cool.” Jenna said and pecked his lips before turning the sandwich over.

Later that night she was walking into the restaurant with him. She had his hand in hers and she was wondering why he was taking her to such a nice restaurant. He had surprised her with a new dress and shoes and a pretty silver necklace with a heart pendant.

They were seated without having to wait, one of the perks of dating a rock star, and their waiter was very attentive. “So what’s the occasion?”

“I have a little surprise for you. But not until after dinner.” He smiled and looked over the menu. “Would you like some wine?”

“Wine would be nice right now.” Jenna smiled. Austin ordered a bottle of wine for them to share and they both ordered their food. The evening was fun and comfortable, and she was more than happy to be with him on this lovely evening. The time seemed to be passing by quickly enough, even with the suspense of wanting to know what he had for her.

He was talking to her when she zoned out. She noticed someone coming into the restaurant that seemed very familiar. “Jen, honey…” Austin said and waved his hand in front of her face a little bit.

“Is that…Zacky?” She asked, more to herself than Austin. He looked over his shoulder and noticed who she was looking at. It was Zacky, and he was with Gena. Austin looked back at Jenna, but she was on her feet.

“Jen, what are you doing?” He asked as she walked towards Zacky and his date.

“You motherfucker!” She yelled when she approached Zacky. He hadn’t sat down yet. “Oh my god I’m going to fucking kill you!” She snapped and jumped on him and started punching him. Austin saw his girlfriend attack Zacky and he ran towards them.

“Jenna! Ow Jenna that hurts!” Zacky yelled.

“Good! It should hurt!” Jenna yelled and continued to punch Zacky. He finally shook her off and she continued to slap him hard. He turned around to face her and she slapped him. He was trying to block his face when she put her knee in his crotch as hard as she could. “That’s what you deserve for what you did to Mercy you son of a bitch!” She yelled as she continued to beat him.

“It’s not my fault Mercy left!” Zacky cried in his defense. Jenna punched him in his stomach and he doubled over. She started kicking him and his date stepped him.

“Stop! He’s not doing anything to you!” Gena said.

“And you, you little tramp, I can’t believe you would do that to my friend. Because of you she’s gone!” Austin came up behind her and took hold of her.

“Jen, calm down. People are starting to stare.” He said.

“Let me go! I want to show this bitch what I think of her!” Jenna screamed. “Let Me Go!”

“No! Stop it now. Come on, let’s just leave.” Austin said and pulled her away from them.

“Let me finish what I started.”

“I think he gets the message Jen. And it looks like he’ll have a nice black eye.

“Good…stupid son of a motherfucking bitch.” Jenna said. “I would have killed him if you would have let me.”

“I don’t need you in jail Jen. How could I ask you to marry me in if you were in prison for murder?” He asked. She stared at him blankly.


“Surprise.” He smiled and kissed her. They were out by his car now, and he slid an engagement ring on her finger. “Not the evening I was going for, but hey, at least I know my girl can kick ass.” He laughed. She looked at the ring and a smile spread across her face.

“Yes, I can kick ass, and yes, I will marry you.” She said and pressed her lips against his.
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i love this chapter. :)
Comments please please. :D
I'm bored and my mom sux and i have been baby sitting for like a week and my mom wants to go to bed and leave me with the baby again :(