Sequel: Priceless & Broken
Status: Finished!(:

A Beautiful Mistake

Cheating? I Think So...

Denise and I walked out of the mall laughing with bags full of stuff. It was exactly what I needed. I needed to get away from all the drama in my life.

We put the bags in the trunk and jumped into the car. I involuntarily laid my hand on my stomach and started making small circles. As soon as Denise got a little ways down the road, my belly growled loudly. I slowly looked over at Denise to see if she heard. She already had tears rolling down her face from holding in her laughter. I can only imagine how red I was from embarrassment.

"Someone's hungry!" She said in between her laughter fits.

I started laughing myself.

"How about The Lobster?" She asked when she had finally calmed down.

I nodded my head quickly as my stomach growled again.

We got there within a few minutes and were quickly seated. We ordered our food after our drinks got there. After about twenty minutes, we were eating. We made small conversation as we ate.

I slid back in my chair as I finished chewing my last bite. I paid the bill and we left. We got home a little after two. I left my bags at the door before going upstairs.

"I'm back!" I yelled, bursting in Joe's room.

Misty was sitting in his lap while he was still playing the video game.

"Are you still playing this game?" I asked going to stand behind him. I glided my fingers back and forth on his shoulder blades. I felt him shiver under my touch.

He saved the game before cutting it off and said, "Pretty much."

I laughed and jumped on the bed. "I'm going to take a nap before going home."

Joe stood at the end of the bed. "I think I might do that too."

I put Misty on the beanie chair before crawling up next to me. I rolled over on my side. I felt Joe's arms go around me and pull me closer. He took a hand and moved my hair off my neck. I held my breath as Joe pressed his lips against my neck softly. I shivered. I felt his body move as he chuckled. I turned over to where our fronts were pressed together. I looked up at him as he looked down.

Before I knew what was happening, Joe's lips were on mine, and I was kissing back. As the kiss got even more heated, Joe pulled me on top to where I was straddling him. I bit my lip as his lips moved down to my neck. His hands softly rubbed my sides. I could feel my shirt going up and warm fingers rubbing across the waistband of my pants. Joe began sucking on my spot, and I felt a moan building up in the back of my throat. He bit down and before I could stop it, a moan fell from my lips. Misty jumped up and began barking. I fell off of Joe and landed beside him. I looked up at the ceiling as I calmed down.

"That was amazing," Joe panted from beside me.

"Tell me about it," I told him, catching my breath. I stood up and went to the bathroom. The first thing I saw when I looked in the mirror was a small hicky. "Um, Joe, we have a small problem."

Joe showed up at the door, and his eyes widened once he saw what I was talking about.

"Let me get your makeup bag," he said before disappearing back into his room. He came back a few seconds later and handed me my bag.

I began working on the mark on my neck. Joe sat on the toilet and watched me the whole time, smirking. I zipped up the bag when I was finished.

"Can you see anything?" I asked, turning my body to let him see.

He shook his head as he stood up.

"I guess I should get you home now?" He asked while walking out.

"Yeah, I guess."

We picked up my things and took them downstairs. Joe helped me carry all my bags out to the car and even picked up Misty for me since I could hardly bend over.

Joe's hand was wrapped around mine as we drove down the busy streets of Los Angeles. I began to get knots in my stomach as soon as he reached my road. He slowly pulled up the driveway and parked close to the door. I grabbed Misty and climbed out of the car. Joe grabbed a few bags and followed behind me as I walked into the house. Nick jumped up and made his way to the door.

"Where have you been?" He shouted.

I flinched and softly said, "At your parent's house."

"Nick, back up," Joe said defensively.

Nick looked at Joe, then back at me.

"I'm going to go get the rest of your stuff," Joe said to me before walking back out of the door.

"What stuff?" Nick asked.

"Your mom and I went shopping this morning to hang out," I said, walking further into the house.

Nick followed hot on my trail. Joe came back and put the rest of the stuff by the door.

"Well, I guess I'm going to leave. Call me if you need anything." Joe wrapped his arms around me.

"All right, see you tonight," I said, breathing in his scent one more time.

"Tonight?" Both of them questioned.

"Yeah, your parent's invited Nick and I over for dinner," I said looking in between the two.

"See you guys then," Joe said, waving before walking out of the house to leave me and Nick alone once again.

"I'm going to try the clothes on again," I muttered, grabbing a few bags to carry into the bathroom.

I tried on the clothes with Nick watching for the next three hours. At about 6:45 P.M., we decided to head on over to the Jonas'. The car ride was nothing but dead silence. It had been passing too slowly for my liking.

As soon as he put the car in park, I jumped out and made my way to the front door. I felt Nick's body pressed up against mine as I rang the doorbell. Denise opened the door with a bright smile on her face.

"Hey, kids. Come on in. Dinner will be ready in a few minutes," she said, moving aside.

Nick pressed his hand on the small of my back as we walked through the door.

"Aubrey, would you like to help me while Nicholas goes to talk with Paul?"

I nodded my head and followed her into the kitchen.

"What happened when you got home?" Denise whispered swiftly.

"I decided to try on all the clothes again to give me something to do for three hours, and he sat there and watched me the whole time, not saying anything. It was kind of weird," I told her, leaning up against the counter.

"Well, his dad is going to talk to him now. So, maybe things will be different when you guys get home tonight." She went back to stirring the chicken fettuccini that we were having for dinner. "Would you like to go get Joe and Frankie while I get the others?"

I nodded my head and went to get Frankie first. I knocked on Joe's door to see if Frankie was in there and, sure enough, he was.

"Dinner's ready," I said, leaning against the door frame.

Frankie paused the game they had been playing, jumped up, and rushed passed me.

"Is everything okay?" Joe asked, coming over to me.

"It should be. Your dad is talking to Nick. Do you think we should talk about what happened today?"

"I don't regret it, but you're married, and I'm dating Stefanie. We can pretend like it never happened."

I nodded and turned to walk out.

"But, for the record, you're an amazing kisser," Joe said, kissing my lips one last time before walking out into the hallway.

I rolled my eyes and took a deep breath before following him. We were the last to arrive at the table. I took a seat beside Nick and Joe sat across from me.

Everyone was quiet as we ate except Frankie, who told us what he did the night before.

Joe stood up and put his plate in the sink.

"I'll beat you upstairs!" Joe yelled at Frankie before rushing out of the room.

Frankie put his plate in the sink before running upstairs after him.

"I'm sorry," Nick blurted out, "I know I haven't been the best husband, but I promise to make up for it. I don't exactly know what I was thinking this week. It felt like I was in a daze the whole time. It won't happen again though."

"Are you sure? Because you've put me through crap this past week. I don't want you to think that you can keep doing this. It wouldn't be fair for me," I said, sliding back from the table.

"I'm one hundred percent sure." He stood up and opened his arms.

I smiled my famous goofy grin and stood up to hug him.

"I love you. I really do," he whispered before kissing my lips.

"I love you too."
♠ ♠ ♠
And the drama begins! I hope you enjoy it. Don't forget to comment and tell people about this story!
