Sequel: Sapphire.
Status: Whoever reported me, I want you to know that I am not mad. If you have any problem at all with my story, minor or major, instead of reporting it, send me a message and let me know. I will not get mad. Thank you!

You Know Something's Not Right When the Good Girl has been to Hell

Chapter Fourteen: There is so many ways people have proposed, but I love mine the best.

When we broke apart from the kiss I looked up and blushed.
The people in the line for the Boat Shoot were staring.
One guy started clapping and cat-called.
Then the enter line cheered and I hide my red face Ash’s chest.
He smells yummy.
“What are you wearing?” I mumbled against his yummy-smelling chest.
“It’s my dirty little secret, you will have to get dirty to hear it.” he grinned deviously at me.
I stuck out my tongue at him.
He tsked me.
“What did I tell you about that?” he smirked at me.
I rolled my eyes at him.
He bared his fangs at me and I almost…almost stuck my tongue out at him again but thought better of it.
That is how I got into this mess in the first place.
So I just sucked it up and huffed, climbing out of the boat when it reached the exit.
“Where to now?” Ash asked, linking my hands with his.
“Ummm, how about the Himalaya?”
And so we went, and went ,and went.
By the end I was beat and held my arms up to Ash.
He looked at me funny.
“Carry me.” I begged.
He rolled his eyes at me but swooped me up.
I buried my head in his chest and sniffed him.
“Did you just sniff me?”
“Why yes, yes I did.”
“Do you listen to anything I say? I told you earlier that you smelled yummy.” I scolded him like a child.
“Yummy? It’s a weird choice of words but I wouldn’t mind if you wanted to taste.” he said slyly.
“If I wasn’t so tired, I would make you put me down and slap you.” I mumbled.
He chuckled and it vibrated my head.
I felt like a shaken martini being prepared.
We had reached the limo.
Wait, limo?
“Ash, why is there a limo and how did it get here?”
He smiled innocently at me.
I was placed in the backseat and quickly followed by Ash.
“Driver, onward.” he said, sounding like an English count or something.
I laughed at his bad imitation.
“Yes, my lord.” the driver replied.
Why did they sound so familiar?
Come on, think think.
“Xavi!” I screeched and lunged to the other side of the limo, squeezing him from behind in a hug.
“Hey there sweety pie.” he said, giggling/chuckling.
I smiled at him and he shook his head at me.
“Hey, Xavi, can I tell her?” Ash called from the back.
“Yeah. She should know.”
“I should know what?” I was very confused.
“You’ve seen a neko, haven’t you?” Ash asked me and I shot him a look like what-the-heck-Xavi-don’t-know-anything-idiot.
“Yeah. He was all cute and girly like and…”
It clicked.
“Xavier! What do you think your doing keeping secrets from me?”
“I could say the same for you!” he retorted.
I hung my head.
“It wasn’t my secret to tell.” I murmured in a whisper.
I heard the front car door slam and cringed.
Me and Xavi have never gotten into a fight, ever, so this was a new experience for me.
I was about to cry, he’s my best friend and I don’t know what I would have done without him.
I gasped as I was suddenly swooped up into a pair of arms that I didn’t recognize at first.
I looked up into their face and throw my arms around their neck.
“Xavi, I thought you left me.” I murmured, the tears finally falling.
“Never, baby girl. Never.” I felt a drop of moisture land on my shoulder, and even though Xavi is gay, he has too much male pride for me to bring up that he is crying.
So we just sat in the backseat of the limo, hugging and crying.
And one thing I knew for sure is that Xavi would never let me go.
We were sitting there, oblivious to the fact that Ash had got out and started driving the limo.
I didn’t know I had fallen asleep until Xavi was shaking me awake.
“I’m sorry, Xavi.” I said, looking him dead in the eyes.
“It’s ok, sweetheart. I was just afraid since I thought you were human that you would freak.”
“Oh, about that. I am not really COMPLETELY human.”
“What do you mean by that?” Suspicion laced his tone.
“My mom was a human and my dad a vampire so I am kind of half ‘n half. I live forever but other than that my qualities are human.”
“Good. I won’t have to see you die on me then.” he said, smiling.
I smiled back up at him and pecked him on the cheek.
Ash growled in the front seat.
“Calm down, Satan. I’m not making a move on your girl. She’s not my type.” he chuckled at the way he phrased it.
I socked him in the arm.
I wasn’t expecting it when his tail came around my waist and tickled me.
“Xavi…*laugh*…uncle! Uncle!” I laughed.
“Don’t mess with the tail.” he said, tucking his tail back in.
I huffed at him.
“We’re here.” Ash called from the front, parking the limo.
“Where is ‘here’?”
“You’ll see.” Xavi and Ash said.
I swear if they start that again I would kill them.
Xavi helped me out of the car and I looked up to see a Books A Million.
“What are we doing here?” I asked.
“You’ll see.” Ash replied, a mischievous smile on his face.
He took my hand and Xavi took my arm, and we walked toward the door.
On the door a poster was hung, reading: “Author signing, Sherrilyn Kenyon on the 15th.”
Today is the 15th.
They didn’t.
“You didn’t.” I squealed
“We did.” Same time again but I didn’t care.
I basically ran inside the building, dragging them with me.
I saw Sherrilyn’s red hair sitting at a table at the front entrance, bent over a book that was currently being signed.
“Wait, I don’t have a book!” I cried out, disappointed.
Acheron appeared from behind Xavi’s back.
I smiled at him and hurried over to the table.
I was shaking with excitement and nervousness.
I was finally going to meet my favorite author!
Five people.
My turn!
I walked up to Mrs. Kenyon had to restrain myself from tackling her.
She looked past me for a second and nodded, then turned back to me and smiled.
“What is you name?”
“Lizzy Alexander.”
I replied but it was barely a whisper.
I am so nervous!
Sherrilyn began to write and then handed me the book.
“It was nice to meet you.” she said and shook my hand.
“The same here.” I replied with a smile.
I opened the bronze cover to the book and read here words.
But it wasn’t her I stared at.
It was Ash.
Written in my idol’s script was the words,
“Lizzy Alexander, Ash is an amazing guy if he went to this much trouble for you so I thought I would pitch in.
Elizabeth Alexander, will you marry Ash?”
“…will you marry Ash?” my mind repeated.
Will I?
♠ ♠ ♠
This has to be my favorite chapter! I am so very proud of myself for this idea.